Datu Kalantiaw

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       , otherwise known as c      (also spelled as    ) was one of the
mythical characters in Jose E. Marco's Maragtas Legend which he composed for the historical fiction r   

          (The Ancient Legends of the Island of Negros). According to the legend, Datu Kalantiaw
became the chief of Negros(or Aklan) two hundred years after the rule of Datu Bangkaya, one of the ten
datus from Borneo.
According to the Legend of the Ten Bornean Datus, the datus purchased the island of Panay from the Aetas for a
golden salakot. After which, they established a confederation of barangays called     
  which divided
the island into three   or provinces, each ruled by a datu ± Aklan (ruled by Datu Bangkaya), Iloilo (ruled by Datu
Paiburong) and Antique(ruled by Datu Sumakwel).
Two hundred years later, Datu Kalantiaw arrived at the island and proclaimed himself as the successor of
Bangkaya as Chief of 
  and its territories. He adopted the title Rajah and established his capital in Batang
(now Batan). As the third chief of Panay, he promulgated the Code of Kalantiaw ± a document listing 18 orders, and
providing harsh punishments for every offenses. The said code was similar to those of the ancient world civilization
including the Code of Hammurabi of Babylon, Code of Lygurcus of Sparta, Code of Solon of Ancient Athens and Code of
Harmhad of Egypt.
Kalantiaw ruled until 1435 when he was killed in a duel with Datu Manduyog, the legitimate chief of Aklan. Soon,
the latter ruled the island.

The      was a mythical legal code in the epic story Maragtas. It is said to have been written in
1433 by Datu Kalantiaw, a chief on the island of Negros in the Philippines. It was actually written in 1913 by Jose E.
Marco as a part of his historical fiction r   
        (Spanish, "The Ancient Legends of the
Island of Negros"), which he attributed to a priest named José María Pavón.
In 1917, the historian Josué Soncuya wrote about the Code of Kalantiaw in his book       
 ("Prehispanic History of the Philippines") where he moved the location of the Code's origin from Negros to
the Panayprovince of Aklan because he suspected that it may be related to the Ati-atihan festival. Other authors
throughout the 20th century gave credence to the story and the code.

ü x  - You shall not kill, neither shall you steal, neither shall you do harm to the aged, lest you incur the
danger of death. All those who infringe this order shall be condemned to death by being drowned in the river, or in
boiling water.
ü x  - You shall obey. Let all your debts with the headman be met punctually. He who does not obey shall
receive for the first time one hundred lashes. If the debt is large, he shall be condemned to thrust his hand in
boiling water thrice. For the second time, he shall be beaten to death.
ü x  - Obey you: let no one have women that are very young nor more than he can support; nor be given to
excessive lust. He who does not comply with, obey, and observe this order shall be condemned to swim for three
hours for the first time and for the second time, to be beaten to death with sharp thorns.
ü x  - Observe and obey; let no one disturb the quiet of the graves. When passing by the caves and trees
where they are, give respect to them. He who does not observe this shall be killed by ants, or beaten to death
with thorns.
ü x  - You shall obey; he who exchanges for food, let it be always done in accordance with his word. He who
does not comply, shall be beaten for one hour, he who repeats the offense shall be exposed for one day among
ü x  - You shall be obliged to revere sights that are held in respect, such as those of trees of recognized
worth and other sights. He who fails to comply shall pay with one month's work in gold or in honey.
ü x  - These shall be put to death; he who kills trees of venerable appearance; who shoot arrows at night at
old men and women; he who enters the houses of the headmen without permission; he who kills a shark or a
streaked cayman.
ü x  - Slavery for a   (a certain period of time) shall be suffered by those who steal away the women of
the headmen; by him who keep ill-tempered dogs that bite the headmen; by him who burns the fields of another.
ü x  - All these shall be beaten for two days: who sing while traveling by night; kill the Manaul; tear the
documents belonging to the headmen; are malicious liars; or who mock the dead.
ü x  - It is decreed an obligation; that every mother teach secretly to her daughters matters pertaining to lust
and prepare them for womanhood; let not men be cruel nor punish their women when they catch them in the act
of adultery. Whoever shall disobey shall be killed by being cut to pieces and thrown to the caymans.
ü x  - These shall be burned: who by their strength or cunning have mocked at and escaped punishment or
who have killed young boys; or try to steal away the women of the elders.
ü x  - These shall be drowned: all who interfere with their superiors, or their owners or masters; all those
who abuse themselves through their lust; those who destroy their  (religious icons) by breaking them or
throwing them down.
ü x  - All these shall be exposed to ants for half a day: who kill black cats during a new moon; or steal
anything from the chiefs or  s, however small the object may be.
ü x These shall be made slave for life: who have beautiful daughters and deny them to the sons of chiefs,
and with bad faith hide them away.
ü x  - Concerning beliefs and traditions; these shall be beaten: who eat the diseased flesh of beasts which
they hold in respect, or the herb which they consider good, who wound or kill the young of the Manaul, or the
white monkey.
ü x  - The fingers shall be cut-off: of all those who break  of wood and clay in their   s and
temples; of those who destroy the daggers of the    s(priest/priestess), or break the drinking jars of the
ü x  - These shall be killed: who profane sites where  are kept, and sites where are buried the
sacred things of their   s and headmen. He who performs his necessities in those places shall be burned.
ü x  - Those who do not cause these rules to be obeyed: if they are headmen, they shall be put to death
by being stoned and crushed; and if they are  s they shall be placed in rivers to be eaten by sharks and


ü Datus of Pre-hispanic Panay
u Datu Dinagandan - First ruler of Aklan, circa 1200
u Kalantiao - Ruler of Aklan in 1399.
u Datu Paiburong - Ruler of Iloilo
u Datu Padojinog - Ruled in the Visayas Region with his wife Ribongsapaw. More than seven hundred forty six
years ago, around 1240, ten brave and noble rulers were believed to have landed in our shores. They came
from the kingdom of Bornay (now Borneo), escaping the wrath of a wicked ruler Rajah Makatunao. They
boarded on big ships, called balanghays, and set out to sea to find a place where they can live in peace and
harmony. One moonless night on April 15, 1240, together with their families, warriors, slaves and counselors,
they faced the unknown in quest of the Promised Land. Datu Padojinog was one of the said Datus.
ü Datus in the Maragtas epic
u Irong-irong
u Kalantiaw III /Rajah Bendahara Kalantiaw - Formulated the Code of Kalantiaw in 1433 (legendary, see related
u Datu Puti - One of the 10 Bornean Datus to arrive in Iloilo before the Spanish colonial period. (legendary but
may be based on facts, see related article)
ü Datus during Spanish colonization
u Rajah Colambu - Chief in 1521 of Limasawa, brother of Rajah Siagu of Butuan . He met Ferdinand Magellan
and guided him to Cebu on April 7, 1521.
u Rajah Humabon - Ruler of Cebu who became an ally of Ferdinand Magellan. Enemy and relative of Lapu-Lapu.
In 1521, he and his wife were baptized and renamed themselves Carlos and Juana after the Spain|Spanish
royalty, King Carlos and Queen Juana.
u Sultan Kudarat - Sultan of Maguindanao.
u Rajah Lakandula - Ruler of Tondo, one of the last rulers of Maynilad.
u Lapu-Lapu - Ruler of Mactan Island. He defeated Ferdinand Magellan in April 27, 1521. He is the Philippines'
first national hero.
u Datu Sikatuna - Ruler of Bohol in 1565. He made a blood compact with the conquistador Miguel López de
Legaspi. His statue was found in Bohol where the blood compact is located when Legaspi is in the Philippines.
u Rajah Suliman (also Rajah Sulayman) - One of the last rulers of Maynilad. He defeated Martin de Goiti, soldier
fetched by Legaspi to Maynilad.
u Rajah Tupas - Last Datu of Cebu, conqured by Legazpi.
ü Other Datus
u Datus of Sulu
u Datu Macabulos - Ruled with elders the town of Lubao, Pampanga around 1571.
u Datu Pax S. Mangudadato - Modern datu and Governor of Sultan Kudarat (2001-2004)
u Rajah Siagu - Chief of the Manobo tribe in 1521.
u Urduja - Pre-hispanic female ruler in Pangasinan. (Legendary see related article)
u Al Marhum Sultan Muhammad Gutierez Baraguir, (a lawyer by profession; Deputy Governor Cotabato Empire);
24th sultan of Maguindanao [1990 - 2000]
u Sultan Hajji Datu Amir bin Muhammad Baraguir, 25th Sultan of Maguindanao

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