JRF Charter Leaflet

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Young People’s Charter for

Change on Housing
What is the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF)?
The JRF is a charity that funds a large, UK– wide research and development
programme. We seek to understand the root cause of social problems, to
identify ways of overcoming them, and to show how social needs can be
met in practice.

Young People and Housing Project

This programme aims to improve the housing options available to young
people aged from 16-30 from across the UK. We aim to research the
concerns of young people in relation to housing in order to produce a list of
recommendations for change. The research is being designed and conducted
by a group of young researchers.

What will we do with your information?

We aim to collate data from young people in and around the UK in hope of
finding out the issues around young people and their housing situations.
With your permission we may use your experience as a case study.

We promise to:
• Keep all personal information private
• Keep you informed of how the project is progressing if you would like us to.

What’s in it for you?

The opportunity to be part of a rewarding project which contributes to a
change in the housing sector for young people, and to improve housing rights
for yourself and other young people.
Check out the website: www.youngpeoplemovingon.org.uk
Looking at the issues young people face as they try to move into their own home

Get in touch:
If you want any more information, or have any questions, please get in touch
with Kathleen Kelly, Programme Manager at JRF.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation

The Homestead, 40 Water End, YORK YO30 6WP
Tel: 01904 615 967

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