Eighteenth Century

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Position: Tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Eighteenth-Century

Literature, beginning Fall 2007.

Responsibilities: The individual hired will be expected to have a strong interest in

scholarly research, to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, to
direct Ph.D. theses, and to be an active participant in the department.

Qualifications: We seek an individual expert in British Literature, 1660-1800;

specialization could but need not include Transatlantic Literature.
Candidates must show the promise of developing a strong record of
publication; the prospect of becoming an excellent teacher at the
undergraduate and graduate levels; a demonstrated interest in
mentoring students. Candidates must hold the Ph.D. by 15 September

Starting Date: Fall Quarter, 2007

Salary: Commensurate with experience and rank

General Information: The Department of English offers an excellent environment for

scholars at all stages of their careers. The teaching load is four
courses per year, on a quarter system; all members of the faculty are
eligible for sabbatical leave on a regular basis. The University of
California at Davis is one of the ten general campuses of the
University of California; it is situated in a town of 60,000 people, an
hour and half from San Francisco and two hours from Lake Tahoe.

Applications: Applications should be sent to Margaret Ferguson, Chair, Department

of English, One Shields Ave., University of California, Davis, CA

Applicants should submit: a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a

dossier that contains three or four letters of support, and a writing
sample of no longer than 30 pages.

Application Deadline: For full consideration all application material should be postmarked
no later than November 1, 2006.

The University of California, Davis, is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional
commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.

C:\MyFiles\Eighteenth-Century Search\Position Announcement.wpd

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