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J:.rescnlen 2%11

aIqil1£se l.~.QLJ\. ~iuoIe ~rltnol

Ciiq Holl Concept Hall

•. "

Hong Kon~

Monday. 20th July 1970 7:30 p.m.



'*' JY.r A. PATRON

His Execllency The Governor

Sir David Trench, K.C.M.G .• M.e.

11'- J;.



Lam Chile Suen I"H.D.


Honorary President:

~~ lft 31€ -m ±

1. P. Kwok, D.B.A., L.H.D., J.P.

President Emeritus:


Lam Chi Fung; D.B£. LL.r.

iq ~ M-t--k "t 1(.
Treasurer: Vice President: Recording Secretary:
11 ~ 7G 4. '1i M1t jGiE -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Y. Tsao Wong Bing Lai Au Wai Sum, M.B.E., J.P. -i" ~



David Lai


Li Fook WO, D.B.E., J.P.

.:rL,~ ~-g :$G §:

Hung Shin Shiu

Il ~g jj jG. ~

Daniel N. F. Chen

Jill j1;t 1Jf ;t ~

Watt Mo Kei

~ fF 4t ~

Rev. Wong Tsok

1* :if ~ ~ !t{$~;C!£
Henry Hsu, D.B.E. Chan Tak Tat; J.P.
11t #~ ~ 5G 4: fljG)!ij:l!f5b!£
.'" John Cheong Jack Y. H. Yuen --- ~------'---'-------------'-'~-----'-'-"-----'-'~---~-~----.._",~--

j;_ 1$

Chairman ;

~J ± ~ Vice Chairman;

~ Q1lltUdf 2ffi{emh2tZ of (ITltiite~n~'!; 2ff!f .. QL ~ .. 2MibbIe ~dloaI

[ .'


Chan Tak Tai, J,p,


Lai Yiu Kau

$t jt Supervisor:

~ -k

Principal : .

_- : ,


Kenneth Chung

~ ~ »}j k!{ ~iji

Rev. Ho Sai Ming

Watt Mo Kei

~ .n ;ffiJ * ±

Wong Yuk Mui

If. if ~. ~ tx .

Prof. Lo Po Yiu

m :ilf: :9<J ~ A:.

Chow Kun Che


Ernest Y. Wu

1% ~ ~a ~ .1:.

Jack Y. H. Yuen

S. H. Pang. M.IJ.E,. rt,n, J,p,

% ~. i':. ~~ Jl

Concerti LO~ficers

.. ~

:k.-1t::t.'" Chairman;

'fliJ i\t .itA ~ :R:

Rev. Ho Sai Ming


Secretary (Chi11ese):

W * jfJj YG &

Wong Chung Chiu

*-*.$&11 Secretary (English)

·iffJ ~ ~ 5t iE

Mui Lang Kin .

~ ~



Tsang K wok Kuen

#. fh-

Tickets and Booking;


Yip Yuk Pui

$; th-


.*~ 'f5t!£

.. Lee Woon Yin

General Administration:

* Jt th *. 1:

San Sill Kan ... \


Publicity. (English):

.:E m ;f1 :5U ~

Wong Ping K wan

<f*-Jt~ Ptiblicity (Chinese):


Fang Kan Hay

ii' 1t .:r.1'~

Back Stage Manager:

~ ~~ :7'C ;t iE

Male Kau Kwong

~ ~ Photographer:

~ 1~ 5.dt * iE

Leung Chung Keung

;ffl #' Receptionist:


Cheung Lai Han



Lam Ting Fai

1»; 11

Dicoratian :

.tj; . ~ ...



Wong Hay

?J) t.t.



Ip Tat Yau

~ iI ~Jt ;t _&

Mok Yiu Kwan

a. Slow March, Scipio

b. Blaze Away

.... ..... II' ••• .1'

;, Emtdel

I. School Brass Band

..... .,.. .... .... "'" ••• .... ..... ..4-1> A.,. Hoizmami

Conductor: Mr. Wong Hay m~:.:E ~1a&

II. Piano Duet ( jJiJJ~.=: 1[~) :

a, Marche Militaire •.• • •. b. Waltz of The Flowers ...


Miss Hung Jane-yee . \'.£lss Hung Yuen·yee

Tschaikowsky AA~%f<ij1¥ 1I~4>'il5Gfr'jJ •

III. Recorder Ensemble (*'* )J .. MI.%*) :

a. Shepherds, Shepherds leave decoying ... .., ... ... ... ... ... Purcell llii rt .gr q:r -*- W Ij~ ;m

1'$* h~bil5'Ilfi;j*

IV. Harmonica Band (1t * P!dF ~)' :

. ;:_
a. La Spagnola . .. V.D. Chiara
h. Malaguena " " •.• Lecoona
... . ..
c, Hungarian Dance ... ... ... ... Drdla
Conductor: Mr. Lee Sheung.ching Hi:~: *fi';jW5t~
Soloist: Mr. Lee Kwok cu« ~~:*~~1G~
Accompanist: Miss Belly Yau #* : IijI.Et~/N1! a. J! 11 J&

b. tli ::tE M

c. ~$.FIIt

.. tt ,., .

.'1 '"

V. Flute Solo ( *'1 1JJ~) :

a. Largo and Allegro from "Sonata for Flute and Bass" ... ... ••• Marcello Soloist: Mr. Wu" Chung Tim ~*: MfjHI~ffU~ Accompanist: Miss Hung Yuen Yee tt-~: ~flij~lfiJ~

VI. Chinese Instruments Ensemble (it tf * ~ P~) :

VII. School Mixed Choir (.tft~lI~IIJ):

•• + ".t ...... ..... ,.. .... .... ..'"

,.. • .. J(Ri1t

.,. ..... ...~ ... ~.. .... ... ... ..... . ...... *mtt-a~

Conductor : M/ Lam, Ting Fai mmr : tUJ;Jli!!JI:;&

Accompanist: Miss Hung Yuen Yee #~: 1l!l~ft1.f,lj~

VIII. Trumpet Solo (:Lit~~~):

», ,

a. Trumpet Tune and Air ..• ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... Purcell

Soloist: Mr: Lee Pak Tong ~* : :$.IE~~IP:I~

Accompanist: Miss Hung ¥:len Yee #~: mWij5c.fqj~

IX. Recorder Band (~ 0/ *-w f~ )

a. Minuet .. , ... . .. h. The Parade of the Tin Soldiers ...

c. For a Few Dollars More

Conductor; Mr. Wong Hay 1lf1!ll":.:E IICHt& Accompanist: Miss Judith Ip #£' : ~1§~/J\tdl

• .. Handel L. Jessel

a. Sonata No.3... ... ". ... ...

X. Violin Solo (JJ"'~?-F~~):

h. Romanza Andaluza op. 22 No.3... ... ... ... P. Sarasate

Soloist: Mr. Cheng Chik Pui ~*: f$ll'ii}ili;t&

Accompanist: Mrs. Amy Cheng fH'f : ~i*1i*~*±

XI. School Brass Band (it tf ~ ~ ~) :

a. Three folk Dances ••. ... .., arr. Victor Gumma

h. Jamaican folk Suite ••• •.• ••. ... ,,' Harold L. Walters

Conductor: Mr. Wong Hay m~: .:E~.fu~

XII. Chorus and Good Night (~ft*_.g.\l~) a, Little Brown Jug

h. When the Saints Come Marching in

c. 1:f * Will Shine To-night

d. ff Jfl ., ~ lID:

e. W:.]8 '" ~ Iffi * IJl;:

f. ~ *' It &. W\. i5 m; = ID: n~

g. Good Luck, Good Health God Bless You

Conductor: M,'. W mIg Hay t~~: :E1!l;t&




, ,


Jf!;i:~;;- ~ Jj!:;:tl!j- I g§ ~m;r:~ jj ~ ; ;t1tt~:{£5I(:iillrm'_:'J1~JJftfC' ~mM~~m$'M~£~T?~~~M~? ~n:xJ:'~tE:l&J:o

~M@ft(B~~ , :ITM1~~(8$l'lID ' .~T!~.7!am.W®.~·~~aa~~J:o

(~) -¥re~~9Ji~mr1jt§l,rttJ! ~:t:7!1lf~m!ff~m5[l.rm j ~!BfJ~ > t8f~ft!.~!

c=) -~~.m~ ••• ~I~~~M.~*7~I~fi.'W~ ~1!l!!1

. C .=: ) Jffi).J!X tlfm tr :.tfillll ~ ! § tJH~ 13 PZJt- j§J 1'3: llJf ! ~ llJf~ , llJf 1If .58 Ii!«!

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eE) li.~AA~.~.!.~~ •• ~~~.!~llJf.'W~~ ~l

eA) ~~~~~~~*'AA~.ft~n~l~fi~IW~~~! ( 1::; ) $- m ~ ffilJYJi~mt1jt 7'C.~ ! jWJ * T Jlf 1jt S6t1T:lit ta 7'C.[ff" J 11!f~1Wi! ,. !l¥WfJflI

1:- it k ~ ~s "* -t~



, ' .

. 1W~ (~JlO

My friend and I lived all alone in it lfttte log hut we called our ~wn. He loved gin and I loved rum, I ten you we had lots of fun. .

Hal Ha1 Hal you. and me, Little brown 'Jug don't I love thee!

Ha! Hal Hal you and me. Little brown jug don't I love thee!

~,~ (:k~)

My friend and I lived all alone in a little log hut we called OUr own. He loved gin and I loved rum, I ten you we had lots of fun:


Hal Hal Hal you and me. Little brown jug don't I love theel Hal Hal Ha! you and me, Little brown jug don't I love theel '

~F~ (:kJl)

'Tis you who makes my friends my foes; 'Tis you who makes me wear old clothes

Here you are so near my nose. So tip him up and down he goes.


Hal Hal Hal you and me, Little brown jug don't I love thee! Ha! Hal Hal you and me, Little brown jug don't I love thee!

~r~ (~)

When rose is red my nose is too, Violets blue and -so are you, Yet I guess before I stop I'd better take another drop, . . (repeat to Ha! Hal Ha!) " .


I. Oh, when the saints come marching in Oh, when the saints come marching in Oh, Lord I want to be in that number when the saints come marching in.

(Two times)

5ir~ (:k~)

1. Oh, when the saints come marching in Oh, when the saints come marching in Oh, Lord I want to be in that number when the saints Come marching in.

(Two times)

;&~n (*~)

II. We are trav'llng in the footsteps of those who have' gone before But we'll all be reunited on a new and sunlit shore.

(repeat No. i)

J!illr~ (~H)

m. Somedays in this world of trouble He's the only one we need " But I'm waitin' for that mornin' when the new world is revealed. ".

(repeat No.1)


(}~fJ.iE&4:~iPS'::'iX ) ~

WJ:j:1 will shine tonight, W$ . will shine

11'* will shine tonight, '.<Vrr will shine

1f1f! will shine tonight, 'fJ1fl will shine

when the sun goe~ down and tho-moon' comes :?P,~!fJ will shine.


lfiI~ (::£~)

Oh, when the saints come marching in. Oh, when the saints come marching in. Oh, Lord I want to be in that number When the saints come marching in.

(Two times)

(- ) • tf.~lk
lIfJ ~ ( ~fiE*Pj§ , ~U~PIl! )
l1{~~~ ~ ii'.\ fIi ~ fl'Wz,m ~*1m71-
*H~~~ J'Bf9:il}'Wl 1aAR£~ 11. 7f!I f!!f n~
~f!.i~~ tit ZU ffii B ;;t:fJ~~ ~~tp:JiI.
g9jJlt:I:;s 1li~1lI~ ~J}~~ ~;a~$
1I- l{l 'ffi' !fl illl Z B ~ ~ ~ J{J, ~. ~ifrflil WI ~ ( ~~*nEl ' ~f1£mug )

m~.. ..~. B •• W •• ~ .~~£ ~B~. ~jJlt:I:~&~~ .~. W~. ~~~ me~ .~. ~~. ~~* Mre~

~;R1f~-A -!t-j!f$A.

-~WIflA -~1frf:1A

iijffi;g -&#.l;E; 133?:m

-lJfta~ m:ta;tri 133?~

( .::. ) :t \l~

Jill r~ ( 4:Ein1i1$~a\: ' ~J1£v~IXi'1!ji1-~IR.l.g!~)


M~ (~fiB'Gn~, -1:001&~ )

Good luck, good health God bless you, That's all my heart can say,

Good luck. good health, God bless you, And guide you on your way.

Wherever you may wander, wherever you may go, F~

Good luck, good health, God bless you and keep you,

And keep me still in your heart.

if··'Y ,tf; ~ ~
tlitU: 3: 1fIj'(;~
I!$M: : 1%1: riH~ {iiI !j\~ :)c1ff:iJl~f!J;I Ut$;:llIii7kfYj
~;t;~ Ji:l:4 m~.QX mtOOllf&. I.ifrP~ ~~.R I**~ ~~ffJt
*~~ ~,mffl l!t;~~ ~~%' UijilJtm ~EiJj'f '$~~} 5i~~
~~~ ~~{~~ ~I\~ ~a;.& /J~¥ ~:f*;f;t ~~* ilil~ft ~ :~~tdi:Bt : ~~~
{iiIlNti ~1*:~ 1*Mf# g!i3ilfff 7'f Jlt~ £twffl *~ffl J{Bm
Ji!ilJfJj' {ilJ~tl ~$;{rt ,*~i!E *~~ iElj\:m Jl3~~
~tfm~~ : mm~,JJI
.fL*f:Jt **Mt {iiJ~ft ji~1!l:I Ittm~ ~lk~ J.t1W~ m~Ji;
~p~ljr f'iiJ7.k1£ ~;t;~ ~HliH!)J1 ~p'xj~ ~tl~jf .:E~fi ~ltJii
1f-t--.m. f¥.. • T i:,~
Violin: mw~ Side Drum: ~M1~
Flute: tiij*,J~ Bass Drum: Wlil11:~rJ
Accordian: ~~~ Cymbal: ~~ffi
Guitar: tt:>c:W:; ~~~rJ ~blim {ijl7k~
'$i$h$Ctc*) *Vf\~(tt1:z) ~)J\~J ( ~1:z ) Trumpet: '$1B~
Clarinet: !lll!Jtr1D
French Horn ~.iE~
Alto Saxophone: :Ji~~
Tenor Saxophone: ~p(f!}j
Euphonium: *~iJ.Q
Tuba: =fl.*f:it
Organ: ~7Jdj ( {R1Z )
""'1 I·' :


j I

t·_" '.

~ :t.~ ~
't ~
tlftmI! £.~~~
W: * M;tld~ fflMOt ~. ~ if.?;/mffJt "!
s: ~ ji;tt~~ M ¥€ *~~
~M:~:@ t*1tnt $:#.1;% ~}grtfJ! *~~
-AAtt~J! Jfi~t$ iMf9Jm~ *~~
1l1i tit ~~f!Jj ~*!n(
Piccolo: mtlw.
Flate: m~f,jf
Clarinet: ~m~ IliI!Jt~ jtl~¥ Wf~{$ t±~m *~~
~Jfm ¥p~~ !§lJmrn ~JG. {JiJ{t1ir
Trumpet: *ffi~ m~~ # *~ {;t~~rJ J$7X.fix ~:t€"hjJ'
J.&:=fflm ~!¥1~
French Horn: W.i£~ m~1i111
Alto HOID~. *;t;J~ ~:&iiI
Trombone: mUlH~ ~~jG fRJIOl\t j'{~b!t;
Baritone: *~~ ~~:f!f;
Euphonium: $i'iti/t
Alto Saxophone: :M:~*
Tenor Saxophone: ;!;€i7(f!,I;I .. ~ .... -.
Tuba: jI1t1$}i: :rlf?f~ ~mu~
Tympani: ~;fi3~
Side Drum; ~Jmmt
Bass Drum: fjt~~
Cymbals: m1iffi
Bell: 7R~~
Maracas: Jtttv}( .f

! i' /' j !

Recordar Ensemble

m:f8:ffi!: ~~~

111 f : gaj}j!ml

- AA : fiUI,C{%t

$ M :. ~~~ ;Ee :g : {i:iJJi:~

~ ~ : ~m.'-$ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ w.~m ~~~ m*~ ~~~

*- M ~1)'{~

£3al'I ~~~ ;l9!J~~ : ~gg:k ifllM~

"§ ~ 2-'... ~£ m .~
fl "0
~~::U;Mj1j!9G§::: f$~ : ~~/i;ilw.I8l~
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-.fr."Ei'*- Il*~~' ~~p~ JiIi~ft1 jlli~'~J ~. ~Jw.i! *~lt ~~;r I!~M{
(l'>.f s
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:M:mx Ji;E~ *~Jt ~fWsr. ~l!'U~t ~moJ< ~Hi~!f ~tk~
~J1If~ ~lW~ ~~m m;~55 M~;!ik JiH~ *~Jij3 1.RJ1fMt
~§!{€3} fi(p~ 5t~.R ~~Pf ~lltiEi
:k~~ ~~JSl jjJj\:m: *,m.~ ~_:f)jf ~J~~ ~Jt&~ 1kA!~ 1*~~
*~B ~~11i!f 51tMJi< ~~. ~M-.fr. $JNliti' ffJJ~ ~M>f,ft
rm~~ ~~M *5f3Yf i¥~il **M- #:ys-~ JJJiI'ilix ~~m
~j&rJ;: ~lffil3j: ~te.~ ~ ~ .. ~ MJ!;{i
:5'3~!1f JlJR~il!; ~f{~' ~~£lj ~~mt f1fi;f§tJt *ik~ i!~fu ~mMf
~~* 9.E;ff]M ~~~ fl.IH~. jj*.St ~~~t:. #:71dlJ
:5I3m;Wf 1:t~3t ~ij§:N ~'lf~ E;@~ m:m1l! tf::x:P= ::E~n .w7.kif::
WftJR m~ii\Jl )jJ1Jf~ *YlI!!;! iIfullJJ3
it ~ '0 _g_ lW-. . ±
1~ !'!lI : *f{Uirf9c!t
~ ~: WfFtF ill ~ ~: ~~$
!:t=. m:ffiM~ Jlt ll&:1I€®'J*i
~ $: T1I}px )( i!f:Tfl}~
Chiromatic I: ~fF~ 1lw:~ ~*~ ~~5G ~~*!t *~*
Chiromatic II: ~til* {r.iJ~~ fFW~ ~~~ f,f;t;~ f$f8~' fn1~&
Tenor: *1fi~ *i-Jg~ {limtSr 'lfi\ffitE 1f!e~. ,*!l.~ J§{rf'tilm
Chord: T:P}~ ~~:>c &{$OO
Bass: ~~rp ~~$i: j!{:k'J~
Melodica: ~ttJ~ ~;fJ:fl:l
o Jj_'J,£ttF*,,- W
Chiromatic I: * f{UHB'G§:: Chord: ~Ubft
Chiromatic II: ~~i€ Bass: l~ffI!:~ , t.~.· p
1t ~ _:r:'ffA j}
~J!fPfl ;fid$lI gj.=Ep;!lj tiJl!Wi I*~ ~~1i {ll;r&!Y:I ~~it Wtlzpjl
m~Jd& *m~ ~r~Jt Jii1t~ -gfl~ t1l~~ i!i'~IR ~mHi m~Ui
~*tw j}if{iI'f M!t~ ~~~ ;1'l'?k\1m ~:1>AA
~ -& .:I... f'fA. ~
t~~ : ~~1lf)'G~
Jlir!ii~ :m~Uffij tlIJl£:tf. .7k~ ~~Uf W:~3j: *.:li.$ fii]ii!;;tm .£W~
~~~ ~Jlfil~ ~~~ t;i~~ .W~ ~7k* $aw%l ~Mffl U~~
*]J~ 1l!lt~1i jI~~ 1¥i~1t $ m mi~%'
-W-. -& .r; ffA ji
Ui~ : ~~Jt5t4: 'T ~ .. '.
'i5'~~ ~~~tJ ~~m· OOiffli1G ~~~ ~ElinX ~~illi ~:tt\x ~7kfiX
rMtlWUn!i ~~~ ~~~ ~mJf ~ill!!ll! W1:iE~ ~@:X {iiJ~~ .~lll
~'Sritli ~{lf:~ ~;mll **:7k~IJ )EtJfl:!U ~1lJt!~
• 4 • .... • ............ P ... • .. .. ",'4 • If. •

~ p~ ~ ~ .. *t1:!it(J{¥fi~-b@ff~Wt~-ft 11'iU~*tnt~#M:'§' flY.±~~~WIl ' a •• M;#~±~A.e~M.d$mox •• m~.m.~.fi** 45-~X fF$ :ntF.i$ , ~~~w@~ o ~~fuF.ft ' ~ 1EiM~ ! ~tiUrt~!dM~ 0

....... tb .. , .............

til' ...........

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