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Who will take up the Profession of Jouirnalism

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Article published in Starteller, June 2006

Strong dispositions of the 3rd house, its lord, its dispositor and their associations
withMercury (intellect) and Jupiter (optimism) make one inclined towards Journalism.

Journalism is akin to educational activities. The role of a journalist is to collect data,

analyze it and then put it in the right perspective for the readers. Literary inclination
and communication skills are of utmost importance.

This, is astrology, is governed by the planet Mercury, the third lord in the natural
Zodiac chart and also by Jupiter signifying enthusiasm. Relationship and strength of
these planets become therefore important, when we have to judge a native of his
entering into this field as his profession.

The 3rd house signifies books, publications, information, communication skills etc
and Mercury is the 3rd lord (lord of Gemini) of the natural zodiac. Mercury signifies
intellect. Any association (conjunction or aspect) between Mercury, 3rd house and
Gemini makes a native inclined towards reading, writing and corresponding with

In the earlier days, journalism (literary skills) was mainly confined to guide the
society in the right path (moralistic). But now, the field of journalism has grown vast
and it includes social, political and business areas. The specific area of pursuance of
journalism depends upon the association of the 3rd lord.

communication skills and memory power play vital roles in the
profession of journalism. Let us analyse the horoscope of a
Mercury signifying literary skills and communicative abilities happens to be her 10th
lord and is powerfully placed in the ascendant, forming Dharma Karmadhipathi yoga
with the 9th lord Sun. The dispositor of Mercury is Jupiter, posited along with the
dispositor (Moon) of the 3rd lord Saturn. Jupiter, the dispositor of Mercury, aspects
the 3rd lord Saturn. Her columns in the Newspapers speak of here journalistic

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