Resolution of A Vector

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Resolution of a vector

The process of splitting a vector is called resolution of a vector. In simpler language it would
mean, determining the effect of a vector in a particular direction. This is explained with the help
of an example later on. The parts of the vector obtained after splitting the vector are known as
the components of the vector.

Rectangular components of a vector

If the components of a given vector are perpendicular to each other, they are called rectangular

components. The figure illustrates a vector   represented by  . Through the point, O two
mutually perpendicular axes X and Y are drawn. From the point P, two perpendiculars, PN and
PM are dropped on X and Y axes respectively.

of A.
Moreover, in the right-angled ΔONP, Cos Ө  = Ax / A or Ax = A CosӨ--(1)

Squaring and adding 1 and 2,

This equation gives the magnitude of the given vector in terms of the magnitudes of the components of the given

tanӨ = Ay/Ax An Assortment of Fun and Education

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