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Analysis of Soap Opera Episode

Name of Soap: Hollyoaks

Episode Title/Date: Tuesday 6th July

Complete the table below:

Storylines: Characters: Camera Angles: Sound:

How many How many What camera What sound is

storylines in the characters in the angles are used used in the
episode? episode? and why? episode and why?
5 12 -Midshot -Theme tune
-Establishing shot -Dialogue
-Close ups- to -Diegetic
List the storylines List the type of show the emotions -Extra-diegetic
found: characters found All helps to make
-Cervical cancer and examples: the piece more
-Lauren and Gaz -Jack the lad realistic and help
relationship -Bad boy the audience to
-Murder of Calvin -Attractive feel the mood and
-Cindy and Darren female sense what is
-Suzanne and -wise older person going on.
Darren love affair - young innocent
-Theresa girl

Mise-en-scene: Editing: Time: Target Audience?

Are there common How is the soap How is time Who is the target
settings/props edited? managed in the audience for this
that are shown Continuous/Non- episode? Is more soap?
regularly continuous? time spent on one Teenagers
throughout the -Non-continuous storyline than
episode? If so, there is different another?
what? times displayed -There is more What time is it
-Houses throughout the time spent on one scheduled to be
-Pub programme storyline than any shown on the
-Student halls other, which is television?
the murder of 6.30pm
Calvin storyline.

Why have specific

settings been
chosen for this
-Suitable for the
characters within
the soap.

Other Key Notes on the Episode:

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