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Analysis of Soap Opera Episode

Name of Soap: Hollyoaks.................................................................................

Episode Title/Date: 8/7/10............................................................................

Complete the table below:

Storylines: Characters: Camera Angles: Sound:

How many How many What camera What sound is

storylines in the characters in the angles are used used in the
episode? episode? and why? episode and why?

4 15 A lot of mid shots Non digetic, extra

are used digetic and
List the storylines List the type of throughout the digetic sounds.
found: characters found soap as it allows
and examples: the audience to Extra digetic
see the sounds used at
Becoming rich- Cheryl- Tart surroundings of the beginning to
Gambling Rhys- Big head the characters reflect the moods
Josh but helps to focus of the characters
Affairs India- Spoilt on them. that are shown in
Elliot- Geek the clip.
Drink Driving- Steph Close up of
prison sentence Jake characters faces Non digetic sound
Leila- Psycho to explore their used to reveal the
Stalking/Obsession Neville expressions to a surrounding of
Frankie reaction of an the area; in the
Gilly action like Leila’s pub with the
Nancy- young face when Rhys’s gambling machines
teacher back is turned and people talking
Suzanne to each other.
Charlotte- Establishing shots
Homosexual to help set the Digetic sound is
Jemma- Bossy setting when used as a lot of
characters are dialogue is used
meeting in the throughout the
area like at the soap.
smoothie bar.
Mise-en-scene: Editing: Time: Target Audience?

Are there common How is the soap How is time Who is the target
settings/props edited? managed in the audience for this
that are shown Continuous/Non- episode? Is more soap?
regularly continuous? time spent on one
throughout the storyline than
episode? If so, The soap is another?
what? continuous editing What time is it
showing different The time spent on scheduled to be
Pub parts of the day a specific shown on the
Village centre condensed down storyline is not television?
into a half hour very long as it
slot. In this time flicks between 6.30
Why have specific period, it shows the 4 storylines
settings been one day only. showing
chosen for this condensing the
soap? slots down into
key moments so
Most villages are its easy to
based around a understand and
local pub. follow.

Village centre is
where everyone
Other Key Notes on the Episode:

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