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“Jose Rizal”

JOSE RIZAL, the national hero of the Philippines and pride of the Malayan race, was born on
June 19, 1861, in the town of Calamba, Laguna. He was the seventh child in a family of 11
children (2 boys and 9 girls). Both his parents were educated and belonged to distinguished

His father, Francisco Mercado Rizal, an industrious farmer whom Rizal called "a model of
fathers," came from Biñan, Laguna; while his mother, Teodora Alonzo y Quintos, a highly
cultured and accomplished woman whom Rizal called "loving and prudent mother," was born
in Meisic, Sta. Cruz, Manila. At the age of 3, he learned the alphabet from his mother; at 5,
while learning to read and write, he already showed inclinations to be an artist. He
astounded his family and relatives by his pencil drawings and sketches and by his moldings
of clay. At the age 8, he wrote a Tagalog poem, "Sa Aking Mga Kabata," the theme of which
revolves on the love of one’s language. In 1877, at the age of 16, he obtained his Bachelor
of Arts degree with an average of "excellent" from the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. In the
same year, he enrolled in Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas, while at
the same time took courses leading to the degree of surveyor and expert assessor at the
Ateneo. He finished the latter course on March 21, 1877 and passed the Surveyor’s
examination on May 21, 1878; but because of his age, 17, he was not granted license to
practice the profession until December 30, 1881. In 1878, he enrolled in medicine at the
University of Santo Tomas but had to stop in his studies when he felt that the Filipino
students were being discriminated upon by their Dominican tutors. On May 3, 1882, he
sailed for Spain where he continued his studies at the Universidad Central de Madrid. On
June 21, 1884, at the age of 23, he was conferred the degree of Licentiate in Medicine and
on June 19,1885, at the age of 24, he finished his course in Philosophy and Letters with a
grade of "excellent."

Having traveled extensively in Europe, America and Asia, he mastered 22 languages. These
include Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese,
Latin, Malayan, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tagalog, and other native dialects. A
versatile genius, he was an architect, artists, businessman, cartoonist, educator, economist,
ethnologist, scientific farmer, historian, inventor, journalist, linguist, musician, mythologist,
nationalist, naturalist, novelist, opthalmic surgeon, poet, propagandist, psychologist,
scientist, sculptor, sociologist, and theologian.

He was an expert swordsman and a good shot. In the hope of securing political and social
reforms for his country and at the same time educate his countrymen, Rizal, the greatest
apostle of Filipino nationalism, published, while in Europe, several works with highly
nationalistic and revolutionary tendencies. In March 1887, his daring book, NOLI ME
TANGERE, a satirical novel exposing the arrogance and despotism of the Spanish clergy, was
published in Berlin; in 1890 he reprinted in Paris, Morga’s SUCCESSOS DE LAS ISLAS
FILIPINAS with his annotations to prove that the Filipinos had a civilization worthy to be
proud of even long before the Spaniards set foot on Philippine soil; on September 18, 1891,
EL FILIBUSTERISMO, his second novel and a sequel to the NOLI and more revolutionary and
tragic than the latter, was printed in Ghent. Because of his fearless exposures of the
injustices committed by the civil and clerical officials, Rizal provoked the animosity of those
in power. This led himself, his relatives and countrymen into trouble with the Spanish
officials of the country. As a consequence, he and those who had contacts with him, were
shadowed; the authorities were not only finding faults but even fabricating charges to pin
him down. Thus, he was imprisoned in Fort Santiago from July 6, 1892 to July 15, 1892 on a
charge that anti-friar pamphlets were found in the luggage of his sister Lucia who arrive with
him from Hong Kong. While a political exile in Dapitan, he engaged in agriculture, fishing
and business; he maintained and operated a hospital; he conducted classes- taught his
pupils the English and Spanish languages, the arts.

The sciences, vocational courses including agriculture, surveying, sculpturing, and painting,
as well as the art of self defense; he did some researches and collected specimens; he
entered into correspondence with renowned men of letters and sciences abroad; and with
the help of his pupils, he constructed water dam and a relief map of Mindanao - both
considered remarkable engineering feats. His sincerity and friendliness won for him the trust
and confidence of even those assigned to guard him; his good manners and warm
personality were found irresistible by women of all races with whom he had personal
contacts; his intelligence and humility gained for him the respect and admiration of
prominent men of other nations; while his undaunted courage and determination to uplift
the welfare of his people were feared by his enemies.

When the Philippine Revolution started on August 26, 1896, his enemies lost no time in
pressing him down. They were able to enlist witnesses that linked him with the revolt and
these were never allowed to be confronted by him. Thus, from November 3, 1986, to the
date of his execution, he was again committed to Fort Santiago. In his prison cell, he wrote
an untitled poem, now known as "Ultimo Adios" which is considered a masterpiece and a
living document expressing not only the hero’s great love of country but also that of all
Filipinos. After a mock trial, he was convicted of rebellion, sedition and of forming illegal
association. In the cold morning of December 30, 1896, Rizal, a man whose 35 years of life
had been packed with varied activities which proved that the Filipino has capacity to equal if
not excel even those who treat him as a slave, was shot at Bagumbayan Field.

The Mercado - Rizal Family

The Rizals is considered one of the biggest families during their time. Domingo Lam-co, the
family's paternal ascendant was a full-blooded Chinese who came to the Philippines from
Amoy, China in the closing years of the 17th century and married a Chinese half-breed by
the name of Ines de la Rosa.

Researchers revealed that the Mercado-Rizal family had also traces of Japanese, Spanish,
Malay and Even Negrito blood aside from Chinese.

Jose Rizal came from a 13-member family consisting of his parents, Francisco Mercado II and
Teodora Alonso Realonda, and nine sisters and one brother.


Father of Jose Rizal who was the youngest of 13 offsprings of Juan and Cirila Mercado. Born
in Biñan, Laguna on April 18, 1818; studied in San Jose College, Manila; and died in Manila.

TEODORA ALONSO (1827-1913)

Mother of Jose Rizal who was the second child of Lorenzo Alonso and Brijida de Quintos. She
studied at the Colegio de Santa Rosa. She was a business-minded woman, courteous,
religious, hard-working and well-read. She was born in Santa Cruz, Manila on November 14,
1827 and died in 1913 in Manila.


Eldest child of the Rizal-Alonzo marriage. Married Manuel Timoteo Hidalgo of Tanauan,

PACIANO RIZAL (1851-1930)

Only brother of Jose Rizal and the second child. Studied at San Jose College in Manila;
became a farmer and later a general of the Philippine Revolution.

NARCISA RIZAL (1852-1939)

The third child. married Antonio Lopez at Morong, Rizal; a teacher and musician.

OLYMPIA RIZAL (1855-1887)

The fourth child. Married Silvestre Ubaldo; died in 1887 from childbirth.

LUCIA RIZAL (1857-1919)

The fifth child. Married Matriano Herbosa.

MARIA RIZAL (1859-1945)

The sixth child. Married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Laguna.

JOSE RIZAL (1861-1896)

The second son and the seventh child. He was executed by the Spaniards on December


The eight child. Died at the age of three.

JOSEFA RIZAL (1865-1945)

The ninth child. An epileptic, died a spinster.

TRINIDAD RIZAL (1868-1951)

The tenth child. Died a spinster and the last of the family to die.

SOLEDAD RIZAL (1870-1929)

The youngest child married Pantaleon Quintero.

In Calamba, Laguna

19 June 1861
JOSE RIZAL, the seventh child of Francisco Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alonso y Quintos, was
born in Calamba, Laguna.

22 June 1861
He was baptized JOSE RIZAL MERCADO at the Catholic of Calamba by the parish priest Rev.
Rufino Collantes with Rev. Pedro Casañas as the sponsor.

28 September 1862
The parochial church of Calamba and the canonical books, including the book in which
Rizal’s baptismal records were entered, were burned.

Barely three years old, Rizal learned the alphabet from his mother.

When he was four years old, his sister Conception, the eight child in the Rizal family, died at
the age of three. It was on this occasion that Rizal remembered having shed real tears for
the first time.

1865 – 1867
During this time his mother taught him how to read and write. His father hired a classmate
by the name of Leon Monroy who, for five months until his (Monroy) death, taught Rizal the
rudiments of Latin.

At about this time two of his mother’s cousin frequented Calamba. Uncle Manuel Alberto,
seeing Rizal frail in body, concerned himself with the physical development of his young
nephew and taught the latter love for the open air and developed in him a great admiration
for the beauty of nature, while Uncle Gregorio, a scholar, instilled into the mind of the boy
love for education. He advised Rizal: "Work hard and perform every task very carefully; learn
to be swift as well as thorough; be independent in thinking and make visual pictures of

6 June 1868
With his father, Rizal made a pilgrimage to Antipolo to fulfill the vow made by his mother to
take the child to the Shrine of the Virgin of Antipolo should she and her child survive the
ordeal of delivery which nearly caused his mother’s life.

From there they proceeded to Manila and visited his sister Saturnina who was at the time
studying in the La Concordia College in Sta. Ana.

At the age of eight, Rizal wrote his first poem entitled "Sa Aking Mga Kabata." The poem was
written in tagalog and had for its theme "Love of One’s Language."

In Biñan, Laguna

His brother Paciano brought Rizal to Biñan, Laguna. He was placed under the tutelage of
Justiniano Aquino Cruz, studying Latin and Spanish. In this town he also learned the art of
painting under the tutorship of an old painter by the name of Juancho Carrera.

17 December 1870
Having finished his studies in Biñan, Rizal returned to Calamba on board the motorboat
Talim. His parents planned to transfer him to Manila where he could continue his studies.

Back in Calamba

His mother was imprisoned in Sta. Cruz, Laguna for allegedly poisoning the wife of her
cousin Jose Alberto, a rich property owner of Biñan and brother of Manuel and Gregorio.

For the first time, Rizal heard of the word filibustero which his father forbid the members of
his family to utter, including such names as Cavite and Burgos. (It must be remembered that
because of the Cavite Mutiny on January 20, 1872, Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and
Jacinto Zamora were garroted at Bagumbayan Field on February 17, 1872.)

Early Education in Calamba and Biñan

Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Biñan. It was a typical schooling that a son of
an ilustrado family received during his time, characterized by the four R’s- reading, writing,
arithmetic, and religion. Instruction was rigid and strict. Knowledge was forced into the
minds of the pupils by means of the tedious memory method aided by the teacher’s whip.
Despite the defects of the Spanish system of elementary education, Rizal was able to
acquire the necessary instruction preparatory for college work in Manila. It may be said that
Rizal, who was born a physical weakling, rose to become an intellectual giant not because
of, but rather in spite of, the outmoded and backward system of instruction obtaining in the
Philippines during the last decades of Spanish regime.

The Hero’s First Teacher

The first teacher of Rizal was his mother, who was a remarkable woman of good character
and fine culture. On her lap, he learned at the age of three the alphabet and the prayers.
"My mother," wrote Rizal in his student memoirs, "taught me how to read and to say
haltingly the humble prayers which I raised fervently to God."

As tutor, Doña Teodora was patient, conscientious, and understanding. It was she who first
discovered that her son had a talent for poetry. Accordingly, she encouraged him to write
poems. To lighten the monotony of memorizing the ABC’s and to stimulate her son’s
imagination, she related many stories.

As Jose grew older, his parents employed private tutors to give him lessons at home. The
first was Maestro Celestino and the second, Maestro Lucas Padua. Later, an old man named
Leon Monroy, a former classmate of Rizal’s father, became the boy’s tutor. This old teacher
lived at the Rizal home and instructed Jose in Spanish and Latin. Unfortunately, he did not
lived long. He died five months later.

After a Monroy’s death, the hero’s parents decided to send their gifted son to a private
school in Biñan.

Jose Goes to Biñan

One Sunday afternoon in June , 1869, Jose, after kissing the hands of his parents and a
tearful parting from his sister, left Calamba for Biñan. He was accompanied by Paciano , who
acted as his second father. The two brothers rode in a carromata, reaching their destination
after one and one-half hours’ drive. They proceeded to their aunt’s house, where Jose was to
lodge. It was almost night when they arrived, and the moon was about to rise.

That same night, Jose, with his cousin named Leandro, went sightseeing in the town. Instead
of enjoying the sights, Jose became depressed because of homesickness. "In the moonlight,"
he recounted, "I remembered my home town, my idolized mother, and my solicitous sisters.
Ah, how sweet to me was Calamba, my own town, in spite of the fact that was not as
wealthy as Biñan."

First Day in Biñan School

The next morning (Monday) Paciano brought his younger brother to the school of Maestro
Justiniano Aquino Cruz.

The school was in the house of the teacher, which was a small nipa hut about 30 meters
from the home of Jose’s aunt.

Paciano knew the teacher quite well because he had been a pupil under him before. He
introduced Jose to the teacher, after which he departed to return to Calamba.

Immediately, Jose was assigned his seat in the class. The teacher asked him:

"Do you know Spanish?"

"A little, sir," replied the Calamba lad.
"Do you know Latin?"
"A little, sir."

The boys in the class, especially Pedro, the teacher’s son laughed at Jose’s answers.

The teacher sharply stopped all noises and begun the lessons of the day.

Jose described his teacher in Biñan as follows: "He was tall, thin, long-necked, with sharp
nose and a body slightly bent forward, and he used to wear a sinamay shirt, woven by the
skilled hands of the women of Batangas. He knew by the heart the grammars by Nebrija and
Gainza. Add to this severity that in my judgement was exaggerated and you have a picture,
perhaps vague, that I have made of him, but I remember only this."

First School BrawlIn the afternoon of his first day in school, when the teacher was having his
siesta, Jose met the bully, Pedro. He was angry at this bully for making fun of him during his
conversation with the teacher in the morning.

Jose challenged Pedro to a fight. The latter readily accepted, thinking that he could easily
beat the Calamba boy who was smaller and younger.

The two boys wrestled furiously in the classroom, much to the glee of their classmates. Jose,
having learned the art of wrestling from his athletic Tio Manuel, defeated the bigger boy. For
this feat, he became popular among his classmates.

After the class in the afternoon, a classmate named Andres Salandanan challenged him to
an arm-wrestling match. They went to a sidewalk of a house and wrestled with their arms.
Jose, having the weaker arm, lost and nearly cracked his head on the sidewalk.

In succeeding days he had other fights with the boys of Biñan. He was not quarrelsome by
nature, but he never ran away from a fight.

Best Student in School

In academic studies, Jose beat all Biñan boys. He surpassed them all in Spanish, Latin, and
other subjects.

Some of his older classmates were jealous of his intellectual superiority. They wickedly
squealed to the teacher whenever Jose had a fight outside the school, and even told lies to
discredit him before the teacher’s eyes. Consequently the teacher had to punish Jose.

Early Schooling in Biñan

Jose had a very vivid imagination and a very keen sense of observation. At the age of seven
he traveled with his father for the first time to Manila and thence to Antipolo to fulfill the
promise of a pilgrimage made by his mother at the time of his birth. They embarked in a
casco, a very ponderous vessel commonly used in the Philippines. It was the first trip on the
lake that Jose could recollect. As darkness fell he spent the hours by the katig, admiring the
grandeur of the water and the stillness of the night, although he was seized with a
superstitious fear when he saw a water snake entwine itself around the bamboo beams of
the katig. With what joy did he see the sun at the daybreak as its luminous rays shone upon
the glistening surface of the wide lake, producing a brilliant effect! With what joy did he talk
to his father, for he had not uttered a word during the night!

When they proceeded to Antipolo, he experienced the sweetest emotions upon seeing the
gay banks of the Pasig and the towns of Cainta and Taytay. In Antipolo he prayed, kneeling
before the image of the Virgin of Peace and Good Voyage, of whom he would later sing in
elegant verses. Then he saw Manila, the great metropolis , with its Chinese sores and
European bazaars. And visited his elder sister, Saturnina, in Santa Ana, who was a boarding
student in the Concordia College.

When he was nine years old, his father sent him to Biñan to continue studying Latin,
because his first teacher had died. His brother Paciano took him to Biñan one Sunday, and
Jose bade his parents and sisters good-bye with tears in his eyes. Oh, how it saddened him
to leave for the first time and live far from his home and his family! But he felt ashamed to
cry and had to conceal his tears and sentiments. "O Shame," he explained, "how many
beautiful and pathetic scenes the world would witness without thee!"

They arrived at Biñan in the evening. His brother took him to the house of his aunt where he
was to stay, and left him after introducing him to the teacher. At night, in company with his
aunt’s grandson named Leandro, Jose took a walk around the town in the light of the moon.
To him the town looked extensive and rich but sad and ugly.

His teacher in Biñan was a severe disciplinarian. His name was Justiniano Aquino Cruz. "He
was a tall man, lean and long-necked, with a sharp nose and a body slightly bent forward.
He used to wear a sinamay shirt woven by the deft hands of Batangas women. He knew by
memory the grammars of Nebrija and Gainza. To this add a severity which, in my judgement
I have made of him, which is all I remember."

The boy Jose distinguished himself in class, and succeeded in surpassing many of his older
classmates. Some of these were so wicked that, even without reason, they accused him
before the teacher, for which, in spite of his progress, he received many whippings and
strokes from the ferule. Rare was the day when he was not stretched on the bench for a
whipping or punished with five or six blows on the open palm. Jose’s reaction to all these
punishments was one of intense resentment in order to learn and thus carry out his father’s

Jose spent his leisure hours with Justiniano’s father-in-law, a master painter. From him he
took his first two sons, two nephews, and a grandson. His way life was methodical and well
regulated. He heard mass at four if there was one that early, or studied his lesson at that
hour and went to mass afterwards. Returning home, he might look in the orchard for a
mambolo fruit to eat, then he took his breakfast, consisting generally of a plate of rice and
two dried sardines.

After that he would go to class, from which he was dismissed at ten, then home again. He
ate with his aunt and then began at ten, then home again. He ate with his aunt and then
began to study. At half past two he returned to class and left at five. He might play for a
short time with some cousins before returning home. He studied his lessons, drew for a
while, and then prayed and if there was a moon, his friends would invite him to play in the
street in company with other boys.

Whenever he remembered his town, he thought with tears in his eyes of his beloved father,
his idolized mother, and his solicitous sisters. Ah, how sweet was his town even though not
so opulent as Biñan! He grew sad and thoughtful.
While he was studying in Biñan, he returned to his hometown now and then. How long the
road seemed to him in going and how short in coming! When from afar he descried the roof
of his house, secret joy filled his breast. How he looked for pretexts to remain longer at
home! A day more seemed to him a day spent in heaven, and how he wept, though silently
and secretly, when he saw the calesa that was flower that him Biñan! Then everything
looked sad; a flower that he touched, a stone that attracted his attention he gathered,
fearful that he might not see it again upon his return. It was a sad but delicate and quite
pain that possessed him.

Life and Studies at Ateneo

The Jesuits were considered the best educators of Spain, and perhaps of Europe, and so,
when they were permitted to return to the Philippines, although their power to administer
parishes was restricted except in the remote regions of Mindanao, the privilege of founding
colleges, they had to apply to the City of Manila for subsidies. That is why the college which
began to function in the year 1865, was called the Ateneo Municipal.

To enter the Ateneo a candidate was subjected to an entrance examination on Christian

doctrine, reading, writing, grammar, and elementary arithmetic. Jose did not take his
entrance examinations Jose did not remain in Manila but returned first to his town to
celebrate the fiesta of its patron saint; it was then that his father changed his mind and
decided to send him to the Ateneo instead.

Since Mercado, the first surname of the family, had come under suspicion of the authorities
because it was the name used by Paciano when he was studying and working with Father
Burgos, in whose house he lived, Jose adopted the second surname, Rizal.

Paciano who accompanied Jose, found him a house in Walled City, but Intramuros looked
gloomy to Jose, and he later found lodging outside, in the house of a spinster situated on
Calle Carballo, district of Santa Cruz. As if chance would furnish him data for his future
campaigns, he became acquainted in that house with various mestizos, begotten by friars.

The Jesuitical system of instruction was considered more advanced than that of other
colleges in that epoch. Its discipline was rigid and its methods less mechanical. It introduced
physical culture as part of its program as well as the cultivation of the arts, such as music,
drawing, and painting. It also establishes vocational courses in agriculture, commerce, and
mechanics as a religious institute, its principal purpose was to mold the character and the
will of the boys to comply more easily with the percepts of the Church. The students heard
mass before the beginning of the class, which was opened and closed with prayers.

In the first two terms the classes were divided into groups of interns and externs: the first
constituted the Roman Empire and the second, the Carthaginian Empire. In each empire
there were five dignitaries: Emperor, Tribune, Decurion, Centurion, and Standard-Bearer.
These dignities were won by means of individual competitions in which it was necessary to
catch one’s adversary in error three times. The empires considered themselves in perpetual
warfare, and when an individual of one empire was caught in error by one belonging to the
enemy empire, a point was counted in favor of the latter. At the end of each week or two,
the points in favor of each were added and the empire, which obtained more point, was
declared winner.

There was a fraternity of Mary and Saint Louis Gonzaga, to which only those who
distinguished themselves in the class for their piety and diligence could belong. This
fraternity met on Sundays and after mass held public programs in which poems were recited
or debates were held. With all these inducements it was only natural that should be a spirit
of emulation, a striving to surpass ones colleagues found in the Ateneo.

The first professor Jose had was Fr. Jose Bech, whom he describes as a man of high stature;
lean body, bent forward; quick gait; ascetic physiognomy, severe and inspired; small,
sunken eyes; sharp Grecian nose; thin lips forming an arch with its sides directed toward the
chin." He was somewhat of a lunatic and of an uneven humor; sometimes he was hard and
little tolerant and at other times he was gay and playful as a child. Among Jose’s classmates
were Peninsulares and sons of Peninsulares; Francisco G. Oliva, very talented but not very
studious; Joaquin Garrido, endowed with a poor memory but with much talent and industry;
and Gonzalo Marzano, who occupied the throne of Emperor.

From the first days Jose learned to systematize his work; he fixed a program of what he had
to do in the twenty-four hours of the day and did not in the least deviate from it. Thus he
disciplined his will and subjected it to the commands of his reason.

As a newcomer, Jose was at first put at the tail of the class, but he was soon promoted and
kept on being promoted so that at the end of one month he had attained to the rank of
Emperor. At the end of the term he obtained marks of excellent in all the subjects and in the
examinations. He had reason to feel proud of his advancement; and so when he went home
on vacation that year, he ran alone to see his mother in the prison and tell her the happy

He must have uttered this exclamation on learning from his mother that they had played her
a mean trick. The judge, who was a blind partisan of the friars having been a domestic of
theirs, told her that if she confessed her culpability he would release her at once. With the
desire to see her children again, she pleaded guilty; but the judge, instead of releasing her,
convicted her. In a few months the judge asked her forgiveness for what he had done
because according to him his conscience hurt him, but the case had no remedy because it
was already on appeal.

The second year, Jose had the same professor as in the previous year; but instead of lodging
outside the City, he resided at No. 6 Calle Magallanes. At the end of the term he obtained a
medal, and upon returning to his town, he again visited his mother in jail alone. This was
three months before her release.

The rejoicing that her release produced in his spirit had much influence on the result of his
studies in the third year, for he began to win prizes in the quarterly examinations.

About that time he devoted himself to reading novels, and one of those he enjoyed most
was Dumas’ (father) The Count of Monte Cristo. The sufferings of the hero of the twelve
years. He also asked his father to buy him a copy of The Universal History by Cesar Cantanu,
and according to himself he profited much from its perusal.

The family, who saw in Jose great aptitude for study, decided to place him as intern or
boarding student in the college the following year. In the corner of the dormitory facing the
sea and the pier Jose passed his two years of internship.

In the fourth year of his course he had Fr. Francisco Sanchez as professor. Jose describes
him as a model of rectitude, a solicitude, and love for the student, and his studied
mathematics, rhetoric, and Greek, and he must have progressed much, for at the end of the
year he-obtained five medals, which pleased him immensely because with them I could
repay my father somewhat for his sacrifices.

His aptitude for poetry revealed itself early, and from that time on he did not cease to
cultivate it.

An incident which demonstrates Jose’s independence of character took place at this time. Fr.
Leoncio Lopez, parish priest of the town, who was a great friend of his father, also liked Jose
as a little friend. He was cultured but at the same time timid and tender. One day Jose’s
mother showed Father Lopez a poem of his young friend and that the latter must have
copied it from a book. Jose, who heard this, answered the priest violently, for which his
mother reprehended him. Afterward Father Lopez came to know from the Jesuits themselves
that Jose was a pupil who excelled in poetry; and, in spite of his age, made a trip to Manila
expressly to apologize to Jose. That gesture of Father Lopez’ won him Jose’s esteem and
they became good friends again, lending each other the books they had.

In the fifth years Jose had other professors: Frs. Vilaclara and Mineves. He studied
philosophy, physics, chemistry, and natural history, but his devotion to poetry was such that
his professor in philosophy advised him once to leave it, which made him cry. But in his rest
hours he continued cultivating the Muses under the direction of his old professor, Father
Sanchez. Jose had then written a short story (leyenda), which was only slightly corrected by
his professor, and a dialogue, which was enacted at the end of the course, alluding to the
collegians’ farewell. However, philosophy, just and serve, inquiring into the wherefores of
things, interested him as much as poetry; physics, drawing back the veil that divine drama
of nature was enacted, natural history seemed to him somewhat uninteresting although he
much liked the shells and sometimes imagined seeing a goddess in each shell he was on the

Jose was considered small of stature and he tried to correct this defect by applying himself
regularly to gymnastics in the college. He also engaged in other physical exercises, such as
fencing. After his baccalaureate, he surprised his family with his skill in handling the sword
when he gave an exhibition bout with the best swordsman of the town.

He also devoted time to painting and sculpture. In drawing and painting he was under the
guidance and direction of the Ateneo professor, the Peninsula Don Augustin Saez, who
honored him with his affection and consideration because of his progress. In sculpture his
instructor was a Filipino, Romualdo de Jesus, who felt proud in the last years of his life of
having had such an excellent pupil.

PHILOSOPHY may be defined as the study and pursuit of facts which deal with the ultimate
reality or causes of things as they affect life.

The philosophy of a country like the Philippines is made up of the intricate and composite
interrelationship of the life histories of its people; in other word, the philosophy of our nation
would be strange and undefinable if we do not delve into the past tied up with the notable
life experiences of the representative personalities of our nation.

Being one of the prominent representatives of Filipino personalities, Jose Rizal is a fit subject
whose life philosophy deserves to be recognized.

Having been a victim of Spanish brutality early in his life in Calamba, Rizal had thus already
formed the nucleus of an unfavorable opinion of Castillian imperialistic administration of his
country and people.

Pitiful social conditions existed in the Philippines as late as three centuries after his conquest
in Spain, with agriculture, commerce, communications and education languishing under its
most backward state. It was because of this social malady that social evils like inferiority
complex, cowardice, timidity and false pride pervaded nationally and contributed to the
decay of social life. This stimulated and shaped Rizal’s life phylosophy to be to contain if not
eliminate these social ills.

Educational Philosophy

Rizal’s concept of the importance of education is clearly enunciated in his work entitled
Instruction wherein he sought improvements in the schools and in the methods of teaching.
He maintained that the backwardness of his country during the Spanish ear was not due to
the Filipinos’ indifference, apathy or indolence as claimed by the rulers, but to the neglect of
the Spanish authorities in the islands. For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the
country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the people’s mentality. Since education
is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only
through education could the country be saved from domination.

Rizal’s philosophy of education, therefore, centers on the provision of proper motivation in

order to bolster the great social forces that make education a success, to create in the youth
an innate desire to cultivate his intelligence and give him life eternal.

Religious Philosophy

Rizal grew up nurtured by a closely-knit Catholic family, was educated in the foremost
Catholic schools of the period in the elementary, secondary and college levels; logically,
therefore, he should have been a propagator of strictly Catholic traditions. However, in later
life, he developed a life philosophy of a different nature, a philosophy of a different Catholic
practice intermingled with the use of Truth and Reason.

Why the change?

It could have been the result of contemporary contact, companionship, observation,

research and the possession of an independent spirit.Being a critical observer, a profound
thinker and a zealous reformer, Rizal did not agree with the prevailing Christian propagation
of the Faith by fire and sword. This is shown in his Annotation of Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas

Rizal did not believe in the Catholic dogma that salvation was only for Catholics and that
outside Christianity, salvation was not possible even if Catholics composed only a small
minority of the world’s religious groups. Nor did he believe in the Catholic observation of
fasting as a sacrifice, nor in the sale of such religious items as the cross, medals, rosaries
and the like in order to propagate the Faith and raise church funds. He also lambasted the
superstitious beliefs propagated by the priests in the church and in the schools. All of these
and a lot more are evidences of Rizal’s religious philosophy.

Political Philosophy

In Rizal’s political view, a conquered country like the Philippines should not be taken
advantage of but rather should be developed, civilized, educated and trained in the science
of self-government.

He bitterly assailed and criticized in publications the apparent backwardness of the Spanish
ruler’s method of governing the country which resulted in:

1. the bondage and slavery of the conquered ;

2. the Spanish government’s requirement of forced labor and force military service upon the
n natives;
3. the abuse of power by means of exploitation;

4. the government ruling that any complaint against the authorities was criminal; and

5. Making the people ignorant, destitute and fanatic, thus discouraging the formation of a
national sentiment.

Rizal’s guiding political philosophy proved to be the study and application of reforms, the
extension of human rights, the training for self government and the arousing of spirit of
discontent over oppression, brutality, inhumanity, sensitiveness and self love.

Ethical Philosophy

The study of human behavior as to whether it is good or bad or whether it is right or wrong
is that science upon which Rizal’s ethical philosophy was based. The fact that the Philippines
was under Spanish domination during Rizal’s time led him to subordinate his philosophy to
moral problems. This trend was much more needed at that time because the Spaniards and
the Filipinos had different and sometimes conflicting morals. The moral status of the
Philippines during this period was one with a lack of freedom, one with predominance of
foreign masters, one with an imposition of foreign religious worship, devotion, homage and
racial habits. This led to moral confusion among the people, what with justice being stifled,
limited or curtailed and the people not enjoying any individual rights.

To bolster his ethical philosophy, Dr. Rizal had recognized not only the forces of good and
evil, but also the tendencies towards good and evil. As a result, he made use of the practical
method of appealing to the better nature of the conquerors and of offering useful methods
of solving the moral problems of the conquered.

To support his ethical philosophy in life, Rizal:

1. censured the friars for abusing the advantage of their position as spiritual leaders and the
ignorance and fanaticism of the natives;

2. counseled the Filipinos not to resent a defect attributed to them but to accept same as
reasonable and just;

3. advised the masses that the object of marriage was the happiness and love of the couple
and not financial gain;

4. censured the priests who preached greed and wrong morality; and

5. advised every one that love and respect for parents must be strictly observed.

Social Philosophy

That body of knowledge relating to society including the wisdom which man's experience in
society has taught him is social philosophy. The facts dealt with are principles involved in
nation building and not individual social problems. The subject matter of this social
philosophy covers the problems of the whole race, with every problem having a distinct
solution to bolster the people’s social knowledge.

Rizal’s social philosophy dealt with;

1. man in society;
2. influential factors in human life;
3. racial problems;
4. social constant;
5. social justice;
6. social ideal;
7. poverty and wealth;
8. reforms;
9. youth and greatness;
10. history and progress;
11. future Philippines.

The above dealt with man’s evolution and his environment, explaining for the most part
human behavior and capacities like his will to live; his desire to possess happiness; the
change of his mentality; the role of virtuous women in the guidance of great men; the need
for elevating and inspiring mission; the duties and dictates of man’s conscience; man’s need
of practicing gratitude; the necessity for consulting reliable people; his need for experience;
his ability to deny; the importance of deliberation; the voluntary offer of man’s abilities and
possibilities; the ability to think, aspire and strive to rise; and the proper use of hearth, brain
and spirit-all of these combining to enhance the intricacies, beauty and values of human
nature. All of the above served as Rizal’s guide in his continuous effort to make over his
beloved Philippines.

The Many-Sided Personality

Filipinos and foreigners alike have paid tribute to Jose Rizal claiming that his place of honor
in history is secure. It was his Austrian bosom friend, Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt, rector
of the Imperial Atheneum of Leitmeritz, who said "Rizal was the greatest product of the
Philippines and his coming to the world was like the appearance of a rare comet, whose rare
brilliance appears only every other century." Another German friend, Dr. Adolf B. Meyer,
director of the Dresden Museum who admired his all around knowledge and ability,
remarked "Rizal’s many-sidedness was stupendous." Our own Dr. Camilo Osias pointed to
him as the "versatile genius."

His precocity since early boyhood turned into versatility in later years. Being curious and
inquisitive, he developed a rare facility of mastering varied subjects and occupations.

Rizal acted as a character in one of Juan Luna’s paintings and acted in school dramas.

Rizal had farms in Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte (1892-1896) where he planted lanzones,
coconuts and other fruit-bearing trees.

Ambassador Of Good Will

His friendliness, goodwill and cultural associations with friends entitled him as one.

Animal Lover
As a small boy, Rizal loved animals including birds, fish, insects, and other specimens of
animal life. Fowls, rabbits, dogs, horses, and cats constituted his favorites. As much as
possible, he did not wish fowls to be killed even for food, and showed displeasure in being
asked to eat the cooked animal. The family garden in Calamba abounded with insects galore
and birds native to the Calamba environs. He wrote about and sketched animals of the
places he had toured.
He made researches on the physical and social make up of man.

Rizal studied monuments and antique currency everywhere he went. He drew most of the
monuments he saw.

Rizal always practiced self-discipline wherever he went.

Book lover
He had a big library and brought many books abroad.

Rizal maintained a garden in Dapitan where he planted and experimented on plants of all

He had a partner in Dapitan in the Abaca business there (1892-1896).

He drew maps of Dapitan, The Philippines and other places he visited.

Chess Player
He played chess and bear several Germans and European friends and acquaintances.

Citizen of the world

His extensive travels and multitude of friends in Europe, Middle East and Asia made him

Rizal always expresses and published his personal opinion.

He had a good shell collection in Dapitan. An American conchologist praised him.

Rizal taught in his special school in Dapitan.

In his travels, Rizal was able to compare different races and he noted the differences.

Father of community school

He proposed college in Hong Kong and his special school in Dapitan made him a father of
community schools.

He fenced with Europeans and Juan Luna and other friends in Europe.

Freemason abroad
He was member of La Solidaridad Lodge in Spain.

Horticulture and farmer

He experimented on and cultivated plants in Dapitan.
His annotation of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas entitled him as one.

There are many humorous incidents in the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

He collected 38 new varieties of fish in Dapitan.

His admiration of Japanese traits and his knowledge of her language proved he was one.

He authored the published many articles in Spanish and English and London.

Laboratory worker
He was employed in the clinic of Dr. L. Wecker in Paris.

He spoke over 20 foreign languages.

Lover of truth
He chided Spanish writers for not writing the truth about the Filipinos. He was always
truthful since boyhood.

He played the flute and composed pieces of music and cultivated music appreciation.

Rizal used mythology in his Noli and Fili.

He gave full expression of the native spirit strengthened by world civilization and loved and
defended everything Filipino.

He wrote and published articles in many publications and was one of the organizers of the
La Solidaridad.

He graduated in an ophthalmologic college in Spain.

Rizal admired the special characteristic and beauties of Oriental countries peoples.

Rizal treasured and popularized the usefulness and preparation of cures for treatment of his

Rizal loved of learning and literature is unequalled.

Rizal not only loved wisdom but also regulated his life and enjoyed calmness of the life at all
Physical culturist
Rizal maintained a good health by exercising all parts of his body and eating proper foods

He treated several patients afflicted not only with eye diseases.

Plant lover
As a child, Rizal spend most of his time in the family garden which was planted with fruit

Shrubs and decorative trees. His diaries contained detailed description and sketches of
plants, flowers and fruits he saw in the places he visited. He wrote poems on flower he like
very much as his poems To the Flowers of Heidelberg.

Rizal wrote over 35 poems including his famous Ultimo Adios.

Although Rizal did not engage in Politics, he exposed the evils of the political activities of the
Spaniards in the Philippines through his writing.

Rizal spoke and wrote in 20 languages.

In Germany, He worked as a part-time proofreader of his livelihood.

As a reformer, Rizal encourages the recommendation of improving the government entities
and discourage abuses publishing articles.

Public relation man

He worked for better cooperation of rulers and subjects in his country.

He published the modern methods of government administration, so changes could be

Being a wide reader, he compared the old and new practices in life.

Rizal encouraged reforms, discouraged old, impractical usage, and desired new and useful
laws to benefit his countrymen. He desired changes for the better.

Rizal has always practiced the art of persuasive and impressive speaking and writing.

Rural reconstruction worker

He practiced rural reconstruction work in Dapitan in 1894 and succeeded.

Sanitary engineer
His construction of a water system in Dapitan exemplified this practice by Rizal.
Rizal’s practice of many sciences here and abroad made him noted scientist.

His works of his father and of Father Guerrico, S. J. typified his sculptural ability.

Sharp shooter
He could hit a target 20 meters away.

Rizal’s ancestry and his ability to speak Chinese made him one.

In Rizal’s study of Philippines social problems, he always encouraged and introduced

He always joined fraternities, associations and brotherhood, for self-improvement.

He engaged from a surveying class at the Ateneo after passing his A. B. there.

He was considered the foremost tourist due to his extensive travels.

He traveled around the world three times.

Tuberculosis expert
For having cured himself of this disease, he became and was recognized as an expert.

Youth leader
He considered the youth as "the hope of his Fatherland."

He was fond of pets. He researched later on their physiology, classification and habits.

Rizal's First Trip Abroad

3 May 1882
Rizal left Philippines for the first time Spain. He boarded the Salvadora using a passport of
Jose Mercado, which was procured for him by his uncle Antonio Rivera, father of Leonor
Rivera. He was accompanied to the quay where the Salvadora was moored by his uncle
Antonio, Vicente Gella, and Mateo Evangelista.

4 May 1882
He got seasick on board the boat.

5 May1882
He conversed with the passengers of the ship; he was still feeling sea-sick.

6 May 1882
He played chess with the passengers on board.
8 May 1882
He saw mountains and Islands.

9 May 1882
Rizal arrived at Singapore.

10 May 1882
He went around the town of Singapore and maid some observations.

11 May 1882
In Singapore, at 2 p.m., Rizal boarded the boat Djemnah to continue his trip to Spain. He
found the boat clean and well kept.

12 May 1882
He had a conversation with the passengers of the boat.

13 May 1882
Rizal was seasick again.

14 May 1882
On his way to Marseilles, Rizal had a terrible dream. He dreamed he was traveling with
Neneng (Saturnina) and their path was blocked by snakes.

May 15 1882
Rizal had another disheartening dream. He dreamed he returned to Calamba and after
meeting his parents who did not talk to him because of not having consulted them about his
first trip abroad, he returned traveling abroad with one hundred pesos he again borrowed.
He was so sad and broken hearted. Soon he woke up and found himself inside his cabin.

17 May 1882
Rizal arrived at Punta de Gales.

18 May 1882
At 7:30 a.m., he left Punta de Gales for Colombo. In the afternoon, Rizal arrived at Colombo
and in the evening the trip was resumed.

26 May 1882
Rizal was nearing the African coast

27 May 1882
He landed at Aden at about 8:30 a.m. He made observation at the time.

2 June 1882
He arrived at the Suez Canal en route to Marseilles.

3 June 1882
He was quarantined on board the Djemnah in the Suez Canal.

6 June 1882
It was the fourth day at Suez Canal and was still quarantined on board of the boat.

7 June 1882
Rizal arrived at Port Said. In a letter to his parents, He described his trip en route to Aden
along the Suez Canal.
11 June 1882
Rizal disembarked and, accompanied by a guide, went around the City of Naples for one
hour. This was the first European ground he set foot on.

12 June 1882
At ten o’clock in the evening, the boat anchored at Marseilles. He sleptn board.

13 June 1882
Early on the morning he landed at Marseilles and boarded at the Noalles Hotel. Later he
around for observation.

14 June 1882
His second in Marseilles.

15 June 1882
He left Marseilles for Barcelona in an express train.

Rizal in Barcelona, Spain

16 June 1882
At 12:00 noon, Rizal arrived at Barcelona and boarded in the Fonda De España.

23 June 1882
In a letter, Rizal related to his parents his experiences during his trip from Port Said to
Barcelona. In the same Letter, he requested them to send him a birth certificate and
statement showing that he had parents in the Philippines.

18 August 1882
P. Leoncio Lopez of Calamba issued a certified copy of Rizal’s birth certificate.

20 August 1882
His article "Amor Patrio" was published in the Diarong Tagalog, a Manila newspaper edited
by Basilio Teodoro. This was the First article he wrote abroad.

Rizal in Madrid, Spain

2 September 1882
Rizal matriculated at the Universidad Central de Madrid. He took the following subjects:
medical clinic, surgical clinic, legal medicine and obstetrical clinic.

2 October 1882
He attended his regular classes which stared in all earnest.

4 October 1882
Asked to deliver a poem by the members of Circulo Hispano-Filipino, there together in the
effort to save the association from disintegration, Rizal recited "Me piden versus." The
meeting was held at the house of Pablo Ortiga y Rey.

7 October 1882
He attended again of the Circulo Hisfano-Filipino held in house of Mr. Ortiga.

2 November 1882
He wrote the article "Revista de Madrid" which was in intended for publication in the Diarong
Tagalog in Manila, but was not published because the newspaper stops its circulation.

7 November 1882
Rizal wrote an article entitled "Las Dudas". The article was signed Laong - Laan.

30 December 1882
In a letter, Rizal revealed to Paciano his plan of going to Paris or Rome in June. He wanted to
practice French in Paris and Italian in Rome and to observe the customs of people in those

- In the evening, Rizal dreamed he was an actor dying in the scene, feeling intensely the
shortage of his breath, the weakening of his strength, and darkening of his sight. He woke
up tired and breathless.

1 January 1883
Rizal felt sad in the morning. He recollected the terrible dream he had the previous night.

15 January 1883
He attended the birthday of Pablo Ortiga with some of the Filipinos.

16 January 1883
He attended the masquerade ball in Alhambra with some of his countrymen.

13 February 1883
In a letter Rizal appraised his brother Paciano of his activities in Madrid, his impressions of
the city and his meeting with his friends in gathering. In part he said: "The Tuesday of the
Carnival we had a Filipino luncheon and dinner in the house of the Pateros, each one
contributing one duro. We ate with our hands, boiled rice, chicken adobo, fried fish and roast

2 May 1882
Rizal recollected his past impressions when he left his hometown Calamba. This day he
attended a fiesta in Madrid.

26 May 1883
In a letter, Rizal was informed by Paciano of the 1,350 loaves of milled sugar produced from
the Pansol farm and at the same time granting him to proceed to Paris as soon as he
finished the medical course in Madrid.

15 June 1883
Rizal left Madrid for Paris to spend his summer and to observe the big French City.

Rizal in Paris, France

17 June 1883
Rizal arrived at Paris. He spent the whole day walking around and observing the beautiful

18 June 1883
With Felipe Zamora and Cunanan, He visited the Leannec Hospital to observe how Dr,
Nicaise treated his patients. He was stunned to see the advanced facilities in the
accommodation in the said hospital.

19 June 1883
He again visited Dr. Nicaise who showed the technique of operation. Later he went to see
dupytren Museum.

20 June 1883
Rizal visited the Lariboisiere Hospital where Felix Pardo de Tavera was an extern. Here he
observe the examination of the different diseases of women.

21 June 1883
After watching the done by Dr. Duply, he went to the Jardin d’ Acclimatation situated outside
the Paris in the Forest of Bologna. He found there plants of all species and the rarest and
most beautiful birds.

5 July 1883
In a letter to his parents, sisters and brother, Rizal continued describing the museum,
buildings and hospitals he had visited in Paris.

2 August 1883
In a letter to his parents, he continued describing his visits to museum and his excursions to
important place in Paris.
Rizal Back in Madrid

20 August 1883
Rizal was back in Madrid from his summer vacation in Paris.
6 September 1883
He changed his residence from Barquillo St. N0. 34, 4 to San Miguel no. 7, 1
28 September 1883
He enrolled at the central Universidad de Madrid for the second course in
October 1883
He came to know of the imprisonment, by order of Sr. Vicente Barrantes, of the
14 rich innocent persons in Manila. The Prisoners who knew nothing is the cause
of their detention and who became sick later, were kept in a humid prison cell.
Rizal was indignant of his inhuman act.
16 October 1883
He learned from Mariano Katigbak about the 400 cholera victims in Lipa and 3 of
28 October 1883
He had a new address. He live with Eduardo Lete and the two Llorente brothers,
Julio and Abdon, in Bano 15 Pral.
21 November 1883
Rizal informed his family of his plan to graduate in medicine at the end of the
course in June.
27 November 1883
His sister Maria that Soledad was married on November 4, 1883 informed Rizal in
a letter. Narcisa also informed him that the causes of the delay of sending him a
letters were the cholera, the typhoon, and the death of the parish priest, events,
which occurred in succession.
31 December 1883
In the evening Rizal delivered a speech in a banquet held at the Café de Madrid.
Many Filipinos were gathered in the restaurant to bid goodbye to the year 1884.
2 January 1884
Rizal proposed to the member of the Circulo assembled in the house of the
Pateros, the publication of a book by association. This idea became the embryo of
this first novel Noli Me Tangere .
3 January 1884
Early in the morning, Rizal went to the University of San Carlos only to find out
that there was no class. He immediately went to the Café de Madrid to meet
members of the Circulo who were gathered again to discuss the proposed book.
4 January 1884
Rizal received letter from his Uncle Antonio Rivera. They were, according to him,
full of good and interesting news.
5 January 1884
Rizal and the Filipino student were reunited again in the house of Pateros to
reorganized the association. Since no action was taken on that day, it was agreed
to gather again the next Sunday.
6 January 1884
Rizal meet Valentine Ventura. They took their supper in the English restaurant in
7 January 1884
Rizal’s professor in Greek slashed at the students accusing them insubordination.
The students of the San Carlos University were on strike, thus preventing him to
attend the strike.
8 January 1884
Rizal finished two drawings. He met Ruiz who proposed him that if there be
someone who would pay the expenses of the Circulo, Rizal would be made
9 January 1884
He did a single centavo on He attended.

Rizal Back in Madrid

10 January 1884
Rizal received two letters: one from his uncle Antonio dated December 2 and the other from
Paciano dated November 30.

11 January 1884
In Madrid, Rizal was visited by Antonio Aguirre. Later, he went to class and met Pareda

12 January 1884
Rizal went to the theatre. He enjoyed seeing the "El Octavo No Mentir" and "Un Año Mas."

13 January 1884
In the afternoon, in the house of the Paterno’s, Rizal extended the meeting of the Filipino
15 January 1884
Rizal and other Filipino students in Madrid attended the birthday party of Pablo Ortiga y Rey.
There was a dance.

16 January 1884
In the morning, Rizal went to class. After his class, he visited his patient on the number 10
bed who thanked Rizal for the help he extended. The patient recovered immediately.

17 January 1884
He went with Llorente to witness the proceedings in the senate. At 6:00 p.m., after more
than 5 hours of waiting outside, they were able to enter the hall.

18 January 1884
Rizal was not able to attend his classes due to the demonstrations of the students of the
College of Law and the College of Medicine against the Minister of Finance.

20 January 1884
Rizal met Valentin Ventura and Rafael. He sent to C.O. (Consuelo Ortiga) a piece of guimaras
cloth. He bought a tenth part of a lottery ticket for three pesetas.

21 January 1884
He went to class. The students of the College of Law still refused to enter. They wanted the
abolition of the decrees. Rizal thru Eduardo Lete, receive the thanks of C.O. guimaras cloth.

23 January 1884
Rizal visited the artist Estevan and Melecio. He meet Antonio and Maximino and later Pedro.
The Pateros requested him to exhibit his photos, but Rizal refused because the pictures
contained dedication.

24 January 1884
Rizal was visited by Valentin Ventura. The strike of the students in the University of San
Carlos was settled and the students of the College of Law entered their classes

25 January 1884
Rizal had a sad dream. He dreamed the returned home, but what a sad reception! His
parents did not meet him.

26 January 1884
Rizal with Estevan Figueroa, Sanmarti, Eduardo Lete and Rafael went to the house of
Etermes Figueron. This was the most peaceful reunion the Filipinos had.

27 January 1884
He had a picture taken in the house of Otero. He was visited by Maximino and Antonio
Paterno. They planned to see the Ateneo, Madrid, but the weather did not permit them.

28 January 1884
He visited the Ateneo with Antonio and Maximino it was beautiful, wide and well decorated.
He met beautiful girl at the door of his neighbor’s house.

29 January 1884
He attended the Masquerade ball in Madrid in which he enjoyed by dancing every piece.
There were two masked person who were joking him but whom he did not recognize.
30 January 1884
Rizal sent three letters to the Philippines, one for his uncle Antonio Rivera, another for Jose
Cecilio (Chengoy) and the other for Lolay. He sent also newspapers: El Imperial, El Dia and El

31 January 1884
Rizal made an accounting of his one month expenses. For the month of January, he spent a
total of 329.63 pesetas.

1 February 1884
He went to the theatre of Eslava to hear politics and bull-fighting. Later he went to the Café
de Madrid.

2 February 1884
Rizal in the Filipino students were gathered in the house of D. Paul, to discuss the affairs of
the association.

3 February 1884
He was visited by the Cortabitarte sisters accompanied by their mother. He receive them

4 February 1884
He stayed at home, seriously reviewing his lesson for the examination.

5 February 1884
He visited Valentin Ventura who was slight sick of dermatitis.

6 February 1884
Rizal felt sad for the death of hid professor in History, D. Federico Lara. Of the professor,
Rizal said: "very nice person, at least by the little I knew of him."

7 February 1884
He witnessed the discussion between the two Spaniards in the street of Lobo, one sustained
that all Spaniards are brave and the other, that not all are brave.

9 February 1884
He was very much disgusted of the result of the "La Macosta" which he saw for 2.10

10 February 1884
Rizal had a work around the University District. Later, he went to see Consuelo Ortiga.

13 February 1884
He sent letters to his uncle Rivera and to his family, the latter with a picture.

17 February 1884
Rizal made operation on arterial vein in the Hospital de la Princesa.

25 February 1884
He attended the carnival where he saw at his side a beautiful girl, with blue eyes and a
pleasant smile.
7 March 1884
Rizal performed an operation with Mariani. In the evening, he attended English lecture
conducted by a Mr. Schuts in the Ateneo de Madrid.

9 March 1884
He was visited by Cunanan and Valentin Ventura. They talked on various matters.

11 March 1884
Rizal receive an information from his uncle Antonio to the effect the Sra. Ticang became

- He bought a German on this day.

15 March 1884
He visited D. Quintin Meynet in Atocha Street, Madrid. Later He and Eduardo Lete, Sanmarti,
Paco Esquivel and Esteven Figueroa were gathered in the house of Pablo Ortiga.

19 march 1884
He receive postcards from Pepe Esquivel, Aguirre, from the family of Ruiz , Eriate, D. Pablo y
Carillo, Pedro Paterno.

30 March 1884
Rizal wrote letters for home, for Leonor Rivera and for his uncle Antonio Rivera.

31 March 1884
He enjoyed his visit with the family of V: talked with the children. For him, this day was full
of recollections. He realized that days ran fast.

8 April 1884
He started his sculptural work representing the "wounded gladiator."

13 April 1884
He receive letters from Leonor Rivera, Uncle Antonio, and from Chengoy (Jose Cecilio). He
was very much contented with the news, although not of the health of the Leonor.

17 April 1884
He saw Rossi, the Italian actor representing the Kean, Dumas’ drama. He was surprise of the
effect – well represented. Jose Cecilio informed him about the rivalry between Leonor
Valenzuela and Leonor Rivera. He told rizal in a letter about the desire of Miss Rivera to see
Miss Valenzuela with the object of settling the rivalry.

- From the same letter learned that two thirds medical students studying University of Santo
Thomas failing grades.

20 April 1884
He receive uncle Antonio 500 pesetas he went to visit the brother, but they were home.

24 April 1884
In the evening he saw Hamlet presented and he had a pleasant moment how wonderfully
was interpreted.
1 May 1884
He stopped eating in Calle de Lobo, Madrid; he wnt to the Calle de Principe. He dropped his
German language lessons in order to devote the entire month to his studies for the coming

6 May 1884
Rizal answered Lorenzo D’Ayot who published an article entitled "El Teatro Tagalo."

5 June 1884
He took the examination on medical clinic, 2nd course, in Central University de Madrid.

6 June 1884
He took the examination in his last subject in Medicine, Surgical clinic, 2nd course. He got
grade of "ver good."

9 June 1884
Rizal filed an application for graduation for the degree of Licentiate in Medicine.

13 June 1884
He took an examination in Greek and Latin literature. He obtained a grade of "excellent" in
both subjects.

14 June 1884
He took an examination in Greek, 1st course, and got a grade of "excellent."

17 June 1884
Rizal pawned his ring to pay the fees for the examination.

21 June 1884
He finished the degree of Licentiate in Medicine with the grade of aprobado from the Central
Universidad de Madrid.

25 June 1884
Rizal won first prize in Greek contest, after which he delivered a speech in honor of the two
Filipino painters, Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo. The occasion commemorated the
triumph of the two, especially Luna who won the first prize for his Spoliarium during the
National Exposition of Fine Arts held in Madrid that year.

26 June 1884
He took an examination in Universal History, 2nd course. He grade of "excellent."

27 June 1884
He was informed in a letter by Mariano Katigbak about the deteriorating health of Leonor
Rivera caused by her too much loving and waiting for her love one.

1 July 1884
Rizal explained the term "Filibusterismo" in the newspaper of Madrid El Progreso, calling the
attention of the Spanish authorities over the case of future of the Filipinos. He asked for
freedom of the press and the right of representation of the Spanish Cortes.

29 August 1884
He came to know how Pedro Tobin of Nagcarlan Laguna, was gypped in Madrid. The man
was fooled and all his cash was lost. He relayed the news to the Philippines thru his parents.

31 August 1884
The popularity o

f his speech delivered during the Luna-Hidalgo banquet held in Madrid, reached the
Philippines via two ways: one thru the draft Rizal sent to Antonio Rivera and the other thru
the periodicals he sent to his friends.

30 September 1884
He was issued the diploma of ordinary prize obtained during the examination given last June
30, in the subjects of Greek and Latin Literature at the Central Universidad De Madrid.

5 November 1884
He receive the news from Paciano that the cause of the sickness of their mother was his
speech delivered during the banquet in honor of two Filipino painters. Their mother feared
that Rizal could no longer return to the Philippines as opined by both his friends and
enemies in the country.

16 November 1884
He wrote a letter to his family in Calamba asking their permission for him to return to the

- Because of the treaty of commerce being negotiated between Spain and United States and
the plan of England to enter into the said treaty, Rizal predicted the fate of the Philippine
sugar. He said it would turn from bad to worse.

20 November 1884
Rizal witnessed the tumultuous scene in the Central Universidad de Madrid where the
students and professors staged a strike against excommunication imposed by the bishop on
the lecture proclaiming the freedom of science and of the teacher.

21 November 1884
With Valentin Ventura, he escaped from being arrested by a police lieutenant and a secret
service man in connection with strike staged by the University students.

22 November 1884
He disguised himself three times to evade arrest by the law agents who were eyeing on him.
The indignation rally of the students continued and more arrest were affected.

26 November 1884
Desirous to help the family, Rizal in a letter reiterated his wish to return home.

11 December 1884
Teodora Alonso admonished not to meddle in things which would give her displeasures, not
tomfail to comply with the duties of good Christian, and not to expect too many letter from
her and she was already very old and could not see very well due to her failing sight.

1 January 1885
Paciano begged Rizal to wait for the opportune time to return to the Philippines. In a letter,
he told Rizal that their parents would see him in Hong kong sometime in the future, and not
in the Philippines were the situation was dangerous for him. Paciano asked for some
information about sugar beets in Europe, and advised Rizal to write tell their parents things
that would always please them.

26 February 1885
In a letter Rizal told Jose Cecilio to marry Miss Leonor Valenzuela, than see her married to
the other person. The letter arrive on the Philippines last April 5 1885, on the same boat
which took Governor General Emilio Torero.

30 March 1885
Rizal sent a letter to his brother Paciano why not receive his pension. In the same letter he
mentioned his going either to England or Germany to specialized in ophthalmology.

18 April 1885
He asked Jose Cecilio for advise as to who, between two Leonors, would be an ideal partner
in life. Cecilio, as an answer to the question, selected Leanoe Rivera for being more
feminine, more ductile, sweeter, milder, nicer, and above all more educated.

16 June 1885
Rizal receive a letter from Manuel Hidalgo informing him of another cholera case which
occurred in Manila. He requested by a letter to buy for him ( Hildalgo) tha Spanish book
Emilio written by Rousseau.

- He receive one hundred pesos (P100) from Saturnina and Manuel Hidalgo as their
contribution to his expenses in finishing Doctorate degree.

19 June 1885
Rizal finished the degree in Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters with grade sobresaliente
from the Central Universidad of Madrid.

28 June 1885
Rizal wrote to P. Faura and Sr. Barrantes requesting them to work for the transfer of
Silvestre Ubaldo to Calamba from Albay were the letter was signed as post master and
telegraphic operator.

30 July 1885
In a letter, he asked permission from his parents to cure cholera patients in towns were
there were no doctors in order to earn at least $12 a day. He was financially hard up and
wanted to help his parents.

30 September 1885
He was issued a diploma of ordinary prize on Hebrew language, obtained during the
examination offered last june 13 at the Central Universidad de Madrid. He w2as also issued
on his date another diploma of ordinary prize on Greek language, 2nd course.

1 October 1885
Rizal planned to leave Madrid by the middle of the month. He intended to go to Germany to
learn the German language and to study advance course of ophthalmology.

Rizal in France
19 November 1885
While in Paris, Rizal recieved information from Ceferino de Leon about the prevailing vices
among the Filipinos in the house of Aceveno in Madrid, abetted by the lousy women

27 November 1885
Rizal’s transfer to Paris was disapproved by Paciano who, at the same time, informed Rizal
that his letter caused their mother to shed tears; that Rizal’s brown horse would be sold, the
money to be remitted to him in Paris together with the chronometer watch worth $300
(Mexican dollars).

4 December 1885
He was practicing ophthalmology with Dr. Weeker at the Crugen Clinic.

19 December 1885
The news that the Filipinos in Madrid were preparing a Christmas banquet in spite of the
little money they had, was relayed in a letter to Rizal in Paris by Ceferino de Leon who also
informed the former about his (de Leon’s) plan of going to Paris the following summer.

1 January 1886
Rizal represented to Paz Pardo de Tavera a pair of Greek vases which he painted the other
with the picture of the Filipinos engaged in cockfighting, and the other with the same people
at work as milkmen and as prisoners at hard labor.

January 1886
In the album of Paz Pardo de Tavera, he entered the illustrated story of the monkey and the

Rizal in Strasburg, Germany

2 February 1886

Rizal arrived at Strasburg, Germany. He visited the celebrated cathedral and climbed a
tower of 142 meters high, the fourth highest of the European towers.

3 February 1886
He arrived at Heidelberg. The town to him looked gay. On the streets he saw students with
cups of different colors.

6 February 1886
Rizal was living in a boarding house costing him 28 duros a month. He found German life full
of potatoes; potatoes in the morning and potatoes in the evening.

9 February 1886
He penned a letter to his family in Calamba describing his life in Heidelberg and his trip from
Paris to the city of flowers.

14 February 1886
With an old woman as guide, Rizal visited the interior of the famous castle in Heidelberg. He
saw the hallmof the pages. Waiting room, audience chamber, the court, and many other
parts of building.

17 February 1886
In a letter, he informed his family in Calamba of his visits to the eye clinic of Dr. Otto Becker.

18 February 1886
He planned to change his residence. He wanted to tranfer to 12 Ludwigsplats, near the

19 February 1886
He must have transferred to 12 Ludwigsplats. In a letter to his family in Calamba, he
describe the duels he saw in Hirschgasse among students belonging to different corporation.

11 March 1886
He wrote to his younger sister, Trinidad, describing the German girl as "serious, studious,
and very much attached to his work" However, she did not have that "delicacy of hearth’ of
the Filipino woman. He advised Trinidad to read and read.

22 April 1886
While in Heidelberg experiencing the feeling of nostalgia for his parents and his country,
Rizal wrote the poem "A Las Flores de Heidelberg."

26 April 1886
He left Heidelberg for Wilhemsfeld to honor invitation extended to him by Reverend Karl
Ullmer whom Rizal meet one day in the woods with the Pastor’s wife, daughter Eta and son
Freidrich. In Wilhelmsfeld where Pastor Ullmer was staying and working, Rizal was invited to
visit the vicarage. Later, on Rizal’s choice, he boarded with the Ullmer family until he left
Wilhelmsfeld by last week of June.

9 June 1886
From Wilhelmsfeld, he reiterated in a letter to his parents, the necessity of writing him the
badly needed amount.
20-25 June 1886
Rizal left Wilhelmsfeld for Hiedelberg. In Wilhemsfeld he studied the German country life and
ppractice speaking good German with the Ullmer’s family with whom he live.

Rizal Returned to Heidelberg

26 June 1886
From Heidelberg Rizal sent to Reverend Ullmer the note of 100 pesetas. He wanted to
comply with the promise of paying a latter the amount he incurred while he was in

14 July 1886
In Hiedelberg Rizal was admitted member of the chess Club Germany. The Club Presidents F.
Zeferenz and E.Arrnirum.

31 July 1886
He sent to Prof. Ferdinant Blumentritt a book in arithmetic written in Spanish in Tagalog.
This started the communication between the two and also the start of their life long

6 July 1886
Rizal wrote few expressive lines dedicated to this beautiful city Heidelberg. He was to start
his travel thru the cities along Rhine River.

- On this day he witnessed the fifth centenary celebration of the founding of the University of
Heidelberg, which he enjoyed very much.

Rizal on His Way to Leipzig

9 August 1886
Rizal left Hiedelberg for Leipzig

10 August 1886
He left Bonn for Colonia, on his way to Leipzig.

12 August 1886
He arrived at Coblents, one of the cities along the Rhine River.

13 August 1886
Rizal was in Ehrenfels, Germany.

14 August 1886
At 10:10 in the morning, he left Frankfurt for Leipzig.
15 August 1886
Rizal arrive at Leipzig at 9:30 in the morning.

16 August 1886
In a letter, Rizal offered his little knowledge in Tgalog to Prof. Blumentrit for thr latter’s study
of the language. He said that his knowledge in tagalog which he studied since boyhood is as
useful as that friars and chroniclers who had stayed for a short time in the Philippines.

2 September1886
He witnessed the fiesta of the Sedan, which was highlighted by the inauguration of the
beautiful fountain in front of the museum of Leipzig

13 October 1886
Rizal, in company with the school teacher, Hering visited one of two big beer manufacturing
companies, situated in Reudnitz, and owned by a Mr. Riebek.

14 October 1886
He got acquainted persolly with Doctor Hans Meyer, chief of the Bibliographical Institute of
the Germany, and author of one of the two famous encyclopaedical dictionaries of Germany.

21 October 1886
Rizal left Leipzig for Halle to observe the country life of the people there. He returned in the

Rizal in Dresden, Germany

29 October 1886
Rizal arrived at Dresden at 8:20 in the morning.

30 October 1886
He visited the Palacio Japonais and many other interesting places in Dresden.

31 October 1886
In Dresden, he met Dr. A.B. Mayer, naturalist of the Dresden University. He was shown
interesting things taken from the Palaos Islands and from tombs in the Philippines.

1 November 1886
He left Dresden this morning for Berlin. In the station, he was nearly cheated by the taxi

Rizal in Berlin, Germany

1 November 1886
At 1:25 P.M., Rizal arrived at Berlin and boarded at the Central Hotel.

2 November 1886
Rizal wrote a letter to his friend Pastor Karl Ullmer informing the latter of his arrival at the
big German capital the day before. He wrote: "Remembrances to your loving wife, Eta and to

4 November 1886
In a letter he informed Prof. Blumentritt about his meeting with Dr. A.B. Meyer last October
31 in Dresden. He was already residing at Jaeger Straesse 71,111.

9 November 1886
He was admitted to the Real Biblioteca de Berlin to do some research and to read other
books. His admission ended on March 1,1887.

22 November 1886
In a letter, he informed Pro. Blumentritt that he had already sent to his nephews in the
Philippines the tragedies of Schiller and the stories of anderson, which he translated into

27 November 1886
He made a small outline of the Teruray, dialect of the binhabitants of the Western coast of
Mindanao,which he later sent to Prof. Blumentritt.

11 December 1886
Maximo Viola joined Rizal in Berlin. Rizal was not able to meet Viola at the station because
the former was sick.

12 December 1886
Early in the morning Rizal visited Viola at the Central Hotel. They took breakfast together I
the restaurant below then hotel.

15 December 1886
He started teaching Viola the German language.

23 December 1886
He started dreaming of his mother.

24 December 1886
Rizal was high spirit although he just recovered from sickness. He was very happy to be with
Maximo Viola. He finished translating one third of the book Waitz.

25 December 1886
Rizal wrote his mother: "It is three times now that I constantly dream you and sometimes
the dreaam repeats itself in a single night. I would not like to superstitious even if the Bible
and the Gospel believe dreams, but I like to believe that you are thinking constantly me and
this makes my mind reproduce what goes on in you for after all my brain is a part of yours,
and this is not stran because while I am asleep here, you are awake there."

27 December 1886
He was required by the German police to provide himself with the necessary passports or
the risk of being expelled from German soil after three weeks.

30 December 1886
In a letter, told Prof. Blumentritt, of a plan of Maximo Viola to cope with him to Leitmeritz
during his visit there.

31 December 1886
A certain Captain and ex-aide of Geneva Moltke of the French-pruss War invited Rizal to his
home to celebrate the incoming New Year. Before this fiesta, Rizal bought a pair of chin
pitchers, painting them figure of an old man representing the outgoing year and a boy
personifying the incoming year.

January 1887
He became a member of the Ethnographic Society of Berlin in whose meeting he had the
rare opportunity of hearing the interesting lecture of Dr. Donitz on pre-historic Japanese
tombs which contained sets of dishes and other decorations.

11 January 1887
He met personally Dr. Teodor Jagor who invited him to attend the monthly luncheon of the
member of the Geographic Society. In one of luncheons, he came to know the famous
Virchow, president of the Anthropological Society of Berlin.

24 January 1887
He was again sick of fever and in the evening had stopped working on the novel. If not for
Maximo Viola, he would have transferred to Italy where according to him the climate was

26 January 1887
He planned to translate the book of travels of Dr. Jagor as soon as he would finish translating
the book of Waitz. By spring, he hoped to finish this works.

7 February 1887
He was very busy this day and the previous days going to the clinic and making some
clinical investigations. In the house, he was occupied reading the copies of the Globus sent
him Prof. Blumentritt.

February 1887
He became a member of the Anthropological Society and the Geographic Society of Berlin.

21 February 1887
He communicated to Evaristo Aguirre telling the latter that the novel Noli was being rushed
for publication. He requested Aguirre not to divulge the real title "Sampagas". At 11:30 in
the evening, he finished writing the novel.

1 March 1887
His admission to Real Biblioteca, where he used to read the books about the Philippines,
expired on this day.

5 March 1887
Rizal translated into French the "History of a Mother" by Andersen written in German.

21 March 1887
Copies of his novel came off the press. He sent one copy to Prof. Blumentritt. In a letter of
his Austrian friend, he say it was the first impartial and daring book to be written on the life
of the Tagalogs. He opined that the Spanish authorities and the friar would attack the book.

29 March 1887
In grateful appreciation of Maximo Viola’s pecuniary aid, Rizal presented him the last galley
proofs and the first bound copy with this dedication: "To my dear friend, Maximo Viola, the
first to read and appreciate my work- Jose Rizal, March 29, 1887, Berlin."

April 1887
Rizal read before the Ethnographic Society of Berlin the "Arte Metrica del Tagalog", a thesis
submitted by him to become a member of the same society in the same year.

12 April 1887
He received a gift from Blumentritt. It was an Ethno-graphic map of Central Mindanao
published by the Cartographic Institute of Gotha.

13 April 1887
With Maximo Viola, Rizal studied the map sent him by Prof. Blumentritt. He said it is very
necessary for every one to know first his own country- "Nosce te ipsum". He considered the
Filipinos unfortunate because they had to receive new knowledge about themselves from

24 April 1887
He was happy to receive the letter of pardon from his beloved father. He definitely decided
to go home and help his folks.

– Later he sent an advance notice to Prof Blumentritt of their coming visit to Leitmeritz.

April 1887
By the end of April, Rizal left in Berlin for Dresden where the most famous "Musco
Etnografico" was located. He met there the wise Filipinoogist director of the museum, Dr. A.
B. Meyer, uthor of the excellent monographs.

11 May 1887
Accompanied by Maximo Viola, Rizal left Berlin to visit the cities of Eurupe, including
Dresden, Leitmeritz, Prague, Vienna, Munich, Nuremberg, Ulm, Lausanne, and Geneva.

Rizal in Leitmeritz, Bohemia

13 May 1887
Rizal and Viola arrived at Leitmeritz at 1:30 in the afternoon. They were met at the station
by Prof. Blumentritt who conducted them to the Krebs Hotel, Room No. 12.

14 May1887
Rizal and Viola attended the session of the Board of Directors of the Tourist Club in
Leitmeritz thru the invitation of Prof. Blumentritt who was the club secretary. They were
cordially received by the President of the Club, Jose Krombholz. Rizal delivered an
extemporaneous speech in German, which was very much applauded by the audience for
his fluency.

15 May 1887
With Prof. Blumentritt as their guide, Rizal and Viola visited the churches , the residence of
the Bishop and other important buildings of the city. They also visited the special friend of
Prof. Blumentritt, Dr. Carlos Czepelak, who wanted very much to see Rizal personally.

16 May 1887
Professor Roberto Klutschak invited Rizal, Viola, and Prof Blumentritt to dine in his house ,
and in the evening in return, Rizal and Viola invited them in Krebs Hotel. At 9:45 that same
evening Rizal And Viola , accompanied by the whole family of Prof. Blumentritt and Prof.
Kluschk, left Leitmeritz for Prague.
Rizal in Brunn

19 May 1887
Rizal bade goodbye to Prof. Dr. Willkomn, State Adviser in Brunn. The lovable
daughter of the professor reproached Rizal for not having told them of his artistic
and poetic talents which they read in Bohemia, a newspaper published in Prague.
They left Brunn this day.
Rizal in Vienna

20-24 May 1887

Rizal and Maximo Viola arrived in Vienna at 2:30 P.M. of May 20th and both boarded at the
Hotel Metropole. 24 May 1887

For the last 3 days, they were conducted around the city by Mr. Masner to see the points of
interest, especially the Museum. On this day, Rizal was interviewed by Mr. Alder of the
newspaper Extra Blatt.

25 May 1887
With Viola, Rizal left Vienna for Salzburg which the, too, left the following day, May 26, for

26-30 May 1887

Rizal and Viola were boarders of Rheinischer Hof or Rhine Hotel in Munich for five days. On May 29, 1887, they drunk beer
in the business establishment, LowerbranKeller Munich.

30 May 1887
they left for Stuttgart.
Rizal in Stuttgart, Germany
31 May, 1887
Rizal and Viola arrived at the Geneva and boarded at the Hotel Merquardt. They left for Basel the following day, June 1.

Rizal in Basel, Switzerland

3 June 1887
Rizal and Viola drank beer in Baverieche, Bierhalle, Basel, Switzerland. A paper napkin with the trademark of the said
establishment proves that they were in this place on their way to Geneva. They left the place the following day, June 4.

6 June 1887
Rizal and Viola arrived at Geneva and boarded at Rue due Rhone 3, Pension Bel-Air. Here Rizal expressed his feeling
against the exhibition of the Igorots in Madrid side by side with the animals and plants. In a letter to Blumentritt, he
wished the Igorots would die immediately to avoid further sufferings.

10 June 1887
Rizal changed the original plan for his trip. He wanted now to pass Italy, te country of European Laws, before leaving
Europe. He hoped to stay in Geneva up to the 20th of the month.

13 June1887
Rizal sent a letter to Fernando Canon requesting the latter to sell the copies of the Noli, not less than 5 pesetas per copy.
Canon was given 10% commission for the copies sold.

19 June 1887
With Maximo Viola, Rizal celebrated his 26th birthday in Geneva, Switzerland. His attitude towards revolution was
manifested in his letter to Blumentritt on the following terms: "I do not have interest of taking part in any conspiracy,
which seems to me very premature and risky. But if the government obliges it to us, meaning, when no other hope is left
for us than search for our perdition in war, when the Filipinos prefer to die supporting misery, then I shall also become
supporter of violent means. It is on the hands of Spain whether to select peace or perdition because it is an evident fact
which all know that we are patient, very patient and peaceful."

23 June 1887
Rizal and Maximo Viola parted at Geneva, after visiting European cities

-Rizal going to Rome and Viola to Barcelona

Rizal in Rome, Italy

27 June 1887
Rizal arrived at Rome and walked around the whole day. He visited the Capitolio, the Roca Tarperya, the Palatinum, the
Forum Romanun, the Museum Capitolinum and the church of Santa Maria, the maggiore. He tool a flower from the Palace
of Septimius Severus, which he sent to Blumentritt

29 June 1887
From Rome, Rizal wrote his father: "I was in Turin, Milan, Venice, Florence, and for some days I have been here."
Heannounced his return to the Philippines between the 15th and 30th of August.

30 June 1887
He considered the day a lucky one for him, meeting on the railway an Italian priest who treated him like an old friend and
whom he considered his Father Confessor.

Rizal on His Way to Marseilles, France

1 July 1887
In the train on his way to Marseilles, Rizal treated with much amiability by and American couple who invited him many
times to dine and drink with them, and who, before separating in Monaco, bought fruits for him.

2 July 1887
Rizal in Marseilles searched the bodegas of the "Mensagerias Maritimas" for the box of merchandise.

3 July 1887
Rizal was in the Bureau of Posts of Marseilles at 8 o’clock in the morning. He received two letters there: One form Manuel
Rizal Back in Paris

19 March 1889
Rizal arrived at Paris and immediately founded the Kidlat Club. Since he had no
time to publish immediately the annota-tions to the Morgans Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas, he planned to edit the Ethnography of Mindanao together with
Blumentritt Defense.

On the same day, Rizal, in Paris, permitted Mariano Ponce to publishthe poem "En
Bosque" advising the latter pay attention to the signature Laong Laan. Likewise,
advised Ponce to buy Filipino books and to mention its authors from time to time.

27 March 1889
He received a table cloth gift from Mrs. Rosa Blumwentritt. In order to remember
her always, he placed it on his study table under the table lamp to remind him
frequentlyduring his studies in the evening.

28 March 1889
Rizal borrowed from Blumentritt several pictures of different positions with the
object of modeling some busts for the Professor. Rizal wanted to leave something
as a remebrance of his art to the Austrian savant.

31 March 1889
His "Me Piden Versos…!" Signed Laong-Laan was published in the La Solidaridad.

March 1889
He became sick in Paris. In a letter to Graciano Loperz Jaena to whom he sent an
article for the La Solidaridad, Rizal made mention of his being sick.

He requested Lopez Jaena to become a member of the kidlat, a Filipino Club in

Paris. He advised Jaena on the way the newspaper La Solidaridad should be run.

12 April 1889
Another speech was delivered against Rizal in the Spanish Congress. Dr. Luis M.
de Pardo, appearing in the Congress. Dr., Luis M. de Pardo, said that "… En
Filipinas Sr. Presidente del Consejo Circula con gran profusion, y no ahora, sino
desde hace algun tiempo, un libro titulado Noli Me Tengere, que ye suplicaria al
Sr. Presidente quesuplicaria al Sr. Presidente que estudiar; pero hagalo con cierto
ciudad proque tiene bastante envenenarse su señorita."

18 April 1889
In a letter, Rizal informed Mariano Ponce that if not for the 1872 event, he should
have been a Jesuit and instead of writing the Noli Me Tangere, he should have
written another.

23 April 1889
He sent a manuscript of the "Ethnography of Mindanao" to Barcelona for
publication. Likewise, he sent to Dr. Joist the letter of Manuel Hidalgo in which the
abuses of the friars in the Philippines were mentioned and from which Rizal hoped
Dr. Joist could gather facts for publication in the Kolmer Zeitung.

30 April 1889
In a letter, Rizal Proposed to Mariano Ponce that a conference among Plaridel
(Marcelo H. del Pilar), Apacible, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Ferdinand Blumintritt, Julio
Llorente, Fernando Canon, and themselves should be held in Paris. He planned to
return to Chalcot Crescent, London.

His article "a La Defensa" was published in the La Solidaridad.

2 May 1889
Rizal wrote Fernando Canon about his sentiment upon thinking that Canon’s child
woulf later be a lost member or a country that needed men.

8 May 1889
He learned from Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera who arrived from the Philippines,
that life in the country was impossible. Tavera told Rizal of his prediction that a
big revolution in the Philippines would occur within ten years unless the condition
would change.

15 May 1889
He sent the manuscript of his Article "por telepono" to publication in pamhlet

His article "Los Viajes" signed Laong Laan was published in the La Solidaridad.

20 May 1889
He requested ferdinand Blumentritt to write the prologue to the Morga which he
was preparing for printing. Morever, he urged the Austrian Professor to come to
Paris for vacation and conference, placing at the latter’s disposal 200 marks for
transportation expenses.

He sent to Marcelo H. del Pilar a manuscript of an article, an answer to the "La

Voz de Manila." He informed Del Pilar that he had Broken relation with Regidor
due to the noncompliance of the latter of publishing his (Rizal’s) manuscript as
per agreement.

23 May 1889
Rizal’s brother-in-law, Mariano Herbosa, died of cholera, together with Isidoro
Alcala, both from Calamba. Herbosa was not buried in the holy ground but on the
hill (Lecheria) outside Calamba, causing Rizal to publish in the La Solidaridad the
biting article entitled "Una Profanacion" on July 31, 1889.

26 May 1889
he sent Mariano Ponce his answer to Barranter’ criticism. He instructed ponce to
publish it with his (Rizal’s) name or that of Laong Laan.

31 May 1889
Rizal published his "La Verdad para Todos" in the La Solidaridad.

4 June 1889
He translated more than 30 pages of Blumentritt’s Memorias on the tribes of
Mindanao. He expressed the illusion than when liberty brightens in the
Philippines, he and Blumentritt would come and live together.

Dr. A. B. Meyer visited him in Paris.

6 June 1889
He conducted Julio Llorente, his childhood friend, around Paris the whole day.
Rizal had to accompany Llorente always because the latter did not know French.

15 June 1889
Rizal’s letter "Al Sr. D. Vicente Barrantes" was published in the La Solidaridad
(first installment).

18 June 1889
He sent to Marcelo H. del Pilar the manuscripts of the "Defensa del Noli" of Dr.
Blumentritt. He wanted it to be published in the La Solidaridad by the end of the

19 June 1889
Rizal planned to leave Paris. He was annoyed by the exorbitant increase of room
rentals. The landladies of Paris became opportunist of the presence of the

23 June 1889
He continued with enthusiasm the translation of Blumentritt’s Memorias on the
tribes of Mindanao. He was already on page 36.

Two copies of his picture (age 28) were sent to Blumentritt and Dr. Czepelack.

30 June 1889
Rizal’s letter he informed Mariano Ponce that he was going to wander for few
days in other countries. He requested Ponce to inform the others on Barcelona
about his plan.

4 July 1889
at 8:55 in the evening, Rizal Left Paris for Dieppe. He arrived at Vernon at 10:15
and at Rouen at 11:30 in the same evening. In his travel he was very much
disturbed by a loquacious American who was always boasting of things American.
12 July 1889
Rizal arrived at Paris from London where he spent a few days confronting the
proofs of the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas with the original book found in the
British Museum. He resided now at 45 Rue de Manbenge and attended to the
finishing touches of his annotations.

23 July 1889
He sent to the printing press his annotations to Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas and requested Prof. Blumentritt in a letter to keep secret the publication
of the book because with it he wanted to surprise his compatriots.

30 July 1889
He was very busy the past days and on this day he was going to the printing
press Garnier Hermanos, reading and correcting the proofs and adding new
annotations to the work.

July 1889
His "Two Eastern Fables," a comparative study of the Japanese and Philippine
folklore, appeared in Trubner’s Record (London).

31 July 1889
his article "Verdades Neuvas" was published in the La Solidaridad.

13 August 1889
he was admitted to make studies in the "Bibliotheque Nationale" of Paris. His
Admission ended on December 31, 1889.

Rizal was very much occupied. He had much work to do and he felt blank.

14 August 1889
he received a telegram from Hongkong with the information that Paciano
Mercado, Silvestre Ubaldo, Antonio and leandro Lopez, Mateo Elejorder and
others were accused and threatened of deportation.

9 September 1889
Rizal was very busy in Paris putting the Morga in the final form.

-With five or six young men from lipa, who were in Paris and who were willing to
go with him, he planned to visit Prof. Blumentritt in Leitmeritz the following year.
Rizal wanted to show to Blumentritt that he (Blumentritt) was not depending in
vain the Filipino people.

He attended the baptismal party of the child of Juan Luna.

10 September 1889
In Paris he met Sr. Moret, the ex-minister of the Spanish government. The ex-
minister purposely went to Paris to meet and talk with the author of the Noli Me
Tangere which he liked very much,

15 September 1889
His article "Differencias" was Published in the La Solidaridad.
21 September 1889
Rizal instructed Jose Ma. Basa to do away with pseudonyms in the articles he
(Basa) was publishing in the newspapers in Hongkong. He requested Basa to pay
especial attention to the packages or letters with the initials Rd. L. M. written on
the envelope.

22 September 1889
In a package, he sent to Blumentritt two statues: a beggar with a hat and a maid
with bilao on her hands. He sent, too, a wallet made of nito vines. All these things
came from one of Blumentritt’s admirers in the Philippines.

30 September 1889
his essay "Filipinas Dentro de Cien Años" was published in the La Solidaridad
(first installment).

10 October 1889
Rizal was believed to have written in Paris a proclama-tion carrying this date, in
which a bloody revolution was being announced. Part of it follows: "cuando se le
arranca del corazon hasta la ultima esperanza… entonces… entonces… entonces…
no le queda otro remedio sino sangriento y suicida de la revolucion!!!"

20 October 1889
He insistently requested Prof. Blumentritt to write the prologue to his
annotations to Morga’s Sucesos de las Filipinas, giving him the freedom of
criticizing or eulogizing the work. Rizal said: "I want to give my countrymen an
example that I do not write for myself nor for my glory, but for my country and
that’s why I prefer the truth than my face. God grant that my countrymen also
sacrifice their passions for the welfare of the country."

22 October 1889
He attended the nuptial ceremony of Felix Pardo de Tavera. Because of this
event, he postponed his plan of going to London for the confrontation of the
proofs with the original Morga in the British Museum.

31 October 1889
His essay "Filipinas Dentro de Cien Años" was published in the La Solidaridad
(second installment).

4 November 1889
A secret member of the R.L.M. with the no. 2 grade was introduced to Marcelo H.
del Pilar in a letter by Rizal. This secret member went to Madrid with the object of
securing a high position in the Cathedral and avenging injustices of which he was
a victim in the Philippines.

11 November 1889
He erased the name of Quioquiap from the prolongue written by Blumentritt for
the Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas which was being printed with the Rizal

15 November 1889
His article "a La Patria" was published in the La Solidaridad.
22 November 1889
Rizal sent back to Blumentritt the original of the Prologue and the proofs with his
corrections. He expressed his sentiments to Blumentritt that he did not like the
Filipinos to be imploring and asking the confraternity of the Spaniards.

From Paris Rizal sent to Marcelo H. del Pilar in Madrid the Article about
Blumentritt to be published in the La Solidaridad.

30 November 1889
His article "Inconsecuencias" was published in the La Solidaridad.

1 December 1889
He finished with the proofreading of the galley proofs of the Morga. He wrote to
Dr. Meyer that as soon as the printing of the books is finished, one copy would be
sent to him. Likewise, he explained to the latter the meaning of the word UPOS
found in the book of Morga.

December 1889
From Paris Rizal sent to M.H. del Pilar the continuation of the "Filipinas dentro de
cien años," some poems and letters of Bluementritt, all to be published at the
disposal of the director of the La Solidaridad.

15 December 1889
His essay "Filipinas Dentro de Cien Años" was published in the La Solidaridad
(third installment).

His poem the "Las Flores de Heidelberg" signed Laong Laan was published in the
La Solidaridad.

23 December 1889
Copies of the Morga started coming out from the printing press. He sent one copy
to Mariano Ponce in Barcelona. In a letter, Ponce told Rizal that the book would
rectify the wrong notion, which the enemies had against the Philippines. A big
blow against the enemies, he said further.

His admission permit to the Bibliotheque Nationale expired on this day.

3 January 1890
Rizal who was still in Paris announced to Ponce his return to London.

Rizal Back in London

6 January 1890
Rizal arrived at London from Paris. He went on searching for the paper and book, which Dr. Meyer requested him to buy in

15 January 1890
His article "Ingratitudes" was published in the La Solidaridad.
Rizal Back in Paris

8 January 1890
Rizal arrived at Paris from London and planned to go Holland to look for books in the libraries their written
during the 7th century about the Philippines.

8 January 1890
Rizal and Albert left Paris for Brussels.

1 February 1890
His essay "Filipinas dentro de cien años was published in the La Solidaridad (fourth installment).

Rizal in Brussels, Belgium

2 February 1890
Rizal arrived Brussels from Paris.

12 February 1890
In a letter advised Mariano Ponce Barcelona to collect the article he (Ponce) was publishing because they would be useful
later, publishing them in book form.

15 February 1890
His letter "Excelmo., Señor Don Vicen Barrantes" was published in the La Solidaridad.

5 March 1890
In a letter he told Dr. A.B. Meyer that the Filipinos before the coming of the Spaniards used to drink "arak" or wine of nipa
or coconut tree, and were chewing buyo. The opium, according to him, was introduced after the arrival of the Spaniards.

31 March 1890
His editorial article "Filipinas en el congreso" was published in the La Solidaridad.

He planned of establishing on top of a hill in Calamba a school which would be directed by him. He hoped the Filipino youth
would study in this school.

15 April 1890
Rizal’s letter to his countrymen, "Sobre la nueva ortografia de la lengua tagala," was published in the La Solidaridad.

His article "Seamos justos" was published in the La Solidaridad.

17 April 1890
Rizal didn’t believe that the Filipinos came from Sumatra. After reading the book of Marsden, Sumatra, he found many
similarities about the two people especially in costumes; but he didn’t draw the conclusion that Filipinos came from
Sumatra. He said that from two similar poeple no conclusion could be drawn that one came from the other. The two might
be the sons of a dead father.

30 April 1890
His editorial article "Cosas de Filipinas" was published in the La Solidaridad.

26 May 1890
His article "Mas sobre el asunto de Negros" was published in the La Solidaridad.

26 May1890
He came to know that his annotations of Morga’s work was very much searched and read in the Philippines. A copy
reached twice the original price of 12.50 francs.

28 May 1890
In a letter, he complained to M.H. del Pilar about the Filipinos indulging in gambling in Madrid. He said that Juan Luna and
Valentin Ventura in Paris were complaining about it, as it became known already in the Philippines.

6 June 1890
In a letter Rizal wanted his sister Soledad to be virtuous and possessed of good qualities in order to serve as a model
among her pupils.

11 June 1890
He informed M.H. del Pilar that he was not separating from the La Solidaridad but was only resting and giving others the
opportunity to use their pen. Rizal was going to continue the second part of the Noli.

28 June 1890
Persecutions against Rizal’s family in Calamba were intensified. These were communicated to him in Brussels by his
brother. People were driven from Calamba by the friars aided by the civil guards.

3 July 1890
In order that Antonio Luna would know about his activities in Brussels, Rizal informed the former that he was working and
studying, going to the clinic, reading and writing, and going to the gymnasium and the "Sala de Armas" for practice.

5 July 1890
In a letter Rizal reminded Dr. Blumentritt if he had received already the two sculptural works which were sent on Sept.22,

9 July 1890
In a letter to M. Ponce, he opposed Graciano Lopez Jaena’s going to Cuba. He said it is useless: "If one has to die let him
die at lest in his own country, for the cause of his country and for the welfare of his people." He informed Mariano Ponce
about this.

15 July 1890
His essay "Sobre la indolencia in the La Solidaridad (first installment).

Also his editorial article "Una Esperanza" was published in the La Solidaridad.

18 July 1890
Rizal received from Mariano Ponce, who was in Barcelona, 125 francs. The money arrived at a time when Rizal had just
one franc left in his pocket for his existence in Brussels. He planned to go to Madrid.

In a letter he promised to Marcelo H. del Pilar that the was leaving Brussels before the end of the month. He wanted to
present before the Supreme Court in Madrid the lawsuit against the friars of Calamba.

20 July 1890
He sent to Madrid the continuation of the "Sobre la indolencia de los Filipinos." He also sent the authority for the
presentation of the case before the Supreme Court. He planned of leaving Brussels at the end of the month. His family lost
the cases in Calamba against the friars and Paciano elevated the case to the Supreme Court in Madrid.

29 July 1890
Rizal informed Mariano Ponce of his departure for Madrid on the 1st of August and his arrival there on the 3rd or the 4th
day of the same month.

31 July 1890
His essay "Sobre la indolencia de los Filipinos" was published in the La Solidaridad (second installment).
Rizal Back in Madrid
15 August 1890
His essay "Sobre la Indolencia de los Filipinos was published in the Solidaridad (third installment).

20 August 1890
He wrote to his brother and sisters advised about the persecution of the noble persons of Calamba, but to have patience
since he was going to consult the Minister of Pardon and Justice of the Spanish government in Madrid.

23 August 1890
He reported to Juan Luna what transpired between him and Antonio Luna. They had a quarrel and they also had a duel.

31 August 1890
His essay "Sobre la Indolencia de los Filipinos" was published in the Solidaridad (fourth installment).

15 September 1890
His essay "Sobre la indolencia de los Filipinos" was published in La Solidaridad (fourth installment).

31 October 1890
His article "I contestacion a Don Isabel delos Reyes" was published in La Solidaridad.

His article "El amor patria with his pen name Laong Laan was published in the Solidaridad.

5 November 1890
His comments on D.F. Pi y Margallall’s article "Las luchas de nuestros dias" was published in the La Solidaridad (first

15 November 1890
He was issued the diploma of Mason-tea of the Lodge "Solidaridad the Grand Oriente Español."

23 November 1890
He wrote legend of "Mariang Makiling," which was published in the La Solidaridad on December 1890.

30 November 1890
Jose Rizal comment on D.F. Pi y Margall's article "Las Luchas de Nuestros Dias" was published in the Solidaridad (second

15 December 1890
His article "Como Se Gobierno las Filipinas" was published in the La Solidaridad

His poem "A mi…", -signed Laong Laan, was published in the La Solidaridad.

31 December 1890
His article "Mariang Makiling," signed Laong Laan, was published in the La Solidaridad.

7 January 1891
Rizal wrote a very inspiring and interesting letter to P. Vicente Garcia, seeking from the latter a light with which to prepare
himself (Rizal) to trend the path of the future. He said that the experience of old who has seen much of the world and
studied more can supplement the youth’s few years and little knowledge.

21 January 1891
In a letter, he broached to Jose Ma. Basa his idea of founding a college in Hong Kong where they would teach languages,
sciences, and arts, patterned after the Jesuits Colleges.

27 January 1891
Rizal left Madrid for Paris via Biarritz, after encountering all failures and difficulties in Madrid.
Rizal Biarritz, France
11 February 1891
From Biarritz, Rizal wrote Mariano Ponce in Madrid that he was too occupied and could not send articles for the La
Solidaridad. He offered his services of answering the attacks hurled against them in case Marcelo H. del Pilar and Antonio
Luna could not answer.

29 March 1891
He finished writing his book El Filibusterismo. He planned, however, of revising some chapters.

Rizal Back in Paris, France

4 April 1891
Rizal sent a letter to Jose Maria Basa asking the latter if he (Rizal) could borrow money to defray his fare for Hong Kong
from Paris.

8 April 1891
Rizal arrived at Brussels, from Paris. He immediately wrote a letter of congratulation to Antonio Luna in Madrid.

19 April 1891
In a letter, he reiterated to Jose Ma. Basa his intention of borrowing some amount so that he could leave immediately for
Hong Kong. He sent two letters to the Philippines through Jose Ma. Basa: one for his family in Calamba.

23 April 1891
He was revising some chapters of the Fili. He thought of sending it soon to the printing press.

1 May 1891
In a letter sent to Basa, Rizal reiterated [again] his desire to be in Hong Kong, reminding the former of the amount he was
borrowing for his fare.

He also informed Deodato Arellano of his plan to move from Europe to either Hongkong, Philippines or Japan, and to
renounce the receiving of pension from the Propaganda."

30 May 1891
Rizal set ready for printing 20 chapters of the manuscript of the El Filibusterismo. He was waiting for an amount to defray
the publication expense.

13 June 1891
Rizal finished reviewing and correcting the manuscript of the Fili, except for the last three chapters.

21 June 1891
He left Brussels for Ghent.

Rizal in Ghent, Belgium

3 July 1891
Rizal received from Jose Ma. Basa the amount he was borrowing for his trip to Hong Kong from Marseilles,
as well as the letter for the Director of the Messageries Maritimes. He was boarding at 9 Rue de Hinaut.

9 July 1891
He was financially hard up. He did not receive for three months up to this date any pension from home. He
was living in the most difficult situation, renting a small room and eating the modest food in order to
economize and able to publish the Fili. He had already pawned all his jewels.

29 July 1891
Rizal informed Eduardo Lete about the details of the two agricultural colonies in Belgium, telling the latter
that the Hoogstragen colony is for men and that of Brujas, for women. To know the details about this
request of Lete, Rizal personally went to Brussels.

4 August 1891
In a letter, he thanked Prof. Blumemtritt for the two books: the first volume of I El Sacerdocio and the
beautiful treaties of Mal Epos. He planned to write articles about these but the El Filibusterismo consumed
his time.

6 August 1891
He told Juan Zulueta that it was never his habit to provoke conflicts; that the idea which precipitated the
conflict among the members of the Colony in Madrid did not come from him but from other persons, and
that he never had the desire under his leadership to subordinate neither the La Solidaridad nor its director.

23 August 1891
In a letter, Rizal informed Blumentritt that Padre Leoncio Lopez, the old parish priest of Calamba who
wanted to see and shake hands with him again in Calamba before eternally leaving the valley of tears, but
who died before the publication of the Noli, is described in the Fili as Padre Florentino.

24 August 1891
Rizal wrote a letter to Mariano Ponce in Madrid informing the latter that he was deeply hurt by the false
accusations coming from Manila. However, he reiterated his adherence to the cause of the movement.

26 August 1891
In a letter, he informed Basa in Hong Kong that the Fili was coming out in September.

16 September 1891
The El Filibusterismo was about to come off the press of F. Meyer, Van Loo at No. 66 Vlanderestraat. He was
elated, together with Jose Alejandro who was staying with him at No. 32 Vlanderestraat, near the printing

18 September 1891
The Fili came off the press and Rizal sent to Hong Kong two copies: one for Jose Ma. Basa and the other for
Sixto Lopez.

22 September 1891
He sent one copy of his El Filibusterismo to Marcelo H. del Pilar. He informed the latter at the same time that
he was completely retiring from politics since he said he was going home. Likewise, he sent a copy to
Antonio M. Regidor, one of his countrymen living in London.

He planned of writing the third novel during his travel back home. He wanted to write about the customs
and usages of the Filipinos in a humorous and satirical style.

25 September 1891
Valentin Ventura sent to Rizal in Ghent 200 francs for the publication expenses of the Fili.

Rizal in Paris
3 October 1891
From Paris, Rizal sent a letter with 600 copies of the El Filibusterismo, to Jose Ma. Basa in Hongkong saying
that he was definitely taking the next trip of the Melbourne for Hongkong from Marseilles.

7 October 1891
Since January up to this date the whole amount Rizal received as help from the "Propaganda" amounted to
three hundred pesos (P300.00) only. Because of discontent, he informed Marcelo H. del Pilar that he was not
writing anymore for the La Solidaridad, and was renouncing the receiving of pensions from the

9 October 1891
He confessed to Blumentritt that he would not write anymore for the La Solidaridad. He said he was leaving
the field to others to manage the policy of the newspaper in order to avoid schism among the Filipinos in

13 October 1891
Rizal made clear the cause of the conflict between him and Marcelo del Pilar. He wrote Del Pilar about the
details of the cause of their misunderstanding and the reason why he could not return to Madrid.

17 October 1891
He arrived at Marseilles with boxes of Morga and Fili.

Rizal Bound for Hong Kong

18 October 1891
Rizal left Marseilles for Hong Kong aboard the Melbourne. On board, the beauty of Mme. De Block amused

19 October 1891
He woke up near Corcega. The day was beautiful, fresh and carried mild breeze.

He was surprised to hear Bishop Volenteri talked much about the Philippines. The Bishop had stayed in the
Philippines for 23 years.

23 October 1891
He arrived at Alejandria where the boat was invaded by the vendors offering the passengers their services.
He was irked by the natives’ behaviors.

24 October 1891
At six o’clock in the morning, he left Port Said to start his trip along the Suez Canal.

25 October 1891
In the evening, while traveling in the Red Sea, Rizal had a long discussion about religion with Bishop
Volenteri. The Bishop was so intolerant.

29 October 1891
He visited Aden and found the place more beautiful now than before. Here he saw slave cargoes.

31 October 1891
He passed the point of Guardafui. This was his 14th day on the sea on board the S.S. Melbourne since he
departed from Marseilles.

1 November 1891
He had a conversation with a Russian naturalist, who asked him whether he was a patriot, whether his
country was unfortunate. In return, Rizal asked the Russian what consists the misfortune of a nation.

2 November 1891
It was on this day that, on board the Melbourne, he made mention of Mr. W. B. Prayer who later became
Rizal’s correspondent regarding the North Borneo settlement project.

3 November 1891
The sky was cloudy when Rizal woke up. Many passengers became sick on board. His clothes became wet.
In the evening, he heard an Englishman sang ballads, among them the "Diver" and the " I am Khulen

4 November 1891
The day continued to be cloudy. Rizal was surprised how fast the oxidation took place among the iron bars.
The fiesta prepared on board was suspended because of the bad weather. After hearing the discussion about
"will "and "hope", he told his listeners that without hope there is no will.

5 November 1891
He had a long conversation about things related to Medicine, towns, girls, writers, artists, feeling and
literature with Mme. De Block.

In the afternoon, he played chess with the best players. He won. At 8:30 in the evening, he arrived at

6 November 1891
He took a walk around the town of Colombo. He went to see the Museum, the hospital, the Temple of
Buddha, and other places of interest. Here he made a detailed observation of the different Buddha peoples
he met on the street.

8 November 1891
On board, Rizal met some Franciscans whom he informed about the Franciscans in the Philippines. They told
him that if the Franciscans of the Philippines are rich, then they are no longer Franciscans.

10 November 1891
Rizal had a talk with Mr. W. B. Prayer about the colonization of North Borneo. At four o’clock in the
afternoon, he arrived at Singapore where he came to know about the departure of General Despujol for the

14 November 1891
He arrived at Saigon. He went ashore to visit the town. He saw the Museum and the Zoological Garden.

15 November 1891
He was still in Saigon on this day. He made so many visits around the town with his co-passengers. He went
to Chelong, a city hall an hour travel from Saigon, for observation.

16 to 19 November 1891
Rizal was again on board the S. S. Melbourne traveling from Saigon to Hong Kong.

Rizal in Hong Kong

19 November 1891
In the evening Rizal arrived at Hong Kong.

26 November 1891
From Hong Kong Rizal sent to Manuel Camus in Singapore 20 copies of the Fili, 6 of the Morga and 4 of the
Noli. He gave Camus 25 percent commission for the books sold.

1 December 1891
He asked permission from his parents to join them in Manila in their sacrifices and at the same time,
encouraged them to have a little endurance. He said: " I have learned of the exile of four townmates to Jolo
and of the return of my brother to Manila. I have also learned that mother, Pangoy and Trining, have been
summoned again by the civil government. I am burning with desire to embrace you. Patience, a little
patience! Courage!"

6 December 1891
Francisco Mercado, Paciano and his brother-in-law, Silvestre Ubaldo, escaped from the Philippines to avoid
persecution, and arrived at Hong Kong to join him.

12 December 1891
In a letter sent to Maria, one of his sisters in the Philippines, Rizal broached his plan of establishing a Filipino
colony in North British Borneo.

17 December 1891
On this day Governor General Despujol, offering his services and cooperation for the common good. He
wanted to point to the latter the ills of country in order to help cure the wounds of mal-administration.

27 December 1891
An article was published in the La Epoca carrying false news about Rizal’s stay in the Philippines and his
influence among the natives. This article carries no author’s name and was believed to have been inspired
by a Dominican friar.

December 1891
Rizal was visited by an Augustinian friar in his house. The friar pulled his ears and wanted to attack him. But
Rizal stopped the intruder by twisting the latter’s hand.

25 January 1892
The duplicate of his diploma in Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery was issued by the Ministry of
Development in Madrid.

30 January 1892
In a letter, Juan Luna favorably endorsed Rizal’s plan of establishing a Filipino colony in North Borneo. He
wished Rizal luck and success in this project.

January 1892
Everyday, after his medical practices in his clinic, he continued writing his third novel. It treated exclusively
about the Tagalog customs, usages, virtues and defects. Meanwhile, his brother Paciano translated the Noli
into Tagalog.

1 February 1892
Rizal paid thirty-five pesos (P35.00) to D. Mallunko for the rent on the premises of A-2 Rednaxela from
January 1st to 31st.

6 February 1892
Rizal wrote a letter addressed to "My beloved friend" and signed it with the name Cabisa.

15 February 1892
The Hong Kong Telegraph published the letter of Rizal signed Philippines in which he denounced the
vandalistic actions of the friar manager of the Dominicans in destroying the houses of those who refused to
pay the exorbitant rentals demanded of them in Calamba.

23 February 1892
Rizal wrote a letter to Blumentritt in which he informed the latter of his plan of emigrating to Borneo where
he could establish another Calamba free from the abuses of the friars and the civil guards.

2 March 1892
He visited Victoria Gaol in Hong Kong. Dr. Lorenzo Pereira Marquez who was the physician of the state
prison accompanied him.

Rizal on the Way to Hong Kong from Borneo

7 March 1892
Rizal left North Borneo on Board the boat Memon for Hong Kong. In the morning, he was traveling on the
Philippine waters near Cagayan de Oro.

8 March 1892
He was traveling along Mindoro Strait on his way back to Hong Kong from North Borneo. Mindoro, according
to him was mountainous on the southeastern part, with few trees and uninhabited.

Rizal Back in Hong Kong

11 March 1892
Rizal received the duplicate copy of his Licentiate in Medicine, which allowed him to practice his medical
profession in the Crown Colony.

Governor-General Despujol issued a decree of pardon for some of Rizal’s followers and friends who were
deported to far places.

11 March 1892
He thanked the staff members of the La Solidaridad for the campaign undertaken for the Calamba case. The
La Solidaridad carried articles about the troubles in Calamba whose people were stripped off of the land they
were cultivating by the friars.

21 March 1892
In a letter, he asked permission from the Governor-General to change his nationality and to gather the few
properties of his family left in Calamba. He informed the latter of his plan of establishing a Filipino Colony in

22 March 1892
Rizal received a receipt for $88.28 from Wenyon and Robinson of Hongkong in payment for the account of
Sixto Lopez which was paid by him.

23 March 1892
The Rector of the Universidad Central de Madrid wrote to the Minister of State, requesting that a
representative of the Spanish government in Hongkong deliver personally the diploma of Rizal at the
instance of Baldomero Roxas y Luz.

20 April 1892
He abandoned the idea of continuing to write in Tagalog the third part of his third novel.

23 May 1892
He sent a letter of protest to Mariano Ponce against the article of Eduardo Lete published in the La
Solidaridad. He wondered why Marcelo H. del Pilar permitted the publication of such article. He feared that it
would lead the Filipinos to believe the existence of schism among them. He was angry and furious at the
attack of Lete.

24 May 1892
In Hongkong, Rizal wrote a letter to Juan Zulueta complaining of the article of Lete published in the La
Solidaridad. He said that the article of Lete is highly impolite and prejudicial to the Philippines.

15 June 1892
He urged Mariano Ponce to establish a portable Tagalog printing press in Manila to handle the publication of
news and article whenever necessary.

20 June 1892
He wrote two letters which he left sealed in the custody of Dr. Lorenzo P. Marquez, with instructions that
these letters "be made public after my death". One of these was addressed to his parents, brothers, sisters
and friends; and other, to his countrymen.

21 June 1892
He wrote to Governor-General Despujol advising the latter of his arrival to the Philippines to take the few
things of the family. Rizal was in Hongkong at this time, about to depart for the Philippines. He informed the
Governor-General of his arrival in the Philippines ready to face whatever charges presented against him.
Rizal in the Philippines
26 June 1892
Rizal arrived in the Philippines from Hongkong on board the boat Don Juan. After having been inspected by
the custom men, he boarded in the Oriente Hotel where he occupied room No. 22, facing the Binondo
church. His sister, Lucia, accompanied him in his return to the Philippines. In the evening, he attended the
reunion held in the house of Don Ong-junco, a Chinese mestizo, who was living in the district of Tondo. Here
he met many Filipinos who were later arrested and executed as a consequence of the discovery of the

27 June 1892
He took a train for his pleasure trip to Bulacan and Pampanga. He visited Malolos, San Fernando and Tarlac
and his return, Bacolor.

28 June 1892
At 5:00 p.m. he arrived at Manila from his trip to Central Luzon.

29 June 1892
At 7:30 in the morning, he went to see Governor-General Eulogio Despujol. They talked about the Borneo
plan. The Governor-General was very much opposed to it. Rizal was told to return the following Sunday.

June 1892
Rizal used to see Maximo Viola in the Oriental Hotel prior to his (Rizal’s) deportation to Dapitan. Here Rizal
confided to Viola the results of his interview with the Governor-General, which he termed sometimes
pessimistic, sometimes optimistic.

3 July 1892
Rizal had again an interview with Governor-General Despujol. He thanked Governor-General Despujol for
lifting the order of exile for his sisters. The Governor told him to come back the following Wednesday.

In the evening, he attended a meeting at a house on Calle Ylaya to discuss the proposed Liga Filipina.

6 July 1892
Rizal held the last interview with the Governor-General. The governor-general confronted him for anti-friar
bills supposedly found in the baggages of his sister Lucia. He was ordered imprisoned in Fort Santiago.

7 July 1892
Governor-General Eulogio Despujol issued a decree deporting Rizal to Dapitan. All the newspapers of the city
published the decree on that day.

14 July 1892
In his prison cell, he was informed by D. Ramon Despujol , aide and the nephew of the Governor- General,
that at 10:00 in the evening they would leave for Dapitan.

15 July 1892
At 1:00 on the morning, Rizal was shipped on board the boat S. S. Cebu to Dapitan. He was given good
cabin, but well guarded.

Rizal, the Romantic

There were at least nine women linked with Rizal; namely Segunda Katigbak, Leonor Valenzuela, Leonor Rivera, Consuelo
Ortiga, O-Sei San, Gertrude Beckette, Nelly Boustead, Suzanne Jacoby and Josephine Bracken. These women might have
been beguiled by his intelligence, charm and wit.

Segunda Katigbak and Leonor Valenzuela

Segunda Katigbak was her puppy love. Unfortunately, his first love was engaged to be married to a town mate- Manuel
Luz. After his admiration for a short girl in the person of Segunda, then came Leonor Valenzuela, a tall girl from Pagsanjan.
Rizal send her love notes written in invisible ink, that could only be deciphered over the warmth of the lamp or candle. He
visited her on the eve of his departure to Spain and bade her a last goodbye.

Leonor Rivera
Leonor Rivera, his sweetheart for 11 years played the greatest influence in keeping him from falling in love with other
women during his travel. Unfortunately, Leonor’s mother disapproved of her daughter’s relationship with Rizal, who was
then a known filibustero. She hid from Leonor all letters sent to her sweetheart. Leonor believing that Rizal had already
forgotten her, sadly consented her to marry the Englishman Henry Kipping, her mother’s choice.

Consuelo Ortiga
Consuelo Ortiga y Rey, the prettier of Don Pablo Ortiga’s daughters, fell in love with him. He dedicated to her A la Senorita
C.O. y R., which became one of his best poems. The Ortiga's residence in Madrid was frequented by Rizal and his
compatriots. He probably fell in love with her and Consuelo apparently asked him for romantic verses. He suddenly backed
out before the relationship turned into a serious romance, because he wanted to remain loyal to Leonor Rivera and he did
not want to destroy hid friendship with Eduardo de Lete who was madly in love with Consuelo.

O Sei San
O Sei San, a Japanese samurai’s daughter taught Rizal the Japanese art of painting known as su-mie. She also helped
Rizal improve his knowledge of Japanese language. If Rizal was a man without a patriotic mission, he would have married
this lovely and intelligent woman and lived a stable and happy life with her in Japan because Spanish legation there offered
him a lucrative job.

Gertrude Beckett
While Rizal was in London annotating the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, he boarded in the house of the Beckett family,
within walking distance of the British Museum. Gertrude, a blue-eyed and buxom girl was the oldest of the three Beckett
daughters. She fell in love with Rizal. Tottie helped him in his painting and sculpture. But Rizal suddenly left London for
Paris to avoid Gertrude, who was seriously in love with him. Before leaving London, he was able to finish the group carving
of the Beckett sisters. He gave the group carving to Gertrude as a sign of their brief relationship.

Nellie Boustead
Rizal having lost Leonor Rivera, entertained the thought of courting other ladies. While a guest of the Boustead family at
their residence in the resort city of Biarritz, he had befriended the two pretty daughters of his host, Eduardo Boustead.
Rizal used to fence with the sisters at the studio of Juan Luna. Antonio Luna, Juan’s brother and also a frequent visitor of
the Bousteads, courted Nellie but she was deeply infatuated with Rizal. In a party held by Filipinos in Madrid, a drunken
Antonio Luna uttered unsavory remarks against Nellie Boustead. This prompted Rizal to challenge Luna into a duel.
Fortunately, Luna apologized to Rizal, thus averting tragedy for the compatriots.

Their love affair unfortunately did not end in marriage. It failed because Rizal refused to be converted to the Protestant
faith, as Nellie demanded and Nellie’s mother did not like a physician without enough paying clientele to be a son-in-law.
The lovers, however, parted as good friends when Rizal left Europe.

Suzanne Jacoby
In 1890, Rizal moved to Brussels because of the high cost of living in Paris. In Brussels, he lived in the boarding house of
the two Jacoby sisters. In time, they fell deeply in love with each other. Suzanne cried when Rizal left Brussels and wrote
him when he was in Madrid.

Josephine Bracken
In the last days of February 1895, while still in Dapitan, Rizal met an 18-year old petite Irish girl, with bold blue eyes,
brown hair and a happy disposition. She was Josephine Bracken, the adopted daughter of George Taufer from Hong Kong,
who came to Dapitan to seek Rizal for eye treatment. Rizal was physically attracted to her. His loneliness and boredom
must have taken the measure of him and what could be a better diversion that to fall in love again. But the Rizal sisters
suspected Josephine as an agent of the friars and they considered her as a threat to Rizal’s security.

Rizal asked Josephine to marry him, but she was not yet ready to make a decision due to her responsibility to the blind
Taufer. Since Taufer’s blindness was untreatable, he left for Hon Kong on March 1895. Josephine stayed with Rizal’s family
in Manila. Upon her return to Dapitan, Rizal tried to arrange with Father Antonio Obach for their marriage. However, the
priest wanted a retraction as a precondition before marrying them. Rizal upon the advice of his family and friends and with
Josephine’s consent took her as his wife even without the Church blessings. Josephine later give birth prematurely to a
stillborn baby, a result of some incidence, which might have shocked or frightened her.

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