Artifact 1.1b

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Steven E.

Hopper Iowa State University

Educational Leadership Portfolio
Artifact 1.1(b) Interview a District Superintendent
John Carver, Superintendent of Van Meter Schools
1. Describe Van Meter Schools. What would be your “sales pitch” for recruiting new staff?

2. Describe your responsibilities as the superintendent. What are your priorities as it

relates to the school improvement process? How do you communicate those priorities?

3. Van Meter is on the cutting edge of 21st century learning. How did you get there?

4. How did the students and teachers react to the 1:1 initiative?

5. Describe your relationship with your principals. What is their role in a 1:1 system?

6. Obviously an initiative like this requires a high degree of support from the community.
How have they reacted to the 1:1 initiative? What role has the school board played?

7. Van Meter students have presented to the state legislature about their experience in a
1:1 environment. How can government support/inhibit innovation, particularly when
it relates to technology? Do politics factor into your relationships with elected officials?

8. Have you relied on other types of relationships, perhaps with the AEA or with groups
outside the sphere of education, to promote and sustain the district’s 1:1 initiative?

9. This fall, Van Meter students in grades 6-12 will participate in the 1:1 program. How
are you preparing elementary students for this amazing opportunity?

10. When you are approached by other school leaders that are exploring the possibility of a
21st century technology initiative, what advice do you give them? Where do they start?

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