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 Shruti k

 2bv06it028
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 Introduction
 What is brain fingerprinting
 Technique
 Phases of Farwell Brain fingerprinting
 Applications
 How technology works
 Comparison
 Advantages
 Conclusion
 Reference
Brain Fingerprinting is a controversial
proposed investigative technique that measures
recognition of familiar stimuli by measuring
electrical brain wave responses to words,
phrases, or pictures that are presented on a
computer screen. Brain fingerprinting was
invented by Lawrence Farwell.
Brain Fingerprinting is designed to determine
whether an individual recognizes specific
information related to an event or activity by
measuring electrical brain wave responses to
words, phrases, or pictures presented on a
computer screen.  The technique can be applied
only in situations where investigators have a
sufficient amount of specific information about an
event or activity that would be known only to the
perpetrator and investigator. 
 The technique uses the well known fact that an
electrical signal known as P300 is emitted from an
individual's brain approximately 300 milliseconds
after it is confronted with a stimulus of special
significance, e.g. a rare vs. a common stimuls or a
stimulas the proband is asked to count. The novel
interpretation in brain fingerprinting is to look for
P300 as response to stimuli related to the crime in
question e.g., a murder weapon or a victim's face.
Because it is based on EEG signals, the system
does not require the testee to issue verbal
responses to questions or stimuli.
4 phases
 1. Investigation;

 2. Interview of subject;

 3. Scientific testing; and

 4. Adjudication.
 Medical field
With early diagnosis, the progression of Alzheimer's symptoms can often be delayed
through medications and dietary and lifestyle changes.
Using the very precise measurements of cognitive functioning available with this
technology, pharmaceutical companies will be able to determine more quickly the
effects of their new medications
 Counter terrorism
Aid in determining who has participated in terrorist acts, directl indirectly.  
Help to identify people who have knowledge or training in banking, finance or
communications and who are associated with terrorist teams and acts.
 Criminal justice
Identify criminals quickly and scientifically
Record of 100% accuracy
Identify terrorists and members of gangs, criminal and intelligence organizations
Reduce expenditure of money and other resources in law enforcement
Reduce evasion of justice
How the technology works.

 When someone commits a crime, his brain records

it has a memory .
 Brain Fingerprinting seeks to reveal that memory,
by showing the suspect evidence taken from the crime
 A head band with sensors is placed on the subject.
 A series of pictures or words is flashed on the screen.
Comparisons with other technologies

Fingerprints and DNA are

available in only 1% of
crimes. The brain and the
evidence recorded in it are
always there.
No questions are asked and
no answers are given during
Farwell Brain Fingerprinting.
Brain Fingerprinting
technology depends only on
brain information processing,
it does not depend on the
emotional response of the
Admissibility of Brain Fingerprinting in court

 Brain Fingerprinting has been thoroughly and scientifically

 The theory and application of Brain Fingerprinting have
been subject to peer review and publication.
 The rate of error is extremely low -- virtually nonexistent --
and clear standards governing scientific techniques of
operation of the technology have been established and
 The theory and practice of Brain Fingerprinting have gained
general acceptance in the relevant scientific community.
 Brain Fingerprinting is non-invasive and non-testimonial.
Record of 100% accuracy

In research on contract with a US government

intelligence agency, Farwell Brain
Fingerprinting achieved
100% accuracy in proving the presence or
absence of a wide variety of evidence
stored in the brains of individuals
involved in over 120 cases.
 Brain Fingerprinting is a revolutionary new
scientific technology for solving crimes,
identifying perpetrators, and exonerating
innocent suspects, with a record of 100%
accuracy in research with US government
agencies, actual criminal cases, and other

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