Robert Dilts - Sleight of Mouth - The Magic of Conversational Belief Change

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MINS ‘About the Author Robert Dilts has been ad author, trainer and consultant field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) since 1975. In addition to spearheading the applications of NLP to organizational development, learning, creativity and health, his personal contributions to the field of NLP include much of the seminal work on the NLP techniques of Strategies and Belief Systems, and the development of what has become known as “Systemic NLP Diltsis the principle author of Neuro- Linguistic Programming Vol. (1980), and has authored numerous other books on NLP including Changing Belief Systems with NLP (1990) and Pathways to Health and Well 1g (1990, co-authored with Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith) which describe his workin changing limiting beliefs and creating functional belief systems. Tools for Dreamers (1991, co-authored with Todd Epstein) and Skills for the Future (1993), explore the applications of NLP to manage and enhance creativity. Dilts’ serie Strategies of Genius Vols. 1, II & Ill (1994-1995), applies the tools of NLP to model the thinking processes of important historical figures; such as Aristotle, Sir Arthur C Sherlock Holmes, Walt ‘Mozart, Albert Ei Freud, Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola ‘Tesla. Visionary Leadership Skills (1996), draws from Dilts’ extensive study of historical and corporate leaders to present the tools and skills necessary for “creating a world to which people want to belong.” His Sleight of Mouth The Magic of Conversational Belief Change by Robert B. Dilts ‘Meta Publications P.O. Box 1910 Capitola, California 95010 (831) 464-0254 FAX (831) 464-0517 © Copyright 1999 by Meta Publications. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the Publisher. Library of Congress Card Number 99-07-44 02 LS.B.N. 0-916990-43-5 Contents Dedication Acknowledgments Preface Cuapter 1 LaNGuaGe AND EXPERIENCE ‘The Magic of Language Language and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Map and Territory Experience How Language Frames Experience ‘The ‘Even Though’ Reframe CnapTer 2 FRawEs aND REFRAMING Frames Shifting Outcomes Reframing Changing Frame Size Context Reframing Content Reframing Roframing Critica and Criticiem ‘The Sleight of Mouth Patterns of ‘Intention’ and ‘Redefining’ ‘One Word Reframing Exercise Perceiving a Situation from a Different Model of the World by Taking ‘Second Position’ Cuaprer 8 Crunkina Forms of Chunking Chunking Down Chunking Up Chunking Laterelly (Finding Analogies) Exercise: Finding Isomorphisms Punctuation and Repunctuation i vii ix ct 14 18 20 21 22 26 31 35 39 41 44 49 53 56 59 60 63 66 68 na 8 (Cuarter 4 Vauues anv CRITERIA The Structure of Meaning ‘Values and Motivation Criteria and Judgment Chaining Values and Criteria by Redefining Them Chunking Down to Define “Criterial Equivalences” Reality Strategies Reality Strategy Exercise Chunking Up to Identify and Utilize Hierarchies of Values and Criteria Hierarchy of Criteria Technique Cuapter 5 BeLinrs aNp EXPECTATIONS Beliefs and Belief Systems ‘The Power of Beliefs Limiting Beliefs Transforming Limiting Beliefs Expectations Expectations and the Sleight of Mouth Pattern of Consequences Mapping Key Beliefs and Expectations Assessing Motivation for Change Belief Assessment Sheet Using the ‘As If’ Frame to Strengthen Beliefs and Expectations ‘As If Exercise Cuarrer 6 Tue Basic STRUCTURE OF BELIEFS ‘The Linguistic Structure of Beliefs Complox Equivalence Cause-Effect ‘Types of Causes The Influence of Formal Causes 7 78 81 83 87 89 93 98 104 109 110 113 6 uz 120 127 131 134 136 138 140 141 142 143 145 148 150 Sleight of Mouth and the Structure of Beliefs ‘Values Audit ‘The Values Audit Worksheet Belief Audit Using Counter Examples to Reevaluate Limiting Beliefs Some Verbal Frames for Bliciting Limiting Beliefs Statements Generating Counter Examples (Cuapter 7 Ivrernat, Staves AND NATURAL BELIEF CHANGE ‘The Natural Process of Belief Change ‘The Belief Change Cycle Belief Change and Internal States Recognizing and Influencing Internal States Exercise: Accessing and Anchoring a State Mentoring and Inner Mentors The Belief Cycle Procedure Implementing The Belief Cycle Procedure Belief Chaining ‘The Influence of Non Verbal Communication Cuapter 8 THovcat VIRUSES AND THE Meta Stavcrune or BELIErs ‘The Meta Structure of Beliefs ‘Thought Viruses Presuppositions Self Reference ‘The Theory of Logical Types Applying a Boliof or Goneralization to Itself Meta Frames Logical Levels Changing Logical Levels 154 158 163 164 167 115 176 178 184 186 189 190 192 195 197 202 205 206 210 221 208 232 234 240 243 250 (Cuaprer 9 AppLyiNe THE Parrerns 4s A System Definition and Examples of Sleight of Mouth Patterns ‘The Sleight of Mouth Patterns as a System of Interventions Using Sleight of Mouth as a System of Patterns Creating and Maintaining a “Thought Virus’ Using Sleight of Mouth Sleight of Mouth and the Law of Requisite Variety Reframing and ‘Outframing’ a Thought Virus Using Sleight of Mouth Practicing Sleight of Mouth Cuapter 10 Conciusion ArrERWoRD ‘Bisuiocraray Inpex 297 300 308 315 319 321 325 Dedication ‘This book is dedicated with affection and respect to: Richard Bandler John Grinder ‘Milton Erickson and Gregory Bateson who taught me the magic of language and the language of ‘magic’. Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge: Judith DeLozier, Todd Epstein, David Gordon, and Leslie Cameron-Bandler for their input and support at the time I was first evolving the ideas at the basis of Sleight of Mouth. ‘My children, Andrew and Julia, whose experiences and explanations helped me to understand the natural process of belief change and the ‘meta structure’ of beliefs Ami Sattinger, who (as she has for so many other of my books and projects) helped with the proof reading and editing of this book. John Wundes who transformed some of the deeper struc- tures underlying Sleight of Mouth into images, so that they could be seon moro clearly. John created both the innovative cover picture and the wonderful drawings at the beginning of each chapter. viii Preface ‘This is a book that Ihave been preparing to write for many years. It is a book about the magic of language, based on the principles and distinctions of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). I first came in contact with NLP nearly twenty-five years ago while attending a class on linguistics at the University of California at Santa Cruz. The class was being taught by NLP co-founder John Grinder. He and Richard Bandler had just finished the first volume of their groundbreaking work The Structure of Magic (1975). In this work, the two men modeled the language patterns and intuitive abilities of three of the world’s most effective psychotherapists (Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson). This set of patterns (known as the Meta Model) allowed a person such as myself, a third year political science major, who had no personal experience with therapy of any type, to ask questions that an experienced therapist might ask. Twas struck by the possibilities of both the Meta Model and the process of modeling. It seemed to me that modeling bad important implications in all areas of human endeavor: polities, the arts, management, science, teaching, and so on (see Modeling With NLP, Dilts, 1998). It struck me that the methodology of modeling could lead to broad innovations in many other fields involving human communication, reaching far beyond psychotherapy. As a student of political philoso- phy, my first “modeling project” was to apply the linguistic filters that Grinder and Bandler had used in their analysis of psychotherapists to see what pstterns might emerge from studying the Socratic dialogs of Plato (Plato's Use of the Dialectic in The Republic: A Linguistic Analysis, 1975; in Applications of NLP, Dilts, 1983). While this study was both fascinating and revealing, I felt that there was more to Socrates’ persuasive abilities than the distinctions provided by the Meta Model could explain. The

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