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san labor am
the Accord
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her Neighbor
ting tion, 2601
iely the Linc
ugh assistanc~
ved Receives honor not only t’
, or Richard Pekar, secretary- tenant governor, as club and clothi
ier- treasurer of the Optimist president Robert Wilson bedding,
a club of Lincoln, has been looked on. Pekar was furniture
[ian named “Secretary of the selected from among secre- More th~
Year” of the Nebraska taries of the 41 Optimist counselin
[ian district of Optimist Inter- clubs in Nebraska for his said.
me national. Pekar (left) re- administrative services and One an
was ceived the award recently participation in club and clothing~
Lrng from S. S. Seidel, Sr., district activities. (SUN Seventh-cl
Lree (center), past Optimist lieu- News Service). Service

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