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Department of Communication

Institute of Arts and Sciences

Far Eastern Univertsity

To: Registrar
Thru: The Associate Dean, IAS
The Chair, Department of Communication

June 8, 2010

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Bernardino, Cindy J., 4th year Mass Communication student, request your
permission to allow me to take an over load subject this 1st semester, S.Y. 2010-2011 for
the completion of my remaining units in Mass Communication.

This is to fulfill the subjects required by my course for graduation.

Subjects Units

CNN 102 3.0

Math 2N 3.0
PR 100 3.0
RTV 102 3.0
SPCH 102 3.0
(Request for Overload)

Photo 100 3.0

Total Units 21.0

I am a student, who belongs to the 2005-2006 Mass Communication curriculums

and is expected to graduate on Apr 2011.

I am hoping for your favorable action regarding this matter.

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,
Bernardino, Cindy J.
Student no.:2007700771

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