Bible in A Year 34 OT 1 Chron 1 To 15

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The Bible in a Year

Old Testament

1 Chronicles 1 to 15
Read this coming week:
Jul 4 1 Chron 5, Ps 3, Matt 5 Jul 5 1 Chron 6, Ps 4, Matt 6 Jul 6 1 Chron 7,
Ps 5, Matt 7 Jul 7 1 Chron 8, Ps 6, Matt 8 Jul 8 1 Chron 9‐10, Ps 7, Matt 9
Jul 9 1 Chron 11, Ps 8, Matt 10
Jul 10 1 Chron 12‐13, Ps 9, Matt 11 Jul 11 1 Chron 14‐15, Ps 10, Matt 12

Reading Questions
For next week you’re reading Matthew 5 to 12. Answer
the following:
• The Gadites, Ruebenites, and Manneshites seem
to be good at what job? (5)
• What are the Kohathites in charge of? (6)
• What tragedy precedes the birth of Beriah? (7)
• What was king Saul’s father’s name? (8)
• The Kohathites show up again, what are they in
charge of now? (9)
• What additional information do we learn about
Saul’s suicide in Chronicles not recorded in kings?
• Who “struck down a lion in a pit on a snowy day”?
• How do the mighty men join David? (12)
• Why does Michal despise her husband David? (15)
David’s Mighty Men
David was the anointed king of Israel long before he was
crowned the king of Israel. Before he assumes the
throne, David has to escape the court of the current
king, Saul. During this time, David meets the “mighty
men” – about 400 or so men who according to I Samuel
22 “were in distress or debt”.

The picture of this rag-tag group of amazing fighters

(some killed up to 800 people) brings to mind heroes of
our modern day mythologies: Robin Hood and his Merry
Men, bands of do-gooding pirates, or other heroes. The
Bible had this concept first, God had it first.

Yet God isn’t just wasting our time with a good story
when He tells us about David’s mighty men. He is
teaching us about someone who would come much later
than David and amass a group of 12 unlikely heroes to
start bringing the news and mission of the Kingdom of
Heaven throughout the world.

Please don’t throw this away. If you’re not going to use it, leave it for
someone else to use.

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