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1) Where exactly were the Vaults built?

[They were built in the 18 century under the arches of the South Bridge.]

2)Why were they a good storage place ?

[At first, merchants and craftsmen used these dark rooms for storing wine, dairy and other
products. Some families lived in those underground rooms.]

3) Why do people nowadays go to the Vaults ?

[Beacuse they want to experience something spooky and unusual.]

4) What happened in room number 2 ?


5) Where did the author stand in the third room ?

[He was at the front of group.]

6) Did anybody else except the author see anything strange?

[They did not seem to sense the sorrow and hardship in the air.]

7) How did the author is feelings change during the tour ?

[he was could not wait to get out.]

1) Kje točno so bile zgrajene oboki?

[Ki smo jih zgradili v 18 stoletju pod oboki South Bridge.]
2) Zakaj so bili dobri skladišče?
[Na prvi, trgovci in obrtniki uporabljajo teh temnih prostorih za shranjevanje vina, mlečni in drugi izdelki.
Nekatere družine so živeli v teh podzemnih prostorih.]
3) Zakaj ljudje danes pojdite na oboki?
[Ker želijo doživeti nekaj Sablastan in nenavadnega.]
4) Kaj se je zgodilo v sobi številka 2?
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5) Če ni avtor stojijo v tretji sobi?
[Je bil na prednjem delu skupine.]
6) Ali je kdo drug razen avtorja videli kaj čudnega?
[Niso se zdi, da čutijo žalost in stisko v zraku.]
7) Kako je avtor čustev spremeni med turnejo?
[Je bil komaj čakali, da gremo ven.]

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