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In the early 1800’s France fought all major European


Napoleon was very sucessful in war and from 1807 to

1812 controlled an empire that stretched from France
to the borders of Russia.

His control of these areas helped to spread the ideas

of the French Revolution across Europe.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


At first people saw Napoleon as a liberator. Freeing

them from the old system of absolute monarchs.

However, his policies and high taxes soon caused

great opposition.

People in the conquered countries wanted their own

government that reflected their own traditions,
customs and language.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

This increased sense of Nationalism would create an
atmosphere where more people were willing to fight
Napoleon and the French.

This would lead to the eventual defeat of the French

who had been weakened by years of fighting various
wars against all of Europe.

However, the French had succeeded in spreading

ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity. They had also
awoken strong nationalism in most of Europe.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

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