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Date Time From Message

2010- 09:17:46 True Blood in
enter the room
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:17:47
alainanoelle enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:03 True Blood in
Welcome !
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:18:13
sookiebontemps enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:15
alainanoelle Yay! Chat room is up! Hi Dallas!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:16
LafayettesTribe enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:20
sookiebontemps Evening!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:21
ChoChoMojo enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:24
alainanoelle Hi Sook!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:26
LafayettesTribe Yay!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:28
Guest6271 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:30
Guest6273 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:33
ChoChoMojo Missed you Sookie!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:33
alainanoelle Are you mad at Bill Sook?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:38
sookiebontemps Hello EVERYONE!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:46
sookiebontemps Hey, Questa! Miss y'all too.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:50
Guest6273 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:52 sookiebontemps Alaina: Should I be?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:52
arianwyn enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:54
sookiebontemps LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 09:18:58
alainanoelle I am!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:04
txladyjane enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:05
Guest6283 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:13
txladyjane howdy howdy all!!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:16
alainanoelle I'll be mad on your behalf.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:20
BillIsMine enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:24
alainanoelle Hi txladyjane!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:25
sookiebontemps LOL. Thanks.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:27
arianwyn hello everyone
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:32
sookiebontemps Hello, TX LadyJane
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:33
txladyjane hey there alan
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:33
Guest6288 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:36
Guest6283 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:37
txladyjane hey there Sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:38
ChoChoMojo I thought it was a great episode!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:38
alainanoelle Hola arianwyn.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:41 txladyjane howdy Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:42
LafayettesTribe What an episode! Season three has really begun!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:46
txladyjane howdy Lafa
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:49
txladyjane howdy Cho
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:50
alainanoelle It ws a good ep.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:53
txladyjane howdy Bill
07-11 PM
2010- 09:19:54 Hey all!!! I'm a Truebie but also a newbie (as far as
07-11 PM True Blood in Dallas goes) lol
2010- 09:19:57
Guest6271 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:00
LafayettesTribe Howdy all.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:00
txladyjane howdy aria
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:00
totalaskarsfan enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:03
alainanoelle There's so much going on.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:09
Guest6297 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:14
Pamspumps enter the room
07-11 PM
We've got some great guests tonight! Meredith
2010- 09:20:21
sookiebontemps Woerner from the io9, and JefWithOneF from the
07-11 PM
Houston Press.
2010- 09:20:26
alainanoelle Welcome BillIisMine
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:34 True Blood in
NO jef -family emergency!
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:20:38
alainanoelle Looking forward to it Sook
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:42
BillIsMine cooool coool
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:43 for the first time since the series started i have no
07-11 PM idea where they are going.
2010- 09:20:43
sookiebontemps BUMMER! I love Jef!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:46
sookiebontemps Oh, well.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:51 True Blood in
He'll be with us next week!
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:20:52
Pamspumps Hello!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:55
Guest6307 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:20:59
alainanoelle Hi Pamspumps.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:00 True Blood in
We love him too
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:21:01
sookiebontemps Hello, Pumps!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:08
alainanoelle I am feeling bad for Pam!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:15
arianwyn me too alaina
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:16
BillIsMine awwwww Pam
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:17
Harley Dickerson enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:18
BillIsMine lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:18
txladyjane hey there Pam
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:20
alainanoelle The magistrar is sooo nasty
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:20
Harley Dickerson quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:26
Pamspumps cry for Pamie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:27
LafayettesTribe Pam will get revenge
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:29
arianwyn i really don't like him
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:29
Guest6320 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:29
Guest6315 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:31
Harley Dickerson enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:37
Guest6325 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:39
Guest6324 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:49
alainanoelle Pam was quick on the draw to blame Bill
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:49 Were Eric's eyes digitally enhanced in that Pam
07-11 PM torture scene?
2010- 09:21:52
Guest6326 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:21:52 Brandy Lee
enter the room
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:22:00 As much as I love the southern gentlemen Bill, it's
07-11 PM nice to see another side of him.
2010- 09:22:02
alainanoelle Maybe Laf.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:08
sookiebontemps I'd agree, ChoCho.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:08
Guest6325 quit the room
07-11 PM
I was surprised to see that Kristin Bauer (Pam) plays
2010- 09:22:08
BillIsMine the mother of one of the kids on Secret Life of the
07-11 PM
American Teenager!!! I was like LMAO!!!
2010- 09:22:10
Guest6326 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:17
Guest6332 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:17
Guest6288 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:20 alainanoelle Bill was BAD
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:20
sookiebontemps Dare I say it. . .but Jackson Bill = HOT.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:21
Guest6335 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:21
Guest6330 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:23
BabyVampsucker enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:25
BillIsMine poor Bill
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:28
arianwyn i'm kind of sick of the whole poor tortured bill
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:29
ChoChoMojo INDEED Sookie!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:31
LafayettesTribe I think Bill is being tortured as much as Pam!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:31
BillIsMine Bill gets all the blame for everything
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:33
arianwyn he was hot
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:40
Pamspumps I am liking Bill now!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:42
sookiebontemps I like seeing this side of him.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:42
BillIsMine Bill is being mind-raped by Lorena
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:43
Harley Dickerson quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:45
BillIsMine so not fair
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:46
sookiebontemps Just saying.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:51
greeneyegirl enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:52
LafayettesTribe Mind raped!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:56 Guest6335 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:22:57
alainanoelle Bill is just trying to survive right now
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:02
greeneyegirl Hello !
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:03
Portia Bellefleurtw enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:08 Brandy Lee i agree sookie - he is alot hotter when he isn't
07-11 PM Betancourt whining
2010- 09:23:09
sookiebontemps Evening GEG!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:14 and he doesn't want Sookie to get involved and get
07-11 PM hurt
2010- 09:23:14
alainanoelle Hi GEG!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:20 Well he still has that connection to Sookie as we
07-11 PM saw..
2010- 09:23:21
Guest6359 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:22
sookiebontemps The opening scene was heartbreaking.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:26
Guest6332 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:29
alainanoelle I know he doesn't but he's going to anyway
07-11 PM
I'm loving it. Have you ever seen two characters
2010- 09:23:33
LafayettesTribe torture each other more? We're seeing the complex
07-11 PM
Alan Ball more tahn ever.
2010- 09:23:39
smokeycokey enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:39
sookiebontemps Talk about saying every possible ugly thing. . .
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:40
greeneyegirl Alainna
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:41
arianwyn quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:46
alainanoelle I felt so bad for Sook
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:49
BillIsMine Alan Ball is my homedog
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:51
greeneyegirl Questa!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:55
ChoChoMojo Hey GEG I talked to BUNNY!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:55
arianwyn enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:55
Guest6367 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:57
Guest6373 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:57
alainanoelle Anna did a good job
07-11 PM
2010- 09:23:58
BabyVampsucker Hello every1!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:03
Guest6373 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:09
sookiebontemps Hello BabyVampsucker!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:10
greeneyegirl Questa
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:11
alainanoelle Hi BabyVamp
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:11
anelson53546 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:14
Pamspumps Alcide sure was a d*ck to her tonight
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:15
greeneyegirl she chatted me on FB
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:19 Alright: SOUND OFF! What was your favorite
07-11 PM moment tonight?
2010- 09:24:26
greeneyegirl I have to call her
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:26 Speaking of baby vamps..Jessica working at
07-11 PM Merlotte's
2010- 09:24:28
LafayettesTribe Alcide cooks up a mean breakfast.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:28
ChoChoMojo Well online anyhow, yeah me as well. :-)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:28 i felt bad for sookie also. i have never really like
07-11 PM alcide
2010- 09:24:31
TruebieDoobyDoo enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:35
Guest6391 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:35 Brandy Lee
the fantasy scene with eric and sook
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:24:36
Louisianagirl29 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:37
greeneyegirl how long was she gone Questa?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:37
txladyjane I feel bad for Hoyt
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:45
BillIsMine me too ladyjane!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:46
arianwyn i loved that fantasy scene
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:51
Guest6307 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:53
Pamspumps can't believe that was Eric's fantasy!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:57 GEG.. not sure exactly. Was just happy to hear from
07-11 PM her.
2010- 09:24:58
BabyVampsucker me too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:24:58
alainanoelle Alcide was a jerk tonight..sort of..
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:01
BillIsMine Bill doesn't even have free will anymore
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:01
Guest6395 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:03
BillIsMine lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:03
TruebieDoobyDoo *waves* Hi, all!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:03
lafemmetopaz enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:11
greeneyegirl Me to happy tohear from her
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:13
sookiebontemps Evening TruebieDoobyDoo
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:16
Harley Dickerson enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:16
Harley Dickerson quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:16
Harley Dickerson enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:18
Guest6401 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:20
Guest6402 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:24
BabyVampsucker Hey TDD
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:26
TruebieDoobyDoo SOOOOOKIIIEEEEE *pounces*
07-11 PM
i think it is showing that eric wants Sookie to know
2010- 09:25:27
arianwyn the real him and is starting to want more from her
07-11 PM
than sex
2010- 09:25:29
anelson53546 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:31 I wasnt impressed with tonights episode as i
07-11 PM generally am
2010- 09:25:32
Guest6401 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:32
alainanoelle ChoChoMojo..where is Bunny?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:33
Harley Dickerson quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:35
greeneyegirl Truby doo be doo bee
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:39
Guest6408 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:44 txladyjane hey there GEG
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:46 As I LOVE Sookie + Bill I am starting to warm up
07-11 PM to seeing her with Alcide and... even Eric.
2010- 09:25:47
Guest6315 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:48 i agree txlady i don't think it was as good as the
07-11 PM previous three
2010- 09:25:50
Portia Bellefleurtw Hello everyone
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:52
lafemmetopaz quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:54
TruebieDoobyDoo *blushes* you sing purty
07-11 PM
2010- 09:25:57 This is shaping up to be the best season ever -- so
07-11 PM emotionally complex.
2010- 09:25:58
alainanoelle Hi Portia
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:05
greeneyegirl hey there Lady jane !
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:06 *wind knocked out of her by TruebieDoobyDoo. .
07-11 PM .coughs*
2010- 09:26:08
Guest6413 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:08
ChoChoMojo Bunny has been away working. She is back though.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:13
lafemmetopaz enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:15
TruebieDoobyDoo *grins*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:17
alainanoelle Oh boy..Franklin is so damn scary!
07-11 PM
i don't get why Sookie can lock lips with whomever
2010- 09:26:19
BillIsMine she pleases and yet everyone is all like "Oh, that
07-11 PM
naughty Bill! Shame on him!!" lol
2010- 09:26:20
Portia Bellefleurtw why hello Alaina!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:21
alainanoelle I love it!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:24
sookiebontemps So. . .the Hot Shot guys are dealers. . .who knew?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:27
Pamspumps franklin is soooo creepy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:33
greeneyegirl hi Sookie!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:36
TruebieDoobyDoo quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:38
sookiebontemps Evening GEG!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:42
LafayettesTribe That guy playing Franklin is a great actor.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:45 i don't like how ab is portraying hotshot and
07-11 PM especially calvin
2010- 09:26:51
sookiebontemps Anyone shocked that Calvin was a dealer? I was. . .
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:54 yah I keep trying to think of other things I've seen
07-11 PM James Frain in
2010- 09:26:57
lafemmetopaz quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:57
lafemmetopaz enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:26:58 I am not liking how they potray HOTSHOT but I
07-11 PM guess it fits.
2010- 09:27:06
Guest6395 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:15 yeah..I don't like what they've done with Hot Shot so
07-11 PM far
2010- 09:27:15 Brandy Lee yeah - i am not a big an of how they portray hot shot
07-11 PM Betancourt either
2010- 09:27:16
Guest6437 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:16
LafayettesTribe James Frain was the weird Duke in The Buccaneers.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:16
MerkyViews enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:26
Guest6445 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:30
Guest6367 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:31
alainanoelle James is doing a great job
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:33 Brandy Lee the calvin in the book seems like a more straight up
07-11 PM Betancourt kind of guy
2010- 09:27:34
lafemmetopaz Hola
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:37
Pamspumps didnt someone buy pot from there before??
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:39
sookiebontemps Frain is creeping me the EFF out.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:48
txladyjane Bill Where the Heart Is
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:48
alainanoelle Franklin is so creepy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:50
MerkyViews Hi everyone
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:51
BabyVampsucker 2 mins till show time
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:52
ChoChoMojo Sookie doesn't Tara sort of fall for Franklin?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:55
Guest6453 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:56
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:56
Guest6454 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:58 i really like calvin in the books so it is difficult to
07-11 PM see him portayed that way
2010- 09:27:59
ChoChoMojo Books anyhow?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:27:59 What's with the vampire bride business? Why do
07-11 PM you guys think he wants Tara?
2010- 09:28:02
lafemmetopaz I agree Frain is rocking it
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:03 Frain is super creepy. Love it. Poor Tara, man, she
07-11 PM has been through the ringer.
2010- 09:28:07
sookiebontemps Because to be honest, I'm not so sure.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:09
lafemmetopaz Did everyone enjoy the show
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:15
SheiroQ enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:17
txladyjane sookie leverage over Sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:22 Grey's Anatomy and "Where the Heart Is" is where
07-11 PM I've seen him and remembered him
2010- 09:28:22
alainanoelle In his own creepy way he likes Tara
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:25
Guest6465 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:25
lafemmetopaz Can't believe he sit her on the toiler
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:26
arianwyn hi lafemme i liked certain parts
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:26 True Blood in
Hello all
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:28:26 Brandy Lee
not sure but fear Tara is doomed
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:28:28
Pamspumps Franklin is just WEIRD
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:34
lafemmetopaz toilet.. how thoughtful
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:35
alainanoelle Hi lafemmetopas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:38
LafayettesTribe LOVE taping teh flowers in her hands.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:39
Guest6469 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:39
arianwyn hi dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:43
kevat28 hi dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:45
lafemmetopaz hey alaina
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:47
kevat28 hi everyone
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:51 True Blood in
Hey ari
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:28:51
Pamspumps quit the room
07-11 PM
TXLadyJane, you could be right. . .but there's
2010- 09:28:54
sookiebontemps something more going on here. . .after all, vampire
07-11 PM
marriage is forever. Til someone bites it.
I saw a minisode or something where Frain and
2010- 09:28:56
BillIsMine Rutina were talking about how much Franklin
07-11 PM
"loves" Tara
2010- 09:28:57
TruebieDoobyDoo enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:28:58
Pamspumps enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:03
BillIsMine like he's legit in love with her or will be
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:04
lydium enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:06
lafemmetopaz quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:06
lafemmetopaz enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:06
Guest6454 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:07
arianwyn i think the franklin in the show is crazy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:10 Brandy Lee
quit the room
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:29:15
Guest6324 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:16
Guest6324 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:17
Guest6324 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:17
Guest6324 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:22 Brandy Lee
enter the room
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:29:23
lafemmetopaz Had to change my font
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:24
Guest6479 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:27
Guest6297 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:29
Guest6479 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:34
risabeth enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:38
Guest6480 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:39
alainanoelle quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:40
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:41
Guest6465 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:46
anelson53546 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:46
anelson53546 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:46
anelson53546 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:47
TruebieDoobyDoo quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:48
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:48
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:48
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:49
Pamspumps Franklin is abusive in the book as well
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:50
ChoChoMojo quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:55
Guest6330 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:55
alainanoelle enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:29:56
TruebieDoobyDoo enter the room
07-11 PM
Frankln is crazy. And we keep being told that Queen
2010- 09:29:58
LafayettesTribe Sophie Ann is too. Something to do with all those
07-11 PM
years on earth, perhaps . . .
2010- 09:29:59
BillIsMine i've only made it to book 4
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:00
ChoChoMojo enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:02
Guest6469 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:02
Guest6490 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:05
ChoChoMojo quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:07
BillIsMine the books are ok
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:09 Franklin definitely has a power over Tara. . .and
07-11 PM then he sells her off to Mickey. ..
2010- 09:30:10 Brandy Lee
book 4 is the best
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:30:11
KathyD55 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:12
MizDean enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:13
alainanoelle quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:14
ChoChoMojo enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:15
sookiebontemps quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:15 Brandy Lee
then 10
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:30:19 LafayettesTribe Ball is setting us up for Book 4 next season . . .
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:22
sookiebontemps enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:22
Guest6324 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:25
ChoChoMojo quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:26 True Blood in
sounds ?
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:30:28
sookiebontemps Do you guys have sound?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:29
kevat28 i'm likin the franklin story line
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:29 Brandy Lee
i am hoping mickey will be lft out
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:30:29
sookiebontemps I do.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:30
Guest6497 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:30
Pamspumps quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:31
alainanoelle enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:32
ChoChoMojo enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:35
SheiroQ quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:37 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:30:38
Guest6498 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:38
Pamspumps enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:38
KathyD55 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:39
ChoChoMojo I have sound
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:40 Brandy Lee quit the room
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:30:41
sookiebontemps DALLAS: I HAVE SOUND
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:42
Guest6490 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:45
Guest6408 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:46
Guest64802424 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:47
sookiebontemps :)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:47
KathyD55 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:47
Pamspumps sound! yes
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:47 True Blood in
07-11 PM Dallas
pamspumps i don't actually think franklin in the
2010- 09:30:49 books is physically abusive, but he does sell her to
07-11 PM mickey. i think franklin in the show is a mixture of
franklin and mickey in the books
2010- 09:30:49
Marleneemm enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:49
Guest6413 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:50
Guest64802424 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:51
Guest6504 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:52 Brandy Lee
enter the room
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:30:52
SheiroQ enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:52
alainanoelle Sound!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:55
BTJessica enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:55 BabyVampsucker YaY sound
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:57
Guest6505 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:58
sookiebontemps Alrighty! So happy you all here with ust tonight!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:58
arianwyn quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:30:59
Guest6445 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:00
Guest6508 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:02
Guest6507 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:02
lafemmetopaz Did anyone notice the change with Debbie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:03
Guest6507 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:04 Brandy Lee
YAY sound!!!!!
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:31:05
greeneyegirl quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:05
greeneyegirl enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:07
lafemmetopaz She's a wolf in TB
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:09
BTJessica and here we gooooo!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:10
arianwyn enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:11
Guest6512 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:17
Guest6515 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:18
Guest6518 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:18 Shoutout to Alaina, to Brandy, to ChoCho,
07-11 PM TruebieDoobyDoo, GEG
2010- 09:31:23 Cavalavalier enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:23
Guest6359 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:26
Guest6453 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:28
MizDean quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:29
TruebieDoobyDoo quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:30 Brandy Lee
hey sookie -
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:31:31
ChoChoMojo :-)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:32
sookiebontemps Hello to PamsPumps, LafayettesTribe
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:32
arianwyn i have sound
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:32
BillIsMine i have sound too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:33
alainanoelle Hey Sook!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:35 I noticed Debbie's hoohaa when she was laying on
07-11 PM the stage
2010- 09:31:35
SheiroQ *waves to sookie*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:35 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:31:42
sookiebontemps HELLO KRISTINA!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:43
sookiebontemps HAHA.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:45
TruebieDoobyDoo enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:46
anelson53546 yay-it;s on
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:48
Guest6530 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:48 Pamspumps *** wave
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:48
greeneyegirl Hey Sookie! We have sound!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:49
LafayettesTribe Who is this Dallas person?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:49
Guest6517 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:52
SheiroQ Hahaha! Love ya!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:53
Guest6542 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:54
Guest6536 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:54
sookiebontemps Hello GEG!, Alaina!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:56
alainanoelle Dallas..I'm in the cue..3375
07-11 PM
2010- 09:31:57
Guest6531 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:00
TruebieDoobyDoo Hey, Stina!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:01
sookiebontemps SOrry if I"m doubling up.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:03
ChoChoMojo :-(
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:03 anyone know any of the "areas" in the Kingdom of
07-11 PM Mississippi?
2010- 09:32:07
anelson53546 hi, sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:09
SheiroQ Hey Sheri!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:12
TruebieDoobyDoo LMAO Artist formerly known as Sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:14
sookiebontemps Hello, ANelson!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:15 Marleneemm I simply lovedc tonight's show!!! Bill's babes I'm so
07-11 PM sorry that St. Bill's fallen off his pedastal!! But I so
GLAD for that!! OH ERIC, come and get your lady
2010- 09:32:16
MizDean enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:20
alainanoelle No BillIsMine
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:23
Guest6557 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:23
Guest6505 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:23
sookiebontemps TruebieDoobyDoo: Damn straight.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:24
Guest6528 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:29
Guest6550 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:30
Guest6542 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:33
sookiebontemps Loving smokeycokey's name.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:37
BillIsMine St. Bill is still on a pedestal
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:38
totalaskarsfan quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:39
TruebieDoobyDoo *shakes head*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:47
alainanoelle Marleneemm..Bill is big trouble
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:48
Marleneemm Alainanelle: YOU Can have BILL.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:49
LafayettesTribe Bill has to take the Limo back to the rental agency!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:53
lafemmetopaz Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:57
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:32:58
Guest6557 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:04 lafemmetopaz Debbie is a WOLF.. go figure
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:05
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:05
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:05
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:05
alainanoelle No...I want Eric!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:05
ChoChoMojo Dallas rocks!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:12
TruebieDoobyDoo TEAM BILL *ducks*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:13 I'm not blaming my Bill for being controlled by a
07-11 PM she-demon succubus
2010- 09:33:16
Pamspumps Rupaul!! Loved the way Lafay smiled at Eic
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:18 YOU don't have to tell ME I've been waiting for
07-11 PM this!!!
2010- 09:33:19
anelson53546 I miss you on twitter, sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:20
totalaskarsfan enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:26
alainanoelle That was funny Pam!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:26
arianwyn quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:26
sookiebontemps Hello, LouisianaGirl, Marleenmm!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:29
LafayettesTribe Get in teh car, RuePaul!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:32
sookiebontemps Aww, thanks, Anelson.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:35 Brandy Lee
billismine - you are cracking me up - succubus
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:33:35
sookiebontemps I miss you all too!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:38 Guest6591 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:40
Guest6391 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:41
BTJessica I usually listen to the one done by crazy beckah
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:42
Guest6591 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:43
LafayettesTribe Funny that Eric knows who RuPaul is, EH??
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:44
arianwyn enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:46 Brandy Lee
do you watch "THE GATES"?
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:33:51
Guest6587 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:57
sookiebontemps Hello, BTJessica! Thanks for listening in!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:33:59
lafemmetopaz Of course Eric would know.. he's a modern vamp
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:04
alainanoelle rocked the biker babe outfit!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:04
lafemmetopaz lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:05 I just started The Gates but hard to watch and do this
07-11 PM too.
2010- 09:34:06 *whispers* you should just tweet on the
07-11 PM sookiebontemps2 acct. we won't tell
2010- 09:34:07
arianwyn eric calling him rupaul was too funny
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:10
BTJessica hello! an yvw! :)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:11 Sookie Bon Temps:Hi lady I'm having trouble
07-11 PM typoing as I'm still in shock at tonight's show!
2010- 09:34:16
ChoChoMojo Yeah Soookie!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:20
Pamspumps Sookie was hot tonight
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:22 Guest6605 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:25 @BTJessica: I listen to CrazyBeckeh and
07-11 PM @Sookeh's podcast after.
2010- 09:34:26
Guest6603 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:26 but I will be cuttin away in half an hour, The Gates
07-11 PM is on :)
2010- 09:34:27
alainanoelle I loved it Sook!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:28
Guest6437 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:33
LafayettesTribe It was Sookie does Chicago the Musical!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:38
Louisianagirl29 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:41
sookiebontemps TruebieDoobyDoo: HAHA. No.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:43
alainanoelle Too hot for the weres!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:52
alainanoelle LOL Laf!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:52
Guest6618 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:53
Guest6587 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:54
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:54
Louisianagirl29 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:55
anelson53546 this is my 1st time live
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:56
EricsBlackAmex enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:34:57
Pamspumps Not enough naked were's tonight :(
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:01
sookiebontemps Marleenem: Can't say I blame you.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:04 BTJessica HAHAHAHA@ Yes, Sookie was TOO hot for the
07-11 PM dawgs
2010- 09:35:06
greeneyegirl chicago the musical Sookie= velma
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:10
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:10
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:10
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:11
BTJessica and who who let the dogs out?!?
07-11 PM
i was afraid that coot and debbie were going to have
2010- 09:35:14
arianwyn sex on the stage when he started taking his clothes
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:18
LafayettesTribe Velma!! Daphne!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:20
Guest6498 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:20
alainanoelle GEG! So funny
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:21
TruebieDoobyDoo LMAO GEG! I tweeted that!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:28
BillIsMine Sookie is so BA
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:30
greeneyegirl did u truby!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:35
alainanoelle I loved it! The tatoos and all!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:41
Guest6640 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:41
Louisianagirl29 Great episode!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:46
Guest6605 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:46
alainanoelle Debbie Pelt is so scuzzy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:50
sookiebontemps Paging Dr Dallas. . .come in Dr. Dallas. . .
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:54
BillIsMine Sookie is gonna be BALLIN' this season
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:54 Yes!!! LMAO. I said she was auditioning for
07-11 PM Chicago.
2010- 09:35:55
lafemmetopaz lol alaina
07-11 PM
2010- 09:35:58
lafemmetopaz she's a v addict
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:01
LafayettesTribe We need a trashy Sookie paper doll!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:02
lafemmetopaz lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:03 Sookie needs to visit Eric dressed like that and
07-11 PM torture the crap out of him
2010- 09:36:07
BTJessica LOVING Alcides sis!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:10
sookiebontemps GOT YOU.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:11 True Blood in
every one here
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:36:11
LafayettesTribe Sound?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:11
Guest6649 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:13
sookiebontemps Can you hear you now
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:14
Guest6650 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:16 True Blood in
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:36:16
BillIsMine yah Dallas I lost sound
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:17
LafayettesTribe No
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:17 Question -did eric's daydream come from him
07-11 PM feeling her saddness about bill?
2010- 09:36:18 True Blood in
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:36:18
sookiebontemps GOTCHA
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:19
greeneyegirl wheres the sound???
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:19
arianwyn i lost sound
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:21
TruebieDoobyDoo lost sound again. stupid interweb
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:23
sookiebontemps I CAN HEAR YOU
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:23
LafayettesTribe Lost sound
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:23
alainanoelle Oh Eric is having Sookie fantasies!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:24 True Blood in
sound now
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:36:24
TruebieDoobyDoo quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:26
BTJessica yaaa lost sound
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:26
Louisianagirl29 No sound Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:27
arianwyn there it is
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:27 True Blood in
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 09:36:28
Guest6402 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:28
LafayettesTribe Back on
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:30
BillIsMine Sound is back
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:31 Brandy Lee
back on
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:36:33
Guest6660 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:34
TruebieDoobyDoo enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:35
Louisianagirl29 back on
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:35
Guest6661 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:37
greeneyegirl Eric is fantasizing
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:37
lafemmetopaz I don't think.. I think it was "foreshadowing"
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:38
BabyVampsucker Yay
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:38
alainanoelle I have sound!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:40
BTJessica there and yes folks we have sound!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:41
BillIsMine *waves* I hear you
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:42
BillIsMine lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:45
LafayettesTribe sound back
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:45
BabyVampsucker Sound
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:48
Guest6664 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:51
TruebieDoobyDoo comes back when i refresh
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:52
lafemmetopaz Sookie must remind him of someone
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:52
LafayettesTribe it's back
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:52
Guest6657 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:55 Dallas: I know that you said not to call~ But I
07-11 PM HAVE TO!!!!!!
2010- 09:36:56
SheiroQ We hear you!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:36:56
ChoChoMojo Sound is fine now
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:00
Guest6671 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:03
Guest6672 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:03
Guest6650 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:03
risabeth the magister confiscated the server in a raid.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:06
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:08
alainanoelle Why not Marleneemm?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:10
sookiebontemps HELLO!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:10
Guest6677 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:13
MerkyViews quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:15
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:15
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:15
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:17
Pamspumps smak the magister!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:18
Guest6649 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:18
Marleneemm Sound is fine, all is well with the world!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:19
alainanoelle Hi Sook
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:21
BTJessica I cant believe Bill sold Eric out
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:22 you know that South Park episode where Chef
07-11 PM marries a succubus? Bill should watch that lol
2010- 09:37:22
Guest6677 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:22
Guest6650 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:22
Guest6650 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:22
Guest6650 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:26
alainanoelle Oh, hate the magistrar
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:30
BillIsMine or Sookie should, rather
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:31
Pamspumps hello
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:33 I refuse to believe that Eric would have the blood at
07-11 PM fangtasia
2010- 09:37:35
Guest6684 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:36
alainanoelle He's another scary one
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:37
TruebieDoobyDoo *waves*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:41
lafemmetopaz its a complete set up by Sophie Anne
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:42
greeneyegirl Hi Dallas!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:42
BillIsMine Bill is a bad, bad boy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:43
EricsBlackAmex quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:44
alainanoelle I agree lafemme
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:45
SheiroQ *waves!!*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:46
kevat28 lol billismine
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:48
Louisianagirl29 Hey Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:48
arianwyn i agree lafemme
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:50
Guest6693 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:51
LafayettesTribe I prefer bad Bill.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:54
Guest6672 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:55
alainanoelle I love how fast Pam is on her feet
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:55
Guest6618 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:55
Pamspumps me too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:56
Portia Bellefleurtw Hello Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:56
ChoChoMojo Another shoutout! <#
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:57
KathyD55 Hi Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:59
TruebieDoobyDoo I prefer naked bill
07-11 PM
2010- 09:37:59
ChoChoMojo Whoops!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:02
arianwyn pam is great
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:05
BillIsMine me too Truebie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:06
alainanoelle But Eric only has 2 days t save Pam
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:07 and Bill going to a strip club. HAHAHAHAHA!
07-11 PM LOVE it!
2010- 09:38:07
BillIsMine lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:09 Brandy Lee
i prefer naked Eric
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:38:09
TruebieDoobyDoo *grins*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:10
Guest6701 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:12
Guest6693 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:13
txladyjane quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:13
Pamspumps pam is fast cause she has nice pumps
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:14 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:38:17
arianwyn :) brandy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:17
BabyVampsucker quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:18 Dallas: Mark Blankenship's column is going to be
07-11 PM SO HOT on Wednesday!! I can't wait to read it!!!
2010- 09:38:18
Guest6703 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:21
TES2008 enter the room
07-11 PM
If you're hoping to win one of DAllas' goodiebags,
2010- 09:38:23 than you better call in. . .and/or tweet
07-11 PM @TrueBloodDallas OR simply say something
insightful here!
2010- 09:38:25
alainanoelle She needs more than pumps now
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:28
kevat28 nice to finally see a harder side of Bill
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:33
EricsBlackAmex enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:35
Guest6707 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:38 The Magister is RUINUNG Pam's pumps. He better
07-11 PM watch it.
2010- 09:38:42
sookiebontemps OMG. .typoville. sorry
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:42
Guest6706 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:46
Guest6708 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:47
Guest6707 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:48
sookiebontemps LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:50
alainanoelle Is the Magistrar keeping Pam?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:53
TES2008 Evening Truebies.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:53
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:38:57
sookiebontemps TES!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:00
Marleneemm We'll get ERIC nakked again~Just be patient!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:01
ChoChoMojo Rusty tonight Sookie? ;-)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:03
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:03
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:03
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:03
arianwyn TES
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:04
KathyD55 Boy! Did Eric sell Bill out to the Magister!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:04
anelson53546 This was a very good episode
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:04
TES2008 :)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:05
sookiebontemps Just a touch, ChoCho
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:06
Guest6650 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:07
alainanoelle Til Eric proves Bill is the V seller
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:14
Guest6706 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:18
greeneyegirl truby doo yousaid Caberet !
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:20 Major rite of passage: First episode of the season w/
07-11 PM no dirty tighty whities
2010- 09:39:21
Guest6657 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:23
greeneyegirl I like that analogy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:34
greeneyegirl TES!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:35
sabby77 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:38
TruebieDoobyDoo I did!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:40
alainanoelle Hi TES!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:40
sookiebontemps LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:41
arianwyn :) trubie thank goodness
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:42 I think Eric is gonna find out stuff from Sookie and
07-11 PM use it to frame the King of Mississippi
2010- 09:39:44
TES2008 Hi everybody!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:45
Guest6508 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:48
Louisianagirl29 Bill sold Eric and the Queen out to Russell
07-11 PM
2010- 09:39:52 I'm reaaaalllly excited to see what happensa with
07-11 PM Sam and his fam this season
2010- 09:39:58
TruebieDoobyDoo TEASE
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:00
Guest6734 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:01
ChoChoMojo Me too BillIsMine
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:03 Brandy Lee
i hope Eric brings him down.
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:40:06
ChoChoMojo Yes!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:06
TruebieDoobyDoo *CLAPS*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:07
alainanoelle I don't trust Sam's family
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:07
sabby77 sookie y havent u been on twitter lately
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:13
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:15
alainanoelle Sam is getting sucked in!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:23
ChoChoMojo I am still calling her SOOKIE! :-P
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:23
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:23
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:23
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:24
SheiroQ *gasps!!* She's outed!
07-11 PM
Wasn't it weird that Alcide and Sookie were the only
2010- 09:40:26
LafayettesTribe ones in teh bar not participating, and no one seemed
07-11 PM
to notice?
2010- 09:40:28
alainanoelle Hi Sook!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:29 Kathy: Eric is CORRECT~ Bill's "NOT what he
07-11 PM SEEMS" he is a MAJOR LIAR!!!
2010- 09:40:35
anelson53546 can we still twitter @sookiebontemps?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:36 Sam's family are Trouble and I'm sick of all of them
07-11 PM already.
2010- 09:40:45
Guest6749 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:49 Brandy Lee
we miss you on twitter
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:40:50 Guest6749 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:54 lol TES2008.. kind of like I am with Hoyt and
07-11 PM Jessica
2010- 09:40:57
TruebieDoobyDoo *in denial*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:58
BillIsMine ok wth? can't Bill get a break? lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:40:58
LafayettesTribe Sam's family are the Mariannes of Season Three
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:00
arianwyn i am too tes although i don't mind his borther
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:00
SheiroQ She's ALWAYS gonna be Sookie!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:02
alainanoelle Me too TES
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:04
ChoChoMojo In Denial toooo
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:06
BTJessica thats next week Lafayyetes
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:06
ChoChoMojo :-(
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:08
Guest6528 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:09
KathyD55 Bill has his own agenda.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:11
sookiebontemps Awww. . .thank you guys.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:13 I loved all the diggs to Sookie about it being her first
07-11 PM relationship
2010- 09:41:13
BillIsMine I'm defending Bill to the death over here
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:21 Wanted more of Franklin. Frain plays creepy,
07-11 PM slithery vamp perfectly.
2010- 09:41:21
Guest6497 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:27 Sam's family will be gone~MOM & DAD will
07-11 PM Leave BT,
2010- 09:41:28 lafemmetopaz TES.. AMEN
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:29
Guest6497 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:29
Guest6497 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:29
Guest6497 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:34
LafayettesTribe Frain needs a spin-off sitcom
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:35 although what was that crap Franklin found in Bill's
07-11 PM drawers?
2010- 09:41:36 Brandy Lee
it's ok BillisMine b/c he needs a little defense
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:41:37
lafemmetopaz I hope they keep him. I love James Frain
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:39
alainanoelle Yeah..TES,,he is the scariest thing
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:39
lafemmetopaz he is killing me
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:40 I've met Sookie and she in Shreveport. We did shots
07-11 PM at Lucky Liquor!
2010- 09:41:42
Marleneemm Tommy will be working for SAM.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:42
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:51
ChoChoMojo Yes!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:52
KathyD55 Poor Tara--she keeps picking the wrong guys!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:54
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:54
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:54
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:41:58 It looks like Talbot doesn't like Franklin being
07-11 PM around.
2010- 09:41:59 Guest6664 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:10
TES2008 Those 2 have a history I guess. Hope we'll find out.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:10
arianwyn quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:13 who knows... FRanklin may give her the "boost and
07-11 PM confidence he needs
2010- 09:42:14
Marleneemm NO Sequel for Franklin Mott!!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:18
LafayettesTribe Talbot likes 'em pudgy.
07-11 PM
I need to watch that episode again and pause it on
2010- 09:42:22
BillIsMine Franklin rifling through Bill's drawers so I can see
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:23
Louisianagirl29 Franklin is acting like Mickey!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:26
arianwyn enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:27 That's right, @LouisianaGirl. And those were damn
07-11 PM good shots too.
2010- 09:42:27
LafayettesTribe FRain gets a spinoff
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:28
BillIsMine it's not like the books obviously
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:29 he's crazy.. his cheese has fallen off his cracker.. but
07-11 PM he does care
2010- 09:42:29
BabyVampsucker enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:33
lafemmetopaz and he's tender at times
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:43
Guest6531 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:44 Talbot doesnt like Franklin cause he was the one
07-11 PM who broke the dessert plate
2010- 09:42:49
Guest6770 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:42:50 I wonder if Sookie will end up rescuing Tara, like in
07-11 PM the book
Sookie looked great as a motorcycle momma
2010- 09:43:00
TES2008 tonight; Anna looks much better as natural brunette
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:04
Guest6776 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:09
BillIsMine I like her blonde
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:11
alainanoelle Oh, Tara is going to be a vampire bride??
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:16
BillIsMine I also LEGIT love that gap in her teeth
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:17
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:19
BillIsMine it is so darn cute
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:20
Guest6784 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:20
alainanoelle So crazy!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:20
arianwyn i agree anna looks better with darker hair
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:20
BTJessica what about the new ones? will they enjoy it?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:21 Debbie from books has come to life. What a nasty
07-11 PM skank.
2010- 09:43:25
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:25
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:25
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:25
LafayettesTribe Anna looked like Mrs. Michael Douglas in Chicago.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:30
alainanoelle I agree arianwyn
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:39
Guest6787 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:41 lafemmetopaz They changed Debbie up
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:48
lafemmetopaz She's not the same.. not totally from the Books
07-11 PM
Yes,YOU love Team Sookie!!! But You know I'm
2010- 09:43:50
Marleneemm TeamERIC all the WAY. USED TO like Bill I
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:50 Are you still doing the chats for the rest of the
07-11 PM season, Sookie?
2010- 09:43:52
Louisianagirl29 Two long weeks
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:54
lafemmetopaz She's a wolf and v addict
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:54 debbie needs to wear pants if she is going to crowd
07-11 PM surf the were's
2010- 09:43:55
arianwyn i didn't like janice
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:57
ChoChoMojo Sookie come back anytime!! ;-)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:43:58
BabyVampsucker Thanks!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:05 Not the exact same from books, but we'll hate her
07-11 PM just like in the books
2010- 09:44:05
Guest6793 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:09
Guest6790 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:10
Marleneemm I loved Janice!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:15
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:17
arianwyn i like janice in the books
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:19 Janice was nothing like I pictured her from the
07-11 PM books
2010- 09:44:19
Guest6790 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:19
alainanoelle Janice was great
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:19 Less good one-liners in teh episode tonight, though I
07-11 PM liked it.
2010- 09:44:20 wait, Marlene --- are you the same Marlene who was
07-11 PM on the show a few episodes ago? The Bill show??
2010- 09:44:21 Brandy Lee debbie in the books is a better foe than a blood head
07-11 PM Betancourt in the show
2010- 09:44:21
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:21
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:21
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:26
anelson53546 ughh-I was listening to episode 3's talk
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:28
Tell The Truth enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:30
Guest6798 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:32
Louisianagirl29 I liked Janice!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:33
lafemmetopaz TES.. I changed my mind about Lorena
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:33
Guest6798 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:38
lafemmetopaz I like her in the series
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:39 Brandy Lee
alcide always runs hot
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:44:40
lafemmetopaz lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:41
Tell The Truth quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:41
Pamspumps alcide is hot
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:42
TES2008 Eddington speaking German was weird.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:44
greeneyegirl HOT! Can Isay ALCIDE = HOTNESS
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:46
LafayettesTribe Lorena is FUN!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:52
greeneyegirl holy CRAP
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:53
Guest6803 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:44:57 Lorena is a GREAT character. But I still hate her
07-11 PM guts. lol
2010- 09:44:57
Guest6799 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:01
BabyVampsucker quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:02
alainanoelle Oh, I love Joe!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:05
lafemmetopaz Calvin Norris is gross in the show
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:06
BillIsMine I love to hate Lorena
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:08
alainanoelle He's a great Alcide
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:10
TruebieDoobyDoo Lorenas's a ho
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:12 BillisMine: YES. Sorry, I used to like Bill till I read
07-11 PM the books 4 times and found out your betrayals
2010- 09:45:12
Pamspumps Eddington is the leader- WTH!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:13 Brandy Lee
i agree about Calvin
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:45:15
Guest6799 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:17
Guest6497 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:18
Guest6787 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:18
alainanoelle Me too Bill is Mine
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:20 TES2008 Lorena is very dangerous, but it sounds like
07-11 PM Eddington may want to get rid of her. I do hope we
see Sooks stake her or cause Lorena's death thought.
2010- 09:45:21
Guest6804 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:22 I'd like to go out in teh Limo with Sophie Ann and
07-11 PM Lorena and PARTY!
2010- 09:45:30 I would've thought Calvin a bit more attractive from
07-11 PM the books.
2010- 09:45:31
lafemmetopaz why.. TES
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:33 Brandy Lee he speaks german b/c that is who eric and godric
07-11 PM Betancourt were looking for in the nazi uniforms
2010- 09:45:35
Portia Bellefleurtw The Magister scares me!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:37
lafemmetopaz I like Lorena TB
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:37
Guest6807 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:38
Guest6793 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:41
Pamspumps That wheel gets a ton of use
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:41
BTJessica Will he learn his lesson now?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:45
Harley Dickerson enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:52
TES2008 Nah, I don't like Lorena.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:54
ChoChoMojo I hope they let Sook kill Lorena too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:45:56
TruebieDoobyDoo Sub basement
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:00
lafemmetopaz why... she calls Bill on his BS
07-11 PM
nope I still like Bill, Marlene. I've only read up to
2010- 09:46:07
BillIsMine Book 4 but so far I think TB Bill is far more
07-11 PM
developed than CH Bill
2010- 09:46:13 Brandy Lee i hope they let sook kill her too - b/c that is an
07-11 PM Betancourt awesome time for her
Pamsumps: Russell Eddington's the MAIN VAMP
2010- 09:46:13
Marleneemm who's involved in Operation Werewolf that Eric is
07-11 PM
looking for.
2010- 09:46:13
alainanoelle Oh the wheel. Came back to bite them!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:22 How is Russell going to marry the King of Nebraska
07-11 PM if he's a Nazi???
2010- 09:46:22
BillIsMine yah Sookie MUST kill the succubus
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:26
Harley Dickerson ohhh pammy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:26 It goes back to Lorena turning Bill against his will.
07-11 PM He didn't want to become a vamp.
2010- 09:46:34
greeneyegirl TRubby Doo
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:35
alainanoelle I hope Sookie does kill her
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:38
alainanoelle Hate Lorena
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:42
Guest6815 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:44
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:45
lafemmetopaz lol TES.. that was over hundred years ago
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:47
Louisianagirl29 Wait til you read book 6
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:47
TruebieDoobyDoo yes?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:49 BIM: I've read the books 5 times and I'm on book 7
07-11 PM again
2010- 09:46:52
BTJessica I thought the selling the V was ALL Eric's idea :S
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:55 Brandy Lee
janice in the show is awesome
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:46:55
lafemmetopaz move on...Bill needs to move on
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:58 ChoChoMojo Lorena looks well dressed this season though.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:46:59
Guest6807 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:02
Pamspumps Janice was lovely!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:02
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:02
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:02
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:05 Brandy Lee
they brought her to life perfectly
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:47:06
greeneyegirl I just read your tweets..i need a depends
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:16
TruebieDoobyDoo awwww. thanks, sweetie!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:20
LafayettesTribe Lorena wears DESPERATE well.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:23
greeneyegirl crying here
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:25
EricsBlackAmex Janice was grand
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:25
ChoChoMojo LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:26 I know, but I just don't like Lorena. I just cringe
07-11 PM when she's on screen.
2010- 09:47:28
Harley Dickerson i love janice
07-11 PM
I don't think the books are that great, I mean they're
2010- 09:47:33 like a really huge pumpkin seed that grows a giant
07-11 PM prize winning pumpkin at Halloween....that giant
pumpkin being TB lol
2010- 09:47:34
alainanoelle Me too TES
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:34
lafemmetopaz lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:39 greeneyegirl dying here:
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:39
alainanoelle Lorena has to go!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:42 I think it's more likely Mickens dirty drawers makin
07-11 PM his ass itch. Just sayin. #trueblood
2010- 09:47:45
alainanoelle I think she will too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:46
lafemmetopaz you guys just can't let the book Lorena go
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:50
TruebieDoobyDoo *beams with pride*
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:50
BTJessica I agree, Lorena has to go!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:51
lafemmetopaz lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:54
Guest6815 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:54
EricsBlackAmex Zhee books and dont hate me are tres campy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:54
Pamspumps @bill- blaspheme!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:55
greeneyegirl not done
07-11 PM
2010- 09:47:58
BillIsMine LOL greeneye
07-11 PM
BTJ: NO the V Selling things was ALL SOPHIE
2010- 09:48:00
Marleneemm ANNE"S ~and ALSO BILL COMPTON"s Seems
07-11 PM
he worked for her for 30+ years.
2010- 09:48:00
alainanoelle If the King doesn't do it then Sook will
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:02
TES2008 We really didn't know much of Lorena in the books.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:06
arianwyn i love the books
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:18
BTJessica K where was that? missed that :S
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:24 greeneyegirl Franklin and Tara need a safe word, like
07-11 PM fluffernutter, or cartwheel. They are seriously not
doing this bondage thing right.
wait, just because Sophie Anne was in on the
2010- 09:48:28
BillIsMine V...surely Bill doesn't know all of the Queen's
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:31
Pamspumps lol
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:31
KathyD55 I love both the books and the show!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:32
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:33
Guest6530 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:34
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:36
alainanoelle Looks like Sookie is going to be visiting the King
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:37 I loved Lorena cracking her neck and talking about
07-11 PM how great sex with Bill was!!!!!
2010- 09:48:50
Harley Dickerson holy crap it is only episode four
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:51
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:51
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:51
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:59
sookiebontemps LOL truebiedoobydoo
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:59
jrewbby enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:48:59 Sookie and Debbie look like the before and after
07-11 PM from RuPaul's Drag Race. #TrueBlood
2010- 09:49:01 I loved how nice he was sitting her on the toilet
07-11 PM incaseshe had to go LOL
2010- 09:49:05
alainanoelle I really don't like what they've done with Calvin
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:05
EricsBlackAmex :D
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:10 Bill phone call to Sookie was sad..... Sookie saying
07-11 PM STFU... Eric's dream... lots in the episode!!
2010- 09:49:10
alainanoelle So far
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:17 Bill is the procurer for the queen and now the king-
07-11 PM hmm procurer like in telepaths????
2010- 09:49:18
lafemmetopaz Calvin on the show ...
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:23 BIM: Bill's "NOT what he really seems" there more
07-11 PM to him ~ He's hiding things.
2010- 09:49:26 my favortie is daduh! Miley Cyrus works in a
07-11 PM Jackson titty bar?
2010- 09:49:26
risabeth yeah, poor Calvin Norris' character and Hotshot.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:30 GEG! Are you gonna RT my whole evening? I'm
07-11 PM not worthy!
Eric'sBA: I never thought about that! Franklin IS
2010- 09:49:35
LafayettesTribe such a gentleman to tie her up on teh toilet just in
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:35 I don't like the show Hotshot as well as in the books,
07-11 PM wither
2010- 09:49:40
greeneyegirl yes I just did
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:41
Louisianagirl29 MICKEY
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:43
arianwyn thank you geg i so thought that it looked like her
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:45
Harley Dickerson Rupaul
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:47
greeneyegirl you are worthy Garth!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:50
TruebieDoobyDoo Thank you so much!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:50 Brandy Lee
really really sick of tara's character
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:49:54 TES2008 I'm not sick of Franklin. I'm sick of Sam's family.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:49:55
Guest6873 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:02
lafemmetopaz Amen TES
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:04
Harley Dickerson me to Brandy
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:06 Brandy Lee
sam's family sucks
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:50:06
smokeycokey i like tara
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:07
BTJessica Im REALLY sick of Lorena and LOVE Franklin
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:09
Pamspumps Tara is getting her tears worth!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:09
LafayettesTribe Sam's family is the Marianne of this season
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:13
lafemmetopaz I like Tara too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:13
greeneyegirl those tweets are courtesy of trubie doo
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:17 he's not what he seems --- OK that can mean
07-11 PM anything lol
2010- 09:50:27 Brandy Lee
yes lafayette YES
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:50:32
BillIsMine Eric's not what he seems either
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:34
Louisianagirl29 He is good!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:34
BTJessica lol so the truth comes out, Bill is gay?!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:34
BillIsMine obviously
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:35
kevat28 Lorena makes Bill nuts, that makes her great
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:41
alainanoelle Just how b ad is Franklin?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:50 Brandy Lee bill gay? NO
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:50:51
Guest6873 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:52
sookiebontemps Alaina: Pretty darn bad.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:53 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:50:56
Pamspumps you could do worse for a husband
07-11 PM
2010- 09:50:58
anelson53546 can't wait ti see how they get rid off Lorena
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:00
LafayettesTribe Eric knoes a LOT about things gay. RuPaul? He he
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:00
ChoChoMojo LOL Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:06
BillIsMine haha
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:07 i didn't think that the writing was that great for this
07-11 PM episode
2010- 09:51:07
alainanoelle I hope Tara gets away from him
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:08
Harley Dickerson hahaha
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:10
Guest6804 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:23
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:25 I want to watch TB in a theatre and hear the cheers
07-11 PM when Lorena is offed!!!
2010- 09:51:26 Loved that Eric dreams of Sookie while Yvette
07-11 PM dancing
2010- 09:51:30
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:30
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:30
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:34 BillIsMine yeah Louisiana that was weird
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:36
Pamspumps """v""""""v"""""
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:39
Portia Bellefleurtw My brother is sheriff now!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:39
alainanoelle Eric WANTS Sook!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:41
BTJessica LMAO I am w/ u on that one LafayettesTribe! :)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:41
Marleneemm All Vamps are bisexual!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:46
alainanoelle Pam knows it too.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:50
jrewbby quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:56
lafemmetopaz we found out that Jessica is underage
07-11 PM
2010- 09:51:56
alainanoelle She knew he was fantasizing
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:04
Harley Dickerson not really bsexual they just are really limited
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:10
lafemmetopaz how old is Hoyt.. Jason's age so around 28 or 30?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:13 I guess we will have to wait for season 4 for the real
07-11 PM thing!
Yeah Eric's "night" dreaming instead of day
2010- 09:52:13 dreaming, but I'm tired of the dream sequences.
07-11 PM Season 4 better be full of Eric & Sookie sexy scenes
that ARE NOT dreams. Enough already.
2010- 09:52:17
Harley Dickerson arent
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:19
Pamspumps trysexual is my game
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:23 Poor Jessica will never be of-age, and her hymen
07-11 PM will always grow together.
2010- 09:52:24
Marleneemm I'm still in shock~i was screming
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:34 sookiebontemps LaFemme: Around same age as Jason, so 28-ish.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:36 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:52:36
alainanoelle They've already starting Season 4 planning TES
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:37
BTSookieS enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:39
arianwyn i'm with you on that TES
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:40 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:52:40
lafemmetopaz she needs a vibrator Lafayette
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:46
Marleneemm All I need is more ERIC & SOOKIE
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:49
BTSookieS Hi Topaz
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:49
Guest6922 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:52 Brandy Lee
i need to read this column
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:52:54
lafemmetopaz and start her day/night off .. using the vibrator
07-11 PM
2010- 09:52:59 Alan Ball also said he's planning to continue the
07-11 PM Bill/Sookie ship
2010- 09:53:00
BTSookieS And all
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:00
Harley Dickerson ohhhhhh
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:03
BillIsMine for a while at least
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:07
Guest6926 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:08
Guest6926 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:08 I want to know why Talbot responded that way
07-11 PM when he saw Franklin. What's up there?
2010- 09:53:09 lafemmetopaz hit BTSookie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:12
BillIsMine hopefully more into Season 4 than Book 4 allowed
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:18
Guest6770 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:18
ChoChoMojo Good point Tes
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:18 Did everyone watch the You Tube of Alexander
07-11 PM Skarsgaard this week?????
2010- 09:53:20
lafemmetopaz he seems afraid of Franklin
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:22
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:24
Marleneemm Can't stand Franklin,!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:24
EricsBlackAmex I zhink Talbot knows Franklin comes with baggage
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:24 Tara will survive and come back and open a
07-11 PM wedding dress store- called Taras Togs
2010- 09:53:29
EricsBlackAmex and not Tara as it
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:30
greeneyegirl love the duct tape boquet scene
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:32
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:32
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:32
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:34
lafemmetopaz and because Franklin does stuff
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:36 Brandy Lee
no - i need to watch Skars
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:53:38
greeneyegirl nothing says romance like duct tape
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:42
TES2008 Love Debbie Pelt?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:42 EricsBlackAmex Mar, Franklin is great
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:43
TES2008 Blech...
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:46 I LOVE Tara's Togs. I don't know what togs are but
07-11 PM I want some.
2010- 09:53:47
TruebieDoobyDoo still think Debbie looks like a drag queen
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:49 i am as sick of bill at this point in the show as i was
07-11 PM of him at this point in the book.
2010- 09:53:49
Guest6944 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:50
EricsBlackAmex 8-|
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:51
Louisianagirl29 Alan said that Eric will lose he's memory
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:51
sookiebontemps TES: You didn't like Debbie?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:56
Harley Dickerson hahaha
07-11 PM
2010- 09:53:56 I was screaming and thanking Alan Ball for tonight's
07-11 PM show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010- 09:53:59
Guest6951 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:02
TES2008 Nope...pure SKANK through and through.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:05
sookiebontemps Well. . .
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:06
Guest6944 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:07
Louisianagirl29 SHOWER SCENE!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:11
Pamspumps Togs= evil ugly wedding dresses
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:11
Guest6951 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:15
BillIsMine Bill must do Lorena's bidding
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:16 EricsBlackAmex The casting for this season seems to be spot on vs
07-11 PM last one
2010- 09:54:24 Alan Ball is finally bringing togetehr all the story
07-11 PM lines and the characters are geeting complex.
2010- 09:54:28 Im LOVING Janice and thinking
07-11 PM Franklin is gonna be the best char this season
2010- 09:54:31
Harley Dickerson skank?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:33
alainanoelle I think the shower scene will be better on the show!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:39
Guest6958 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:41
Portia Bellefleurtw Hello Camille! Andy is Sheriff!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:44
arianwyn i hope so alaina
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:49
alainanoelle Debbie is pure skank
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:49
Guest6512 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:56
alainanoelle Oh Cooter is so gross too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:56
Harley Dickerson oh yes
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:58
Pamspumps Debbie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:58
sookiebontemps How can you not LOVE Lorena?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:54:59
ChoChoMojo Cooter LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:06
lydium quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:06
Marleneemm Debbie Pelt was good~I wanted to see Fairuzia Balk
07-11 PM
as Debbie
2010- 09:55:09
BillIsMine love to hate her, Sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:13
BillIsMine love to hate her
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:13 I want Franklin and Coot to shack up and have a
07-11 PM spin-off sitcom called, yes, "Franklin and Coot"!
2010- 09:55:16
lafemmetopaz Sookie.. so do I
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:17
Pamspumps 'Why did they waste all that blood??
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:17
sookiebontemps Exactly BillisMine.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:17 Brandy Lee
i can't wait till Lorena is dead.
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:55:20
lafemmetopaz I love Lorena..
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:21
sookiebontemps Makes her fun to watch.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:29
BillIsMine indeed
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:31
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:38
BTJessica AMEN! to that Brandy!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:39
alainanoelle Hate Lorena!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:39
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:39
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:39
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:43
Harley Dickerson WHAT?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:47
alainanoelle Hated her in the books and on the show too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:50 Debbie looked like she needed to be dipped in a tub
07-11 PM full of carbonic soap and bleach.
2010- 09:55:51 Brandy Lee
and sook puts her in the pool
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:55:51
Marleneemm Let them match Franklin with Lorena!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:55:52
Guest6998 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:02
Guest6998 quit the room
07-11 PM
One of favorite lines on TB ever.. her line about
2010- 09:56:03
lafemmetopaz Bill's domestic abuse.. when he through the TV on
07-11 PM
her head
2010- 09:56:03 Brandy Lee
franklin and lorena would be a good match
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:56:05
alainanoelle The actress is doing a good job with Lorena though
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:12
Harley Dickerson Bill's gettin broody
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:13
ChoChoMojo yeah they would Brandy hah
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:17 I love to hate Lorena! The ultimate, deserate, jealous
07-11 PM lover!! She ROCKS.
2010- 09:56:18 Bill hates that biotch anyway...he's ALWAYS hated
07-11 PM her...I'm telling you, it's vampire mind-rape
2010- 09:56:23
risabeth quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:26 NNNNoooooooooooooooo! keep Lorena and
07-11 PM Franklin aprt, Franklin is TOO good for her
2010- 09:56:31
Guest7009 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:39
Marleneemm Lorena is Pond S***!! Can't stand her!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:42
Andy Swist enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:43
Guest7014 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:43 Yes, Mariana Klaveno is doing well making me
07-11 PM dislike Lorena. Good acting on her part.
2010- 09:56:45
Guest7014 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:47 remember Bill was turned against his will- he vamp
07-11 PM raped
2010- 09:56:48 kevat28 gettin.............harley, he's been broody for a season
07-11 PM and a half
2010- 09:56:49
Guest7009 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:50
Harley Dickerson hahahaa
07-11 PM
2010- 09:56:58
07-11 PM
and since he's always hated her, I'm not buying that
2010- 09:57:03
BillIsMine he *wants* to be with Lorena and that he's
07-11 PM
"betraying" Sookie, that is such BS
2010- 09:57:14 I'm so happy that romantic Bill is gone! Too sappy
07-11 PM and whipped!
2010- 09:57:17
BillIsMine like he's not getting screwed over too??
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:20
BTSookieS So what do yall think will happen next?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:22
Harley Dickerson anybody else totally get scared for Pam
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:22
BillIsMine i mean come on
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:31
BTJessica I thought Bill was doing that to protect Sookie :S
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:31 Alcide needs to take some pinters form Bill and
Andy Swist
07-11 PM grow some hair on that sexy bod!
2010- 09:57:33
Louisianagirl29 He cheated, bottom line
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:33
lafemmetopaz Lafayette.. but his heart is not in it
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:37
arianwyn quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:40
BillIsMine he is, BT
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:40 agreed Emo Bill is gone aka BT Edward Now he is
07-11 PM a vampire
2010- 09:57:40 Loved the way Sookie cried and Alcide busted her
07-11 PM nut on why she was crying
2010- 09:57:46
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:48
alainanoelle I was feeling Pam's pain!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:50 Well, who isn't sort of relieved that he admitted to it
07-11 PM early on?
2010- 09:57:54
lafemmetopaz Pams.. me too
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:55
ChoChoMojo Hey Andy!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:56
sookiebontemps It's an interesting twist.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:57:59
TES2008 The Magister enjoys dishing out pain.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:01
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:01
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:01
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:01
alainanoelle Man..that Magistrar is so evil
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:03
arianwyn enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:03 Brandy Lee
sam - poor sam
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:58:03 BIM: Neither am I~Bill pledged fealty to RE just to
07-11 PM save SOOKIE~ He;'s doing it for love.
I think the scene with the Janice and sookie in the
2010- 09:58:04 kitchen was an eye opener for Sookie. The
07-11 PM discription of Alcide and Debbies relationship was
great and identical to Bills and Sookies.
2010- 09:58:04
TES2008 SICK of Sam's family.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:05 Yeah, Bill is still sappy Bill pretending to be BAD
07-11 PM BILL. He's just protecting Sookie, the wimp.
2010- 09:58:06
Louisianagirl29 I don't have a nut sack
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:07
Guest7057 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:07
Guest6320 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:09
Harley Dickerson ugh enough twists
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:11 Brandy Lee
sorry he found that fmaily
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:58:13 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:58:17
Cavalavalier It seemed like she was taking it to heart.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:17 Pam was brilliant in framing Bill! But now she's got
Andy Swist
07-11 PM only two days! YIKES!
2010- 09:58:24
anelson53546 That famil is f's up
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:27 Hoping Tommy becomes a redeaming member of
07-11 PM the family
2010- 09:58:28
TruebieDoobyDoo They are charicatures
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:28
Andy Swist "I don't have a nut sack" LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:29
lafemmetopaz Cavalvalier... I liked that comparison too
07-11 PM
If I had outlived everyone I'd ever loved I'd be
2010- 09:58:30
BillIsMine fighting like hell to hang on to my Sookie, too -- no
07-11 PM
matter how whiny and whipped I had to sound lol
2010- 09:58:33 Brandy Lee i like the family in the book better - no issues till
07-11 PM Betancourt later
2010- 09:58:37
TES2008 Sam's family makes my a$$ itch...
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:37
sookiebontemps AndySwist!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:37
BTSookieS Pam will be Fine shes always Good
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:39 Sookie will be shocked when she meets Bill - he
07-11 PM looks soooo good now.
2010- 09:58:45
Guest7074 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:45 Brandy Lee HAHAHAHA!!!!
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:58:47
BillIsMine I love Pam
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:48
LadyAmethyst enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:49
Harley Dickerson hahaha
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:52
BTSookieS Same here
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:56
LafayettesTribe Can't wait to see Franklin and Coot go at it!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:58
ChoChoMojo LOL he does Stina
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:58
Louisianagirl29 That's the south!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:58:59
Andy Swist I love Pam too!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:06 Who LOVED Jessica in the Merlotte's Waitress
07-11 PM Uniform?
2010- 09:59:07
Pamspumps Andy!!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:08 Sam's family is somewhat boring. get rid of
07-11 PM Mom/Pop and keep baby bro.
2010- 09:59:10
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:11
ChoChoMojo ME !!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:13 Want more Franklin and I wonder why Jesus is
07-11 PM visiting Lafs. What happened to his momma?
2010- 09:59:14
sookiebontemps That was FANTASTIC!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:15
ChoChoMojo Love Jessica
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:16
TruebieDoobyDoo everyone from Sam's past mooches food
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:17
arianwyn i love jessica working at merlottes
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:18 Harley Dickerson jessica
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:19 Pam is going to KILL teh Magister for ruining her
07-11 PM pumps!
2010- 09:59:20
jrewbby enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:20
BillIsMine they're not boring so much as mysterious
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:21
Harley Dickerson ehh
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:21 Brandy Lee
baby bro is hot
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:59:25
BTSookieS & Jessica
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:27
alainanoelle Did Momma die?
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:27
TruebieDoobyDoo absolutely!
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:27
sabby77 poor tara
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:28
Andy Swist Jessica is a hostess NOT a waitress (yet)
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:28
lafemmetopaz Jessica makes me sick
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:30 Brandy Lee
jess is hilarious
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:59:31
alainanoelle Lafs mom
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:31
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:31
BTSookieS Remember To Smile
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:32 me!! I wish she had done more to the guy from her
07-11 PM bible study group
2010- 09:59:40
Pamspumps jessie and arlene should redo mel's diner
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:46
arianwyn jess is so great
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:47 Marleneemm LaFayette's mom will pass next week.
07-11 PM
2010- 09:59:49 LOL a hostess that is w=right she cn nor ever willbe
07-11 PM able to sell alcohol
2010- 09:59:50 Brandy Lee
HA Pam
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 09:59:52
Harley Dickerson i thought she was gonna kill the bible study guy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:02
BTJessica alright time for my show will b back next week
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:05 Does anyone else .. notice Jessica is underage and
07-11 PM Hoyt is around 28
2010- 10:00:07
BTJessica night y'll!! :)
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:08
sookiebontemps Jess wil never be old enought to serve liquor
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:10
BTSookieS Wooohooo ERIC
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:13
Pamspumps ERIC
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:14 Brandy Lee
ERIC & PAM - whew!
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:00:15 jess and godric are two of alan ball's greatest
07-11 PM changes from the books
2010- 10:00:16
Guest6922 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:16
Andy Swist Loving Eric ...I hate to say.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:17
TruebieDoobyDoo Why does a Vampire have a sunroof
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:18
LafayettesTribe Hoyt acts around 17.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:18
BTSookieS Nite Jessica
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:30
LafayettesTribe Eric knows RuPaul!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:31
lafemmetopaz acts and chronological are different
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:31 Marleneemm Eric: What is there to SAY about someone who's
07-11 PM perfect?????????????????
2010- 10:00:31
BillIsMine AMEN arianwyn
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:31
BTJessica quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:31
sookiebontemps LOL! Andy!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:33 loving Eric? The world is coming to an
07-11 PM end. LOL!
2010- 10:00:34
sookiebontemps Change of heart?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:34
alainanoelle I love Eric
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:34
greeneyegirl quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:35 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:00:40
Guest7211 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:41
Pamspumps Eric and eric
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:41
Guest7211 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:43
BTSookieS s
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:43
EricsBlackAmex yeah ring ring Hookah
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:43
BillIsMine Godric and Jess = <3<3<3
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:44
Harley Dickerson FREE PAM
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:46
BTSookieS lol Tes
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:49
Andy Swist RuPaul=Laffy !! LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:51
Pamspumps Andy we knew you would come around
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:52 greeneyegirl enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:54
BillIsMine i'm changing that to my ringtone
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:56
Louisianagirl29 my six figure car
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:58
BillIsMine not even kidding
07-11 PM
2010- 10:00:59
TruebieDoobyDoo Andy! *waves*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:06
TruebieDoobyDoo Brother/cousins
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:06
arianwyn you gotta have eric
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:15
greeneyegirl TrubY its called a moon roof!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:17
LafayettesTribe Lafayette and Eric could be Bonnie and Clyde!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:23
Pamspumps lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:31
TruebieDoobyDoo but moonroof isn't as funny *eyeroll*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:32
Pamspumps they are cute together
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:32
LafayettesTribe So many spinoffs, so little time.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:42
EricsBlackAmex Eric KNOWS by now were Bill is
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:43 Congratulations Andy!! Magister is going to
07-11 PM kill ????
2010- 10:01:43 Really enjoy Lafs & Eric's intereaction. Would
07-11 PM really enjoy seeing Lafs, Pam & Eric together more.
2010- 10:01:52
greeneyegirl I cannot be as witty as you truby
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:52
sookiebontemps I would, too, TES.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:01:54 I still am buring brite for Bill... It's gonna take a lot
Andy Swist
07-11 PM for Eric to win me over.
2010- 10:02:00 Guest6515 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:04
BillIsMine isn't Eric being a bad sherriff by letting Bill runoft?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:06 The Magister is a BIG wet blanket. Whomp -
07-11 PM whomp
2010- 10:02:07
Andy Swist TruebieDoobyDoo HEY!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:07
TruebieDoobyDoo Bill is just getting hotter
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:17
alainanoelle I agree Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:19 LOL. @AndySwist: How awesome is Bill in
07-11 PM Jackson?
2010- 10:02:20
Harley Dickerson I will revolt!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:21
LafayettesTribe More story lines than Big Love -- I hope not.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:25
alainanoelle Lots going on
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:26
ChoChoMojo He sure is.. but but Eric looks nice too.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:30
LafayettesTribe Big Love went over the top.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:32
Louisianagirl29 Eric's tight buns won me over!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:34 Sookie's abs were almost in competition with Alcide
Andy Swist
07-11 PM tonite!! OMG!
2010- 10:02:38 Brandy Lee
there is a little too much going on
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:02:42
arianwyn i do think that there are too many storylines
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:43
SheiroQ Bill can stay in Jackson.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:45
LafayettesTribe Sookie had *** gutters!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:49
greeneyegirl Sams family = SNORE
07-11 PM
2010- 10:02:50 EricsBlackAmex Oui oui I dont want to see zhee Mickens until zhee
07-11 PM end
2010- 10:02:52 Alcide's looking great as well. So much eye candy
07-11 PM on Sunday nights.
2010- 10:02:59
TruebieDoobyDoo I'm still waiting to see Jane Bodehouse
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:01
Guest6784 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:01
alainanoelle I think all these story lines are going to connect
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:03
BillIsMine poor BILL omg bill just gets zero love anymore lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:04
TruebieDoobyDoo the saga of the finger
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:04
EricsBlackAmex Snore and nasty dirty underwear
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:04
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
Andy: How could you like a guy like Bill who's
2010- 10:03:04 such a traitor and who hurt Sookie SO bad tonight. I
07-11 PM would want to chop his head off and feed it to the
I gotta say. . .I'd like them to start giving Eric a little
2010- 10:03:07
sookiebontemps more depth. His lines are great, but it's verging on
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:08
BillIsMine it's all Eric this and Eric that
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:13
Harley Dickerson more sookie less sam
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:19
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:19
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:19
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:23
Pamspumps eric eric eric
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:23 i don't have anything against Eric I'm just saying,
07-11 PM Bill needs love
2010- 10:03:25
alainanoelle I agree Sook
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:26
TES2008 why do you think it's all Eric this and Eric that?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:34 It was interesting that we got the bloodbond dream
07-11 PM from Eric's perspective
2010- 10:03:35
alainanoelle We need more ..I think it's coming
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:37
Guest7359 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:40 i feel like that has been a problem since the
07-11 PM beginning of the series. too many side stories
2010- 10:03:41
alainanoelle He's out for revenge
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:43 Brandy Lee well this is the time that Eric starts being more
07-11 PM Betancourt prevelent in the books
2010- 10:03:44
EricsBlackAmex I say less Sookie more Eric/pam and laf
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:48 does sams dad look like the guy from the old show
07-11 PM david carridine
2010- 10:03:49
lafemmetopaz TES....and everyone
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:51
BillIsMine yeah I know
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:53 Sometimes you get yellow water in the south and it
07-11 PM stains clothes
2010- 10:03:53
EricsBlackAmex quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:54 I think Sam's brother is into dog fighting -- which
07-11 PM explains the scars -- like teh Tiger.
2010- 10:03:55
TruebieDoobyDoo wait, he hasn't had sookie's blood, has he?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:55
Harley Dickerson kess sookie??
07-11 PM
2010- 10:03:57 Brandy Lee
the books are so much better
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:03:59 TruebieDoobyDoo: You thought that was a
07-11 PM bloodbond dream?
2010- 10:04:00
lafemmetopaz so you do think Sookie reminds Eric of
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:01
BillIsMine Eric's a great character
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:06
TES2008 Because Eric IS THE $HIT! Plain and simple. :o~(
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:09 I think all these stories will tie together! Keep the
Andy Swist
07-11 PM faith!
2010- 10:04:16 I'm wrong. He hasn't had Sookie's blood in the show
07-11 PM yet
2010- 10:04:17
alainanoelle Oh..good point Laf
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:17
arianwyn i think it was a true eric fantasy
07-11 PM
BIM: Sorry Bill~ I don't like Traitors. And YOU
2010- 10:04:17
Marleneemm betrayed the person who you supposedly loved!!
07-11 PM
YOU broke her heart all for LORENA!!!
2010- 10:04:22
BTSookieS Very True
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:30 Eric makes me sweat and pant whenever he's on
07-11 PM screen. Can't explain why.
2010- 10:04:30 Brandy Lee
but he has had it three times by book3
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:04:33
alainanoelle Mee too Andy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:38
Andy Swist Bill and Sookie will get back together! Trust!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:41
LafayettesTribe Love the books AND the show
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:45
arianwyn alex is so great that he needs more screen time
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:48
BillIsMine Bill didn't do squat for Lorena
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:52
ChoChoMojo You think so Andy??
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:55
alainanoelle No..I don't think they will really
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:57 kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:04:58
Harley Dickerson paragraph 4 actually
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:02
ChoChoMojo I dunno.. even though I want them too.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:06
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:06
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:06
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:07
alainanoelle I think Sookie is going to give him b ack the ring
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:08
lafemmetopaz I like the books.. but harris is losing her touch
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:08
Andy Swist Bill punching Lorena= YEAH! (I think?)
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:12 Brandy Lee i like both the books and the show - but the books to
07-11 PM Betancourt me are more linear
2010- 10:05:14
alainanoelle That will set up for Season 4
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:23 Brandy Lee
i hope they keep eric;s memory loss
07-11 PM Betancourt
Andy: I don't think so. I think Ball will draw out the
2010- 10:05:26
TruebieDoobyDoo angst of Bill mooning after sookie for the next 7
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:27 Brandy Lee
ME TOO!!!!!!!
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:05:30
Guest7439 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:30 I've read other vamp and urban fantasy writers/series
07-11 PM who just kick major butt
2010- 10:05:33
Harley Dickerson well the books only focus on sookies point of view
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:34 I am really looking forward to the Sookie staking
07-11 PM Lorena scene
2010- 10:05:36 I love that all the domestic violence is deserved and
07-11 PM therefore somehow ok..
ANDYS: That will NEVER HAPPEN. Sookie IS
2010- 10:05:42
Marleneemm MAD at him~She doesn;t want BC back in her life
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:44
Pamspumps yes Book 4
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:47
BillIsMine Ball will stop when things get bad
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:52
Guest7439 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:54
Harley Dickerson next season
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:57
Harley Dickerson ohhhh yes
07-11 PM
2010- 10:05:59
TES2008 What?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:05
Harley Dickerson more Sookie Eric!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:07
LafayettesTribe quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:07
LafayettesTribe enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:10
Marleneemm BIM: Alan Ball won't stop!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:10
TES2008 Eric gets the great lines in the books too.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:13
TruebieDoobyDoo mickens
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:16
LafayettesTribe quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:23
LadyAmethyst quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:23
Guest7057 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:24
BillIsMine Marlene the show and books are a lot different!! lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:26
alainanoelle I think we're just at the tip of the iceberg
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:30 Louisianagirl29 Eric gets my rug wet! LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:31 TrubieDoo: Ball will drag it out, but Bill + Sookie =
Andy Swist
07-11 PM ultimate happy (for me, anyways)!
2010- 10:06:31
alainanoelle More with Eric to come
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:40
alainanoelle The vengance thing from his past
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:44
ChoChoMojo Me too Andy!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:50
LafayettesTribe enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:51
TruebieDoobyDoo yeah, but if they get together, ratings fall
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:54
greeneyegirl quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:06:58 Andy.. Bill and Sookie to date more.. other people
07-11 PM that is
2010- 10:07:02 TES: I agree. I just want some balance. Show his
07-11 PM character. Not a caricature.
2010- 10:07:04
Andy Swist Sookie still believes Bill is covering something!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:07:16
Guest7497 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:07:17
Guest7497 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:07:21 Trueblood fans want bill/sookie, book fans want
07-11 PM eric/sookie
2010- 10:07:21 Why have Sookie fall and marry the first person
07-11 PM she's ever dated because she can't his voice
2010- 10:07:21
Harley Dickerson i think the situation with Pam will fix it
07-11 PM
2010- 10:07:25
LafayettesTribe Sookie is right!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:07:29 BIM: I know the show /Books are separate. But I
07-11 PM like both~Just so don't like Bill's betrayals. So Sorry.
2010- 10:07:42
TES2008 So what would make Eric less of a caricature?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:07:46 kevat28 i don't think ratings will fall that much truebie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:07:48
lafemmetopaz nope. DAl
07-11 PM
2010- 10:07:49 I know SOokie dates other men, but let's just say I'm
Andy Swist
07-11 PM burning a torch for Bill+Sookie!
2010- 10:07:50
arianwyn exactly dallas
07-11 PM
Sookie: Agreed. Especially since they made such
2010- 10:07:54
TruebieDoobyDoo strong Eric choices in S2: torturing Laffy, etc. Now
07-11 PM
that's been replaced w/ soundbites
2010- 10:08:03
Guest6517 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:08:03
greeneyegirl enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:08:08 It's Lou Pines, rather than Club Dead. I like Lou
07-11 PM Pines. It reminds me of David Lynch.
2010- 10:08:11 that is not true im not a book fannever read it and i
07-11 PM still prefer eric/sookie
2010- 10:08:17 Brandy Lee boo soundbites, ready for the real character to show
07-11 PM Betancourt up
2010- 10:08:28
Andy Swist Word Dallas!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:08:37
Pamspumps agree
07-11 PM
2010- 10:08:37 What Trueby.. soundbites? They changed the
07-11 PM violence?
2010- 10:08:45
alainanoelle I think Eric is headed for Jackson
07-11 PM
2010- 10:08:55
lafemmetopaz Eric is older than Bill
07-11 PM
2010- 10:08:57
LafayettesTribe Eric is def going to Jackson
07-11 PM
2010- 10:08:57
Guest7563 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:08:59
TruebieDoobyDoo Questa: No, but he goes punchline to punchlijne
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:04
robi enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:04
TES2008 So what would make Eric less of a caricature?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:05 Brandy Lee
eric needs to take his butt to Jackson and get his girl
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:09:07
Guest7563 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:08
smokeycokey i am glad i never read the books
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:09
Pamspumps eric better go to Jackson!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:13
alainanoelle I think he's going to show up at the club
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:15 BIM: Bill's Betrayal's in the Book's have soured me
07-11 PM on YOU. I know what it is like to be betrayed.
2010- 10:09:16 we've only seen one "betrayal" so far for sure and
07-11 PM it's hardly a real betrayal
2010- 10:09:17
alainanoelle Maybe??
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:18
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:19
arianwyn i think more time on the screen TES
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:23 Bill is a baby compared to Eric.. he ain't seen the
07-11 PM stuff ERic has and Godric didn't teach this to him
2010- 10:09:23 Brandy Lee
oh smokey -the books are good, just very different
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:09:26
alainanoelle Didn't he do that in Club Dead?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:30
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:30
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:30
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:32
LafayettesTribe Yes
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:36 sookiebontemps TES: A little more screentime. And a a little more
07-11 PM focus from teh writers. They need to pick and
choose the stories -- too much going on
2010- 10:09:37
ChoChoMojo Bill isn't the only one to betray.. a few are guilty.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:38
Andy Swist Debbie Pelt is NASTY! EEEEEEEEEEWWW
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:39 sookie won't get staked, allowing Eric to save her
07-11 PM and form the blood bind
yah me too Marlene, trust me I'm a 22 year old
2010- 10:09:46
BillIsMine single mom who got knocked up in college and then
07-11 PM
dumped by a BF of 3 years
2010- 10:09:49
ChoChoMojo I agree Sook
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:55 I liked the way Eric was teaching Eric- like Godric
07-11 PM taught him
2010- 10:09:56
Harley Dickerson Hardly a real betrayal BillIsMine?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:09:59
BillIsMine i'm over it
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:00
Marleneemm BIM: No, we've seen three betrayals.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:01 "You can't have any bloood, Debbie. Your brand
07-11 PM will heal."
2010- 10:10:01
BillIsMine lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:06
TruebieDoobyDoo Miley Cyrus at the titty bar
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:09
Guest6734 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:18
LafayettesTribe Sookie said F**** on teh phone with Bill!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:21
Andy Swist LOL TrubieDoo!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:23
greeneyegirl truby you are killing me
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:24
sookiebontemps LOL TruebieDoobyDoo
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:26
sookiebontemps LOVE IT.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:29
Pamspumps well that made no sense. Eric was teaching Lafay
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:31 BIM: I'm over mine but it's a touchy subject with
07-11 PM me.
2010- 10:10:35
Pamspumps nutsack
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:39
Andy Swist Sookie says "STFU"!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:43
Harley Dickerson hahaha
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:44 With so many characters, there will always be too
07-11 PM much going on.
2010- 10:10:53
Harley Dickerson "i don't have a nutsack"
07-11 PM
2010- 10:10:56 Brandy Lee
i think that is demented
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:10:58 i've always thought that was a problem with the
07-11 PM show TES
2010- 10:11:08 Marleneemm and BIM.. take my advice don't like
07-11 PM control your future relationships
2010- 10:11:08 Alot is going on TES..I hope they tie it all together
07-11 PM sooner rather than later
2010- 10:11:11
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:12
Guest7606 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:20
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:20
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:20
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:22 Is it weird that Bill wouldn't take teh cigar? What a
07-11 PM goody-two-shoes!
2010- 10:11:23
Pamspumps they are tieing it together-
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:25
alainanoelle Not like last season when we had to wait..
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:28
BillIsMine what three betrayals?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:29 YOu gotta live and love to fullest.... someone breaks
07-11 PM your heart.. learn from it and move the F on
2010- 10:11:32
Marleneemm TES: all the characters make for a better storyline.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:33
GetemGirl enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:37
smokeycokey i love villians too never liked the good guys
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:46
Guest7620 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:52 Brandy Lee
thank you meredith
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:11:53
Guest7632 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:11:55 And it's weird that Russell is an "Antique Dealer."
07-11 PM Like Midnight in teh Garden of Good and Evil.
2010- 10:11:55 i don't agree marlene, sometimes it just gets to be
07-11 PM too much
2010- 10:11:57
Guest7606 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:01
alainanoelle Bye Meredith
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:01
Guest7639 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:03
Marleneemm Lafemmetopaz: I'm married for 32+ years/
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:04 what makes the villans great is the good guys...and
07-11 PM SO a fan of the villan too
2010- 10:12:11
Guest7642 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:11 we know that Russell is the head of Nazi wolves and
07-11 PM he has done something to piss Eric off
2010- 10:12:12
sookiebontemps Good catch, @lafayettestribe
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:15
Guest7645 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:17
sookiebontemps CALL IN!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:22
sookiebontemps 6469290825
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:23
LafayettesTribe Thanks SOOK!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:27
Marleneemm Laftri b: Loved In the garden of Good/Evil
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:29
alainanoelle I'm in the cue!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:32
Guest6536 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:33
Guest7620 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:35
alainanoelle 3375
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:37 When Jef is back, we need to catch up on 9
07-11 PM Crimes...such a great tune for the epsiode
2010- 10:12:49
GetemGirl I can't wait
07-11 PM
2010- 10:12:49 that's great ...Marle.. 32 years... wow you must
07-11 PM gotten married at 18... :)
2010- 10:12:59
TruebieDoobyDoo *misses BillohBill*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:00
sookiebontemps ROBI: I agree
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:00
jrewbby quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:02
TES2008 Good night
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:09
ChoChoMojo me too Truebie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:11 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:13:13
lafemmetopaz lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:14 Have a secret love for Damien Rice. That was
07-11 PM Damien Rice, right?
2010- 10:13:16
Harley Dickerson loved the last scene
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:21 I grew up in Mississippi, and Russell DOES remind
07-11 PM me of some antique dealers down there.
2010- 10:13:23
Marleneemm Nope got married at 24~ I'm 56.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:28
greeneyegirl miss MK too!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:28
BillIsMine I live in Mississippi
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:30 Sounds like Eric is trying to prepare Lafay for
07-11 PM vampirism
2010- 10:13:32 Yep, and I too share that crush. But it is the touch of
07-11 PM Irish I think
2010- 10:13:34
BillIsMine hehe
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:36
robi He's irish right?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:37
sookiebontemps LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:39
sookiebontemps Yes.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:40
lafemmetopaz wow.. congrats
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:42
Marleneemm How could you be done with VAMPS????
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:43
LafayettesTribe Grew up Biloxi here
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:44
Guest7359 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:51
BillIsMine I'm in law school in Oxford
07-11 PM
2010- 10:13:56
Guest7359 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:00
LafayettesTribe I'm a lawyer in Brooklyn NY now.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:04
BillIsMine but before that used to hang out in Hattiesburg
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:05
BTSookieS quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:09
BillIsMine where'd you go to law school?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:12
LafayettesTribe Cornell
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:16
BillIsMine cool
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:16 lol Marlenee.. I understand her I've read some really
07-11 PM good witch and were urban series that wonderful
2010- 10:14:18
Hellosidnie enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:20
BTSookieS enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:23
Guest7645 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:24
LafayettesTribe Ole MIss!! ay?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:30 MK is not allowed to leave again. The whole world
07-11 PM goes to hell
2010- 10:14:33 Brandy Lee
anyone read Cassandra Clare?
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:14:33
Pamspumps Sam's dad was dressed for once that is a +
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:34
lafemmetopaz Me to Alaina
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:35
ChoChoMojo LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:35
Marleneemm They had something to do with his parent's deaths
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:39
Hellosidnie hell yeah! i'm here...hi to y'all
07-11 PM
2010- 10:14:51
lafemmetopaz forshadowing.. Sookie reminds him of someone
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:00 Brandy Lee
Eric is just fabulous
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:15:01
sookiebontemps PamsPumps: Thank God! No dingy undies!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:02 That day dream was cheese stupid in my opinion,
07-11 PM just saying
2010- 10:15:05
Marleneemm I'm also worried about PAM
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:06 the ocean in on him is the sunlight on yoru skin
07-11 PM from season 1
2010- 10:15:08
Louisianagirl29 I think Russell killed Eric's father!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:16
Pamspumps eric wants sookie to get to know the real him
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:16
robi Would it be a "day'" dream?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:22
sookiebontemps Why do you think Tara is at Russell's?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:23
LafayettesTribe I CAN'T wait to see if Lorena gets laid again!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:25
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:27 Brandy Lee
i am worried about Pam too!
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:15:29
sookiebontemps Looks like bait?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:29
Guest6603 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:39
Pamspumps oh noes not the shoes
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:39
Guest7632 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:40
GetemGirl yeah pam's in trouble
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:42
Marleneemm L129: Yes, Russell was behind Ulfirck's death
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:42 Brandy Lee
bait - nice thought
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:15:43
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:43
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:43
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:46
TruebieDoobyDoo yeah. sookiebate
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:48
TruebieDoobyDoo bait
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:49
Guest7732 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:50
Louisianagirl29 He is hated in every role he plays
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:53
sookiebontemps Exactly TruebieDoobyDoo
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:58
Hellosidnie me too BRANDY..
07-11 PM
2010- 10:15:58
LafayettesTribe Pam is gonna kill that magistrate
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:11
TruebieDoobyDoo loved the Franklin ventriloquist
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:11
greeneyegirl What about Arlene?? any thoughts??
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:13
Hellosidnie HI SookieBonTemps
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:13 I love Franklin, but loving the background of why
07-11 PM Tara would be in Jackson....I like the twist
2010- 10:16:22
Marleneemm She was BAIT
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:22 Franklin is my favorite new character. He's the
07-11 PM Jessica of this season.
2010- 10:16:26
robi Blah on Irene
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:28
Pamspumps Lets hope they turn tara and she ends up a vamp
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:29
alainanoelle Hi robi!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:32
Hellosidnie Franklin is the best character so far!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:32
greeneyegirl hey robi!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:34
sookiebontemps Hello Sidnie!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:45
Hellosidnie awww i miss u, i'm so happy to see u here.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:46 I love the sad scene with Hoyt watching
07-11 PM fave few sec. of ths show
2010- 10:16:46
Guest7756 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:47 Brandy Lee
tara turns out good in the books - let's hope for that
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:16:51
alainanoelle Franklin is going to use Tara as bait
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:52
robi Hey GeG
07-11 PM
2010- 10:16:55
Marleneemm Can't stand franklin~Bill WON"T help TARA
07-11 PM
Tara was such a strong character in the first season,
2010- 10:16:55 it is sort of disappointing the way her charater has
07-11 PM evolved. I think they could have done much beeter
with her story line.
2010- 10:16:57 Brandy Lee
hoyt is like a puppy
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:17:03
ChoChoMojo Missed that Robi
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:06
alainanoelle That might be it
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:06
Harley Dickerson ahhh robi i totally forgot about hoyt
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:08
ChoChoMojo Will rewatch
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:09
robi But an adorable good hearted puppy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:10
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:10 We need a person with the handle Franklinsbabe on
07-11 PM here.
2010- 10:17:12 Brandy Lee
i agree cavalavalier
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:17:14
Marleneemm Lorena is a PIG
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:20
TruebieDoobyDoo Miley
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:22
Guest7769 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:22 Brandy Lee
she was strong and confident and now not so much
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:17:25
Pamspumps I saw a pig
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:29
alainanoelle Russell wants Sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:31
LafayettesTribe PIG!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:31 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:17:35
TruebieDoobyDoo she has no table manners
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:36
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:36
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:36
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:37
ChoChoMojo LOL Sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:38 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:17:39
Guest7783 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:40 Brandy Lee
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:17:42
greeneyegirl hey Truby #MileyisSookie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:43
Guest7783 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:44
Guest7359 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:46
TruebieDoobyDoo hahahah
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:46
Marleneemm BILL IS A PIMP!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:48
Guest7769 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:53
Pamspumps they all are messy eaters
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:55
smokeycokey lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:17:58
alainanoelle LOL!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:00
greeneyegirl or #Sookieis Miley
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:02
GetemGirl nasty eaters
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:09
alainanoelle Poor stripper
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:16
GetemGirl (6)
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:18
alainanoelle Bleeding out
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:21 Brandy Lee i like the vamps that are really old and the language
07-11 PM Betancourt they use
2010- 10:18:22
Guest7783 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:23 I love these chats, but I am so far away from the rest
07-11 PM of you...I really was sort of BLAH on this episode.
2010- 10:18:24 who does look good with blood dripping out of there
Harley Dickerson
07-11 PM mouth?
2010- 10:18:25
Pamspumps he procured Sookie for the queen
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:27
alainanoelle Messing up the limo
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:32 Brandy Lee
that was a nice reference
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:18:36 LafayettesTribe Can't wait for Andy and Jason to me cops together!
07-11 PM More buddy movies! (like Mel Gibson but less
racism and funnier).
2010- 10:18:37
BillIsMine oh man The Crucible is SO awesome
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:43
BillIsMine wtg Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:43 Brandy Lee
a lot of people probably didn't know that
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:18:44
Marleneemm PAM: BILL IS A PIMP!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:46
ChoChoMojo really Robi?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:47 It had good parts, love the character build, but
07-11 PM overall cheesiest so far (well, let me think...)
Brandy Lee-It osrt of seemd like they were stuck on
2010- 10:18:48
Cavalavalier what to do with her crachter and thought, lets keep
07-11 PM
her sad and manipulative.
2010- 10:18:54
alainanoelle Jason is getting desperate
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:55
BillIsMine Pimpin' ain't easy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:57
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:18:59 Yeah, not a fan of this epsiode. Love the song
07-11 PM though.
2010- 10:19:06
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:06
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:06
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:07 Brandy Lee
Cav - she is so much better than that
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:19:07
alainanoelle Pushing Andy to make him a cop
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:07
LafayettesTribe Bill is a Procurer.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:08
Guest6671 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:10
ChoChoMojo Loved seeing a diff side of Bill though
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:19
Guest7825 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:21
Hellosidnie poor PAMI!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:24
TruebieDoobyDoo If by Procurer you mean HOTASS, I agree
07-11 PM
i did think Ana Paquin did amazing in the "bill
2010- 10:19:24
robi phone call " part though. Those were greatly acted
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:28
Guest7825 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:29 BIM' Ever seen the HBO shows about PIMPS on the
07-11 PM Point
2010- 10:19:32
Harley Dickerson oh yea
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:34
alainanoelle Agreed robi
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:41
ChoChoMojo I liked the phone scene too
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:45
Guest7783 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:47
alainanoelle She was really crying!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:51
BillIsMine I've seen American Pimp, the do***entary
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:51
sookiebontemps The phone scene was heartbreaking.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:52 this episode for me was the best...too much things,
07-11 PM drama,..luv it. hate the ERIC DREAM!
2010- 10:19:53
Guest6776 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:53
Harley Dickerson the phone call scene was so sad it had me in tears
07-11 PM
2010- 10:19:56
BillIsMine it's a song, Marlene, calm down lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:05 GetemGirl yeah the phone scene was great
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:06
Marleneemm James Frain is a scene stealer
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:06
Tiera Graham enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:07
Guest7756 quit the room
07-11 PM
she looked torn up..not acting crying but OH MY
2010- 10:20:09
07-11 PM
part...thumbs up
2010- 10:20:10
Harley Dickerson but the fact it started off the show was like
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:14
alainanoelle I'm pissed at Bill
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:15
Pamspumps what did the 5 fingers say to Lorena's face- slap
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:21
Tiera Graham Frain rulz all!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:23
Pamspumps or punch
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:28
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:29
alainanoelle I know he did it to protect Sook but still mad at him
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:31 I loved seeing Bill knock Lorena across the room. I
07-11 PM could her the NOW bloggers running to their laptops
2010- 10:20:36 OM - Frankin my fave character righ tnow...notice
07-11 PM he had her tied to the toilet? OMFG. LMAO
2010- 10:20:37 Were we talking about the HBO do***entary Pimps
07-11 PM UP Hoes Down
2010- 10:20:38 Franklin reminds me of Dennis Hopper in Blue
07-11 PM Velvet. I'm seeing lots of David Lynch stuff.
2010- 10:20:38
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:38
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:38
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:41
robi clever though
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:42 in book 3 didn't Eric explain to Sookie how
07-11 PM vampire/vampire relationships were a "perversion"
2010- 10:20:42
Pamspumps duct tape
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:43
alainanoelle Lorena loved it
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:45 Thw wads of toliet paper on the bed was great,
07-11 PM brought back memories of my first break up. LOL
2010- 10:20:47
lafemmetopaz that was sad but very inciteful
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:48
alainanoelle She's so sick
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:49
ChoChoMojo He sure likes to beat the mess out of Lorena
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:49 as i said nothing sasy luvin like duct tape to the
07-11 PM hands!
2010- 10:20:49
BillIsMine do they ever delve deeper into that? CH I mean?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:50
Hellosidnie lmao, yes robi
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:54
ChoChoMojo I think Lorena likes it!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:57
Pamspumps nutsack!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:20:58 Eric is going to rescue PAM~he won't let his 'Child
07-11 PM die"
2010- 10:21:00
robi Good compairsion with Blue Velvet
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:04
alainanoelle And Lorena keeps coming back for more
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:06
Guest7879 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:08
Hellosidnie chocho, lorena luv it!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:09
TruebieDoobyDoo duct tape is fine. just need a word.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:10
Guest7884 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:11
LafayettesTribe Lorena is a masochist!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:11
Guest7879 quit the room
07-11 PM
actuallyi like TOmmy. he reminds me of me. he
2010- 10:21:11
Tiera Graham feels obligated to stay with his family. like me and a
07-11 PM
lot of others
2010- 10:21:22
Marleneemm CHO: Of course Lorena likes Rough Sex
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:26
LafayettesTribe Lots of S/M in this show
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:27
GetemGirl quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:28 Brandy Lee i hope she dies harsher than in the books - sophie
07-11 PM Betancourt ann needs to go even though i love ERW
2010- 10:21:29
Hellosidnie yep lafayettetribe..she luv all
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:30
Portia Bellefleurtw quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:37 I wasn't buying it, I would hope a vamp wouldn't
07-11 PM hee hee
2010- 10:21:41
Pamspumps nope he knows the queen is behind it
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:45
Guest7888 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:47 my perfume smells like rubber and leather. needless
07-11 PM to say, i approve. lol
2010- 10:21:52
Pamspumps Russel called him and tipped him off
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:53
alainanoelle Bill telling Sook he and loren just F'd like vampires
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:57
alainanoelle So cruel
07-11 PM
2010- 10:21:57
Guest7896 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:03 Marleneemm We don't know any of the rules of the Vamp
07-11 PM Hireachy
2010- 10:22:04
ChoChoMojo that WAS cruel
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:04
lafemmetopaz alaina.. true dat
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:05
Hellosidnie yes
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:05
LafayettesTribe Yup
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:06 maybe it reflects poorly on Eric that Bill went
07-11 PM missing
2010- 10:22:12
TruebieDoobyDoo doesn't want attention
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:20
lafemmetopaz that was unforgiveable and he knew it would be
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:20
BillIsMine it does, doesn't it Truebie?
07-11 PM
i was like O.O when Pam (desperetely) yelled Bill...
2010- 10:22:20 i think Eric can work it that he forund out Bill was
Tiera Graham
07-11 PM th eone when he found that he was missing. Eric can
say he was on to Bill
2010- 10:22:23
Guest7907 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:29
Marleneemm QSA won't do anything ~she hates following rules
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:29
TruebieDoobyDoo yeah
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:34
Guest7732 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:37
Hellosidnie can't wait fo' next episode..
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:39
LafayettesTribe QSA is insane.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:40
TruebieDoobyDoo thinking back on basement convo w/ Sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:46
Guest7907 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:47 BTSookieS Thats what Im Thinking to
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:47 good point sook - cause a sherif would be under
07-11 PM her...she is the deciding point right?
2010- 10:22:50
Marleneemm Mag. doen'st trust QSA
07-11 PM
2010- 10:22:52
alainanoelle The Magistrar isn't stupid
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:04
Tiera Graham and Bill sped away. see, so Eric has his scapegoat
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:06
alainanoelle He knows they're all in it
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:09
Tiera Graham sux for bill tho
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:23
BTSookieS Bill isnt the same anymore
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:26
Guest7922 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:28
alainanoelle No matter what Eric does, he's screwed
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:29
Guest6504 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:37
BTSookieS I dont think so
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:44
Hellosidnie SUPER ERIC!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:54
ChoChoMojo Liking Alcide!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:23:55 Russell wants Louisiana so he has set up the queen
07-11 PM by leaking to the magistre that she is selling V
2010- 10:23:58 Brandy Lee i think that Alcide in the books is a little kinder- but
07-11 PM Betancourt i am hoping he will soften up
2010- 10:24:00
BillIsMine you of so little faith
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:02
alainanoelle I like Joe as Alcide
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:02 i hope they have more of Talbot andFranklin and
Tiera Graham
07-11 PM their relationship. it's very funny.
2010- 10:24:08 Brandy Lee i love JOE
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:24:11 obviously everyone is just ignoring this Maker/Child
07-11 PM relationship
2010- 10:24:13 I'm working on a story about the Vamps VS The
07-11 PM IRS! I;ve written 11+ pages so far
2010- 10:24:13
alainanoelle Alcide needs to get over Debbie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:14 Maybe Franklin is working for Sam's family? That
07-11 PM would bring it all togetehr
2010- 10:24:21
BTSookieS Alcide is 6'5
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:23 the blood in russel is giving away is just for the
Harley Dickerson
07-11 PM weres
2010- 10:24:23
LafayettesTribe (Kidding)
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:25
alainanoelle He doesn't do it well in the book either
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:26
sookiebontemps LafayettesTribe: LOL
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:27
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:30 Brandy Lee
no shirt PLEASE
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:24:35
alainanoelle Getting over Debbie that is
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:35
BTSookieS lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:37
Tiera Graham Janice > Debbie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:38
greeneyegirl NO SHIRT EVER !
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:41
Pamspumps Alcide is hot but kind of a douche tonight
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:43
sookiebontemps Loving Janice Herveaux.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:44
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:44 kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:44
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:44
Guest7950 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:45
ChoChoMojo RIGHT!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:46
sookiebontemps Can I just say it again?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:47
Andy Swist grow some hair on that chest. Alcide!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:50 Brandy Lee
agree PAM
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:24:51
Hellosidnie right
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:51
TruebieDoobyDoo still waiting for male full frontal. equal opportunity
07-11 PM
2010- 10:24:54
Harley Dickerson yes sookie you may
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:01
ChoChoMojo I agree Trueb
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:01
Pamspumps he was mean to Sookie :(
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:02
LafayettesTribe Alcide is hot. I love his wok.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:03
sookiebontemps I LOVE JANICE HERVEAUX.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:03
Tiera Graham andJanice looks just like Alcide! i love it!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:04
Hellosidnie Janice hair? crazy..she's crazy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:05 Shala: Vamp RE Supplies Werewolfs and is head of
07-11 PM OWW.
2010- 10:25:05
Guest7884 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:06
Guest7950 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:07 Harley Dickerson hahaha
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:14
BTSookieS lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:17 Brandy Lee
it works for me
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:25:21
robi Janice is great...a fan
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:22
Harley Dickerson Janice was just totally unexpected
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:23
Guest7964 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:26
Andy Swist We're chatting away!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:27
Pamspumps great casting for Alcide
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:28
Cavalavalier quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:35
Guest6660 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:35
BTSookieS Janice was cool
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:36 Brandy Lee he does nail him - and i think alot of people think of
07-11 PM Betancourt nailing him
2010- 10:25:38
alainanoelle I like Joe as Alcide
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:44
TruebieDoobyDoo naked alcide
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:45
Pamspumps he just needs to be sweeter to our girl Sookie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:49
Guest7896 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:50
greeneyegirl great ABS! kudos to who cast his abs!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:52
LafayettesTribe I wanted Alcide to be a little bigger, but he'll do.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:52
Tiera Graham Janice> Debbie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:54 alainanoelle Joe is adorable
07-11 PM
2010- 10:25:59 I was waiting to see if they used the character or just
Harley Dickerson
07-11 PM threw her away
2010- 10:26:01
Hellosidnie grrrr! *howls*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:08
ChoChoMojo Father too
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:16
alainanoelle He cares about Debbie too much
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:21
Harley Dickerson YUUUUMM
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:24
Cavalavalier enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:28
Harley Dickerson so what
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:30 word...agreed...sookie not the best in her first trip.
07-11 PM LMAO
2010- 10:26:34
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:34 i actually like the Franklin / Tara story line. dont
Tiera Graham
07-11 PM hate.
2010- 10:26:37
Harley Dickerson he was still a jerk
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:39 Oh... Sookie knows what's on Alcide's mind.
Andy Swist
07-11 PM HELLO!
2010- 10:26:39 Brandy Lee
i hope sook gets to kill debbie
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:26:41
robi that bugs me...agreed Dallas
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:43 he just needs to throw down with Sookie and get her
07-11 PM into the furry side of life
2010- 10:26:46 Do you guys think that Eric may show up when she
07-11 PM runs out of the bar?
2010- 10:26:51
TruebieDoobyDoo Can't remember- can Sookie hear Sam on the show?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:54
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:54 kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:54
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:56
robi show is sort of like...I am a telepath when it fits. :)
07-11 PM
2010- 10:26:59
smokeycokey i do too tiera
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:00
Andy Swist Yeah. I think Eric will save her...!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:00 I want to see Sookie kill Lorena, then Franklin, then
07-11 PM Debbie.
2010- 10:27:03
Andy Swist HeyyyyyY!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:04 So you think Sook and Alcide will "hook up" this
07-11 PM season?
2010- 10:27:07
Harley Dickerson yes trubie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:09
arianwyn i think that's possible alaina
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:11
Pamspumps no cho
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:13 Brandy Lee i agree she shouldn't be able to read that well - it
07-11 PM Betancourt kind of ruins their air of supernatural
2010- 10:27:13 i think it's just easier for the writers that she can hear
Tiera Graham
07-11 PM them
2010- 10:27:15
Andy Swist Heyyyyy Dallas! Thank YOU!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:18
alainanoelle Maybe ChoCho
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:19
ChoChoMojo Yeah she hears Same
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:22
ChoChoMojo Sam
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:25
ChoChoMojo but avoids it
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:26
LafayettesTribe Is it over?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:28 arianwyn i hope the writing is better next week
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:28 I think Sookie will hook up w/ everyone this season.
07-11 PM village bicycle
2010- 10:27:34
greeneyegirl waving Dallas!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:36
robi DALLAS!!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:37
Hellosidnie poor Eric need to deal with Sookie and BIll
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:38
anelson53546 she can;t hear Sam real clear
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:39 Going to watch the episode again and go to bed.
07-11 PM Night Dallas and Trubies!
2010- 10:27:40
TruebieDoobyDoo *waves*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:41
alainanoelle Nah..she still loves Bill
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:43
ChoChoMojo *claps*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:44
alainanoelle Poor Sook
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:46
LafayettesTribe Woo hoo Dallas!!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:47
Pamspumps Sookie needs more exp n her sex life
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:47
robi NIce....excited
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:48
Guest6958 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:48
ChoChoMojo Bye SOOK :-/
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:51
KathyD55 Thank you Dallas!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:51
alainanoelle I can't wait for next week
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:52
Andy Swist No faeries yet!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:54 BillIsMine I know. Bill got Sookie addicted to sex
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:55
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:58
arianwyn that's the packmaster in shreveport not in Jackson
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:59
BillIsMine now she's doomed
07-11 PM
2010- 10:27:59
Hellosidnie packmaster
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:00
greeneyegirl Colone Flood
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:00
LafayettesTribe Fairy here!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:00
BillIsMine lol
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:02
Harley Dickerson hello!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:02 I am still trying to figure out which "Trouble" they
07-11 PM are going to use.
2010- 10:28:04
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:04
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:04
kevat28 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:04
alainanoelle No fairies
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:04
KathyD55 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:05
Guest8015 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:05
Tiera Graham we got to see Crystal and heard about Felton too
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:09
alainanoelle Not ready for that yet
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:09
Guest8015 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:09 robi *giddy excited*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:09
Tiera Graham Col. Flood?!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:10
arianwyn there is a different packmaster in jackson
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:11
TruebieDoobyDoo she's been cast
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:12
Harley Dickerson quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:15
BillIsMine Thanks Dallas!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:15
Andy Swist Laffy... not THAT kind of faerie! ;)
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:16
Hellosidnie colone flod
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:18
Guest8020 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:20
alainanoelle I remember Col Flood
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:20
Cavalavalier in the car with Tara
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:20
Tiera Graham we saw a cape figure in the trailer!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:21
kevat28 have a great nite guys
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:21 Brandy Lee
yes with tara
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:28:25 Brandy Lee
that;s right
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:28:25
Guest8014 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:30
arianwyn col flood is shreveport
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:30
Hellosidnie alpha wolf
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:31
Guest8020 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:32 anelson53546 the car
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:32
LafayettesTribe Faery -- very olde Englishe
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:34
Tiera Graham looked like a Death Eater
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:35
TruebieDoobyDoo sister/cousin
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:36
alainanoelle Yeah..who's that Tiera?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:37
kevat28 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:44
Tiera Graham i think it was a fairy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:50 she mets claudine at Tara's togs which doesnt exist
07-11 PM in TB
2010- 10:28:53
Guest6701 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:54
alainanoelle Maybe fairy godmother?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:54
LafayettesTribe Faerie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:57
alainanoelle Claudine?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:28:58
Guest8014 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:03
Harley Dickerson enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:03
Harley Dickerson quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:03
Harley Dickerson enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:03
Andy Swist Love to you all! G'nite!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:05
LafayettesTribe Radical Faeries
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:05
MizDean quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:09 ChoChoMojo Bye Andy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:10
alainanoelle Nite Andy!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:13
Hellosidnie bye Andy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:14
LafayettesTribe Bye!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:14
SheiroQ Night Andy!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:15 no, she met Claudine on the side of the road after
07-11 PM visiting hotshots.
2010- 10:29:15
Andy Swist MMMMWAH!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:16
Tiera Graham watch the trailer. it was all ethereal like a fairy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:16
Guest6684 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:17
Louisianagirl29 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:19 Brandy Lee
thanks everyone
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:29:19
Guest6640 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:20
robi Nice!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:20
alainanoelle Nite Sook and Dallas!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:23
Guest6803 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:23
Hellosidnie good nite
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:23
TES2008 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:23 Brandy Lee
thanks `DAllas
07-11 PM Betancourt
2010- 10:29:23
TruebieDoobyDoo Night, All!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:24 Tiera Graham i love this song!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:26
Guest6518 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:27 True Blood in
Thanks everyone !!
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 10:29:29
sabby77 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:29
greeneyegirl Night !
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:30
BillIsMine nite all, going to watch Postmortem
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:30
LafayettesTribe Goodnight JOhnboy
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:31
Guest7888 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:31
robi Thanks D and Sook! Great show
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:33
alainanoelle Good night all! Great show Dallas!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:33
lafemmetopaz night
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:34
Guest6661 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:34
SheiroQ *claps*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:35
ChoChoMojo Goodnight!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:35
Pamspumps kisses!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:36
lafemmetopaz quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:37
BillIsMine quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:38
arianwyn i really like this song
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:38
TruebieDoobyDoo *runs to twitter*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:39 True Blood in Thanks Robi
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 10:29:40
Harley Dickerson quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:40
Harley Dickerson enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:41
Tiera Graham if you like this, listen to Damien's cover of "Creep"!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:42 (now I have to listen to this song freaking
07-11 PM good)
2010- 10:29:42
Hellosidnie lmao truebie
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:43
ChoChoMojo TrueBlood repeat time!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:43
BTSookieS Nite
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:46
totalaskarsfan quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:47
Hellosidnie me too!!!!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:48 True Blood in
Thanks Andy!
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 10:29:50
Hellosidnie se y'all
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:50
smokeycokey (})
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:52
greeneyegirl quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:29:59
anelson53546 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:00
sookiebontemps Good night
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:00
LafayettesTribe This song is VERY Alana Ball.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:01
sookiebontemps !
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:02
arianwyn quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:02 Guest7639 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:04
LafayettesTribe Alan
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:05
Pamspumps :-*
07-11 PM
Do you think they will show the scene they cut from
2010- 10:30:08
Cavalavalier Season 1 episode 1 when claudine was in the woods
07-11 PM
helping sookie with the ratrays?
2010- 10:30:11 True Blood in
Thanks sook!
07-11 PM Dallas
2010- 10:30:12
Harley Dickerson thanks sook youll be missed on twitter
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:13
TruebieDoobyDoo Sookie: coming back next week?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:14
ChoChoMojo First time hearing it tonight
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:16
Guest8061 enter the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:17
alainanoelle Good song! Bye!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:18
Guest8061 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:19
BTSookieS quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:23
Hellosidnie (Tp) luv this song
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:25
Guest6703 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:30
sookiebontemps Thank you Harley.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:31
alainanoelle quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:35
LafayettesTribe quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:37
SheiroQ quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:37
Guest7642 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:41
Tiera Graham listen to Damien's version of "Creep"
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:43
sookiebontemps TruebieDoobyDOo: I'll be here all season.
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:48
TruebieDoobyDoo YAY!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:49
Andy Swist quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:50
ChoChoMojo *claps*
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:54
Tiera Graham how long does chatting go?
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:54
Hellosidnie quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:30:59
Marleneemm quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:31:00
ChoChoMojo Okay I am off .. bye everyone!
07-11 PM
2010- 10:31:03 You all take care! And have a great rest of your
07-11 PM Sunday night!
2010- 10:31:05
Guest7922 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:31:09
robi quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:31:19
Guest6708 quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:31:19
ChoChoMojo quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:31:20
Cavalavalier night all
07-11 PM
2010- 10:31:21
Pamspumps quit the room
07-11 PM
2010- 10:31:24
Guest8088 enter the room
07-11 PM

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