Membership Form

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Cebu Normal University

Republic of the Philippines

Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City
College of Arts and Sciences


(Fill out the form in print) (for contact purpose) YEAR LEVEL____ Male___ Female___
Name: _________________________________________________ Birthdate:________________
Prov. Address: __________________________________________ Age______
City Add. ______________________________________________ Height_____ Weight______
How often do you go home (if boarding): _____________________ (for pageant purpose)
Contact Numbers: ________________________________________ Medical considerations:
Email Address: __________________________________________ _______________________
Daily Allowance: Php______ from parents___ from part work____
If Working Student, where? : _______________________________
(daily allowance will let us assess how much contribution we may impose) (for schedule purpose)
(for tracking-you-down purpose) (Indicate SUBJECT and ROOM) TRUE / FALSE
7:30am– 9:00am T___ F___
9:00am – 10:30am I am willing to come
10:30am -12:00nn on Fridays:
12:00nn – 1:30pm T___ F___
Preferable days of
1:30pm – 3:00pm
activity: FRI_____
3:00pm – 4:30pm
4:30pm – 6:00pm
6:00pm – 7:30pm
Top 3 of your Achievements Skills / Talents (something very unique)
(Academics/athletics/competitions, etc) _____________________________________________
1 __________________________
2 __________________________ I can: (check as many as possible)
3 __________________________ ___ sing ___ design stage
___ dance ___ manipulate sound system
Top 3 positions you held ___ emcee ___ design booths
(If none, past memberships) ___ orate ___ choreograph dance moves
1 _________________________ ___ debate ___ play musical instrument/s
2 _________________________ ___ model ___ coach athletics
3 _________________________ ___ act ___ join pageant

I have (resources) : Suggestions, comments, violent reaction

___ PC at home _________________________________
___ laptop (I can bring it in CNU) _________________________________
___ internet connection (I can surf, research) _________________________________
___ digital camera (I can document) _________________________________
___ large speakers _________________________________

I can stay in CNU until 10pm (yes/no, reason) _________________________________________

Things I LIKE about joining in a club ________________________________________________

Things I HATE about joining a club _________________________________________________

If only you were the Prime Minister of POLIKRATOS, what will do or impose?

If (and only if) you are shy, no time, no talent, no interest, how will POLIKRATOS benefit from you?
(Complete the sentence) POLIKRATOS is ___________________________________

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