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Term Paper of

Consumer behaviour
“learning know-how of consumer
research” on

Branded clothes

Brand is a source of relationships with customers, promises to costumers and customer loyalty.
Great brands present emotional benefits and not just rational/functional. Branding is a process of
creating an association between symbol/object/emotion perception and a product/company with a
goal of diving loyalty and creating differentiation. Branding is raising new questions for the
brand managers like what benefits and expectations customers look across a brand, how
consistent in the brand image, etc.
A brand is essentially a seller’s promise to deliver a specific set of features, benefits, and services
consistently to the buyers. The best brands convey a warranty of quality. But a brand is an even
more complex symbol. It can convey up to six levels of meaning:
 Attributes: a brand brings to mind certain attributes. Mercedes suggest expensive, well-
built, well-engineered, durable, high-prestige automobiles
 Benefits: attributes must be translated into functional and emotional benefits. The
attribute “durable” could translate into the functional benefit “I won’t have to buy another
car for several years.” The attribute “expensive” translates into the emotional benefit “the
car makes me feel important and admired”
 Values: the brand also says something about the producer’s values. Mercedes stand for
high performance, safety, and prestige.
 Culture: the brand may represent a certain culture. The Mercedes represents German
culture: organized, efficient, high quality.
 Personality: the brand can project a certain personality. Mercedes may suggest a no-
nonsense boss (person), a reigning lion (animal), or an austere palace (object)
 User: the brand suggests the kind if consumer who buys of users the product. We would
expect to see a 55-year-old top executive behind the wheel of Mercedes, not a 20-year-
old secretary.


Nowadays most people are extremely fashion conscious. They wear fashionable, stylish and
superior quality clothes to make themselves look good. So, what they generally look for
nowadays is branded clothing because this type of clothing provides all three things — style,
fashion and high quality.
Branded clothes are of superior quality and are long lasting. Most branded companies offer their
potential customers money-back guarantees if customers aren’t satisfied with their items. The
main advantage of branded clothing like Levi’s, Pepe, Spykar and others is that their clothing is
available in all sizes and is most appropriate for women, men or children. These clothing can
also be available in variety of colors and myriad styles.
Branded items of clothing are used by various people to enhance their looks and appeals. These
powerful brands make one look classy and make you stand apart from the crowd. So wearing
branded dresses can definitely add to your persona; hence it’s a great choice indeed.

So, people usually go for a brand which have a reputation, purchase them from a reputed store
and then wear them to look good. At times it might be pinching to one’s pocket but at the end of
the day it will be worth the money as people will shower you with accolades.


Today, the average consumer is bound to get confused while shopping because of the extensive
cutthroat competition in the market. For every product there are large varieties of top Indian and
international fashion brand players flooding the fashion world. Out of these distinct popular
fashion brands some are indicative of quality and rich craftsmanship and thus demand a higher
price. Side by side to the quality products we have some brands that follow the designing of hi
class products but the quality is compromised. This category is particularly meant for those who
cannot afford expensive quality items but wish to copy the styling.
Some of the popular brand names of fashion world are Lee, Levis, Wrangler, Allen Solly, Louis
Phillipe, Wills Lifestyle and Pepe. In apparel section, there are designer clothes by famous
fashion designers that are selling like real hot cakes but then they are definitely expensive like
Tommy Hilfiger, Marks Spencer, Peter England, Ralph Lauren Polo brands. These designer
funky ensemble collections are expensive but act as a symbol of passion and courage. They
enhance the personality and make one feel more confident. There are also some economic brands
being preferred by students such as Koutons, Cotton County, Monte Carlo, Priknit, Sportking
Whether it is a serial in a regional satellite channel or a One Day International cricket match,
there is a non-stop stream of advertisements, which clutter the commercial break. Well-
established brands attempt to sustain brand recall while new ones try appealing to prospective
consumers to get into their `consideration’ set. There are ads for children, housewives and youth.
With advertising expenditure in the order of Rs. 8000 Crores per annum in the recent times and
the proliferation of brands across categories, there is a strong need to consider the effectiveness
of these advertisements.

Objectives of Study:
 To understand the learning know-how of consumer research for branded clothes.
 To know the brand preferences of consumers.
 To ascertain the motives of students for buying a particular brand.

Review of Literature

Sanjay Sharma,(2007) posted that in the world of fashion and urban clothing, the don ed hardy
branded clothes have became one of the top choices of brands all over the world. As one of Dr.
Jay's top brands for the ladies, the don ed hardy branded clothes have become more than just an
icon, but became a trend setter for fashion, style, and culture, much as what its founder is famous
of, a trend setter. After only two years, the collection had drawn the interest of Saks companies.
Don ed hardy and Ku USA formed Hardy Life LLC, which holds the trademark ownership as
well as the copyrights to all his images.

Bhavana Acharya,(2009) states that in a world of tightening consumer expenditure, value

retailers are placed better than their premium counterparts. In the stock markets, Koutons Retail,
a value apparel retailer, has fared relatively better than its peers, losing just about half its share
value. Koutons owns clothing brands — Koutons and Charlie Outlaw for men, Les Femme for
women and Koutons Junior aimed at children. About 90 per cent of store expansion is carried out
through franchisees. The average agreement period of a franchise spans nine years, and Koutons,
thus far, has seen very little churn in its franchisees, a plus for its business growth. Though a
branded player, it delivers quality apparel priced at affordable rates. Koutons also manages an
80-85 per cent conversion of footfalls into sales. Future capex requirement is minimal as there
will be no addition to manufacturing units. Economies achieved as a result of scalability allows
Koutons to maintain the “value” proposition, through affordably priced merchandise.

Business Wire,(2002) posted that Levi Strauss & Co. is one of the world's leading branded
apparel companies, marketing its products in more than 100 countries worldwide. The company
designs and markets jeans and jeans-related pants, casual and dress pants, shirts, jackets, and
related accessories for men, women and children under the Levi's(R), Dockers(R) and Levi
Strauss. Levi Strauss & Co. has also launched a new casual clothing brand called Levi Strauss
Signature(TM) for U.S. consumers who shop at mass channel retail stores. The brand of clothing
for men, women and children will be available initially at Wal-Mart stores across the United
States .The company also is currently talking with other U.S. mass channel retailers about
offering Levi Strauss Signature(TM) products in their stores.

Johann Erickson, 1990 stated that Rodeo Ben started the trend for Wrangler jeans when he
designed and tailored the 13MWZ. This durable and quality jean was tested by rodeo stars Jim
Shoulders, Bill Linderman, and Freckles Brown while they starred in rodeo shows around the
country. In 1949, the Wrangler jean became very popular after the Rodeo Championship and
grew into the number 1 jean for western wear. As a matter of fact even later in 1974, Wrangler
Jeans became 'Official Jeans of the Pro Rodeo Cowboys Association'.
Because of their rugged style and durability Wrangler Jeans have always been associated with
cowboy and ranchers. But, they are not just for cowboys. They are truly the known as western
wear throughout the world, but they are becoming more popular for many outdoor activities

Shruti Singh, 2009 stated that the Spykar jeans in India are very famous and that too in every
segments of the demography. These jeans have been dominating the apparel domain in India for
many years. As a matter of fact, this Spykar company has always been able to maintain its
distinguished position in Indian market, right from the very beginning by the virtues of its high
qualitative products. This firm produces a huge variety of jeans and other apparels, which can
easily fit in every age groups of people at ease. Nowadays, people are very fashion conscious.
They purchase most of the things, keeping in mind the latest fashion which is prevailing in the
present market. Also, a large number of shopping malls and multiplexes have been erected all
over the country which too have boosted their business.

Research Methodology
This part of the report i.e. research methodology is intended to give the details of the conceptual
framework within which the study was carried out. This describes the methods followed in
carrying out research and thus elaborated the sample selected, research instruments used and
method of collecting the information of the study.

 Scope of Study: This study covers the Jalandhar City

 Type of research: Quantitative Research Design: Descriptive
 Sample Size: 55 Students
 Sampling Technique: Convenience Sampling

Data Collection

1) Primary Data: Primary data mean original data that have been collected specially for the
purpose in mind.As far as Primary Data is concerned, The Research was more of a sample
survey; making the students fill the QUESTIONNAIRE.
2) Secondary Data: Help of Internet was taken so as to undergo study of various brands
prevalent in Indian market.

Tools of Data Analysis

The data so collected will be arranged in a tabular form. Keeping in view the objectives of the
research and nature of the data, various statistical tools like chi square test, etc may be used. For
data analysis and interpretation, SPSS and Microsoft Office Excel will be used.

Limitations of Study

1) This study was conducted in Jalandhar City and may not be touched in other areas.
2) The findings of this study were based on expressed opinions of the respondents. Since this is
an opinion survey, personal bias may also have crept in.
3) Sample size was small. Bigger size could have made the results more effective.
4) The respondents were not willing to express their opinions, so the results or findings may not
be rational.
1. Name: ____________

2. Gender : Male Female

3. Monthly Family Income:

Less than 10000 10000-20000
20000-30000 Above 30000

4. Have you ever buy any branded clothes?

Yes No

5. How long you been a brand fan?

Less Than One Year Three To Five Years

One To Two Years Five to Ten Years

More Than Ten Years

6. While purchasing any brand, do you have choice regarding stuff?

Yes No

7. Do you consider Price while buying branded clothes?

Yes No Can’t Say

8. Which of the following Premium brands do you like the most?






9. Which of the following Economic Brands you like the most?


10. Do you stick to any particular brand every time you shop or do you keep trying new

11. How do you feel after buying brand?


Very Good




12. How do you come to know about a various brands of clothes available in market?
TV commercials

13. What are the factors which influence you to go for branded clothes?

Fashion Appeal
Good Quality
Enhances Personality
Status Symbol
As per rising trend

14. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 represent “extremely satisfied” and 5 represent “extremely

dissatisfied”, how would you rate level of overall satisfaction with brand?
1 2 3 4 5
Data Analysis and Interpretation

1) Gender:

Male 25
Female 30
Total 55


We have undertaken survey of 30 female students and 20 male students. As per our study,
females are more eager and spendrift for branded clothes. So the study was conducted
taking into consideration these assumptions.
2) Monthly Family Income:

Income No of Students
Less Than 13
10000-20000 25
20000-30000 9
Above 30000 8


From the graph, its clear that, most of the students are from middle income group and
belong to families with income level between Rs 10000-20000. Only 8 out of 55 students
belong to income level above Rs 30000.
3. Have you ever buy any branded clothes?

Response Students
Yes 50
No 5
Total 55


It is clear from the graph that, only 5 students out of 55 don’t prefer to buy branded clothes. Rest
of the students was surveyed for getting their view points.
4. How long you been a brand fan?

Time Frame No. of

Less than One Year 5
One to two years 14
Three to five years 15
Five to ten years 11
More than ten years 5
Total 50


From the graph, it’s clear that, 15 students are brand fans for more than three years. This shows
the love to wear branded clothes other than non branded. Only 5 students are there who are brand
fans for more than ten years. 11 students fall in the category of brand fans for between five to ten
5. While purchasing any brand, you have choice regarding stuff?

Response No. of
Yes 40
No 10
Total 50


Most of the students, do have choice in regard to brands while they go for shopping. Rest of the
students they go for randomly choosing among various brands.
6. Do you consider Price while buying branded clothes?

Response No. of
Yes 25
No 20
Can't Say 5
Total 50

We have applied Chi-Square test

Hypothesis: Criteria that whether students consider price while buying the clothes

Observed N Expected N Residual

Yes 25 16.7 8.3

No 20 16.7 3.3

Can’t 5 16.7 -11.7


Total 50
Test Statistics


Chi-Square 13.000a

df 2

Asymp. Sig. .002


Most of the students consider price of a branded cloth while going for shopping. For them price
do matters and often look for discount schemes being offered for the same. Also, our Null
Hypothesis is accepted by this analysis.

7. Which of the following Premium brands do you like the most?

Brands No. of
Total 50
Most of the students prefer wearing Levis clothing summing to 22. The next preferred brand is
Pepe with 10 students. The Least preferred is Vibe.

8. Which of the following Economic brands do you like the most?

Brands No of
Koutons 12
Cotton County 10
Priknit 11
Monte carlo 10
Sportking 7


From the analysis, it’s clear that most students prefer Koutons because of yearly discount
schemes offered by the brand. Thereafter Priknit is preferred because of its good quality. Least
preferred is Sportking.
9. Do you stick to any particular brand every time you shop or do you keep trying new

Response No. of
Stick to a 30
Trying new 20
Total 50

Most of the students, stick to their old brands and avoid trying new one’s. This shows the
avoid to take any chance with their previous brand.

10. How do you come to know about a various brands of clothes available in market?

Medium No. of
TV 10
Newspapers 9
Magazines 8
Internet 8
Friends 15
So from the graph, its evident that , Friends have great influence on purchase decision for
branded clothes as 15 students are in this favour. TV commercials also affect purchase decision
with 10 students influenced by this factor.

11. What are the factors which influence you to go for branded clothes?

Response No. of
Fashion 7
Good Quality 14
Enhances 12
Status Symbol 7
As per rising 10
Total 50
We have applied Chi- Square test

Hypothesis: Various Criteria preferred by Students while choosing branded Clothes are
equally likely

Observed N Expected N Residual

Fashion 7 10.0 -3.0

Quality 14 10.0 4.0

Persona 12 10.0 2.0


Status 7 10.0 -3.0

Trend 10 10.0 .0

Total 50

Test Statistics


Chi-Square 3.800a

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .434

Most of the students prefer branded clothes because of its good quality and also because they feel
they look good by wearing such clothes.

12. How do you feel after buying brand?

Response No. of Students

Excellent 15
Very Good 19
Good 14
Fair 2
Poor 0
Total 50

Through the study we came to know that 30% feels EXCELLENT after buying a brand of their
choice, 38% feels VERY GOOD, 28% feels GOOD in themselves, 4% feels FAIR.
Majority of votes states that students feels very good in themselves after buying a brand with
which they can flaunt themselves and a sense of satisfaction comes with purchasing a brand.

13. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 represent “extremely satisfied” and 5 represent “extremely

dissatisfied”, how would you rate level of overall satisfaction with brand?

Rates No. of
1 12
2 23
3 11
4 3
5 1
Total 50

From the study we came to know that 24% of students ranks1 after buying a brand of their choice, this
shows that their needs are satisfied through that brand.46% of students rank2 in the satisfaction level, this
shows that they are also somewhat satisfied with the brand they are using but can switch to some other
anyway if they got a better opportunity.22% of students ranks 3, means they are neutral towards their
brand.6% of students had ranked 4, means that they are not satisfied wth the brand they are using. Such
customers either fall in category of switchers or go getters, who don’t have a particular choice but keeps
on trying and ends up with dissatisfaction.
2% of students who fall under rank 5 are also among switchers or go getters category.






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