Sura Tul Fatha - Surah No 48

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V!C~ ORY Il:€~f!f11ed ali A/~~',la,rJin_ah

II~ the na [[I i,e of ':\] ~a,b ~ the Be~t:l.c1leenl[j' the Merciful.

•. ~O ~ 'V.J,e ha:ve glven the e (0

Mu~fanllnad) 8· sii.grtaJ vict'ory~,

2,., ,~'hat, AUall m,ay f?r,gi ... e Ule-e, 0,( t,hy sin thJ"~ 'Y'iuc,h, lS :PIl8~, a,nd thJ~.twh'i:ch i~~ ~tQII~Orn~'" ;and. nla,,y perfec~ ,~s rav~~.r

~nltlo thee, and DUlY IU 1 de tbe:c 0 n ,:l~.' i·8h~. pat 'II ~

3.. ,A nd that ,AUa h ma"y. help ~,bee "nil str'o:og, H'elp.---

4·,. lil e i { is Wb,o SI€,I.?'t _ d (}'WA ,of _'re~,S5'~'F.~~l~' inito(,,_U_~ hea FI~ s of the bei:l.'e¥e'FI. tI~~.t t,~ey glht ad~d, fai'U~ W]~tOI t,h.e,1 r ral~._h,

A Uab ~ B 8. Foe the hosts :0 f tbe

hea 'V'e:u s and 'Un~ ea:rth! Ind ,AUah is 'ever :Krn,ower~, WL,e-

,5. Th,al be.; ma y bri ng _. the beliHev~ ~11 men a nd t he be~ leying w'o~1'e;n ... in,t,~0' G,a'[~e_ns, t~II:~~de~~ urea[l~ '1IN{:~.l'Ich. nvers DtlW' where'!:,~~, the,. wU l abid e." am ~ Rllll." 'fem,'lt frIO n~ I: hie i'n t hl~ m _ ev I ~_ luieE::lm,S '1'~I,al~! i ,1, 'I ho ~~Ighl Ol~ A.1~ah'J' is ~,he s upreme ~:rl,l;~rlliplh~ 6. And n1,~Y p~lnish t he lruypocrU:irc.~.l men a nd t h:e '~lY P (I. C r~ ~ i c,I',I~ \¥,(un e.n ~ a nd ~,btl wd.o I a 'I ro USI sn ~u and the i d olatro us wonae:n ~ w'ho ~,biDk an C'\l'W~ t.ho_ugh "cou'D~r~~"[lg A'lah :,F or 'tbe,m ,IS the, ,e:v-~ ~ ~u rn of r~or tu ne, an: A~ ~ it h . ~ s

wr,o t tw, (B! gai 1Il~~. them and ha t. h

cursed Uleru_, and hath Jiuad'e' r'~ldy :f.or. t em hell, a hapless' jiouriul:~i~ s e no 'I'

,,".~~, I 'tir.! j r " ~

U~!,",dt;-ur-{w";~"U;:~L',~, J(f;)

i.!;lc-'!.~-}.u'L.!!d W'~ILf.:.I1J ~)'JI.~4r;~ly)foJ£c~~'I~!

(8 <f- £Il.l~jJI:JU~~

":"Io§~," ;;, [:;,':f!!!" ~~:,~;...:.

t:\ . ,_, .. ·1 .... ,,~"", I',' ""r;;""" ...... ,

W:.".o·~ , ~;, ," "

.... ' ,., . . .. , . .if' ' .'

7" Alb1.h'~ itlr': .' ;~o,sls nf

the heavens and the eurth, [I nd Allah is; evc'r Mighty, Wli:st.,

:!tt. l~o~, W e h~~'ve, ~,eU (, t ~! i C~

(0 Tv! U ha rn.illn~ tJ I ,fiU S a, "!I,~r,r t n css

and a bearer ,(i g,o U d ~ i,!l.Hu'gs

and 'o:!i, '1l'!lI'i'IIl 'f"' i!'>'f lil,III,!U; ,iti!!-nl~l, u,!I;,o :t

15)., TIM! It, ]Ie (man kind) liI11~~}~ believ C: i ~':II A ~ lu h ~ru I~d ,~~ is lin cs ... , senger;. I~ nd n UtY' h onou r lli m 1! 11 ~l.d ~u ~,y revere :B ,i m, ,;:1 nd. !:nay ,glodff Him H~ e,~.,~'iy dawn and :ml the cl O:5)C !Jlf d,~l 1# •

~ o. Lo '! ~~ '~'~ IIJ~C 'W I ~ ~ N' ~!oJ!~V'L'~ Ir

;,t'I,I~~,~ia,I~:tcc unto ~[lI'Icc (M uluuum,illld!~ SV\H!a, f' ,~d Ilcgiif~ UC'C, on,ly tnllDlb, A~! la ill '". : I he - ~ I'ft uti uf AH,a,h i:$ above ~~u:i'r hands, Sin ~v I eoso ever b rea k e l h ,h, i s oa,n~, brea keth Ii 1~ on I y to h i s soul ~IS~ burt ; w'h~ le whnseever ~~J!'e:pe'~: h h iii S cove n ~1. nt 'w~,l h A,Ua ~~'J '010 iJ,w n~1 w iU fie be's l.t)W ,im mense r.ew~ud"

.v '4"",)~1J~ )k'-~ ,~-t J ~yj_ ~ '., r .l4L,: .. D~.L. _J l.i,.·~;1_ ~i' ~'1.fJiJ-!"_A;~t-,.k.~~)"Iv.rLb.a./~~..Jr,-" .. ,_J . (" ~"J..1. -r J)

... 7- ~ " !I!', iii!!" V~, " , .I!\,' ,!I!' iI!I' 'I!I'\.,' /

~ i _ i~ - - ~f;. ~_ •

,~u,J.: ','~~r /~~~JI ~ X: "Af.,[J',t;JI :I~I ,~~~,I~ ~"~!' n. :~~ ~'~I:l.J~/;'i' r ;oa·V ~ " .. ~~~#

'!I' . , ~ L#' 01)' V I, ,/ ,.J; v/ '_ V .. ~: /" '~~<V.~il ,'-= .. ," v~ _ ;0' ./

.... It'__..~t;.rqJ)(b'1J,J,,)uy~!I~(..j' ~~, -rLJii-,J .~ .... 1., 'j;-j, .,", -:: .. ~.. '.>~ •. ~'.j 'to .- M~ i : ,:. ) ( ..... " ...~ ..

~ ~1!r;1~{cJIIV(~-q;; (~lI'l('tJj(J/c..C~tJJ,Z C; ',U-: ~,)}j ~ I.r;!JJ

"::-,JJ'~'U~h"fvf· (~£ifhlJ ¥f£/-cJ!i::..),,-~M). .

, .t/.. ; .. t ~V ~ . r; ., ..'!"', .: ,,"/' .. .... J_,J1 ~ _ • -)J I

,J>:';~?'I"'~!rf~i~»JUVt,JL~ "01" • -

J.(J;,~"8';Jf'".,.yL~1uj-It,;-)ff();(V.J.'t(J'Jd~,-~.tI.". )V).JIlLi"M

, , ' , ~ /' '!II ~" !I' _ ' ,- - _ ",," Ii' 7~' 'V"" ~ I"",' /~

.. '

,1,4IL jt

~~,IA . r ~ ! .~ ,j:}

u Those tf tho: wander- )l". J~"I{j~~~r:u :., ~')f}Jr;~~

~I na . ~'b" ':, b 01 we rc ~er

b'T'IDti wil te I thee : Our ~;.:: ~IUc,..".r ~J;:lJ!I.J.I/I~

rHo,,S'scs~iun~ nrul ,t"~1 r ho ImNI,;- t.

,I~'~J'. d,~ '(H:C~]iPi(}'d us" so ask ~J]'£JI~;(~!rJJ' ,,' ~:~k~,J1~~~'~, fOJ'rgi ve ue SSi, ~ Of US i ~~ 'b~)" s p~~a. k

with tl~', 'ir tongues that Wlll!ch ck-L'~~~'~ ,/ufJ!';'J.»Jf~,f. ,'t.l~r

~s not in their 1 arts, Slc'\)' ~ '.; "'jl";!o;ii/' r 1-"-

, ,,- '-ll",-,Ii"ii(!lan avai I vou ''Ill,'' 17' f "'" ... • .. • ":~ l

Uv "'" J! ~ ,'. !T.L~,r}t...-~;o(11' :l..~_,'~c.t-t .;'

agai nst A lin I ~, it .. 1-1, i n r~ end ~, 'UI _),.,..." r,-- .. ~ .-

hud r htl 11 )'1.'111 fin r,t '_ 'i",( ,I t" ;,~

N~~y, burt AI iah is' eyer AW'rre ? ~ f~'~.u:fOJ'LJ.J,~I~~I( .. '~l,..l ~

ur 'W lit t yc d u Iii j

. (,. ,: - · @ 'r~'~~iJ"~J;L

12. . ,ay, bn'~ y' deemed ~ C

'lll3J'l the messcnaer and the 0:' cf~J ,~fZ,~ I. ';:Ji(: •... ~ ... ~

believers '\YQU d never reluru

to tlhe".,. OWl ,ulk and :lhnt was 'I'ade fa"lrse~lnLng in your hen ts, a nd yo 'd~d 'I h1,uir a UI c 'V H t h ~ ug I ~l t 'Jj u u tJI y ~ W b' e W,t 'rtll~es s Io Ik.,

l.:.'w A.:ruJ ns Ior h~;n \~~11.t;

I- [!f,«.;Yt", h Hl'O' i~'1 AUh h ,~~HJ I'IIS

mcsse 19,cr~·u i~ Wf:.~ h'I'~~~~. p .. c.P ~ red ~ naIr] e Ior dis bch ~ ve f<il •

~4, And l\U~h\ rs ~ht:

Sove .·..i"n~y (iiI" t he heavens

and (he ea ·Ut. ~: le r (l i velt h \~h. nt I Ie 'iVHI an I i"Hn is het h whom He wi It An: ! " Uah js ever Fo_:- i,rin~; ~\1 ef~'il~ 'Il.

~ 5~ I I'~] ose ~Y,lfl 0 'were I ef I, h, hind ,\,VI I say, 'V hen ye ~cl 1"01 t hi" t':' pi ure hnul v : .1' ,~

us .!::~~ 'l."ftll~ yl'HL ,I' .. ,it·:~ I Uli~

\Yl 'll hi chanae ~ he·' rr tilrL u.~, All; .h, S~l)' (~I n'l 0 L IH." 'ii'I , l[)

J u ha lun~adJ ~ '" e slw,ll noU

~~l "',,"l~Ul us. Thu S hath A llah ~m i ~J ~lelW l I ~h ;'H ~llt T hl' Il [he Y, will say : Ye are crf, ious ~r us. Nav, hr l they unders ~ I d not, s~· ve n IHUe.

]Ir; .. , Smy unto thos or lh~ \N,:~ ndedug 1\ ra bs whu '''V\'C riC' .Id,'~ hch~'~H~ : V c wi ll be caUed n~~unst H rnl,k ~. r mighty prowess, I,. l,fJ

nih i U'H~ lin unt I~ l he '. ~,.II ~'c',n ~r;

, b ", I' I' Viii t 11.' r VI'"

'1 ul II' Y nut:!.' '. il'1:t . - - .f-" -

y ~ n H i ~ ~ ,I i r 'Ll::' W~' '" ~ ~ h u ~ I ' ..

;r: ~ 1',' ,,'

':'~~..I,J~,~ -u:JJ}~ 0" ""'"'~ ~1~J]b~jl

d'L?fJ~'o\'lf"lhjtcl.,~ ('~~~ fv).~ J /. ~;('

(i'~ ~~L!~:~·' (.~J'·"~.d .:£ J_~l ,dl)L,: ; .. U· "I ~ Y. ,~~~, .. ~ ~ I, ~ i},JJ I

~ - r..... .,z if!II 7I.~ Iil..:i!+ • ~ '. !

(9f-~tb=Jta.Lu:) :

I .,;.," I • I ~ .. -

. "~ ~~ iJf .~JfI: "

turn U.\\v(ly as ye {Hd turn i.l.Wi~~.y h~fort\ He will punish you 'W,iUl ~1 nai n r ul d, ti'U m '.

~. 7 ~ "1[' here is nil» bl a fne fo r ~,h~ ·b.~i.rl,~1 j mu:u ~ s there b i].IWU~ f,[lr the - Ia m e ~ nor :is ~ here' bla me for t be si ct. (that t.hey 10 not forth. to wa.f)," .A·nd w·~ I oso u hey~d: Ih A 1 ~:ru h ,iTti I~U.~ I ~ i.~ uu:.'~s:.;;.(;'a'l~~t;I~·~ I h~ 'wiU ,'11:1 ~ e Idn~ enter y'afd,cns undernenth 'IN' jll~'ich ri vers t](n:ll; ~ nUl w bose turneth h~u::k'~ him ~,iiU. He ;ptlJn~L~h with ·a p~l~mtru~. dnorH ..

,J'f2:: "~'JJJ!k.l.'£j.,I'" L/'-:'''Jr)~j'''J·. '~"L--' .. ,i,f,( "1' )!;f~

. 'iI'~ (,lit ~ ~ 1iIo,., ~ ~" ,., U''''; .~;. V"'iI,[I" V~ ,~. d

£~~~~~:Lv.:It.~J~/~.d~~VL(~~cf. .

- ~:~~.,'::','~ .: ~-; ... ';"" -~.:".- - .-'-" .•.. PZ(J!

"::::;'I(P!V~ i,::bU,~I~) I,(AJI", W ~ ~.:J .'. <J.!,~,J"IJ_,cJ)!""".J.';' +"',(jl{..t .~-'~~:

( ~ - ~ '7 ,'''' ,.... H" ~ ~'" iI! - y- .,.!II'. ,!!'!Ii

& ._:"f- :'~("',.(':::"'J ~:,.J', • (}F;-CT,p'i,~' .c» ~~.r* d;;'~At/c!,."·.ln;V1F

- LJ~. [Ii! .. ., V./ ,. .~~ ~,V.,;. '" VI' 7 i"'~~~'; v_.... U !!l!!l V.-iil,~yl

~ ~ · ".~'~~·,L, ",jJ·~,If)c(t"I .. 0: ,J-,.Itl~_"ij,(~~_"~· (. rl,..,...t~JII

- ~ V/ U~ ~ I~ ~ U,,'" .' IV . et:<iLlMc [~7 V -,j () iLl~ M_ ILJ: " .. '~.' U"

,;;_. ~I ""l;j:(~.A7/i ~P"~,.4P"'JJJJ~'l,J.J"}~/L.-' (~bAP"f

'''''' "iii Ff ,j" .!!!I ","iii ~ .. .' '" ~ j1' ~ V..;'. .!!!' ~, ,iii' ",,;[II' 'M" _ . ,"


~JJ ~ ~ ~ I!l • liII~ !I *- _ V~ V ~ ,Ii! !f.~


( ..L. ~ 't' -" r (.lu~1 ~\ JC;£ t!:AL,(£, '":::"t", Jt J yL,~j, J.n~Jo~)

~ ~' ~

~Jd" "I~(j('t. ·.....;~~fl1:::.l? .~~.Jj ,., ).Jj.;+ ;;:£~C- /L.: ~h;,· (.c....:!IJ.

_ .... V I~'" IV ~ ~ .. ~,~;'" i ,~V- '",,", ~! ri~" ,U:;V . ~ .


. .Il - I.,~ ... ~. ,,,"i!!' '7' .. ' "';,i" 'Ir~ ,,"'- "" I. _' iI'

V.~· I f..(f(jjC: .j(._:.....Ij~ ,".!J..',.4.,..,U;,....:-!I !.!LA'" L"",·.lb~JI C°"g- ,k ~.::;;_vy) ;;,~..::;,j

~:.. V~ ~~~, IV "/,~. '" t '~f.\ IV-' "" V! iii' .il!' '!!'- "'"

r.z;; hti,,( .. · 'lJJ:L.L?:-;,-<fiQ:4I.Lr,(!;;.ri<.J...~;L,~t'..!..)~'''N',.&..r~LP

~~ ~, ,;;, V...;' V;~~~ i..(~ d ,'"' ,'._ '"

J) .. _;L"JQ}..::.J'tbl ~ LJ,( cJl.Y'~_'JLvY'~"';;'-} -' WU~ "ifLjjJ

_I ~ -"[p" Ff!' - -_" _" !.i ~iI!I!l ~ jiJ ~

~I 1. (' ~ +' ~ t.~· 1"",~ l' r ? ~ . ~" j

.J ~I: .I4i.-: Vi? J ~ /~)[ t.~ i l. ~~ _) t.; I~ ~ j L.J:.J) tt" J_} j ,~~.Jj[':'::# tb ,~) tJI I~ J' ~_'li~j,

10 ~\~ -'7~; , " !!r . ""~ ,I' ....

~'" r ~I'

. ,....

. .iIiI!L.


~ B. A Ua h wa-s well plea sed wi~ h the believers 'W~l~'I1, 'l.hcy swore a lle g~" nee u nto ~,h ee be nea I~ h l he tr ee, and He k ~FI e'w what: '\l';~IS ht ~,hcir hearts, :[l,nd Ue sent down peace of reassu ra .IIIIC~ 0 n ~ he tn1 ~ a nd :!u\ i~ ~ 1 ~ e wn'lr',tm ed l h em '~~d u ~ a n e',~ r v:~ ("1 or y ':

:I'Q , A.11 d ~rn uch bO'Oi[ l' i[ h it t

t,II~')~ will CJ~pl ure, }\,Ijall ls '!I.'ViI? ~., 1f\1 'i'g h ty ~ 'W~ M~' .

20. Allah promiseth you

1 in u: h I 'i ~ ~ 'IJ I 'IJ ~ h :'~ t ' "{" w il i

capt urc ana hath given . 'you l h [s ~ ~ 1 ~H.'Ih!H 1111-C e, ,r:IJ ltd h'1.[ h wit hhckl nlcWI'·s ha,,~ds Irorn YUiU! ~ II~~ l i I Ini~f be ;~ token fUI~ {hie' believers, ~'r1,d i~ ha l Hie nUIY guide Y'GlU on :1 r,~ght pat h.

21~ . And other {lg'a~l1) , which :re . I] ave "~lO~ '~'~t'n a b le I!' n n'th~ic'Vej Ai 1(1.h will corn p,~ss w~.

Adla.h is, A ble ~ 0 do a:l'l th~:ng.~;,

21. And i r U'i(lSC' who d i~~, hel ieve iiH~' I~ bat tle wi'l,h yuu the ,r \\~H:~ take 'to 111igh'~~ und a n,~1~\'vard' '11~c'y \v~ii I, find I~I~) p-ruj ect i I~ ~ rdlL'n~1 nor helpet ,

:!J,. H i,~ I he !:n~~ nr liil. !II~:! I~,I

W~" id,'~ ha I h 'I a ken euurse a i'il)!! ~~ .. time, Thou wilt nnt Und rl~'r Uilt!' lu w ,- ,r AUath [~rughl~ of l~()W(~:t 'to C I lira ~1 :f!;'C.,

24+ j\, uti IUe :i'~ is W I~IU h~~HI ~,it hhchl men 's hauds ~~ro~n

}"'WLI,! ,~.t nd I~'I~]J '~l wi l~d~:el!d yn~u" ha nds f:~ om f hem, i!~ the 'V'ullhc'y ~lrr" r dd~ i1 h a ncr He h,fH:I made y~~u ~ ,B:~ t)[lf .~, uver them. A ~In III ii~ s~(' ! If \~'h*l.l ye du,

"'t.t'''',;!o '-r-' '$1' ~~, "'A' -::~ _,..' ~ ~;'~"~' '" " 1' ...

- i . r,;. - ';1- ,iJl~,- '.,' ~. ,-' ~" 'Il'~ ,",' .. '!].

~:,.,.iI ,d _ .0,.' . .' " J •• :V " -_ - 'IIi;iI'''

~ .,. ,_. _ _. ........ JJ

2",. These it ' ,: ,;j,~ who d Iii,s ..

he 1- ~~:.;;.",,';f.Ii •. 11 Q 1'1, AI.:I e~,'" 'rifi"""'· ~I "lJ' '''Ili I

.~. ~1,,",l"""U a ~jllJ!! IIU. '- II;,~I II! ~,y ;: u y.

rf:u~rn the h1.'Vio:~~1bl:e Place of W'·o!rs~lmpl, and d,ebarred, the'

GI,lTer~ n g fm-o 111 r'e'~ cbhrn,g, m.~.s,

goal. And if.H had not been tor bel icv;~ n G u]ltn ~ In d bed iev j ng women, w.horu ,ye i k mlO',,-l' not[~'st ye sho u hJl ~. rend Ui.1eJn underrQO't and UUl;l,S ineu gu i lt rn r them 'UI,I knowingly: ~.h~,~. A.I~~h 111li.ghl b'r'hl,g into His .rne·fey whorn ' ~e 'wi!ll-'1 r '(Ilhe· be~ 'i e yl~"<I"~. ~~ n d I, I ~,l:' ,I i ~h"'"':~ i i(.' ''M C r~ ) hat~l be'C'I1, c I e ~~ rl Y' sepa ru'~ ed, '"',C' 1V"e'[j" i iy h~d r·u I ~ iis.lhcd t IU1&e I() r :llhe'till~ w ~Il Q d Ii s be~ ~evcd ·w·i'lil. p~ 1lml ~.y I~ P ru' s h ment.

26., W hen those w bo d wsbe ...

~ 'i,e-ve I ~!atd set LUI p in the-i.r I~!ea rlt~Si ze,~I~otr.Y'1 the ,lea~o~r,y' 0' UU~ Age of' .~ ,gn!IJ Ira ~l ce, the n ,AI i,~~ I'm sent

~ down II is Ip~,~,ce; of rea SSIIl'lr,Q,n'c-e

" - - - '-i I'~ _.- - . - d- . - . "--

'I 'I': ;"':.' I' i. I . 'I ,.1', .,'.. "1 '1

upon " ·~I,S m esse nger an Up o n

the believers and." 'i nwposed on t he U~ the 'w'~)rd! olr SiC lf .. · restrain 'l j r or 'l he'), were wort.h y of it a nd meet fof' i m . .A nd AUn h is Aware of, :I~~ thbl:gS,. ~



I!' h~'~'!I.,

JJ I tt.J~~~~ MJf.!;r ... .J ~'&JJ,~"lLi:~: .. ~:h

I~ '~' ~ . "4,}'.;o(,:- "'--'\I"" ~

'~~A !J~t4.J1·"'i',~t~~'~.j ®y)~'

M.Jj; ';'IJn6L&~..4I7I'''~!_··_';'')J(J.(-JJ',... ,/

' ". '." - - I, ". - • ~ t ~ ._

~~i.) .. ,O')A,¥~~LZf..JJJ..L",flu.:N.'J1J~.L ," 4':)) - cJ~~

u -4lv»cJ'''''~~4VL()/I)'ydk:~~~o/'''L /J_jJ ~I rfJAo~~' "JU'}j.t-)/'" vt")~,JJ~rf/gz.y·JJ'JcJJj':J~Lv}r L;_ lP,.~";; ~L:iu £)~ ..;,,)J,k~; U I'?i Lr..Jp-JJI? ~4jJ~ ,-"-

, \iI' ~~, I - !I- 8" 7' .' . ~ U' "~~, .' ~ "-'; "'""', . " ,~I ~

- tJ ,JJi-.Jit JJ) ~ t:~~

~' r ~ L.... H

- iioi'l, - ~"~"~ "........ / . .#' _ ,~i;u.- .......9 ~, -:", .. ' "'-I'~ - - ""!'- ,~""

~,~ -~~ ,")I~ ii' :~j¥~~ e,_, 4-j~l ~;), . ~." r*' /_ .' ~.J:){.4£_. Jjl~I'4!..,~'.J l-J';Y,U_J '

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..~., G' "~;'~ ~ ~ - - '~-!iil' V,~;i' v; .~{ I !'

;I]L~k).,.LJh.Jv:.,JIJj(-. CXv.!~jJ , .• .. ~ 1" ,-I ~ (, "

Ltt)r .. J., ,./..,.. " Ijj ",LJ' I... .'f vt)yj;)I?~~t'!I'!'V

I'.t' 'i~:J'~ r 'L/)J;~i);r'/·LI ~ .Jf./ ,~_,: ~ O'LJi ~' - _ . f"" ~', •

-',ii' ·'-./iI'~-·;L\.·/'··'-V - .... - '~,- - ~~_~ ,

~t.I.r'k.C~j~,P~)~,;~ lttY-LJ ~ ~ ,(Ll:r.",.-' , ",/'~""..L.;'lj

I~~' ,III' -- -". --1,,1' -I'" i..... - .' 'v - - . ;I!'!!,,-,.. Iii, iii, -~ ~. ,-~" - - -

iJ~I.I.JJ~V:" "'l:~LcJI J:L "'''''-> A ._;,;I;. ~ !j,L~..:::.-" i/LcJJ))j cJtRP

tJllr. i!! ~~I V I. "_.'. 'j!ilil! !'- li!'I!' l~!-I' ill - ~ ~If ii'tP

,j_j~i2vd~ pi' -1'~ ,~~ ) '~'~JI .~ ?'J;, n,» ~'II:;J: lL1.t t:'J~ VII- '~~:J~ .~~~i «: ._.1;_ I",,", ~ ,1,1 , -, - _' ,._ -,_~Il~., -' ~'~'~v "~:t ._,.1 ,~,T ~" - 1~ ~~U.,Jj~I~~,,{);~J


0:, ~C."k~I/~I~}J~~"":)~~LL:frl.?LIr-'~c.J~wt:rWld'.:d

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1.1. ,A.!~a,h h~1:h. '''u InJ]ed ~.he

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VI,S,I'on,-- :'or .r~ H~, l~l;rulc~.sen,ler.' jn

,'e-r ~" ~ Fl I.i~:h . Ye ~ hOI ~ I: :IIQ.d,eed en It er it h e l~ n vi o~ able Place c r Wo [:$ h ,i rol, iI r ,A ,I ~a.b '11,;\1 m I ~ ~eclu re ~

(ha v~ng your ,hair) ,S;ha.l1tH and cut, Iini rearilnGt~ Rut He k At'~I\I~ ~II h. [, I ~~ ,t '\!V'I ~I i ch ye III 0 VI n ~ t~ natA ,I ~,a U~ @,illl'emi )'1 tJ U n f:fI r 11 i C IgifY before:h i]l nd

28.. He H j,s: Who Itai~ h sent His; messenger will.'·- IUn:; guida nee ,[It nd the rel i gi,on of t Il1' UI t h i I UJU I .~ rnay cause n ~, preva ~[

ever all religicn And Alla 1m

su nlee'l h as a ,vii t me ss

2. 9, :M u II ~u nmnd :~~ ~ h e m~~ S'!.:'II!'I.r.(' r' of A Il,lfl + ,An~1 l hu~ w'i ~ h ill i~~fll ~ re harr I aGa iI ~I~, the {jU~ lic~' c rs iI nu

·,-~.rcUiJl srnoru ~:hrrzn~~~hi'c!'il,. h011Jj

(0 M:li.lh3,rmlilj;~d) s~l them ~'o'W!ng ,9 nd r ~ I ~riml~ r n ~~,I'1FR,~'e ~ 1m won.hi~1'? ),' ,scet~lnp: h~ il~IICr fll nllill:JJ A 1I"h ;ui_d (II ~~) 8icel,,},p I, anee. The ~lifl!,n'k 0 I~ hi~~IU lill!!l un t hie~ . ro'~'c hCQd~ f'I:'on I t ac€~ 'ij,f f~:r. ~'S'" It r,llll i,OWl • 81!111d~ ~~ 'I he i r 'I n ~ c ness U I~a, I~ hlr; T,oe' h a ",eill Uru~i :~i'k~ncSiSl, in ~~q;¢ G,OS, .. P el-U k:~ :2iI S' ~'l(:iI"!1I1II1 '010 r I'll 'm i ~ all ~,c~~ld>Cl~ h . 'o'l1b H· shont and stren Iben('th

~ :SJ rid] rlsel h nun 1:~'1l0n ~ U Sbi,,~[k, d~· .1Ii;l1' rhllll: the :sowe'rs-tl~:~I, .'!;c' ~1:~)I te.lilIJm.gte'the d is b~U.eV\e'Js WI t h (t he' .~ I g~ i ~

~of)them. Alla~ h ,~,~, p'f'.frni:il>ed, ~.lIIn1!o such or 'I he m a,s: believe a, mI t~ do good \1i/(uks", rorgive~i~le$~ ~nti~ 1:.mICimliS~ ~ rewa rd .

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