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Pieces of writing which
~ present facts
~ support opinion
~ explain viewpoint
Features of a Exposition
• Persuade readers to accept your point of view
• Present logical arguments, facts and examples
to support your point of view
• Motivate readers to show support by taking
• Style
– Personal, emotive style
– Impersonal, authoritative style
How are expositions presented
in real life?
• Advertisements
• Appeal letters
• Editorials
• Brochures
• Persuasive essays
• Campaigns and election speeches
Snappy slogan

• Have a break have a

Tempting description of benefits
• Soft strong and very, very long
Intriguing questions
• How do you eat yours?
• Once you pop, you can’t stop
Appealing adjectives
• Finger-lickin’ good
Advertisements are a special type of
persuasive writing.
Their purpose is to sell a product or a
They do this by aiming at a particular type of
customer (Target Audience).
They use carefully chosen, positive
They appeal to some aspect of the reader’s
They try to make the reader
believe that their product will
make them:
er M o re
p p i comfo
Ha Hea S limmer rtable
er l
es s fu
re More
o le Mo r e
h ion ab
intell beautiful
fas igent Less
The envy of all their friends!
They use carefully chosen language
to appeal to their target audience.
n e
The Best be rO
Sp ecia l O f fer
n N um Ge n
Fu uine
C ool !
C h ea F a s hi o n
lu si ve per
Ex c Ba r
The a rt g a in
T ot a Sm er
Expe l Fu rt h
rienc Guaranteed o k N o
e L o
They promise
• to cure all your ailments;
• to solve all your problems;
• to change your life for the better.

They make you feel that you

can’t live without it.
How adverts attract your attention
and stick in our memories
• Use of humour to focus on the positive and ignore the
• Ask rhetorical questions to connect with you and hook
you in;
• Appeal to your senses (exaggerated language, great use of
adjectives and adverbs, use of images, metaphors,
• Memorable slogans through use of alliteration, rhyme or
a play on words
• Mix of facts and persuasive comment to persuade you to
imagine yourself using their product;
• They make you feel special.

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