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Assignment on Pipeline Process- by PRASHANT KUMAR

Pipeline Material is the material that flows directly into the production process
from a pipe (ex. Oil, Electricity & Water). It has the following features:-

1. Does not require any :-

 Planning
 Purchase Requisitions
 Purchase Orders
 Goods Receipt
 Goods Issue
2. No physical stock maintained at the Plant or Storage Location.
3. Material can be withdrawn from the pipeline in any quantity at any given
point of time.
4. The Vendor has a liability for how the consignment withdrawal is settled.


 Select M/t Type  Pipeline M/t
 Select Views as shown in the figure with the appropriate
Industry Type
Material No. 2973 created

B. Purchase Info Record(PIR)ME11

 All the fields shown below are mandatory fields, which must
be entered at the time of creating PIR.
 Tax Code is a very important field on the next screen of PIR.
 Input the Price & standard quantity of Material.

PIR # 5300006480 created

 Generate a relationship between Vendor & Material w.r.t time.
 Option of fixing the Vendor.

 We enter goods withdrawal from pipeline in the same way for

goods issue for stock material except with the following:-
 MVType 201
 Special Stock Indicator  P (Pipeline)

 After entering all the mandatory fields, save the transaction.

 Doc # 4900036178 generated
E. F.I Documents after Goods withdrawal

F. Settlement for Pipeline Withdrawals (MRKO)

 Enter Co. Code, Vendor, Plant, Material
 Define Variant: - is a program which runs to automatically settle the
 Select Pipeline
 Execute the transaction and an Invoice will be automatically
generated as seen below.

G. F.I Doc’s after MRKO


Prashant Kumar

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