August-September 2003 Barred Owl Newsletters Baton Rouge Audubon Society

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President's Message by Dorothy Prowell Dog-days are here and it’s a good time to be birding somewhere else Not too much goes on with BRAS inthe summer months. We did finally have a Board Retreat in May at my cabin in Star Hill. It was productive and fun. Hi are the highlights of what we accomplished this past year ‘We mostly spent time at the retreat talking about what we want toaccomplish in the coming year. One main topic of our discus- sions was continued progress on enhancing the Peveto: Woods Sanctuary by adding an interpretive panel, finding some way to suppress Japanese honeysuckle, and recruiting more woluntcers ‘We considered low attendance at monthly meetings and decided to Held two workdays at Peveto Woods Sanctuary; Installed a new Sanctuary sign; Hosted a Coastal Restoration reception w/ NAS and Orleans Audubon; Led 10 ficld trips; Revised and updated the Barred Owl and our web site Hosted 3 speakers from NAS for Monthly Programs, (Continued to negotiate land deals in Cameron and Denham Springs arca; Restnactured and updated our membership. “i ‘August 23 Alligator Bayou canoe trip September 6 Xtreme Himmingbird ‘Xtravaganza, 9 am. -3 p.m, GCBO, 103 W. Hwy 332, Lake Jackson, ‘Texas (979.480.0999) September 20 Beachswecp 2005 at Peveto Woods sanctuary (9 a.m.) ‘September 20 Butterfly Field Trip September 27 & October 04 ‘Magnificent Migrations: Workshops ‘at the Smith Point Hawk Wateh, 10 a.m, -4 p.m, Southwestern Cham- bers County, Texas, 40 miles east of Houston (979,480 0999 for specifies), ‘Octwber 9 Pot Luck / Nature Ant Sale | (location 10 be announced) IN MEMORIUM: Charles Butterworth passed away in June. He was along time President’s Message tre om Page | have fewer, more highty publicized programs with a more varted format. Our financially savvy board members suggested fundraiser in the fall specifically o establish an endowment to cover maintenance of aur sanctuary, 8 wing expense. Lastly, we discussed our failing education missian. We identified some local vources wo contact for ideas but first we nced to find a volunteer interested in chairing the Education coremitiee, Volunteering is almost nonexistent and | wonder why. From discussions with other organizations, | sense it sa pervasive probl for many organizations. 1 guess we're all busy. It sure leaves you with a pood feeling, however, when you're par of keeping a worthwhile program alive. We'll have to put some effort into figuring out how to hump our volunteer numbers up That's it far where we stand right now, Hope what nature has to offer, The beauty around us save inspiring, even in these dog-days...a moonlit night with frogs.eroaking and katydids PATCH PREVIEW - We've already got produc tion of the 2004 patch off the wround. tt hap= (petied as a spin-off of the interpretive panels Victoria has contracted for the Sanctuary Kiosk, ‘A very tented artist, Sharen Carte, did a painting of a wood thrush that we've converted patch formal, The patches aren't for sale yet bat they should be by our next mailing. Here's a preview: Field Notes ty strict Pooter This past year was my fiest year as fcliteip chairman. Ui one feldeip & month excel for x break i July. My "appreciation gues oul to Atdubon memhers who volunteered to help aid lead a Fekirip er twe, Each fchip leader was pivea ane of the 2003 BRRAS putches asa token of our appreciation. Those members wb ke ips re Defias Demcheck, AI Tioy, Marty Guidry, Joe Kleiman und Van Rernsen, Special recognition goes to Danes who la bed. 3 leaps for RAS atthe Grand Isle Dining Celebration. Mans, many thanks teach of yo for sharing ‘Your time and expertise with ws. hape you will continue wo lead tips next year The National Auton Society fist eared out with an imcrest in birds. evolving int al areas of nature apd conservation. Sait i with our Fieldtrips: This past year ws had all bird watching Hedin, but there are may members with imerests in ather areas such as buries, insets, Mowers, fangs reptiles and fogs. I'yo have the knowledge and time, please step upto the plate an volunteer to lead u fektip, Sharing your knowledge with ther members is good way for evervanc ta lear. Many Audubon societies have members who lead fieldtips luring the week and not just on the weekends, This way there are more options forthe at-home ar retired members f you are interested i les a eld or learning Ww to Kaa fichirip,copact me a hhapoolenu/bellsouth nct or 225-291-0077. Remember leading a feldrip i-a good way to vomplete your patch collection? Whiskey Bay Road Trip by Harriett Pooker Fright and early on fune Lath, a group of six oF us went 19 Whiskey Bay Rew to ‘catch sight of some nesting. emigrant binds | haven't been there in atleast months and was surprised and saddened to see 0 many lots being cleared for camps Nonethcless, we did manage to see a good many birds and enjayed ourselves. We missed finding Swainson's warbler but id se 140 Swallowtail kites soaring ‘overex life Wied for several othe tp, Species we saw included: Anhinga Amertoan Crom Stowy Egret ‘Carob Wese Black Vulture White-yed Vireo Tukey Vabure Prothonotary Warbler ed-shouldered Hawk, Summer Tanager Ruby-throated Huraminghind Indigo Hurting Downy Woodpecks White Ibis N. Roughswinged Swallow Great Egret Carolina Chickadee Yellow-cronned Night-Heron 1. Mockingbird Black-crowned Night-Aeram Northern Parula Mississippi Kite Vellow-threated Chat Yellow-billed Cuckoo Comyaon Yellows ‘arres Om! — rowa-headed cowbird Bun Swallow Great Blve Hero Fish Crow ithe Ble Heron Wood Thrush Cattle Egret Red-eye Virco Swalla-tailed Kite Easiem Towhee Mouring Dove Northam Cardinal Redsbelled Wostpecher Painted Bunting Field Trips ty tiaien Poster {All Bon Rouge Audubon Society field tips are op 10 the public ancipants are asked t0 pay a fe of $8 per person for each tip. Canoe trip at Alligator Bayou (August 23) Lets take a oak at the beds from a canoe! We might even see nesting alligators onthe bank, Wel ‘meet atthe Alligator Bayou cabin at $3.1, Canoe rental is $10 far the fst hour and $5 per hour afte tat (ie vests, paddles included). yu have Your own canoe, there is a 85 launeh fee. Call Harriet at 291-0077 of 3K2- 13805 to repister. PRE-REGISTRATION fa necessary Hing a ha, insect repellant and ales. Buiterfy field trip: (September 20) Doana Lafleur and Robert Sherman ‘will tke you to Murne Butler's beautiful St Fraacsvill property to look for bunerftics, September isthe peak month For butterfly watching. Some species you prubably wil see are Giant, Tiger and Pipevine Swallow (Cloudless Sulphur and Gulf Fritterlary. Meet at Coffee call t 9 arm. Call ‘Denna at £92-4492 to reyister. PRE-REGISTRATION is necessary. Bring a tua lunch to eat out ae Murrells verands, BRAS Directory Officers President Darothy Prowell on3-1070 ‘View Present Dan Herricks 797-1593 Secretary Joann Fryting = 766-3120, “Treas Fred Sheldon 768-6113 ‘Committee Chairs Conservation Mark Skinner 20-00% Edweaton Chis Caron 344-9635 Feld Trips / Activities Harvest Pooler 291-0077 Legal ‘Doris Fathenheiner 46.8761 Membership laine Kilpre- 67-3206 Nevtetter Rom Bayless 797-1760 Publicity Dion Laie 92-4092 Sanetunries Victoria M. Bayless... 7571769 LAC Representatives Doris Falenbeiner, . . , 1468761 oon LaFleur son-40n? Board Members at Large CCheryann Sony 752-0867 The Barred Owt is publinhed bi-monthly by the Baton Rouge chapter of the NAS. Submis ‘ions shal be received by January 1 forthe Feta iste March #3 forthe ApeiliMay ise May 15 forthe June!July issue July 15 forthe AuguetSeptember issue September 15 forthe Oct/Nov issue November 15 for the Dec! issue Submissions may be sent via e-mail to Voayless2eor net oF mailed ta Editor, Barred Owl ston Rouge Audubon Society P.O. Hox $2525 Baton Rouge, LA 70864-2825 (Changes of address and other nificial jsarespondence should be seat 1 the mailing address shown above. ‘Baton Rouge Chapscr ofthe Natianal Audubon Sect Non: Profit Org Baton Rouge Audubon Soctety US. Postage P.O, Box #2525 ts Rouge, Louisiana TOW4-2925 atom Rouge, LA Permit No. 29 “Address Service Requested” LA COOP EXTENTION SERVICE © BOX 25100 LSU BATON ROUGE LA 70894 didnt tlt lives SRR Moulll BEACHSWEEP 2003 REMINDER (Saturday, September 20) Please join ws in cleaning op the beach ia front of the Persie Woods Sanctuaey below Lake Charles Between the Gulf": currents and wave action, and she irespomsble actions oF «few eschgsers, Was aed Ucbisofien lic the beach all along tbe coast. Pleme join us a the aunctuary at 9 xm. on Saturday. Seplember 20. we remawe as Mauch of that trash and debris as we san. For those of you wha have never iste the sanctuary, this is an opportunity to sce ‘what you've been missing and1o help make a portion of Latisiana's coast safer und te visually pleasing. Marke bur ealerars now and plan for wip tothe beautiil cous of southwest Lewis BATON ROUGE AUDUBON SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP FORM t Menterhip Type Anon 2005 ! [ —Nlonl Audubon Society new members say) che Jilin Rouge Auduton Sie acl caper ety) ite aia [Continuing Nuiceal Audubon Members “BRAS patch option SUL Yes No [097 Greet bea pak member of Naina! Audubon Soiey) {rs 2003 pois (fr members oly) Sl Le —_— —Aaiional Contribution i } GRAND TOTAL: S —_$ I Phone $$$ i} 1 ES Slat: 1 ' Zip Code: __ Local Chapter Code: 7XCHE KOH 3=----- ~~ = es Please send this form to (and make your check outta) Baton Rouge Autubo Socleny P.O, Bow 82525 ‘Baton Rouge, LA THRS-2925 Paget

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