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Which are best, machines or free weights?

10th Jul 2010

I was in the gym this morning and I saw a personal trainer with a client going round a basic
machine themed exercise circuit and it got me thinking about the old argument about which is
more effective gym based machines or free weights.

This is a hot topic so I will try and summarize what I believe to be the key points.

Firstly, let’s look at basics of both:


 Perceived as easier to use

 Provide structure and support
 Quicker

Free weights:

 More functional
 More versatile
 Can provoke more effective fat loss due to whole body stimulus

There does seem to be a belief that beginners may feel more confident with machines and it
allows people to become more comfortable with the movements prior to moving on to a more
advanced level. The idea of walking into the free weights area can intimidate people to a
certain degree as well.

I think there are two very important considerations here, the first is the fact that people have
been building muscle and losing fat for centuries. If you looked at a gladiator for example,
how many machines do they have at their disposal? Did they have great bodies? Yes most of
them did.

The second point is whilst machines may be more supportive, we are not designed to move in
set patterns. I like the example of the cave man being chased by a sabre tooth tiger. I can’t
imagine that the cave man asked the sabre tooth if he minded if he did a few stretches prior to
running off! Whilst we are conditioned to have to warm up and cool down based on today’s
lifestyle, this point illustrates the fact that the human body, which is still very much in its
stone age state is very adaptable to the stress and strains that it comes across.

As a mobile personal trainer, I do not have the luxury of machines to use so my sessions have
to be based around free weight and body weight exercises. I have found as well from my own
training that free weights and body weight exercises have helped me build more muscle and
be more agile.
I know machines have their place, especially if they help a beginner get into habit of having a
balanced exercise program that includes weight training but for me, free weights and body
weight are the way to go long term.

Another benefit of free weights is that they are “free” which means that the workout variety is
greater. For example, a kettle bell can be used as both a muscle building tool and a great
cardio workout.

This can also allow more flexibility in your programs as I believe that plateaus happen more
frequently in machine based training as the exercises are slightly easier. It can be quite easy
to fall into the “3 sets of 15” trap on machines as I have been there myself!

If we look at body builders, they use machines because of the fact that they isolate the muscle
groups that are trying to train. This is a potential benefit of machines for this type of
individual but in real terms, when would an everyday person every stimulate a seated leg
press? However 60% of the UK will at some point suffer from back pain. I believe some of
this is caused by inappropriate lifting techniques rather than using a dead lift or a squat,
which is a “free” movement.

So in summary, there are a few considerations here and this is where a good quality personal
trainer can help as they can really provide a balanced program that suits you and your goals.
My advice would always be have an open mind and most importantly have fun!

- John Hill, Inspiring Fitness Personal Trainer

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