What Is Computer

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what is computer?

Computer is an electronic device which takes input and after processing gives
back an out.

Types of computer:

Ther are three types of computer ...

1. Anologue computer

2. Degital computer

3. Hybride computer

Degital computer:

Degital computers which is also known as personal computer, these

computers are fast, relieble, accurate, and bored.

There are six basic types of degital computers:

1. Desktop computers

2. Superstation computers

3. Notebook computers

4. Handheld computers

5. Tablet computers

6. Smartphone computers

Typpes of computers used in an organization:

1. Main fram computers

2. Mini computers

3. Supercomputers

Important parts of computer:

1. Hardware

2. Software

3. Data

4. User

1. What is hardware?
the machanical devices that make a computer is called
hardware.hardware is any part of comuter that you can touch.all the
input and out put devices consist a computer’s hardware

2. What is a software?

Software is the set of instructions that makes the computer perform

task.or software tells the computer what to do? Ex.creating a document
and thausands of other softwares.

3. What is data?

Data consist of individual facts or pieces of information that by

themselves may not make a much sense for users.

4. What is user?

People using computer is known as computer operater or user.

Input and output devices:

1. Input devices:

Input devices accept data and other information from user.most

common input devices are(keyboard, mouse, mic,scanner and etc)

2.output devices

Out put devices return back the proccessed data to user or another
operating system.most common output devices are(monitor,
speaker,headphone, and printer).

What is storage and its devices?

Storage is to hold and keep a data even if a computer is turn off.

There are two types of storage

1. Magnetic storage

2. Optical storage

What is system software ?

System software is any program that controls computer’s hardware or

maintains computer in some way that may run more efficiently.

What is application software:

Sotware application tells the computer how to accomplish the work.such as

word processing ,or drawings.

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