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PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF ILE PERROT  May 30th – a special presentation will be made to

David Morris for his years of faithful service as

SESSION NEWS CAPSULE – May 2010 Treasurer for our congregation.
 June 6th – is reserved for the Sunday School
 Session continued a review of the “Charting our picnic.
Course” workshop and will prepare an action plan  The retreat planned for June 13th has been
for section 2B on how we can effectively cancelled due to low participation. It is hoped
communicate or become the church to our that we can re-schedule this event later in the
neighbours in their environment. year.
 A Hospitality Committee is being formed. A sign-  June 20th – Andrew Thompson will preach (Presby
up sheet will be posted for anyone wishing to College grad).
serve on this committee. The first task for the  A donation of $100 was approved for Youth with a
committee is to review the new “Welcome Mission (Montreal) from the missions fund.
Package” to ensure that it clearly communicates  Updates were made for the Presbytery resource
information to first time attendees to our church. book. Doug Richardson will serve a term as
 Session held a second interview with Doreen Representative Elder of our church at
Petry and subsequently shall recommend her to Presbytery. Eric Clegg will serve as an alternate.
Presbytery as a candidate for Ministry of Word John Warren will replace David Morris as
and Sacrament. Treasurer.
 An amount up to $500 was approved from the  2010 revision sheets will be ordered for copies of
outreach fund to cover the purchase of 5”x7” the Book of Forms.
photos of the church elders and 20 extra copies  The Town of Pincourt is celebrating its 50th
of the photo directories. Photos of the elders will Anniversary. There is a possibility that our church
be displayed, and extra copies of the directory may participate in an event planned for August.
will be used as a gift for new members. This could be an outreach opportunity where we
serve free hot-dogs and/or freezies.

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