Papiamentu Poem MI AMIGA by Dwight Isebia With English Translation

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(with english translation)

Mi ke ta bo amigu,
bo kompaero i bo sosio
Bo mas leal katibu
i tambe protektor i doo

Esun ku bo ta mira
manera e ta den lus di da
pa despus ku nochi sera,
bo ta sinti den bo soo

Esun ku dor di bo presensia

ta logra gana kualke guera
i ku si ta pabo le tin ku bringa
ta sigui lucha te na morto;

ya ku sin bo alegra
loke ta sobra di mi bida
ta parse intil y sin goso

(English translation)
I wish to be your friend,,
your companion and your partner;
a slave whose loyalty never ends
but also your guardian and master

The one, youll always see

just the way he is in daylight
and when it gets dark, youll feel
while sleeping in the night

The one whos able to win all wars

because youre staying at his side
and if youre the reason the battle starts
the one who fights till end of life

As life would seem sad and empty

If you happen to be unhappy
(DPI 2010 translation)

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