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নিচের বাক্যটি লক্ষ্য করুন –

He is an honest man.

GB sentence- G Subject wU 3rd person singular nIqvq verb wU is n‡q‡Q| A_©vr Subject I Verb Gi
Number Ges Person Abyhvqx wgj n‡q‡Q| Sentence- G Subject Ges Verb Gi g‡a¨ Number Ges person
Abyhvqx †h wgj ev mv`„k¨ nq Zv‡K Subject verb Agreement e‡j| A_©vr Subject Gi Number I person
Abyhvqx memgq Verb n‡Z n‡e|

Rule- 01.
Subject hw` singular nq Zvn‡j verb wU singular n‡e Avi Subject hw` plural nq Zvn‡j Verb wUI plural

Rule- 02.
wKQy wKQy Noun Av‡Q hv‡`i mv‡_ s _vKv m‡Ë¡I Zviv Plural Form bv | hw`I †`L‡Z Plural g‡b nq|

Gallows (ফাঁসিকাঠ)

Rabies (জলাতঙ্ক)

Optics (আলোকবিজ্ঞান)

Innings Bowls
Mathematics Dominoes
+ Singular verb
Smallpox (গুটিবসন্ত)

News Linguistics
Statistics Phonetics
Economics Means
Ethics Mumps
Politics Wages
Measles (হাম)

Rule- 03.
wKQz Noun Av‡Q hv‡`i mv‡_ S bv _vKv m‡Ë¡I Zviv Plural Form myZivs G‡`i mv‡_ Plural Verb
যেমন – people, folk, mass, mob, gentry, peasantry, clergy, agenda, media, aristocracy, nobility, poultry, cattle,
artillery(গোলন্দাজ), vermin, phenomena, cloths, military, swine.

Rule- 04.
Uncountable Noun me mgq Singular verb MÖnY K‡i|

advice poverty
anger information
accommodation leisure
bread luck
baggage jewellery
behaviour knowledge
courage luggage
damage money
Singular verb
mail +
Corn (শস্যকণা)

homework permission
progress poetry
poverty traffic
news weather
scenery work
Rule- 05.
And Øviv hLb GKvwaK subject hy³ nq ZLb verb memgq plural nq|

Rule- 06.
wKš‘ and Øviv hy³ subject hw` same -person / thing / idea †evSvq Zvn‡j verb singular nq|

Rule- 07.
And Øviv hy³ nIqv m‡Ë¡I hw` Subject Gi mv‡_ each, every, _v‡K Zvn‡j verb me©`v singular nq|

Rule- 08.
Subject Gi mv‡_ each, every, either, neither, many a _vK‡j verb me©`v singular nq|
Rule- 09.
Or, Nor, Either--- or, Neither --- nor w`‡q hLb GKvwaK Subject hy³ nq ZLb memgq verb Gi me‡P‡q
wbKUeZ©x Subject A_©vr wØZxq subject Abyhvqx verb n‡e|

Rule- 10.
wb‡gœ cÖ`Ë Expression ¸‡jv w`‡q †h mKj Noun ev pronoun hy³ nq †m¸‡jv verb Gi Dci †Kvb cÖfve
†d‡j bv verb wU me©`v g~j Subject A_©vr G¸‡jvi c~e©eZ©x Noun ev pronoun Abyhvqx nq|

Together with accompanied by and not

along with accompamied with among
as well as In addition to with

Rule- 11.
Preposition w`‡q †h word ev Group of words hy³ nq Zviv KL‡bvB Verb Gi Dci †Kvb cÖfve †d‡jbv|
Verb wU memgqB g~j Subject Abymv‡i nq|
Rule- 12.
Infinitive ev Gerund hw` †Kvb Verb Gi Subject nq †m‡¶‡Î Verb wU memgqB Singular n‡e|

Rule- 13.
Collective Noun mvaviYZ Singular verb MÖnY K‡i|

Army Audience Band (দল) Board

Corporation Committee Class Company
Crowd (ভীড়) Council Chorus (সমবেত সঙ্গীত) Club
Commission Congress Crew Faculty
Family Group Government Jury
Organization team Firm Majority সংখ্যাগঘরিষ্ঠ)
Minority (সংখ্যালঘিষ্ঠ) Public Perliament Staff
Variety School (SvuK) Flock (পাখীর ঝাঁক)
Herd (দল/পাল) Pack Gang


wKš‘ hw` G‡`i g‡a¨ Division ‡`Lv †`q Ges GK_vwU hLb Sentence G Directly D‡jL _v‡K ZLb
verb wU Plural n‡e|
Rule- 14.
wb‡gœv³ Indefinite Pronoun ¸‡jv memgqB Singular verb MÖnY K‡i|

Someone anyone no one everyone

Somebody anybody nobody everybody
Something anything nothing everything

Rule- 15.

A number of plural noun plural verb

A number of boys are playing.

Rule- 16.
The number of plural noun singular verb
The number of boys playing is increasing.
in the field
Rule- 17.
‡Kvb Subject Gi mv‡_ hLb No _vK‡e †m‡¶‡Î No Gi cieZ©x Noun wUi Dci wbf©i K‡i Verb wU n‡e|
1. hw` No Gi c‡ii Noun wU Singular A_ev Uncountable nq Zvn‡j Verb wU Singular n‡e

N Sing/non.count Noun Sing. Verb

No boy is present
No news is good

2. Avi hw` Noun wU Plural nq Zvn‡j Verb wU Plural n‡e|

N Plural Noun Plural Verb

No boys are present

Rule- 18.
None Gi †ejvq, hw` None of Gi mv‡_ Plural Noun _v‡K Zvn‡j Verb wU Plural n‡e Avi hw`
Uncountable Noun nq Zvn‡j Verb wU Singular n‡e|

None of the Non count. singular verb

None of the counterfeit money has been found

None of the Plural count. noun plural verb

None of the people have come
Rule- 19.
Here wKsev There w`‡q hw` †Kvb Sentence †`Lv hvq †m‡¶‡Î Verb Gi cieZ©x †h Noun ev Pronoun
_v‡K †mwU Abyhvqx memgq Verb nq| KviY Here wKsev There w`‡q hw`I Sentence ïi“ nq wKš‘ Giv
KL‡bvB †Kvb Sentence Gi Subject nq bv|

Here/there Singular verb Singular noun

Here/there is my address

Here/there plural verb plural noun

Here/there were my books

Rule- 20.
It w`‡qI hw` †Kvb Sentence ïi“ nq, †m‡¶‡Î hw`I It †Kvb Sentence Gi Subject nq bv, ZeyI Verb wU
memgq Singular n‡e|

Rule- 21.
Both, Few, Many, Others, Several-GB Word ¸‡jv Subject Gi mv‡_ _vKzK A_ev wb‡RivB Subject
wn‡m‡e _vKzK bv †Kb Verb wU memgqB Plural n‡e|

Many + Plural verb
Rule- 22.
wKQz Collective noun Av‡Q hvi c‡i Singular Ges plural Dfq Verb B n‡Z cv‡i

Public + Singular
Majority or
Staff Plural verb

Rule- 23.
wKQz Noun i‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv memgqB plural Ges GKwU plural verb MÖnY K‡i|

Scissors Tongs
Shorts Trousers
Jeans Glasses + Plural Verb
Pliers (প্লাস/সাঁড়াশি) Tweezers (সন্না)
Pants Shoes

wKš‘ G‡`i‡K Singular wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv hvq|

A pair of pants + Singular

A pair of jeans
A pair of glasses
A pair of scissors
A pair of shoes

Rule- 24.
KwZcq kã i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv MVbMZ fv‡e Singular wKš‘ A‡_©i w`K †_‡K plural ZvB †m¸‡jv me©`v
plural verb MÖnY K‡i|

Cattle Folk (সাধারণ লোক) Nobility

Poultry Elite(অভিজাত)
Vermin Clergy (গীর্জার যাজকমন্ডলী)
Gentry (অভিজাত Aristocracy (অভিজাত শ্রেণী)

Rule- 25.
Relative pronoun Gi Antecedent ev c~e©eZ©x Subject Abyhvqx Verb n‡q _v‡K|

Rule- 26.

One and a half plural noun Singular or

plural verb
One and a half hours is/are allowed
for the exam
Rule- 27.
Three-fourths + Plural noun + Plural verb
Heaps (একগাদা)

Rule- 28.
Three-fourths Singular
+ + Singular verb
Heaps (একগাদা)

Rule- 29.
Book, Magazine, movie, newspaper, country G m‡ei bvg plural _vK‡jI verb singular nq|
Rule- 30.
mgq(Time), `~iZ¡ (distance), IRb (weight), A_© (money)-GB noun ¸‡jvi ci singular verb nq|

+ Singular verb

Rule- 31.

One of Plural noun Singular verb

One of my friends has got married

Rule- 32.
One of-Gi mv‡_ hw` relative pronoun _v‡K †m‡¶‡Î MVbwU GiKg n‡e|

One of Relative
Sing. noun Sing. verb Plural noun Plural verb
are taking class at
Jamy is one of the members who

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