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2 Support pupils in taking responsibility for their learning

and behaviour

Performance criteria

P1 Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning

and behaviour when working on their own, in pairs, in groups
and in whole-class situations
Whenever the children I work with are undertaking a learning activity, be it independently, in
pairs, in a group or as a whole class, I always encourage them to take responsibility for their
own learning and behaviour. I do this by reminding them to stay on task, and by reminding them
of the school's code of conduct.

I always praise children when I see them trying hard with their work because it means that
they are taking responsibility for their own learning. Similarly, I also encourage them to put
their hand up when they know an answer to a question and not just shout out the answer as this
is a way that they can take responsibility for their own behaviour.

P2 Use peer and self-assessment techniques to increase pupils’

involvement in their learning and promote good behaviour
When carrying out a practical activity with groups of children, I will often leave time at the end
of the session so that they can show their work to each other and say what they like about each
others work.

Recently the children were producing wax crayon drawings and at the end of the session we
looked at everyone's drawing and said what we liked about it. This is a good technique to use to
promote good behaviour as the praise the children receive helps to boost their self confidence
and self esteem and goes a long way to strengthen positive relationships with both their peers
and staff.

P4 Recognise patterns and triggers which may lead to

inappropriate behavioural responses and take appropriate
action to pre-empt problems
I have got to know the children I work with very well, can recognise the patterns of behaviour
leading to negative behaviour, and use behavioural strategies to minimise this. For example, I
can recognise when a child I work with is in a bad mood and does not want to co-operate with
the learning activity. I am able to remind them of the kind of behaviour I expect them to
display and use appropriate strategies to engage them in the learning activity eg with sanctions
(sad face by their name on the board) or with rewards (a sticker for behaving well or producing
good work).
P5 Encourage and support pupils to consider the impact of their
behaviour on others, themselves and their environment
When a child has behaved in a negative way, I encourage them to think about what
impact this has had on others, themselves and their environment, for example, if a
child has been disrupting the lesson and has been taken out of the classroom, I
would encourage them to think about how their teacher is now feeling, how the
rest of the class is feeling about their lesson being disrupted, and what effect all
this has had on the child themselves eg to their self image and self esteem.

P6 Support pupils with behaviour difficulties to identify and agree

on ways in which they might change or manage their behaviour
to achieve desired outcomes
I work with one child who has underlying behavioural problems which can make
them uncooperative and paranoid if working in a group situation. When these
situations arise, we agree ways to manage their behaviour together for example,
we agree that they can have a sticker if they do some lovely work, and that we
can tell their teacher how well they have done in the session. Other methods we
have agreed upon are taking their work to show the headteacher or working hard
to finish the learning activity so that the all the children in the group can play
outside for five minutes before their next session.

P7 Support pupils in a manner which is likely to make them feel

valued and respected and recognises progress made
I always support children in a way which makes them feel valued and respected,
for example, by listening carefully to them, by thanking them for their
contribution, by respecting them as individuals and by praising them for all their
efforts. I recognise progress made by children by feeding back to them verbally,
by writing positive comments on their work, by displaying their work and by
showing it to their teachers.

Similarly, if a child has behaved, participated or contributed well during a learning

activity, I verbally praise them, use positive body language (thumbs up, high five),
and inform their teacher of this progress.
P8 Encourage and support pupils to regularly review their own
behaviour, attitude and achievements
On a daily basis, I encourage and support the children I work with to review their
behaviour, attitude and achievements. For example, I often remind children to
put their hand up and not to call out, and to use their manners when asking for
something. I encourage them to have a positive attitude towards themselves,
their work and their relationships and to review these to see if any improvements
can be made. Every term the children I work with are given targets and these are
reviewed with the children to ascertain what they have achieved and what they
still need to work on.

P9 Contribute to collecting data on pupils’ attendance and

behaviour, including the use of rewards and sanctions, to
inform policy review and planning
After each session spent supporting children, I type up a detailed report which
includes information about how the children behaved whilst working with me. If I
have had to use any sanctions, I include this in the report, eg informing a child
that they would have to go back to his classroom instead of joining in with the
planned activity if they continued to behave in a negative way. Similarly, if
children have behaved and participated well, or produced some good work, I also
include the rewards I have given them eg stickers, showing their work to the
headteacher and five minutes playing outside.

P10 Provide feedback to relevant people on progress made by

any pupils with a behaviour support plan
I work with a child with underlying behavioural problems who has a behaviour
support plan in place with targets towards which they are working. When any
progress is made towards achieving these targets, I include the details in the
written report I produce at the end of the session which is passed on to their
teacher and sometimes to the SENCo. This information can also be passed on
verbally at an appropriate moment.

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