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ë The assignment of numbers or other symbols
to characteristics of objects according to
certain pre specified rules
ë Perceptions, attitudes, preferences
ë Numbers permit statistical analysis of the
resulting data
creating a continuum upon which
ë nvolves
measured objects are located
ë Nominal: Numbers serve only as labels or
tags for identifying and classifying objects.
Alphabets or symbols can be assigned as
well. Numbers do not reflect the amount of
the characteristic possessed by the objects
ë ardinal: A ranking scale in which numbers
are assigned to objects to indicate the
relative extent to which some
characteristic is possessed. Thus it is
possible to determine whether an object
has more or less of a characteristic than
some other object
ë Examples: Quality rankings, rankings of
ë ntervalscale: A scale in which the numbers
are used to rate objects such that
numerically equal distances on the scale
represent equal distances in the
characteristic being measured
ë Allows you to compare the differences
between objects
ë Oatio scale: The highest scale. t allows the
researcher to identify or classify objects,
rank order the objects, and compare
intervals or differences.
ë Examples: height, weight, age, and money
ë Examples in Marketing: Sales, Costs, Market
share, and number of customers are
variables measured on a ratio scale
Comparative Non-comparative
e.g. Coke vs. Pepsi Evaluate only Coke
or Pepsi
ë Paired comparison: Oespondent is asked to
choose one between two given objects
according to some criterion
ë Useful when the number of brands is limited
þ irmack Finesse Vidal H&S Pert
þ irmack 0 0 1 0
Finesse 1 0 1 0
Vidal S 1 1 1 1
H&S 0 0 0 0
Pert 1 1 0 1
No. of 3 2 0 4 1
ë Oank arder Scaling
ë Constant sum scaling
ë Q-sort scaling: 100 attitude statements; 11
piles; number of objects to be placed in each
pile is pre specified
1. Nokia
2. Colgate
3. Tata Salt
4. Pepsodent
5. Pond·s
6. Lux
7. Britannia
8. Dettol
9. Lifebuoy
10. Vicks

Source: Brand Equity

ëA measurement scale with five response
categories ranging from ´strongly disagreeµ
to ´strongly agreeµ
ë 1= Strongly agree
ë 2= Disagree
ë 3= Neither agree or disagree
ë 4= Agree
ë 5= Strongly agree

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