Test Lab Management Tool

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User Interface Design Concepts


Abhishek Gupta
Machine Reservations

Description:  User can search and reserve a machine that meets test requirements through
this tab
 User can specify the time period (‘from’ and ‘to’ date) for which the machine
is to be reserved
 User can View reservations made by him/her through the sub level navigation
button “View”

Assumption  User will have prior knowledge of the specifications of the machine required
s: for the test
 User understands that the search period may be different from the period the
machine will be booked for
 User understands how to use the Ajax based calendar interface
 User understands that the ‘System Details’ Widget will display information
once the Machine Name(s) or rows are selected from the Calendar.

Create Configuration

Description:  User can create a new configuration or use a previously existing one to
modify and save it under a different name
The icons next to section tabs merely denote whether the user edited any field
in the section or not
 User can view the list of configurations made by him or other people (if
accessible) based on if they ‘currently executing' or ‘ only applied but have not
yet executed’ or ‘have executed in the past’ or ‘have never been applied to
any machine’ or ‘all’

Assumption  User understands that he/she can fill in or skip any of the sections under
s: ‘create configuration’
 User understands that the creation of a configuration does not imply its
application to any machine previously reserved by the user.
 User understands the way Ajax based interface elements used in the sections
of “Create configuration” tab interact.
Apply Configuration

Description:  User can apply any configuration accessible to him to any number of
machines inside the period for which the machines are reserved.
 User can manipulate and apply multiple configuration, through the “advanced
scheduling” functionality
 User can stack several configurations one after the other so they run
 User can view the applied configurations that are currently executing, view
and edit the ones that are scheduled for future, and view the ones applied in
Assumption the past.
 User understands that the previously created configuration does not
s: automatically apply to any machine
 User understands that the interface does not ensure that the total time to
execute configurations will remain within the reservation period as the tests
may run for longer than displayed estimation
 User would not view the configurations that have never been applied through
this section

View Status

Description:  User can view the status of currently running configurations, configurations
scheduled to run in future and past runs of the configuration through this tab.

Assumption  System would merely display the name of the configuration section which is
s: currently being executed as the status of currently running configurations’ and
not be able to display the actual screen of the test machine

Reports Library

Description:  Reports tab enables Users to view the generated test reports and any other
test related reports
 Library is the repository of all accessible files such as Test Reports, Machine
Details, Software List, Installation Scripts, License Key Information, Machine
Performance Log etc
Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Options Mon 10 May 12:00 Free Machines
Model : All From :
2007 PM Only

To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00 Go

In : All Labs PM

Calendar View Topology Diagram Previous Week Previous Month Next Month Next Week System Details
Showing All Machines in All Reserved by Me Engaged Free Machine Details Softwares Customize
Mon 10 May Tue 11 May Wed 12 May Thurs 13 May Fri 14 May Sat 15 May
Select Row(s) to view Machine
Machine1 Details

View All Machines









Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Hide Search
Options Free Machines
Search : Type Search String From : Mon 10 May 12:00
2007 PM Only

To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00 Go

Model : All In : All Labs PM

Calendar View Topology Diagram Previous Week Previous Month Next Month Next Week System Details
Showing All Machines in All Reserved by Me Engaged Free Customize
Machine Details Softwares
Mon 10 May Tue 11 May Wed 12 May Thurs 13 May Fri 14 May Sat 15 May
Machine 5 currently Reserved by
Machine1 User2

Machine2 -Host name

All Machines
Machine3 -BIOS version
-Boot time
Machine4 -Subnet mask
-Default gateway
Machine5 -DNS server
-Logon server
Machine6 -User name
-Machine domain
Machine7 -Time zone
-Screen resolution
Machine8 -Memory
-Hard disk drive
Machine9 -CPU
-OS version
Machine10 -Network cards
-IP addresses
Machine11 -Video card
-SCSI controller
Machine12 -Location
-Bond No
-32/64 Bit
-Service tag
-Single/Dual CPU
-Work station/Server
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Options Mon 10 May 12:00 Free Machines
Model : All From :
2007 PM Only

To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00 Go

In : All Labs PM

Calendar View Topology Diagram Previous Week Previous Month Next Month Next Week System Details
Showing All Machines in All Reserved by Me Engaged Free Customize
Machine Details Softwares
Mon 10 May Tue 11 May Wed 12 May Thurs 13 May Fri 14 May Sat 15 May
Machine 1 currently Reserved by
Machine1 User2

Machine2 -Host name

Reserved by User2 -IPView
All Machines
Machine3 from -BIOS version
Mon 10 May 23:00 to -Boot time
Machine4 -Subnet mask
Fri 14 May 13:00
-Default gateway
Machine5 -DNS server
-Logon server
Machine6 -User name
-Machine domain
Machine7 -Time zone
-Screen resolution
Machine8 -Memory
-Hard disk drive
Machine9 -CPU
-OS version
Machine10 -Network cards
-IP addresses
Machine11 -Video card
-SCSI controller
Machine12 -Location
-Bond No
-32/64 Bit
-Service tag
-Single/Dual CPU
-Work station/Server
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Options Mon 10 May 12:00 Free Machines
Model : All From :
2007 PM Only

To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00 Go

In : All Labs PM

Calendar View Topology Diagram Previous Week Previous Month Next Month Next Week System Details
Showing All Machines in All Reserved by Me Engaged Free Machine Details Softwares Customize
Mon 10 May Tue 11 May Wed 12 May Thurs 13 May Fri 14 May Sat 15 May
Machine 2 currently Free
-Host name
Machine2 -IP Address
-BIOS version
View All Machines
Machine3 -Boot time
Drag Pointer over Free -Subnet mask
Machine4 Cells to Select Time -Default gateway
Period and Machines for -DNS server
Machine5 Reservation. -Logon server
-User name
Machine6 -Machine domain
-Time zone
Machine7 -Screen resolution
Machine8 -Hard disk drive
Machine9 -OS version
-Network cards
Machine10 -IP addresses
-Video card
Machine11 -SCSI controller
Machine12 -Bond No
-32/64 Bit
-Service tag
-Single/Dual CPU
-Work station/Server
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Options Mon 10 May 12:00 Free Machines
Model : Dell Gx360 From :
2007 PM Only

To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00 Go

In : All Labs PM

Calendar View Topology Diagram Previous Week Previous Month Next Month Next Week System Details
Showing Search Results for ‘Dell Gx360’ in ‘ Lab 1’ Reserved by Me Engaged Free
Machine Details Softwares Customize
Mon 10 May Tue 11 May Wed 12 May Thurs 13 May Fri 14 May Sat 15 May
Dell Machine 2
Dell Machine1
-Host name
Dell Machine2 -IP Address
-BIOS version
View All Machines
Dell Machine3 -Boot time
-Subnet mask
Selection for Reservation: X -Default gateway
Dell Machine4
Dell Machine1, Dell Machine2, Dell Machine3 -DNS server
Dell Machine5 -Logon server
From Mon 31 May 12:00 -User name
Dell Machine6 : 2007 AM -Machine domain
-Time zone
Dell Machine7
To : Thurs 3 Jun 2007 12:00
PM ….
-Screen resolution
Dell Machine8 -Hard disk drive
Reservation -CPU
Dell Machine9 Request Approval for -OS version
Reservation -Network cards
Notes : -IP addresses
Machine10 -Video card
Dell -SCSI controller
Machine11 -Location
Dell -Bond No
Machine12 -32/64 Bit
-Service tag
-Single/Dual CPU
-Work station/Server
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View

Options Mon 10 May 12:00 Free Machines
Model : Dell Gx360 From :
2007 PM Only

To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00 Go

In : All Labs PM

Calendar View Topology Diagram Previous Week Previous Month Next Month Next Week System Details
Showing Search Results for ‘Dell Gx360’ in ‘ Lab 1’ Reserved by Me Engaged Free
Machine Details Softwares Customize
Mon 10 May Tue 11 May Wed 12 May Thurs 13 May Fri 14 May Sat 15 May
Dell Machine 2
Dell Machine1
-Host name
Dell Machine2 Approval Pending. -IP Address
-BIOS version
View All Machines
Dell Machine3 -Boot time
-Subnet mask
Dell Machine4 -Default gateway
-DNS server
Dell Machine5 -Logon server
-User name
Dell Machine6 -Machine domain
-Time zone
Dell Machine7
-Screen resolution

Dell Machine8 -Hard disk drive

Dell Machine9
-OS version
-Network cards
-IP addresses
Machine10 -Video card
Dell -SCSI controller
Machine11 -Location
Dell -Bond No
Machine12 -32/64 Bit
-Service tag
-Single/Dual CPU
X -Work station/Server
Request for Approval For: Dell Machine From: Mon 10
of Reservation Sent ! 2 May
Dell Machine To: Thurs 13 May
Dell Machine
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Options Mon 10 May 12:00 Free Machines
Model : All From :
2007 PM Only

To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00 Go

In : All Labs PM

Calendar View Topology Diagram


Showing All Machines in All Reserved by Me Approval Pending Engaged

System Details
Topology Free Machine Details Softwares Customize
Model Type4 Model Type3 Model Type5
4 in 15 Free 4 in 15 Free 4 in 15 Free
View All Select Machine(s) to view Details
Lab 1 Model Type2
4 in 15 Free
Dell Gx360 Dell GX360
Model Type2 4 in 15 Free
View All Machines
Model Type3
Model Type4
Model Type5
Machine 6
Group7 7

Lab 2
Lab 3

Model Type6
4 in 15 Free
Model Type7
4 in 15 Free Model Type8 Machine 7
Hold ‘Ctrl’ for 4 in 15 Free Machine 6
Multiple Selection

Request Approval for
Notes :
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Options Mon 10 May 12:00 Free Machines
Model : All From :
2007 PM Only

To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00 Go

In : All Labs PM

Calendar View Topology Diagram


Showing Search Results for ‘Dell Gx360’ in ‘ Reserved by Me Approval Pending Engaged
System Details
Lab 1’
Free Machine Details Softwares Customize
Dell Dell Machine5 Dell Machine 2
View All Machine1 Dell Machine3
Lab 1 Dell Machine2
Model -Host name
Type1 -IP Address
Model Type2 Dell Machine4 -BIOS version
View All Machines
Model Type3 -Boot time
-Subnet mask
Model Type4 -Default gateway
-DNS server
Model Type5
-Logon server
Machine 6 -User name
-Machine domain
Group7 7
Machine -Time zone
Lab 2 -Memory
-Screen resolution

Lab 3 -Hard disk drive

-OS version
-Network cards
-IP addresses
-Video card
Dell Machine6
-SCSI controller
Dell Machine7 -Location
Dell Machine8 Dell Machine10 -Bond No
Dell Machine9 -32/64 Bit
Hold ‘Ctrl’ for
-Service tag
Multiple Selection
-Single/Dual CPU
-Work station/Server
Request Approval for
Notes :
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Filter : Active Reservations Made By:

Search : Search Options

Machine Name From To Reserved on Reserved by System Details

View in Calendar
Username 1 View Machine Details Softwares Customize
Dell Machine9 9 May 07 22:00 11 May 07 24:00 30 Apr 07 22:00

Username 2 View
Dell Machine8 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00 Select Row(s) to view Machine
Username 1 View
Machine7 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00
View All Machines
Username 4 View
Dell Machine5 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 5 View
Dell Machine4 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 6 View
Dell Machine4 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 1 View
Dell Machine4 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 8 View
Machine2 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 9 View
Machine2 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 10 View
Machine2 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 13 View
Machine1 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 1 View
Machine9 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

Customize Table
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Search and Reserve View Reservations

Filter : Active Reservations Made By:
Pending Approvals

Past Reservations
Search : Search Options
All Reservations
Machine Name From To Reserved on Reserved by System Details
View in Calendar
Username 1 View Machine Details Softwares Customize
Dell Machine9 9 May 07 22:00 11 May 07 24:00 30 Apr 07 22:00

Username 2 View
Dell Machine8 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00 Select Row(s) to view Machine
Username 1 View
Machine7 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00
View All Machines
Username 4 View
Dell Machine5 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 5 View
Dell Machine4 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 6 View
Dell Machine4 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 1 View
Dell Machine4 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 8 View
Machine2 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 9 View
Machine2 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 10 View
Machine2 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 13 View
Machine1 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Username 1 View
Machine9 9 May 07 23:00 11 May 07 24:00 31 Apr 07 22:00

Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

Customize Table
Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Create View Configurations

Configuration Name: Create New Config. From Old Save Config. Save Config. As

Section not filled

Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Ghost Backup

Norton Ghost 2003

Ghosting Tool: Include Machine Details File 30 min
Acronis True Image
Timeout :
9.1 35 min
40 min
45 min
Naming Autologon Username: username
Ghost Name: Ghost name 13 Browse
Password: **********
Overwrite if Ghost Name
exists Partitions to D;E;F
Domain: pacrim1
Skip Drive G;H
Backup Location: \\\server\gh Browse
Description: File for ghost of arbitrary text. File for
ghost of arbitrary text File for ghost of
arbitrary text. File for ghost of arbitrary

Ghost Restoration


Apply Windows Updates

Apply Antivirus Updates

Section not filled
Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Enter Est. time of Execution: 7 Hrs 30 min

Ghost Backup

Norton Ghost 2003

Ghosting Tool: Include Machine Details File 30 min
Acronis True Image
Timeout :
9.1 35 min
40 min

Naming 45 min
Autologon Username: username
Ghost Name: Ghost name 13 Browse
Password: **********
Overwrite if Ghost Name
exists Partitions to D;E;F
Domain: pacrim1
Skip Drive G;H
Backup Location: \\\server\gh Browse
Description: File for ghost of arbitrary text. File for
ghost of arbitrary text File for ghost of
arbitrary text. File for ghost of arbitrary

Ghost Restoration


Apply Windows Updates

Apply Antivirus Updates

Section not filled
Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Enter Est. time of Execution: 7 Hrs 30 min

Ghost Backup

Ghost Restoration

Restore Backed-up Ghost of Same Machine Domain: pacrim1

Select Ghost from File Location Ghost Files \\\server\gh Browse

Location: osts

Search : Search Options

Ghost Name Description Created On Created By

Machine Details File
File for ghost of arbitrary text. File for ghost of arbitrary text 19 May 07 22:00
Ghost name 1 User 1 View
File for
File for ghost of arbitrary text. File for ghost of arbitrary text 14 May 07 23:00
Ghost name 2 User 2 -
File for
File for ghost of arbitrary text. File for ghost of arbitrary text 11 May 07 23:00
Ghost name 3 Tester View
File for
File for ghost of arbitrary text. File for ghost of arbitrary text 10 May 07 23:00
Ghost name 4 User 1 View
File for

Displaying 4 of 24 Items < 1 2 3 >

Ghost File to Ghost name 3


Norton Ghost 2003 Restore Machine Name

Ghosting Tool:
Acronis True Image New Machine Name: Dell Machine
9.1 19

Static IP : Ghost Partitions to

5 Restore
Partitions to From To
From: D E
If IP unavailable, set
IP Pool to choose E -
F -

Section not filled
Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Add Installation by Script Add Silent Installation

Enter Est. time of Execution: 1 Hrs 30 min

Sequence of Application Installation

Installation by Script – 1 Make a Copy

Domain: pacrim1 Domain: pacrim1 Build Verification

Uninstall Previous
Setup Location: \\\Software7.e Browse Script Location: \\\ScriptSft7.e Browse Version
xe xe
Restart Machine

Silent Installation – 1 Make a Copy

Domain: pacrim1 Domain: pacrim1 Build Verification

Setup Location: \\\SWsilent2.b Browse Input File Location: \\\InputFSW2 Browse Uninstall Previous
at Version
Execute rundll32.exe -Parameter1 -Parameter2 Restart Machine

Installation by Script – 2 Make a Copy

Domain: pacrim1 Domain: pacrim1 Build Verification

Uninstall Previous Version

Setup Location: \\\Software8.e Browse Script Location: \\\ScriptSft8.e Browse
xe xe
Restart Machine

Installation by Script – 3 [ \\\Software9.exe ] Make a Copy

Section not filled
Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Enter Est. time of Execution: 2 Hrs 15 min

Build Verification Settings

[ \\\Software7.exe ] Copy Settings Paste Settings

Use Verification
Domain: pacrim1

File Location: \\\BuildVerify Browse

Verify the Following by Manual

File Name File Saved at Dll File Registered Exe File Registered

Registry Entry Registry Entry Environment Variable Database Changes

Made Location Changes

[ \\\SWsilent2.bat ] Copy Settings Paste Settings

[ \\\Software9.exe ] Copy Settings Paste Settings

Section not filled
Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Enter Est. time of Execution: 4 Hrs 15 min

Uninstallation Verification Settings

[ \\\Software7.exe ] Copy Settings Paste Settings

Use Verification
Domain: pacrim1

File Location: \\\BuildVerify Browse

Verify the Following by Manual

File Name File Removed from Dll File Unregistered Exe File Unregistered

Registry Entry Deleted Registry Entry Environment Variable Database Deletions

Location Deleted

[ \\\SWsilent2.bat ] Copy Settings Paste Settings

[ \\\Software9.exe ] Copy Settings Paste Settings

Section not filled
Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Add Installation Testing Instance

Enter Est. time of Execution: 1 Hrs 30 min

Sequence of Installation Testing

Instance – 1 Make a Copy

Domain: pacrim1
Setup File Location: \\\Setup Browse

Domain: pacrim1
Domain: pacrim1
Save Report here: \\\server\rep Browse
Script Location: \\\Script Browse ort

Send Report to: Emailaddres1; Look Up

Domain: pacrim1
Input File Location: \\\Input File Browse

Edit Input File

Instance – 1 Make a Copy

Domain: pacrim1
Setup File Location: \\\Setup Browse

Domain: pacrim1
Domain: pacrim1
Save Report here: \\\server\rep Browse
Script Location: \\\Script Browse ort

Send Report to: Emailaddres1; Look Up

Domain: pacrim1
Input File Location: \\\Input File Browse

Edit Input File

Instance - 3 Make a Copy

Section not filled
Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Add Test Execution Instance

Enter Est. time of Execution: 1 Hrs 30 min

Sequence of Test Execution

Instance – 1 Make a Copy

Silent Setup

Setup by Script

Domain: pacrim1 Domain: pacrim1

Setup File Location: \\\Setup Browse Input File Location: \\\Input File Browse

Edit Input File

Domain: pacrim1

Script Location: \\\Script Browse Automation Tool: Automat 3.01

Select and Arrange Modules and Test Cases

Add to Module Name Test Cases
Module Name Test Cases Sequence

Module 1 Test Case 1 Add Module 1

Module 2 Test Case 2 Add Module 1

Module 3 Test Case 3 Add Module 1

Module 4 Test Case 4 Add Module 1

Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 > Module 1

Verification by .INI file Report

Domain: pacrim1 Domain: pacrim1

.INI File Location: \\\INIFile Browse Save Report here: \\\server\rep Browse
Send Report to: Emailaddres1; Look Up
Section not filled
Application Build Uninstallation Installation Test Notification
Installation Verification Verification Testing Execution & Reporting Section filled

Enter Est. time of Execution: 1 Hrs 30 min


Send Report by Email Send Report by FTP

Domain: pacrim1 Domain: pacrim1

Save Report here: \\\server\rep Browse Save Report here: \\\server\rep Browse
ort ort

Send Report to: Emailaddres1; Look Up Send Report to: Emailaddres1; Look Up
Emailaddress2; Emailaddress2;
Emailaddres3; Emailaddres3;
Emailaddress4 Emailaddress4
Lab Management Tool
Logged As : Tester | Log Out

Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Create View Configurations

Filter : All Created
By: Anyone
Never Applied Before

Recently Created
Search : Search Options

Config. Name Est. Time to Execute Created on Last Executed On Executed for Project Comments
Edit Config.
Air Sims for GX360 Aircraft Simulation Project from ACS Team. Plane Flight
12 hrs 30 min 18 May 07 24:00 18 May 07 24:00
(AIRSIM02) Simulation Application for GX360. Edit

Simulation for GX390 Boeing Tail Project from ACS Team. Plane Flight
2 hrs 30 min 17 May 07 24:00 17 May 07 24:00
(Par_IN07) Simulation Application for GX390. Edit

Air Sims for GX360 Project from ACS Team. Plane Flight
12 hrs 16 May 07 24:00 - -
Simulation Application for GX360. Edit

Simulation for GX390 Boeing Tail Project from ACS Team. Plane Flight
12 hrs 15 May 07 24:00 15 May 07 24:00
(Par_IN07) Simulation Application for GX390. Edit

Cockpit Panel Test Project from ACS Team. Plane Flight

15 hrs 40 min 12 May 07 24:00 - -
Simulation Edit

Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

Customize Table
Delete Config. Save As
Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

System Details
Create View Projects

Save & Execute Save As & Execute

Project Name: No_Name01 Load and Edit Delete Project as Scheduled As Scheduled

Machine Name Reserved From Reserved To Config. Applied From To Applied

18 May 07 Configurations
11 May 07 23:00 13 May 07 12:00 Till Execution Completes Simulation for GX390
Machine 24:00
9 Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes Cockpit Panel Test

13 May 07 23:00 Till Execution Completes Air Sims for GX360

13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 Air Sims for GX360

19 May 07 -
Machine7 13 May 07 23:00 - -
15 May 07 -
Machine5 14 May 07 23:00 - -
Hold ‘Ctrl’ To Select/De-Select Multiple
Rows Delete Rows
Schedule Applied

1. Select Machines from Your Active Reservations 2. Search and Apply Configuration

Filter : All From : Mon 10 May 12:00 Filter : All Created
2007 PM By: Anyone
To : Sat 15 May 2007 12:00
Search : Search Options
Search : Search Options
Config. Name Comments Est. Time
Machine Name Reserved From Reserved To Use Apply Execute
this Machine Project from ACS
13 May 07 19 May 07 24:00 7 hrs 15
Machine7 Use Cockpit Panel Test Team. Plane Flight Apply
23:00 min
Simulation Application
Machine5 14 May 07 15 May 07 24:00 Use for GX360.
23:00 Project from ACS
Simulation for Apply
13 May 07 14 May 07 12:00 Use Team. Plane Flight 7 hrs
Machine4 GX390
23:00 Simulation Application
14 May 07 15 May 07 24:00 Use for GX390.
Machine8 Project from ACS
23:00 Apply
Cockpit Panel Test Team. Plane Flight 15 min
13 May 07 14 May 07 12:00 Use
Machine12 Simulation Application.
Displaying 5 of 15 Items <12 3 > Displaying 3 of 9 Items <1 2 3 >

Customize Table Customize Table

Reserve Another Machine Create New Configuration
Custom Start Time Till Execution
Execute After Previous Custom Stop Time

Schedule Applied Configurations

Machine 7
Random Ash Test Simulation for Cockpit Panel Test
GX390 Zoom
Est. Time to Execute Est. Time to Execute Est. Time to Execute Copy Paste
7 Hrs 15 Min 2 Hrs 15 Min 8 Hrs 15 Min

Mon 11 May Mon 13 May

2007 12:00 PM 2007 24:00 PM

Mon 12 May Mon 12 May

2007 06:30 AM 2007 16:45 PM

Execute Only if Change Selected Config.

Selected Config. Execute After Previous Time Period : 10 Hrs 15 Min
Settings: Previous executes Settings on All Machines

Machine 5
Random Ash Test Simulation for Cockpit Panel Test
GX390 Zoom
Est. Time to Execute Est. Time to Execute Est. Time to Execute Copy Paste
7 Hrs 15 Min 2 Hrs 15 Min 8 Hrs 15 Min

Mon 19 May Mon 21 May

2007 12:00 PM 2007 24:00 PM

Cancel Done
Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Create View Projects

Project Filter Currently Executing


Search : Search Options

Project Name Machines Config. Name Applied From Applied To Status Project Created On
Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Execute After Till Execution
Simulation for GX390 Ghosting in Progress…
Previous Completes
Machine1 Till Execution Project from ACS Team.
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 23:00 -
Completes Plane Flight Simulation
Random Ash Panel Test 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 - Application for GX360.
Aircraft Till Execution Project from ACS Team.
Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Simulation Machine3 Completes 13 May 07 23:00 Plane Flight Simulation
Execute After Till Execution Application for GX360.
(AIRSIM02) Cockpit Panel Test
Completed Successfully
Execute After Till Execution Error encountered while
Random Ash Test
Previous Completes Ghosting
Execute After Till Execution Application Installation in
Machine6 Pilot Drive Mode
Previous Completes Progress…
Till Execution
Arbitrary Conversion Build Verification in Progress…
Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Execute After Till Execution
Simulation for GX390 Ghosting in Progress…
Previous Completes
Machine1 Till Execution Project from ACS Team.
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 23:00 -
Completes Plane Flight Simulation
Random Ash Panel Test 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 - Application for GX360.
Cockpit Till Execution Project from ACS Team.
Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Intelligence Machine3 Completes Plane Flight Simulation
Execute After Till Execution 13 May 07 23:00 Application for GX360.
(Par_IN07) Cockpit Panel Test
Completed Successfully
Execute After Till Execution Error encountered while
Random Ash Test
Previous Completes Ghosting
Execute After Till Execution Application Installation in
Machine6 Pilot Drive Mode
Previous Completes Progress…
Till Execution
Arbitrary Conversion Build Verification in Progress…
Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

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Executed in the Past Search : Search Options

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Project Name Config. Name Applied From Applied To Project Created On
Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00
Till Execution
Simulation for GX390 Execute After Previous
Machine1 Cockpit Panel Test
Till Execution
13 May 07 23:00 Project from ACS Team. Plane Flight
Random Ash Panel Test 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 Simulation Application for GX360. Project
Aircraft Till Execution from ACS Team. Plane Flight Simulation
Simulation Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 13 May 07 23:00 Application for GX360.
Machine3 Completes
(AIRSIM02) Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test Execute After Previous
Till Execution
Random Ash Test Execute After Previous
Till Execution
Pilot Drive Mode Execute After Previous
Machine6 Completes
Till Execution
Arbitrary Conversion Execute After Previous
Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00
Till Execution
Simulation for GX390 Execute After Previous
Machine1 Cockpit Panel Test
Till Execution
13 May 07 23:00 Project from ACS Team. Plane Flight
Random Ash Panel Test 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 Simulation Application for GX360. Project
Cockpit Till Execution from ACS Team. Plane Flight Simulation
Intelligence Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 1 May 07 27:00 Application for GX360.
Machine3 Completes
(Par_IN07) Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test Execute After Previous
Till Execution
Random Ash Test Execute After Previous
Till Execution
Pilot Drive Mode Execute After Previous
Machine6 Completes
Till Execution
Arbitrary Conversion Execute After Previous
Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

Customize Table

Load and Edit Delete Project

Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

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Project Name Machines View Report Config. Name Applied From Applied To Project Created On
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00 Till Execution Completes
Simulation for GX390 Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes
Machine1 View Cockpit Panel Test Till Execution Completes Project from ACS Team. Plane
13 May 07 23:00
Flight Simulation Application
Random Ash Panel Test 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 for GX360. Project from ACS
Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 Till Execution Completes Team. Plane Flight Simulation
Simulation Machine3 13 May 07 23:00 Application for GX360.
(AIRSIM02) Cockpit Panel Test Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes
Random Ash Test Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes
Pilot Drive Mode Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes
View Arbitrary Conversion Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes

Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00 Till Execution Completes

Simulation for GX390 Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes
Machine1 View Project from ACS Team. Plane
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 23:00 Till Execution Completes
Flight Simulation Application
Random Ash Panel Test 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 for GX360. Project from ACS
Hood Opening Team. Plane Flight Simulation
Intelligence Machine3 13 May 07 12:00 Till Execution Completes 1 May 07 27:00 Application for GX360.
(Par_IN07) Cockpit Panel Test Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes
Random Ash Test Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes
Pilot Drive Mode Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes
View Arbitrary Conversion Execute After Previous Till Execution Completes

Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

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Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Machine View Configuration View Project View

Search : Search Options

Machines Config. Name Applied From Applied To Status Project Name Created On
Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Completes Aircraft Project from ACS Team. Plane
Till Execution Flight Simulation Application for
Simulation for GX390 Execute After Previous
Ghosting in Progress… Simulation 13 May 07
Machine1 GX360. Project from ACS Team.
Till Execution (IRSIM02) 23:00
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 23:00 - Plane Flight Simulation Application
Random Ash Panel for GX360
13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 -
Test Cockpit
Till Execution Project from ACS Team. Plane
Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Completes Aircraft Flight Simulation Application for
Till Execution Simulation 9 May 07
Machine3 Cockpit Panel Test Execute After Previous Completed Successfully GX360. Project from ACS Team.
Completes 12:00
Till Execution (PAIRSIM02) Plane Flight Simulation Application
Random Ash Test Execute After Previous Error encountered while Ghosting for GX360
Till Execution Application Installation in
Pilot Drive Mode Execute After Previous
Completes Progress… Aircraft Project from ACS Team. Plane
Till Execution Flight Simulation Application for
Simulation for GX390 Execute After Previous Ghosting in Progress… Simulation 13 May 07
Completes GX360. Project from ACS Team.
Machine1 Till Execution (IRSIM02) 23:00
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 23:00 - Plane Flight Simulation Application
Random Ash Panel for GX360
13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 -
Test Cockpit
Till Execution Project from ACS Team. Plane
Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully Aircraft
Completes Flight Simulation Application for
Till Execution 9 May 07
Cockpit Panel Test Execute After Previous Completed Successfully Simulation GX360. Project from ACS Team.
Machine3 Completes 12:00
Till Execution (PAIRSIM02) Plane Flight Simulation Application
Random Ash Test Execute After Previous Error encountered while Ghosting
Completes for GX360
Project from ACS Team. Plane
Till Execution Application Installation in Cockpit
Pilot Drive Mode Execute After Previous Flight Simulation Application for
Completes Progress… 13 May 07
Machine6 Simulation GX360. Project from ACS Team.
Till Execution Application Installation in 12:00
Pilot Drive Mode Execute After Previous (SIM02) Plane Flight Simulation Application
Completes Progress…
for GX360
Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

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Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Machine View Configuration View Project View

Search : Search Options

Config. Name Machines Applied From Applied To Status Project Name Created On
Comments Aircraft
Machine1 13 May 07 12:00 Till Execution Completes Completed Successfully Simulation(IRSIM0 13 May 07 23:00
Execute After
Machine8 Till Execution Completes Ghosting in Progress… Simulation(IRSIM0 23 May 07 27:00 About configuration. When it
Cockpit Panel Previous 2)
Aircraft was saved some comments
Test Machine11 13 May 07 23:00 Till Execution Completes - Simulation(IRSIM0 13 May 07 12:00 were entered.
Machine12 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 - Simulation(IRSIM0 10 May 07 23:00
Machine14 13 May 07 12:00 Till Execution Completes Completed Successfully Simulation(IRSIM0 1 May 07 27:00
Aircraft About configuration. When it
Simulation for Execute After
Machine34 Till Execution Completes Completed Successfully Simulation(IRSIM0 9 May 07 12:00 was saved some comments
Previous 2) were entered.
GX390 Aircraft
Execute After
Machine178 Till Execution Completes Error encountered while Ghosting Simulation(IRSIM0 13 May 07 23:00
Execute After
Machine546 Till Execution Completes Application Installation in Progress… Simulation(IRSIM0 13 May 07 27:00
Execute After
Machine456 Till Execution Completes Ghosting in Progress… Simulation(IRSIM0 13 May 07 12:00 About configuration. When it
Hood Opening Aircraft
2) was saved some comments
Machine167 13 May 07 23:00 Till Execution Completes - Simulation(IRSIM0 13 May 07 23:00 were entered.
Machine8 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 - Simulation(IRSIM0 23 May 07 27:00
Machine34 13 May 07 12:00 Till Execution Completes Completed Successfully Simulation(IRSIM0 13 May 07 12:00
2) About configuration. When it
Random Execute After
Machine4 Till Execution Completes Completed Successfully Simulation(IRSIM0 10 May 07 23:00 was saved some comments
Previous Aircraft
2) were entered.
AshTest Execute After
Machine345 Till Execution Completes Error encountered while Ghosting Simulation(IRSIM0 1 May 07 27:00
Execute After
Machine345 Till Execution Completes Application Installation in Progress… Simulation(IRSIM0 9 May 07 12:00 About configuration. When it
Pilot Drive Previous
2) was saved some comments
Mode Execute After
Machine23 Till Execution Completes Application Installation in Progress… Simulation(IRSIM0 13 May 07 23:00 were entered.
Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

Customize Table
Lab Management Tool
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Machine Reservations Configurations Projects View Status Reports Library Mon 10 May 2007 8:40 AM

Machine View Configuration View Project View

Search : Search Options

Project Name Machines Config. Name Applied From Applied To Status Project Created On
Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Execute After Till Execution
Simulation for GX390 Ghosting in Progress…
Previous Completes
Machine1 Till Execution Project from ACS Team.
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 23:00 -
Completes Plane Flight Simulation
Random Ash Panel Test 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 - Application for GX360.
Aircraft Till Execution Project from ACS Team.
Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Simulation Machine3 Completes 13 May 07 23:00 Plane Flight Simulation
Execute After Till Execution Application for GX360.
(AIRSIM02) Cockpit Panel Test
Completed Successfully
Execute After Till Execution Error encountered while
Random Ash Test
Previous Completes Ghosting
Execute After Till Execution Application Installation in
Machine6 Pilot Drive Mode
Previous Completes Progress…
Till Execution
Arbitrary Conversion Build Verification in Progress…
Till Execution
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Execute After Till Execution
Simulation for GX390 Ghosting in Progress…
Previous Completes
Machine1 Till Execution Project from ACS Team.
Cockpit Panel Test 13 May 07 23:00 -
Completes Plane Flight Simulation
Random Ash Panel Test 13 May 07 27:00 14 May 07 12:00 - Application for GX360.
Cockpit Till Execution Project from ACS Team.
Hood Opening 13 May 07 12:00 Completed Successfully
Intelligence Machine3 Completes Plane Flight Simulation
Execute After Till Execution 13 May 07 23:00 Application for GX360.
(Par_IN07) Cockpit Panel Test
Completed Successfully
Execute After Till Execution Error encountered while
Random Ash Test
Previous Completes Ghosting
Execute After Till Execution Application Installation in
Machine6 Pilot Drive Mode
Previous Completes Progress…
Till Execution
Arbitrary Conversion Build Verification in Progress…
Displaying 12 of 28 Items < 1 2 3 >

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