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McClendon News Service, Inc.

(Since 1946)
Founded by Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon (1911-2003)
Post Office Box 6010, Washington, D.C. 20005 -- Telephone: (703) 855-1266

McClendon Group Meeting

Investigative Reporter
Sarah McClendon

Speakers: Veteran investigative journalist Robert Parry

& former CIA analyst Ray McGovern

Subject: The Fourth Estate: A check on the powerful or a propaganda tool

When: July 7th, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Where: National Press Club, McClendon Room


When Bob and Ray meet the nation at this session of our group, they will vividly
describe how such respected media outlets as the New York Times, the Washington Post,
and TV studios have made a mockery of the Fourth Estate, often serving not as a check
on the powerful but more as a handmaiden for propaganda.

But there is hope that a Fifth Estate - enterprising and serious news outlets on the Internet
and in other New Media - may evolve into a meaningful check on the powers-that-be by
developing an immunity to the financial and political pressures of the military-industrial-
corporate complex.

Some of these entities have gotten more attention than others, but collectively they are
creating new space for information and analyses often shunned by the Big Media. For
instance, while most major news outlets presented President George W. Bush's claims
about Iraq's WMD as nearly indisputable fact, a number of Internet sites expressed
skepticism. Today, as Gen. David Petraeus is hailed by Big Media as the savior of Iraq
now turning his magic on Afghanistan, it has fallen to the New Media to question this
dubious narrative, especially the legend of the successful "surge."

For 15 years, -- founded by investigative reporter Robert Parry --

has been challenging Washington's conventional wisdom when the media groupthink
deviates from the facts. Other newer outlets also have pierced the pleasing "patriotic"
images of war often favored by the Times, the Post and the major networks. For
instance, Wikileaks posted a leaked video of American helicopter troops wantonly
gunning down a group of Iraqi men, including two Reuters journalists, as they walked
down a Baghdad street during the "surge" in July 2007.

Parry and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who also writes for
will address the issues of Big Media and the emerging New Media. The Q & A to follow
could also touch on other front-burner topics they have been covering, like:

• McChrystal: the "Runaway General;" Why Did He Decide to Run Away?

• The Real Petraeus: Political General Sans Conscience
• What Next for Iran, and Why?
• What About All Those Russia Spies?

So you won't want to miss this one. Reporters welcome. Plan to be with us...and please
remember to bring a friend!

John Edward Hurley


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