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Representation of Teenagers
• Review all blogs
• Check homework online and peer assess
• Explore CI and LP mini project
1. Check your own blog and review the comments
2. Make a personal reflection on what you need to
improve - this can be posted as text or video but
ensure that you are detailed with some SMART
targets for yourself.
3. Ensure that you go to main A2 blog and make
yourself a follower and of each other’s blogs

• 20 minutes to complete
• Did you complete the home study task?
• If you did great! Check in with others who completed the task and
peer assess - www and ebi. Your focus being:
– have they used media terminology consistently and throughout
– have they explored SHEP in their analysis

• If you didn’t complete the Home study, was it because you didn’t look
at the A2 blog so didn’t know?
• Do you know but chose not to do it?
• What are you going to do to ensure that in the future you do complete
the work set?

• Both groups make a further posting setting yourself a personal home

study target.
CI and LP examples
• A look at the spec.

• A Level Media Studies Spec

• Go to page 18-20 and read

Relationship between CI and LP
• Gender reps in soap opera • Opening sequence for an
episode of a soap
• Viral marketing • A viral advertisement to
techniques be distributed via mobile
• Contemporary Men’s • Mock-up of the first
Magazine edition of a new men’s
• ??? • ???

Think of three or more new CI and LP combinations

In pairs create CI and LP
around theme of Teenage representation
• (example) An • (example) Mock-up
exploration of for a new teenage
Teenage magazines magazine
• Remember that you can work in a number of
different formats including: print, web, video, radio,
game design, animation etc.
• However, for this exercise you are advised to
choose print, video or web

• Discuss your plans together and remember that your

CI must be individual and your LP can be shared.
• Post your ideas to the blog.
• Research:
• What is research?

• Media Research Tips

• List the ways in which you could begin this

• Planning for LP.
• Your task will be to make a mini LP in next
week’s Tuesday’s lessons.
• This will be shared but MUST be planned.
• Find one research source for your CI -
focused on teenage representation.
• Now using the design tab and add gadget
facility add a link to your online research

• Visit each others blogs and comment on

their choice of link
Home study
• This week your home study task is to plan
the LP to ensure that you are able to make it
in the four periods next Tuesday
• The other side of your home study is to plan
you CI research.

• All planning MUST be blogged by Tuesday


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