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Lesson plan 5

Date: May 12nd, 2010 Level: 6th grade

Skill: Speaking, reading and listening

Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to (1) Infere information from a writen text (2)
anwer the questions that are asked correctly using the vocabulary learned in class, (3) talk
about a family member job.
Resources: Board

Time Comments

Introduction 5’ Greetings
Congratulations because of student day
To call the row
To clean their space.

HOOK 8’ ¿Cómo estuvo el día del alumno? ¿Participaron en las

actividades? ¿Cómo les fue? ¿Y los profesores como se
¿Sabían ustedes que ser profesor es un trabajo pesado?
¿Como podemos describir un trabajo? Con las preguntas:
¿qué hacen los profesores? ¿Dónde trabajan? Etc.

Do you remember how can we describe family jobs?

Students check pag 15 on the last guide.

Teacher gives them an example: I have a cousin called

PRESENT 10’ Mauricio, he is a mechanic and he repairs cars. He works in
a garage in Vaparaíso.

Who is Mauricio?
What does Mauricio do?
Where does Mauricio work?

What about you?

Using the same idea of the previous idea, they have 5
minutes to describe a family member’s job. They have to
write it in their notebooks.
Students read their work, everybody pay attention, because
later they are going to be asked about what their classmates
talked about.

Ex: Matias talked about Pedro:

Who is Pedro? Pedro is Matia’s uncle. What does he do?* He
is an Architec. Where does he work?* He works in Quillota.

*These questions are written on the board.


20’ A story about uncle Alfonso is written on the board. They
have to copy the story in their notebooks.

First we coment about the text. Who is Alfonso? What does

he do?....

Then they answer True or False some statements. If false

they have to answer the correct information.

1. Alfonso is my brother __F____ Who is Alfonso?

2. Alfonso is a photographer ___F__ What does Alfonso do?
3. Alfonso repairs cars __T____
4. Alfonso works in a theatre ___F___Where does Alfonso
5. Children like to visit him ___T____

Students underline: ¿Qué palabras están relacionadas con

ser mecánico?

A mechanic works in a garage. A mechanic repairs cars.

Students have to make the same with next jobs:

Teacher, Actress, Doctor.

Students have 10 minutes left to finish the last class


Carolina Mundaca Castellón

Ped. En inglés

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