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-is the grouping of activities for the purpose of achieving of objectives

-involves the process of deciding the level of organization necessary to accomplish the objectives of a
nursing division, department or service, or unit

Chain of command

-supports a mechanic structure, with a centralized authority that aligns authority and responsibility

Unity of Command

-states that an employee has one supervisor and there is one leader and one plan for a group of
activities with the same objectives

Span of control

-states that a person should be a supervisor of a group that he or she can effectively supervise in terms
of functions, numbers and geography


-each person should perform a single leading function


-is highly structure and usually includes no participation by the governed

-their characteristic includes formality, low autonomy, a climate of rules and conventionality, division of
labor, specialization, standardized procedures, written specifications, memos and minutes
centralization, controls and emphasis on a high level of efficiency and production

Role Theory

-indicates that when employees receive inconsistent signals of what is expected and lack of information,
they will experience role conflict, leading to distress, dissatisfaction and ineffective performance

-supports the chain of command and unity of command principles

Organizational Development

-deals with changing the work environment to make it more conducive to worker satisfaction and

-sustain the favorable or desirable aspects of bureaucracy and change can modify the desirable aspects

Autonomy and Accountability

- Includes self- definition, self- regulation, and self-governance

-a characteristic of a professional nurse that is obliged to answer for decisions and actions


-the sum of total of an organization’s beliefs, norms, values, philosophies, traditions and sacred cows

- a social system that is a subsystem of the total organization


-Is the personality of an organization, the perceptions and feelings shared by members of the system


-a state of mind that reflects the zeal or enthusiasm with which someone works

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