Paintings in The 1430s by Fra Filippo LIPPI: Partea I

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Paintings in the 1430s

by Fra Filippo LIPPI

Partea I

• Nothing is known of Lippi's artistic origins and early style. The first information that
can be offered falls into the 1430s. In 1432 Lippi probably painted a fresco in the
cloister of Santa Maria del Carmine, the so-called Rules of the Carmelite Order, and
in the same year he apparently left the convent permanently. A small cutdown
painting of a Madonna and Child with Saints (in Empoli) has good claim to predate
the Rules of the Carmelite Order and to be Lippi's. The picture is notably
Masaccesque; recalling to a certain extent the central section of the Pisa Altarpiece,
upon which Lippi may even have worked.
• Lippi was in Padua in 1434 and perhaps earlier, where he was recorded together with
Francesco Squarcione, the local painter and powerful personality. Back in Florence,
he signed and dated the Tarquinia Madonna in 1437 and obtained an important
commission for an altarpiece, the Madonna Enthroned with Saints for the Barbadori
family chapel in Santo Spirito, which he apparently finished during the following year.

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Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints (detail)
Madonna of Humility (Trivulzio Madonna)
Confirmation of the Carmelite Rule (detail)
The Penitent St Jerome with a Young Monk
Madonna with Child (Tarquinia Madonna)
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels
The Doctors of the Church
Madonna and Child with Saints, Angels, and a Donor
Man of Sorrows
Madonna and Child with St Fredianus and St Augustine
St Fredianus Diverts the River Serchio

by Lorin
Urmeaza partea II

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