Alcohol Causes Dietary Allergies. Is It True?

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Alcohol Causes Dietary Allergies. Is It True?

Keyword: Alcohol Free Wine

Words: 661
Many people who are allergic to alcohol suffer from Contact Allergies, also called Allergies Type
According to Dr. Vincent Crump of Auckland Allergy clinic, not only alcohol but some other
components of wine like yeast and sulphur dioxide are also responsible for many allergies.
Unknowingly, we blame alcohol for different types of allergies but in actual practice, people
drinking alcohol free wine have also been found suffering from same allergies.

Estimating the number of people suffering from allergies to alcohol products is a hard nut to
crack. This is in fact due to the reason that most of the symptoms related to the use of alcohol
are the same as with allergic reactions. Redness of skin on neck and face, itchy nose and eyes,
vomiting, hives, eczema and lack of motor functions are the typical reactions to contents of
beer and wine also symptoms of allergic reactions of alcohol.

These allergies are not only confined to the alcoholic wines, alcohol free wines have also been
found responsible for some kind of allergies. Some Asian descent people have been found
experiencing atypical flushing reactions after ingesting alcohol. In some cases, Generic disorder
has also been suspected for this type problem. In fact, our body is not always in a position to
digest the alcohol completely. And there are a large number of people who can never digest it.
It is suggested that any individual who feels such post-drinking flushing experiences is prone to
certain risks like liver diseases, cancer of esophagus and other alcohol related syndromes.

Sulphur dioxide is an excellent inhibitor to hold back the growth of yeast in the wine and for
this reason; it has been used since the Roman times. Since it inhibits the growth of yeast in the
wine, wine can be preserved for periods of time with richer taste. On the other hand, sulphur
dioxide is toxic for human beings and can be added to wine for a limited quantity. Wines with
more than 25 ppm (parts per million) of sulphur dioxide are required to mention it on the wine
label. Alcohol free wines have usually low sulphur dioxide contents and such a low quantity
doesn’t cause any serious harm to the heath..

Red wine contains a larger amount of histamine as compared to white wines which may cause
strong allergic effects. However, this is not a very serious problem and can be easily cured by
taking antihistamines before drinking wine. Also, fruit wines contain less histamine as
compared to those made of grapes.

Unwanted organisms not only cause a change in the color of wine but also affect its taste; that’s
why their removal from the alcohol is very necessary. These unwanted organisms are removed
through fining process. This process involves the addition of bentonite or egg white to the wine
during its preparation. Egg white makes the solid impurities and suspensions come to the
surfaces which are removed to get clear wine. Since egg white is not actually an ingredient of
wine and is removed after the fining process, it is not listed as an ingredient on the label of
most of the alcohol free wine.

In case you are unable to find the actual cause of allergy, Food Challenge Test can help you
solving this problem. For this test, you first have to avoid all drinks and foods causing allergy for
several weeks. The doctor will try to expose the suspected agents by giving you a pill of each of
them and finding its reaction under close supervision. Only one agent is tested at a time. After
taking the dose of the real agent causing allergy, the symptoms will appear within two hours of
taking the dose. Then you will be able to decide that what you need to go for and what to avoid
in your diet. If it is the alcohol, don’t worry; alcohol free wine is there to give you all pleasures
of wine without having any sort of allergy.

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