Main Problems in Cambodian Education System

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Cambodian Students Association in Japan


Essay Competition 2010

Topic 2:
“What Are the Main Problems in Cambodian Education System? What
should we do to solve those problems?”


o School: Russei Keo High School
o Age: 17
o Tel: 097 97 06 11 9
o E-mail:
o Address: №735, National Road 5, Mittapheap Village, Russei
Keo, Phnom Penh

When we talk about the development of a country, we are also talking about
human resources, and what brings human resources to its fullest potential is
inevitably education. Therefore, Education System is considered to be the vessel
of human resources, and in turn the prosperity of a country.

However, during the Pol Pot regime from 1975 to 1979 Cambodian education
system was largely destroyed. Schools were abandoned, and teachers and
scholars were killed mercilessly. Education could only be found hidden secretly
throughout the pagodas with no official form. After waking up from this
tragedy, Cambodia still has major problems tampering the education system,
including corruption, poverty and mismanagement. Corruption happens
frequently and uncontrollably in every school either in urban or rural areas, and
the unsolved shortage of schools, school materials and proficient teachers
contributes even more to the declining education system in Cambodia, making it
fall even further from international education systems.

In order to get our education system back on track, certain problems need to be
solved such as tackling the corruption problem and renovating the management
in education system so as to meet the international standard. And most
importantly, we need to bring all those plans into practice. This is not easy, and
it will take time. However, if the government and citizens are together as one, it
will not only boost the improvement of education system but also the
development of Cambodia as a whole.
Cambodian Education System
In nowadays’ civilized society, human resources are inevitably needed for
the development of a country. What’s more, these human resources are not just
any human resources. They must be well trained both mentally and skillfully.
The process that is used to harness these people, making them the next golden
generations, is called Education System.
However, the education system varies from one country to another, and
the difference is even wider between developed countries and the developing
ones. Developed countries have advanced and worldwide acknowledged
education systems which produce human resources to the highest possible level,
whereas developing countries are still struggling to create proper education
systems for their generations who are going to be next leaders of the countries.
Cambodia, a developing country and one of the poorest, notably has lots of
issues with its education system. What are those major problems? What’s more,
are there any possible methods to tackle those problems?
 Poverty & Financial Problems
As a country still recovering from continuous wars that destroyed almost
everything, there is still a long way before it can become a fully developed
country. Consequently, many issues are expected, and the most important of all
is corruption. This is not just a small problem that happens only in some minor
parts of the government or at a few places; the corruption in Cambodia is
happening everywhere, from the top elites to the small kids who have just
enrolled for a few years in primary school. In fact, corruption occurs so
frequently that it almost becomes a culture trend for Khmer people, imprinting a
deep impression in their brains and to the later generations as well. Apart from
being a country full of corruption, Cambodia is also a very poor country.
According to the statistic, 80% of the population live on less than US$2 a day,
and a teacher’s average salary is only US$30 per month, and not all of
Cambodian teachers live on their own; most of them have families to support,
kids to feed, and the monthly bills of electricity and water to pay, and with the
inflation happening frequently in the country, being a teacher is not adequate.
Therefore, most of them have to find jobs elsewhere such as making their own
businesses, opening extra-time classes and so on. While extra-time classes are
only promising for science and Khmer literature teachers, teachers who teach
social subjects are not very likely to have a chance. Consequently, in class, they
have to directly violate the rule and sell papers, either lesson papers or test
papers, to their students. In fact, they can disobey the law openly and easily that
the law seems to be only for show; in other words, it’s called, ‘Enacted law
without implementation’. They say education is free for everyone, but is it true?
Worse than that, they would even go as far as taking bribes during
examinations as if the law does not have any effects and the real law is made up
of what people are doing nowadays. When asked about their consciences of
being educated people and who hold the responsibility for nurturing the young
minds of the next generations, the most thoughtful of them would say that their
consciences are not dead. However, the current that flows these days does not
yearn for value of knowledge and hard work. ‘It is easy to go with the flow, but
the other way around isn’t.’ If there are laws in the constitution but they are
ignored in practice, how can there be any change?
Furthermore, even a matter such as producing textbooks for students to
learn is still an unsolved and neglected problem. As we can see, textbooks
issued by the Ministry of Education are never adequate for every student. It is
clearly stated that the textbooks are banned by the government of any sales and
republishing and are freely provided to every student. Yet, those textbooks can
be seen on sale in every bookstore in the country, and yet students who are
trying to get better education do not have even a textbook to read. Nowadays, a
textbook is shared by two students or even more in a class, and some have to
study without textbooks for a whole year or even more. Also, the textbooks
can’t be updated regularly to the recognized standard, so the lessons are old and
all Cambodian students have to learn these outdated lessons. That’s why
graduated students from high school are not internationally acknowledged, and
that is why our human resources fall far behind those in the powerful countries.
Besides, it is worth noticing that, in all public schools, there aren’t any
science laboratories or places for students to put their knowledge into practice
yet. This is also because of the poor economy of the country accompanied by
limitless corruption, so the government cannot afford these facilities. As a
result, students only learn theories but they cannot know how to implement
those theories in real life, and soon they would start questioning, ‘What is the
use of learning all these things?’ An old proverb proclaims, ‘Theory without
practice is meaningless, but practice without theory is blind.’ Therefore,
students need both theory and practice, but we lack substantially in these two
since the education programs are not up-to-date and the practice is zero.
Consequently, the human resources in Cambodia can never match those of the
international countries.
 Mismanagement
Due to corruption being enabled in every sectors of the society, students
are so familiar with it that school does not seem like a place where their mind
and knowledge are enforced anymore. It is only a place where someone gets
through from one year to another until the end of the final year and gets a
bought certificate, and then they are out hoping to find jobs and do businesses.
Sure there are many students graduating from universities each year, but the
qualities of those students are still very doubtful. Truthfully, not all graduates
are capable of the doing the job their certificates claim they are. On the other
hand, if the Ministry of Education intensifies the management over graduation
examinations, many students will fail due to the lack of effort in studying and
the common belief that they can pass the tests easily, including copying or
bribing, without breaking a sweat. Therefore, the Ministry has to decrease the
average passing scores so as to balance between the failing and the passing rate
of students. If they do not do this, the unemployment rate in the country will
certainly increase remarkably because it is almost certain that those students
who fail will not likely willing to restart another year. The National Education
Congress Summary Report estimates that 14.4% of the students dropped out
from upper secondary school during the academic year 2008-09.
Additionally, nowadays there is a striking shortage of teachers and
schools in the country. According to the National Education Congress Summary
Report Academic Year 2008-09, there are only 315 high schools in the country,
and by 2010 there are only 1,302,512 people enrolled in lower secondary
schools. Each class is overloaded with students ranging from 50 to 60 in a class.
Thus, the atmosphere of the class is already disturbed and students will not be
able to learn properly nor absorb the concepts of each lesson fully. Besides,
teachers are not regularly trained or informed of new developments in their
fields of teaching, creating an imbalance between teachers of the same fields,
and since their living standards are more worrying problems, teachers do not
have time to care if their students cannot learn new lessons which aren’t written
in the textbooks. It seems as if their job is to teach what is written in the
textbooks and, at the end of each month, get their pay to compensate the cost of
their living.
Now that we have pointed out the main problems, what can we do to
tackle these and improve Cambodian Education System?
 Solution
On my point of view, the first step in order to renovate our Education
System is to solve the corruption problem which is still evolving in our nation.
However, we cannot solve this problem in one go. Thus, focusing solely on the
Education System should be our main objective. Saying so, the minister of
Education should strengthen the management over the education system and see
to it that every plan is carried out successfully in all education sectors. Also, the
government should participate in this process by eliminating the corruption of
the elites as much as possible. Moreover, the government should give more
attention the renovation of the education system and find methods to increase
the salary for teachers so that they will have enough income to support their
living standards. In turn, they can fully focus on educating and fostering the
young generations with a free and uncorrupted mind. Plus, there won’t be any
more need to sell papers and grades to students, so we can ensure our slogan of
education, ‘Education is free for everyone’; also, the only way for students to
pass is through their hard work, so the value of our human resources will
advance to another level. Furthermore, the government or the Ministry of
Education should arrange a training session for teachers to research, share ideas
and discuss about new updates on each subject such as Geography,
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, etc. in order to catch up with the ongoing
development of the education systems in other countries. Also, the textbooks
should be updated yearly as well so that students can get access to new events
and ideas as well as other students in the developed countries. In addition, it is
very necessary that students can practice the lessons they learn in order that they
can be experienced enough to use them at work. Hence, the government or
Ministry of Education should find aid from NGOs and other donors for the
purpose of installing necessary facilities for students to do their research so that
they can prove the theories they learn. As a result, they will know not only
‘what it is’ but also ‘why and how it is so’. And last but not least, the
Government of Cambodia should build more schools so that students do not
have to cramp together to study in a class of fifty or sixty, and should also
provide enough school supplies such as textbooks and teaching materials which
are necessary as well.
On the conclusion, Cambodian Education System has everything planned.
The only left to do is putting this plan into action and get results. That’s why it
is very necessary for the government to act as soon as possible for the sake of
Cambodian human resources. These problems are not easy to be solved, but if
we are determined and work together, the success will appear sooner or later.
And if these problems can be solved successfully in the near possible future, the
human resources in our country will be recognized worldwide and Cambodia
will not be treated as a minor country any longer. We have to make our nation
proud, together!
National Education Congress Summary Report (Academic Year 2008-09)
The Cambodian Independent Teachers Association Leaflet
Education for All National Plan 2003-2015

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