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Ulangan Harian ke – 4 5. We can see ............................................. in winter.

Kelas : IV (empat) 6. The leaves fall on the ground in .............................

Tanggal : 19 Mei 2010 7. We celebrate Heroes Day in ...................................
Tema : Days, months, and seasons 8. We celebrate New Year in ......................................
Fill in the blank! 9. The flowers are blooming in ...................................
1. We have a flag ceremony on .................................. 10. We celebrate Indonesia Independence Day in ......
2. We celebrate Kartini Day in .................................... 11. The sky is ................................. It is going to rain.
3. Flood usually occurs in ........................................... 12. The ........................ shines brightly in dry season.
4. We celebrate National Education Day in ................ 13. There are ............................... seasons in Europe.
5. We can see ............................................. in winter. 14. The weather in winter is .......................................
6. The leaves fall on the ground in ............................. 15. The weather in summer is ....................................
7. We celebrate Heroes Day in ................................... 16. People wear ................................ in rainy season.
8. We celebrate New Year in ...................................... 17. The last month of the year is ................................
9. The flowers are blooming in ................................... 18. The season before autumn is ...............................
10. We celebrate Indonesia Independence Day in ...... 19. The season after autumn is ..................................
11. The sky is ................................. It is going to rain. 20. We have holiday on ..............................................
12. The ........................ shines brightly in dry season.
13. There are ............................... seasons in Europe.
14. The weather in winter is .......................................
15. The weather in summer is ....................................
16. People wear ................................ in rainy season.
17. The last month of the year is ................................
18. The season before autumn is ...............................
19. The season after autumn is ..................................
20. We have holiday on ..............................................
Ulangan Harian ke – 4
Kelas : IV (empat)
Tanggal : 19 Mei 2010
Tema : Days, months, and seasons
Fill in the blank!
1. We have a flag ceremony on ..................................
2. We celebrate Kartini Day in ....................................
3. Flood usually occurs in ...........................................
4. We celebrate National Education Day in ................

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