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The Christian race is an ever perpetual battle. Everyday the Christian wakes up, he
wakes to the shout of battle. The war front is on every side, at the home, at the
office, on the road, and even in church, he is faced with war, and must constantly
do battle against the devil and his army. The Christian has been equipped with
every necessary gear to wage this war, both offensive and defensive.

In every war, there are casualties caused by laziness, laxity, irresponsibility, not
being on guard always, limited knowledge of weaponry at one’s disposal amongst
others and we should know that at some point in time our side might experience
casualty. What do we do with our team members that have fallen, hit by the
enemy, is the crux of the matter.

Why is it that when a Christian falls, the people that spread the ill-wind most are
fellow Christians? Why is it that when a Christian is struck down, the person that
drives the knife in for the kill is a Christian? Why is it that we no longer have room
for casualties? Among secular armies, each man is tasked to cover for his partner,
provide support and also medicals where necessary in the field to minimize the
extent of the blow till they can get the wounded to the appropriate place where he
can be treated, healed and prepared to face another battle.

If we must win this battle we are engage in everyday, in every front, we must be
ready to be both soldiers and doctors; killing the enemy, defending and healing our
casualties. We must be tolerant of our weak and fallen soldiers knowing we are not
above falling ourselves. We must allow the love of God to truly permeate our
hearts so our priestly function can be fully performed. We must become truly as
our master that still gives us another and another and yet another chance to be part
of his army.

Let us stop making casual wounds fatal. Let us stop killing our wounded.

Burutolu Augustine D.T.H.

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