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Souh Pacific Christian Anarchist regional gathering

Friday 16 July – Sunday 18 July


Friday 16 July

8.00 Breakfast (Main Room)

9.00 Non-violent ways of Maori & Anarchism Balloons with Nigel
conflict resolution (Upstairs Lounge) (Chapel)
(Main Room)

10.30 Morning Tea (Main Room)

11.00 Anarchism & Redistribution A wlk to collect
Parenting (Main Room) rubbish
(Upstairs Lounge) (Meet in chapel)

12.30 Lunch (Main Room)

13.30 D.I.Y. & Living Simply Evangelistic Anarchy Crafty Craftiness
(Main Room) – how to tell people (Upstairs Lounge)
about anarchy

15.00 Afternoon Tea

15.15 History of Anarchy (Sam Buchanan)
(Main Room)

16.45 Tidy all rooms

17.30 Dinner Options:
- Greenhaus
Cheap Curry downtown
Saturday 17 July

8.00 Breakfast (Main Room)

9.00 Stillwaters Story
Community Stories Trip to the park
(Main Room) (Meet in chapel)

12.00 Lunch (Main Room)

13.00 Women's Peace Chistian Anarchy and Gardening (Meet in
Actions being in society & Basement Level)
(Upstairs Lounge) workplace
(Main Room)

15.00 Afternoon Tea (Main Room)

15.30 Militarism in Aotearoa New Zealand (Edwina Hughes)
(Main Room)

18.00 Dinner (Main Room)

19.30 Outdoor fire, camp songs, tall stories...
(Out the back)

Late Dumpster diving

Sunday 18 July

8.00 Breakfast (Main Room) & Tidy up

9.00 Bible Study Song writing
(Main Room) (Upstairs Lounge)

10.00 Morning Tea (Main Room)

10.30 Visioning
Anarchy & faith
Where to from here...
(Main Rooml)

12.30 Lunch (Main Room) & Final clean up

13.00 Poroporoaki

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