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AVC1430 - Digital Prepress

Screening/Tint Assignment
Due Date ___________


A. Create a custom note pad design In Adobe Illustrator. The final trim size will be 4.5” x 7” You
must use several tints of two separate spot colors of your choosing. (Note: In offset printing you
must count black as one of your colors if used, but white is usually considered to be the paper
color and is not typically printed.) Start with a darker spot color, to allow for a greater range of
color by utilizing the screening/tinting process. Your design must incorporate at least 1 bleed
edge, but can include more. Remember the purpose and function of the note pad as you go
through the design process. Ask yourself if you can envision your design selling at the local
department store. Is it usable? Who would use it? Bring comps to class for critique and feedback.
Use your suggestions and feedback to refine your design to a final print ready file. Save your file
as an illustrator file, and a pdf file. Print out separations of your design with registration marks,
trim marks, and page information. Print a color composite and mount for an in-class presenta-
tion. Turn in digital file on CD, your matted piece (recommended matte board size is 15” x 20”),
and your color separations in a plastic sheet protector (2 BW printouts). Print 25 sheets 2-up at a
local copy center and bring your printouts to bind in class. Make sure that you DO NOT to
reduce the size of your composite note pads.


• Expand creative abilities.

• Learn about screens and tints.
• Utilize standard bleed
• Understand padding
• Print separations
• Apply terminology & vocabulary
• Use tints/screening to give the illusion of more color


Grade consists of 6 parts:

1- Timeliness
2- Professionalism & neatness
3- Presenting project in class
4- Creativity of design
5- Overall composition
6- Completion of total project -following All specs

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