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From: Steve Jones

Sent: Fri 3/6/2009 9:44 AM

To: Region 1
Cc: Marilyn Demons; Randy Calcote
Subject: FW: Reminder

Please be aware that the media is continuing to run stories on the Peanut Plant in Plainview and
our inspections for the past several years. As you can see over 150 clips hit the press this
morning. As you perform inspections you could possibly be approached by the public or the
media for a statement. Before making any statement or granting an interview it is our policy to
always refer those type request to Bryan Black or Veronica Obregon in Communications @ 512-
463-7664. Thanks

Subject: News Clips

For those on the road it may be difficult to see all this on blackberry. Bottom line we had about
25 clips on the Ike story and more than 150 on the inspector story. Checking out the placements
of the inspector stories right now. No front pages as we can tell yet so that's good news. Will keep
everyone updated.

Officials say ranchers still need help after Ike

Austin American-Statesmen – 03/05/2009, 14:52 pm
By JUAN A. LOZANO Associated Press Writer HOUSTON — Southeast Texas ranchers and farmers are
in dire need of help six months after Hurricane Ike killed thousands of their cattle and destroyed
equipment and miles of fencing, the state's top agriculture official said Thursday.
...Ike, which hit the Texas Gulf Coast on Sept. 13, said Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples
"Now is the time to invest resources and focus...

Texas inspector failed to flag missing license at salmonella-linked plant

The Dallas Morning News – 03/05/2009, 22:29 pm
The inspector responsible for certifying the plant to process organic products noted after each visit that
the plant had such a license when it didn't.
...Corp., which has filed for bankruptcy amid fallout from the outbreak. Texas Department of Agriculture
spokesman Bryan Black said if the lack of a...

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