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Nigeria stone sector Iduwini celebrates

to create 1m jobs Shell sponsored

-World Bank FA
Y projects

Page 48 Page 70



A Vanguard Monthly Review Of The Energy Industry
VOL 02 N0. 13 MAY, 2010

Shell suspends Nigeria

production at Angola
EA field
Saudi TOP 2009 OPEC
T h e S h e l l Pe t r o l e u m
Development Company
(SPDC) Joint Venture has

announced that its operated EA Venezuela OIL PRODUCERS

field offshore Western Niger
Delta has been temporarily shut 2.2 (MILLION BPD)
down as a precaution to enable
repairs to equipment which
connects the Floating,
Production, Storage and
Offloading (FPSO) facility, Sea
Eagle with the mooring 2.3 UAE
The equipment in question
was scheduled to be overhauled
in May this year, but bad
weather - including a storm on 2.3
26 March - has forced the
schedule to be brought forward. Kuwait
Countries 2.37

3.79 Iraqi
An Oil Rig


2010 76.37
2009 61.06
2008 94.45
2007 69.08
2006 61.08
2005 50.64
2004 36.05
2003 36.05

oil industry tendering process

2002 24.36
2001 23.12
2000 27.60
1999 17.48
1998 12.28

goes online
Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Yearly

Senate commits to passage of PIB

FG moves to allay concerns 3
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
W hen Sweet crude grac
May 2009, our desir
voice and watchdog
ed the news stands in
e was to become the
2 industry. One year do
of the Nigerian en
wn the road, I dare s
h a v e ac co m p l ish ed ay we
t h i s o b j e ct i v e. B es
countless commend i d es
ations for our eff
providing in-depth, orts at
factual and easily v
industry reports, perha erifiable
ps, the NNPC's nomi
of Sweet crude as th nation
e official publication
Ni ge r ia n de le ga tio of the
n to t he 20 10 Of

Technology Conferen f sh or e
ce (OTC) taking pl
Houston, Texas, USA ace in
underscores our pre-e
position in more eloqu minent
ent terms.
In this edition, our
cover story focuses
Nigeria's oil and ga on
s projects tendering
which has gone onli process
ne, consigning to his
pr e v io us po or r tory its
e c or d of tra ns pa
accountability and le re nc y ,

4 COVER wide acceptance of

exchange) portends a
ngthy contracting cyc
NipeX (Nigeria's pe
le. The
Nigeria's Oil Industry tendering process goes oniline for expanded partic
revolution of sorts an
ipation in the growt ope
development of the sec h and
OIL We have also dug

6 New quality Oil blocks for NNPC underway

international oil comp
fiscal regime containe
Bill (PIB) before the
into the concerns
anies (IOCs) surroundi
d in the Petroleum Ind he
national assembly. Sw
ng t

crude spoke with Sen eet

ator Lee Maeba, the ch
of the joint committ airman
ee of the national as

12 FOCUS working on the bill an

well as assurances.
d he provided deep ins
ights as
Nigeria Senate promises investors equitable fiscal terms As usual, we have ke
pt faith with coverage
of all
other spectrum of
the Nigerian energy
insurance, labour, pow chain:

er, finance, solid min
FEEDBACK ga s, f r e i gh t a n d
providing reportage
industry on an unparall
co mm u nit y d e ve lop ls,
of the Nigerian e
eled scale.
May we seize this o
pportunity to urge fo

16 INSURANCE firms to seize the p

crude to take advantag
latform provided by
e of the huge opportun
Subscription Markets chop off 90% Oil and in the Nigerian mark
et through advertiseme ies
their goods and service nt of
Gas Insurance placement s.

workers present position paper on contract staffing

No quick fix for power sector -FG

NETCO moves to operate offshore Nigeria

Challenges before Sada, Nigeria's 15th Mines & Steel Minister

50 GAS
Power: NNPC set to boost gas supply

Unified global maritime law underway -Hassan Bello

Government should make Mega floating station work
-Ex milliant
Sweet Crude is a publication of Vanguard Media Limited


Jimitota ONOYUME
Oscarline Onwuemenyi
Editor South-South
Francis AYO, Johnbull OMOREGBEE, Enquiries Call:
Printed and Published by
Vanguard Media Limited.
Vanguard Avenue, Kirikiri Internet:
Canal, P.M.B. 1007,
Apapa. All correspondence: P.M.B 1007, Apapa, Lagos.
SweetCrude 3
Cover Story 4

Changes in oil & gas bid

In an analysis gleaned from, it was gathered that
changes to the oil and gas industry
Jackups bids tendering processes actually
changed on the 1st January 2010
when the pre-qualification stage
$1,800 Floaters $1,735MM was modified to require pre-
registration in a re-worked online
system for all suppliers prior to
$1,600 $1,541MM bid submission.
The online tendering site is
expected to simplify supplier
$1,400 selection, as well as the contract
approval process and the
$1,248MM $1,228MM procurement process between
$1,200 multinational oil and gas
exploration and production
companies and the Nigerian
National Petroleum Corporation
$1,000 (NNPC).
It would be recalled that the
$800 changes in the oil and gas bid
tendering processes was initiated
by the NNPC which created an
$600MM online electronic center in 2005 to
$600 $557MM $563MM stream-line the contracting
$187MM $478MM process in Nigeria.
The electronic centre
$400 metamorphosed into the Nigerian
Petroleum Exchange (NipeX), a
virtual community that links
$200 buyers and suppliers. The NipeX
has increasingly played a role in
the tender process and has
$0 become a hub of tendering in the
oil and gas industry.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Last year, the NNPC issued a
directive urging industry to take
note that from the beginning of
2010, all tenders within the
National Petroleum Investment
and Management Services
(NAPIMS) must be processed

through the NipeX portal.
Since then, all manual
submissions of contracting
documents for approval have not
been entertained leaving very
little room for under hand
At the moment, all contracting
documents go through the NipeX
portal, an indication that all
suppliers of goods and services in
the Nigerian oil and gas industry

oil industry tendering process

must register to be eligible to
participate in new opportunities.
Checks revealed that the
introduction of NipeX has
updated the pre-qualification
stage of the three-step tendering

goes online
process with the online
Senate commits to passage of PIB registration, application, and
processing system; leaving the
rest of the bidding process intact.
FG moves to allay concerns Only registered and pre-
qualified companies can submit
rigs or services for a job after
paying a registration fee of $200,
and a filling out a brief
Hector IGBIKIOWUBO online, leaving behind an an equitable fiscal regime in the companies, Sweet crude gathered application.
analogue era noted for poor oil and gas sector to allay concerns that Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, the

N perhaps what may pass transparency, accountability and earlier raised by international oil Acting President has issued a There is also a Joint
as a revolution of sorts the a lengthy contracting cycle. and gas exploration and directive urging Dr. Emmanuel Qualification System (JQS) in
conventional bid tendering production companies in the Ebogah, Presidential Adviser on place which identifies pre-
The Nigerian Senate has also qualified suppliers in NipeX
processes for jobs within committed to timely passage of country. Energy to take a second look at the
the Nigerian oil and gas the Petroleum Industry Bill To further allay concerns raised PIB.
industry has formally gone (PIB), while noting the need for by the international oil CONTINUES ON PAGE 5
Cover Story 5

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 suppliers. billion barrels of proven oil

reserves in the country are Total and
based on certain criteria. Although many incumbents
with contracts in the region have
Buyers also
attractive to international oil
companies (IOCs), and there is a Partex eye
been granted waivers, registration
To qualify: in the system is required to
benefit from a
robust local market for contract
drilling and oil services. Some Oman prizes
participate in tenders. These
To qualify, the NipeX Joint
Qualification System (NJQS)
team must first audit the
companies must complete an
application and pay the
more effective
key exploration and development
players working on projects in
Nigeria include Shell,
F rance's Total and Portugal's
Partex both plan to bid for
oil and gas exploration blocks
company, in part to ensure
registration fee. It is understood tendering process ExxonMobil, Chevron, that Oman plans to auction,
that some incumbent companies ConocoPhillips, Total, ENI/Agip, executives from the companies
Nigerian content. A
prequalification audit conducted
have yet to apply for with lower and Addax Petroleum. said.
qualification, which if not
by NAPIMS and Achilles completed would preclude them administrative Notable early- to mid-stage
Oman plans to offer 11 oil and
gas blocks for bidding by the
(NipeX) includes a mandatory from participation in upcoming offshore field developments in
visit to the supplier's site or tenders.
costs, better Nigeria include the Greater Ebok-
end of this year. The country is
relying on the expertise and
facility. Okwok Complex, Akepo, and
If the audit is successful, the
Industry sources indicate that collaboration Egina. High profile producing
investment provided by foreign
energy players to help boost
only a handful of international
company is qualified for up to two drilling contractors are currently between buyers projects include Agbami, Usan,
and Erha.
years. Suppliers cannot register registered. The oil service and
" To t a l i s p a r t i c u l a r l y
and become qualified after the drilling bidding landscape may
and suppliers, Nigerian National Petroleum interested in the offshore
tender starts, thus it is important Corp. (NNPC) was created to exploration block, one of the 11
to register early to avoid missing
potentially be slightly less
competitive in the short term until
faster decisions provide oversight and regulation concessions planned this year by
out on future requirements. the government," Bertrand
everyone registers. and approvals for the Nigerian oil industry in
1977. The lion's share of the
Huillard, group representative
New entrants will still have to for Total in Oman, said on the
Benefits of the Process establish a local presence before from NAPIMS, projects in the region are sidelines of an industry event in
structured as joint venture Oman, according to a Reuters
Change registering and pre-qualifying to
bid. Nigerian establishment is
competitive arrangements with NNPC taking report.
a majority stake, and IOCs acting
Qualified buyers are given a User
ID to access the NipeX portal to
required to qualify, and there are pricing, and as operators with a minority stake.
several ways to achieve this
process a tender. User IDs are mandate. Noble and Transocean improved
unique to a specific NAPIMS have established themselves in Senate commits to passage
department and unit. They also Nigeria through the creation of compliance. of PIB
determine the NAPIMS approval local subsidiaries. Noble has even
flow of documents. The Nigerian Senate has also
put the ownership of one of their
assured it is putting finishing
Buyers also benefit from a more rigs against a local subsidiary.
touches to the Petroleum Industry
effective tendering process with Another approach is to partner Bill (PIB), adding that the
lower administrative costs, better with a local company. Checks legislative process was affected
collaboration between buyers and revealed that Seadrill has an markets around the globe, the by deliberations on the 2010
suppliers, faster decisions and agreement in place with Petrolog, Nigerian rig market was adversely appropriation bill. Senator Lee
approvals from NAPIMS, a Nigerian company. Petrolog is impacted by the global downturn Maeba, the Chairman of the
competitive pricing, and in 2009. However, over $1.2
improved compliance.
Seadrill's official representative
in Nigeria, and all Nigerian billion in offshore rig spending is
Senate Petroleum Committee
(Upstream) made the disclosure
already booked for 2010,
Much like the previous tender
process, buyers are still required
contracts are assigned to Petrolog.
In exchange for this service, reflecting a 25 per cent decline
while speaking in an exclusive
interview with Sweet crude. celebrates
Petrolog takes a percentage of the from 2009 levels if no additional
to publish newspaper
advertisement which directs all day-rate generated by Seadrill's contracts are signed this year.
“We are coming out with an
equitable regime that will ensure safety record
interested suppliers to the NipeX Nigerian rig contracts. With the cost of offshore drilling adequate government take and
portal where they are be
encouraged to register with
Meanwhile, service companies
qualified under the first batch of
rigs understood to constitute
about half the cost of a typical
adequate incentives for foreign
N igeria's first deepwater
discovery Bonga, has
operated continuously for four
NJQS. audits nearly two years ago were Nigerian drilling program, these We are very much aware of the years between April 2006 and
granted automatic waivers even figures help provide perspective growing competition in the Gulf April 2010 without a single
Once in the system, buyers and
though their certificates are due to on the opportunity Nigeria offers of Guinea; Angola has opened its safety incident resulting in lost
contractors are at liberty to create
expire. Those certificates are both oil service companies and doors, Guinea has opened its time injury (LTI). The milestone
a shopping cart, submit ITT and
considered valid until the next drillers alike. If the 2x rig cost rule doors, we are very much aware of was celebrated on April 9, 2010
evaluation criteria documents for
round of NJQS audits begin. At of thumb holds, Nigerian drilling this and would not want to come onboard the huge Floating,
NAPIMS' approval, publicize
that time, they must seek re- programs alone present a 2010 up with a tax regime that would Production, Storage and
approved ITT documents to
qualification. Suppliers who do revenue opportunity of over $2.5 drive investors from the country,” Offloading (FPSO) vessel
qualified bidders, and open and
not meet the requirements for a billion for oil service and drilling the Senator assured. named after the field.
evaluate bidder's tender
specific service can reschedule a companies. Senator Maeba also assured that The Shell Nigeria Exploration
new date for a follow-up audit to Even though Nigeria has been a the PIB would address concerns and Production Company
Through NipeX, suppliers can volatile region characterized by surrounding tenure of the group (SNEPCo) commenced
be conducted.
also see lower processing costs unrest in recent years, the country managing director of the NNPC production in the field since
and have access to more is still one of the largest oil to ensure the operations of the November 2005, increasing
opportunities. Drilling Activities: producers in the world. The corporation is not unduly Nigeria's oil production
Similarly, the NNPC can also Nigerian economy is closely tied impacted by politicking. capacity by 10 per cent.
Drilling contractors with a to the oil sector, and the country's
see a lower processing cost, be presence in Nigeria include The safety achievement was
able to accelerate first oil, oil industry officials have FG moves to allay made possible by strict
Transocean, Noble, Seadrill, encouraged local content
facilitate the Nigerian content Stena, Seawolf, and Frontier concerns adherence to safety regulations
program, and benefit from an inclusion. In 2009, Nigeria was by staff and contractors.
Drilling. Currently, 10 jack-ups, the 8th largest OPEC oil producer, Sweet crude also gathered that
efficient purchasing process and SNEPCo Managing Director
three deepwater semi- averaging approximately 1.8 following representations from
increased transparency. Chike Onyejekwe, who joined
submersibles, and three drill- MMb/d during the year. the multinational oil and gas the celebrations on board the
It is understood that the new ships are in Nigeria, and all but Much of the oil and gas activity exploration and production FPSO, presented the LTI-free
NipeX tendering system has not one jack-up are contracted. Pride in the country is centered on the companies to the Acting president award plaque to the team. He
been widely recognized by oil and ENSCO have worked jack- Niger Delta area where security on their reservations over said: “This is an excellent
service contractors. ups in Nigeria in the past, but has been a problem for the oil provisions contained in the PIB, achievement, and I am here
neither of these US contractors industry in recent years. General he issued a directive to the today to congratulate everyone
has had a rig deployed there in unrest in the country has resulted Presidential adviser on Energy on a job well done and urge you
Service contractors: several years. in its oil output declining almost urging him to address their not to relent in your efforts, as
Sweet crude gathered that all Nigerian offshore rig spending 35% from peak levels in the concerns. the biggest task is to sustain this
multinational oil and gas totaled nearly $1.7 billion in 2009 2004/2005 timeframe. At the At the time of filing this report, feat - a challenge I am confident
companies have forwarded a list Sweet crude could not ascertain you will meet.”
and more than $6 billion over the moment, an amnesty programme
of their incumbent suppliers and past four years. With offshore rig put in place by the government how far Dr. Ebogah has gone with The Bonga field is 120
technically qualified bidders to day-rates rising in most global appears to have taken care of his task, but the expectations are Kilometres offshore Nigeria and
NipeX, but th exchange has offshore rig markets from 2004- security concerns. that the multinational oil and gas lies in water depths of 1000
granted automatic waivers into 2008, spending in Nigeria has Although Nigeria has faced its exploration and production metres across an area of 60
NJQS to about 50% of these been on the rise. Like many other share of challenges, some 36 companies may have their way. square km.
Oil 6

NIGERIA igerian
Nigerian Content policy and
a new government
T he past governments of Nigeria have been accused of colluding
with oil majors and their home countries to ensure that crude
export is not hindered and as such in-country investments not
mandated. The short-term objective with long-term repercussions of
restiveness of youths, militancy and environmental degradation has
turned full circle to haunt major stakeholders in Nigeria's Oil and Gas
industry. Past governments can be blamed for being too slow to
implement reforms aimed at the development of the Niger Delta area.
However, with Nigeria's Acting President, Goodluck Jonathan and
Minister of Petroleum, Diezani Allison-Madueke being indigenes of
Bayelsa State (Oloibiri's location), Nigeria appears to have entered a
golden era of reforms and positive changes for the Niger Delta, the
provider of its primary natural resource.
SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN Nigeria is now producing 1.8 million to 1.85 million barrels of crude
and another 600,000 barrels of condensate and is recognised as the 10th
largest producer in the world. Nigeria is grossly underperforming in its
downstream activities, having only four poorly managed refineries
with a theoretical capacity of 438,750 barrels per day. Also, corruption

EXPLORATION: New, quality'

and poor facilities management practice has resulted in the refineries
being comatose consistently and as such Nigeria is now dependent on
petroleum product imports and suffers fuel scarcity periodically.
Why is Nigeria exporting crude and importing finished products?
Why are the refineries comatose? Who are those behind the crude
lifting and products importation contracts? How can we make it very

oil blocks for NNPC attractive for Nigerians who have funds stashed away in foreign banks,
to repatriate and invest the funds in the development of a better
Nigeria? How can businessmen and companies be encouraged to
invest monies from past gains into the building of institutions,
organisations, systems, process, infrastructure and human capital so

underway that they focus on translating natural recourses into finished products?
Whilst the PIB is the most comprehensive re-write of the laws
governing the exploration, production and operations in the Nigerian
Oil and Gas industry and is strategic for increased value addition, both
bills (Nigerian Content bill inclusive) must be implemented in a
manner that makes investment in Nigeria very attractive.
of the Corporation's trading He regretted that the Implementation programmes must encourage investment in refineries,
Oscarline ONWUEMENYI petrochemical, gas utilisation and fertiliser plants. These facilities
outfits and capacity blocks were gradually taken should be located closer to the source to minimise the cost of pipelines

T he Acting President,
Dr. Goodluck
Jonathan, has promised to
building for direct
marketing by NNPC of the
Federation's cargoes.
away by successive
administrations and
rewarded to private persons
and risk of sabotage.
A nationalistic overview of value addition would address an
improvement of the lot of the common man through Infrastructural
award “new quality oil development, investment in human capital, uninterrupted power
Barkindo explained that and companies. supply and the delivery of free primary healthcare. Investment in Small
blocks” the Nigerian the Federal Government According to him, getting to Medium Enterprise (SME) programmes that optimise finished
Petroleum Development created NPDC in 1988 and new quality oil blocks was petroleum products must integrated in Nigeria's immediate plans. Also,
Oil Company, the upstream awarded it premium oil the only way to make NPDC Nigeria's domestic gas development policy could be designed not only
arm of the Nigerian to tie in with Power generation, but to also stimulate the domestic
blocks with the intention compete the international economy, through the production of Methanol, Fertilizers, LPG, CNG,
National Petroleum making the parent oil companies and other NGLs, all of which would create more jobs and reduce unemployment.
Corporation (NNPC), in a company-NNPC a major oil international national oil The establishment of functional arms of Nigerian Content
bid to foster exploration Departments within the IOC's and various oil and gas stakeholder
producer as distinct from companies. Parastatals should be viewed as an incomplete measure and not holistic
efforts of the national oil being just a passive He said, “We are in enough to fulfil the Federal Governments intent to influence increased
company in the upstream majority joint shareholder discussion with participation of locals and domiciliation of projects in Nigeria. The
sector. in the Nigerian oil industry government. We have holistic plan goes beyond the oil and gas industry, but primarily should
This was disclosed by the involve a national reorientation programme that encompasses all tiers
while the international oil discovered unencumbered of governance and sectors of the Nigerian economy. A nationalistic
Group Managing Director companies operated the assets, which we are people and committed government would surely endear foreign
of NNPC, Dr. Mohammed ventures. discussing with government players into thinking and planning for a better Nigeria and embarking
Barkindo, during the kick- The oil blocks would and we are confident that the on activities and projects that look beyond the short-term.
off of the NNPC Directives and short-term interventions can not suffice if Nigerians
include some of the old Acting President will are not encouraged to think Nigeria. The alignment of our thoughts and
Transformation Town-hall blocks formerly awarded to accede to our demand before business models to address value addition as well as making the
meeting at the Kaduna NPDC and later taken away the passage of PIB.” business case for in-country investment based on sound Government
Refinery and Petrochemical and some new ones, would Barkindo who noted that policies that are backed by legislation is fundamental for Nigerian
Company (KRPC), in Content to succeed. To rid Nigerians of the get rich quick and isolated
position NPDC to perform NPDC's production in 2009 profit oriented syndrome, a holistic plan to stimulate multi-sectoral
Kaduna. creditable and transform increased to 60,000 barrels growth based on rolling plans must be pronounced at the highest level
He noted that the on-going into major oil producer in per day from more dismal of governance. National Content must be driven in consonance with the
NNPC Transformation the new regime to be performances in previous Vision 2020 plan of the Federal Government if any significant progress
includes the consolidation is to be achieved in the medium to long term.
ushered in by the PIB. years.
Oil 7

Cameroon to
open coastal
areas for oil
C ameroon will soon begin
licensing companies to
explore for oil in the Atlantic
coastal Bakassi peninsula and
nearby Mamfe basin, a senior
official in Cameroon's state-run
National Hydrocarbons Corp.,
or SNH, has said.
"Results obtained from the
Mamfe basin have since 2009
attracted the interests of oil
companies, which want to
invest in the area," said Serge
Angoua, who heads the
department for the promotion of
mining at SNH's oil exploration
He said SNH wants to
"showcase" potential crude oil
discoveries in the East Bakassi,
West Bakassi and the Mamfe
basin during the first half of
2010 to enable interested
bidders to officially show their
interest, Angoua told the the
quarterly SNH News published
NNPC Headquarters Abuja The West African nation's
crude oil production in 2009
stood at 22.37 million barrels,
down from 25.95 million
barrels produced in 2008,
according to SNH data.

NNPC transformation:
saying that most of the investors
are waiting for the conducive
environment which is hinged on Hyperdynamics
the passage of the Petroleum
Industry bill and the Federal details PSC

Cost, not staff rationalisation

Government proposed
deregulation of the downstream
sector of the petroleum industry.
Dr. Barkindo opined that the
present status quo where the with Guinea
Corporation operate as a cost

According to him, “The
centre and an appendage of
government with management
H y p e r d y n a m i c s
Corporation provided
further details of the amendment
transformation of the NNPC is
spending several hours off core to its Production Sharing
cost rationalisation and not staff
business was not sustainable and Contract (PSC) with the

ears that the ongoing rationalization, it is about
called for the commercialisation Republic of Guinea. The
Transformation of the expanding the scope of the amendment was signed late last
of the operations of the
Nigerian National The transformation Corporation, it is about efficiency
Corporation and all its Strategic week in the capital, Conakry,
P e t r o l e u m and I can report to you that NNPC and Hyperdynamics has been
of the NNPC is cost Business Units as the panacea to
Corporation, NNPC needs more staff for the effective informed that the implementing
its financial down turn.
may lead to massive job cut in the rationalisation and implementation of the reform Presidential Decree is in the
The Group Managing Director
Corporation was dispelled on programme and we have resorted process of issuance.
alluded to the fact that the
Wednes day as the G roup not staff to recalling some of our retired
domestic and international oil The amendment was intended
M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r , D r. colleagues on contract.” to bring the PSC into line with
Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo
rationalization, it is Meanwhile, Barkindo has
markets have endorsed the
international standards and the
transformation agenda of the
stated without mincing words that about expanding the disclosed that plans are underway
NNPC considering the strategic
amendment included the
following terms, in addition to
the reform would create more job to step up the operational capacity
scope of the contributions of the national oil the terms discussed in the news
opportunities for Nigerians. of the KPRC, which currently is
company to the oil market. release issued by
Dr. Barkindo made this Corporation, it is operating at 60% to 90% as soon
In his welcome address, the Hyperdynamics on March 25,
disclosure during the launch of as crude supply to the plant is up.
Managing Director of the KPRC,
the NNPC transformation zonal about efficiency and According to the NNPC
Engineer Bolanle Ayodele
Removing the right of first
town hall meeting while briefing helmsman, KPRC has been
newsmen after an intensive
I can report to you receiving crude from crude
assured the NNPC management refusal covering relinquished
of the readiness of KPRC and acreage;
facility tour of the Kaduna that NNPC needs suppliers in Warri and Escravos
other SBUs to key into the Clarifying that only those
Refinery and Petrochemical which is insufficient hence the
more staff for the transformation initiatives of the expenditures which were made
Company limited. present 60% operational capacity. following the date the PSC was
Corporation as it moves towards
He noted that on the contrary, effective He was however quick to add that signed (September 22, 2006)
an international oil company.
the reform of the national oil the Corporation together with would be eligible for cost
“We are ready for the challenges
company, which is an expansion implementation of KPRC are working round the
associated with finding our way recovery; and
programme of some sort, would clock to increase crude supply in Should the Government note
lead to the engagement of more
the reform order to up the operational
into the league of successful state
material differences between
owned refineries. Nothing but a
hands revealing that even some programme capacity of the plant to 90%.
complete turnaround from a cost provisions of the amendment
retired staff have been contracted He disclosed that several and international standards or
centre to a profit centre will be
to sustain the operations of the companies have indicated interest the Petroleum Code,
good enough for us, Engineer
Corporation. in investing in the Corporation Hyperdynamics.
Ayodele declared.”
SweetCrude 8
Yenagoa, Bayelsa State

Cross section of
participants, stakeholders,
and Community/opinion
leaders at the NEITI
Road show/Town
Hall meeting for the South-
South Geo-Political Zone

5th-6th Oct. 2009
SweetCrude 9
Owerri IMO State

Cross section of
participants, stakeholders,
and Community/opinion
leaders at the NEITI
Road show/Town
Hall meeting for the South-
East Geo-Political Zone


3rd Nov. 2009

Oil 10

'Majors line
New NNPC boss commits to continue up for ONGC's
KG block'
with transformation S upermajors ExxonMobil
and BP have expressed
interest in farming in to Block
KG-DWN-98/2 owned and
operated by India's state player
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation

ONTRARY to the newspapers, adding that there the passage of the Petroleum within the shortest possible time.” (ONGC).
norm where new was no basis for such speculations Industry Bill, PIB, and adequate Ladan who called for maximum The offshore block contains a
appointees discard as he has neither made any such supply of gas to the nation's power cooperation from staff and unions cluster of oil and gas
initiatives they met recommendations to the Acting plants with a view to meeting the said he would work closely with discoveries including G-4-6,
on ground, the new President nor received any administration's aspiration to the top management team made GS-29-1 and G-4-5.
Group Managing Director of the instruction in that direction from provide constant electricity to up of the Group Executive These discoveries hold
Nigerian National Petroleum any quarters. Nigerians. Directors and would not allow estimated reserves of around 5
Corporation, NNPC, Mallam The GMD listed other key He said he would learn from the any crack. He also promised to trillion cubic feet of gas and 150
Shehu Ladan, has pledged to agenda of his management to experience and success of the 'War work in harmony with the media million tonnes of oil, according
continue with the ongoing include the maintenance of the Room' in tackling the fuel supply and urged them to treat NNPC as a to a report on the Hindu
transformation programme of the integrity of the Corporation's and distribution challenge and friend and always endeavour to Business Line.
Corporation which is in line with pipelines across the country, “adopt it for gas supply to ensure verify information before going ONGC has set up a data room
the aspirations of the Acting stabilization of product supply, that gas gets to all the power plants to press. for oil and gas companies in
Chennai to review the block on
President Dr. Goodluck Ebele
receiving several requests.
Jonathan, for the oil and gas BG and Eni are among those
industry in Nigeria. keen in acquiring an interest in
Ladan made this promise the asset, the report said.
during his maiden meeting with ONGC has returned to the
staff at the NNPC Towers in market to source for farm-in
Abuja where he unfolded his partners after Norwegian Statoil
agenda for the Corporation and and Brazil's Petrobras
the entire oil and gas industry. reportedly backed out of the
The new helmsman who said he offshore block.
was part of the management team Statoil and Petrobras signed
that introduced the farm-in agreements for 10%
transformation agenda last year and 15% stakes in the KG block
until he retired on 6th April, 2009, respectively in 2007, but a joint
stated: “I still believe in the operating agreement never
transformation. It is the only way came into force.
to go if the Corporation is to The deal with Petrobras will
survive. I will continue from officially expire in July, the
Hindu Business Line reported
where Barkindo has left off in the
citing an unidentified ONGC
transformation project.” official.
“There may be shift in emphasis
or in the way it will be delivered,
but the objective of transforming
the Corporation will remain the Dominion gets
same. What is important is for us
to keep our eyes on the ball,” green light to
Ladan told staff of the
Corporation. drill Uganda
He also dispelled rumours of
imminent sack of top
m a n a g e m e n t s t a ff o f t h e An Oil Facility
Corporation as reported in some
D ominion has received its
drilling permit for the
Ngaji-1 well on Exploration

Beaufort green light for Shell

Area Block 4B (EA4B),
Dominion's first exploration
well in Uganda and the first
ever to be drilled in the Lake
Edward basin. The permit was
issued by Uganda's

A nglo-Dutch supermajor
Shell has been granted a
long-awaited federal air-
quality permit the company needs
to conduct exploratory drilling
nearly four years - was granted a
week after the EPA issued a
similar permit for the company's
planned drilling operations this
year in the Chukchi Sea off
The Beaufort permit is an
important milestone, a Shell
spokesman in Anchorage said,
noting the company had already
spent $84 million on its Beaufort
oil spill response ships and other
support vessels to explore the
Chukchi and Beaufort prospects.
Drilling is planned for the
northern summer and fall to avoid
Department of Petroleum
Exploration and Production.
Dominion's team in Uganda
is implementing a
this year in Alaska's Beaufort Sea, Alaska's north-western cost, Sea leases to drill the Sivulliq and sea ice is absent. comprehensive program, as
government officials said. according to a Reuters report. Torpedo prospects. The company plans to drill up to outlined in the application and
As earlier reported by The permit requires Shell to use "The issuance of our final three wells about 75 miles environmental impact
Upstream, the US Environmental technological advances, ultra- Beaufort Sea air permit means we offshore in the Chukchi Sea, assessment, to address all
Protection Agency (EPA) issued low-sulfur diesel fuel and to can continue to advance our where it spent $2.1 billion in 2008 social and environmental
the permit to Shell to cover air commit to other protective exploration program with the to acquire leases, and two wells in matters associated with the
pollutants emitted from the drill measures, EPA officials said in a ultimate goal of drilling in the the Beaufort Sea. drilling of the well, expected to
ship and fleet of support vessels statement. Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in Environmentalists and the commence in June.
that the company plans to use to "This permit ensures that 2010," Shell spokesman Curtis native Inupiat Eskimo people of Andrew Cochran, Chief
drill two exploratory wells on exploration and drilling will Smith said. the region expressed concerns, as Executive of Dominion
leases 16 to 22 miles (26 to 35 occur in a way that protects air The permit is subject to a public the permit was being drafted by Petroleum, commented, "We
Kilometres) off Alaska's northern quality," Rick Albright, director review period and could be the EPA, about carbon-dioxide are very pleased to have
coast. of the air, waste and toxics issues appealed by critics. emissions into a region already received our formal drilling
The Beaufort Sea permit - for EPA's Seattle regional office, Shell is seeking to use a single strongly affected by climate permit from the Government
which Shell has been seeking for said in a statement. drill ship and a fleet of icebreakers, change, and the potential impact of Uganda in such a timely
Oil 11

discoveries set
stage for block
15/06 oil hub
F ollowing Petrobras'
announcement in February,
Eni and Sonangol confirmed
two new oil discoveries in Block
15/06 with the exploration wells
Nzanza-1 and Cinguvu-1,
offshore Angola. Both wells are
located around 350km north-
west of Luanda in 1,400 meters
of water depth and successfully
reached the targets in the Lower
Miocene layers, where oil pay
sands with good reservoir
characteristics were
encountered. The two discovery
wells were drilled by the
Scarabeo 7 semisub.
The results of the two wells
are within the predicted
hydrocarbon volume ranges of
pre-drill expectations and the
positive outcomes will allow the
ongoing pre-development phase
of the "Western Hub" to
During production tests,
Nzanza-1 well produced oil at
rates above 1,600 barrels/day.
An analysis of the results
indicates the potential for future
production wells in excess of
5,000 barrels/day per well,
Lombo East, Angola when associated to artificial lift.
At Cinguvu-1 the production
test, limited by surface
facilities, reached a maximum

Angola to invest more flow of 6,400 barrels/day of oil.

The Nzanza-1 and Cinguvu-1
results follow the recent success
of Cabaça Norte-1 in 2009, and
Sangos and N'Goma in 2008.
This result confirms the high

than $50bn in oil and gas

potential of Block 15/06, which
was awarded to Eni in 2006
following a very competitive
international bid process. The
effective exploration of the
operated block is due to the
deepwater expertise that Eni has

ngola expects its product a year. equalized maximum price model. New ultra-deepwater fields will brought into the project using
oil production to Da Silva said the distribution He said the country has "an come on stream and new proprietary technologies to
rise to 2.2 million market for oil refined product will attitude of absolute respect for exploration licenses are being improve probability of success
barrels a day by be liberalized to allow the legal and contractual stability to granted, he said, and more than 30 and to optimize time and costs in
next year, is entrance of new operators to guarantee investors a favorable new oil discoveries are under well operations.
investing $50.6 billion in develop a distribution network work environment and the development and production Alongside its partners in
upstream and downstream across the country, using an recovery of their investments." phases. Block 15/06, Eni will continue
projects between now and 2013. the exploration drilling during
Just over two thirds of the money 2010 with the aim of securing
will come from foreign investors.
Anibal da Silva, deputy oil Total's Uche Ojomo appointed the resources that will support
the sanctioning of the second
minister, told a conference in production hub in the North East
Cape Town on Thursday the
investments will include a new
board member of ICOH area of the Block.
Eni has a 35% working
interest and is the Operator in
refinery, an LNG project and a

T h e M e d i c a l appointment was in recognition Business Administration Block 15/06, while Sonangol

distribution network for refined
Administration of Mrs OJOMO's unwavering (Specialising in Management) E&P is the Concessionaire. The
product. other partners of the Contractor
"It is anticipated that the new M a n a g e r o f To t a l commitment to and support for from the University of Lagos, a
Group are Sonangol Pesquisa e
refinery will come on production Upstream Companies in ICOH works / activities. By this Bachelor of Science degree in
Produção (15%), SSI Fifteen
by 2014 and initial processing Nigeria Mrs. Uche Ojomo, has appointment, Mrs OJOMO Nursing Administration Limited (20%), Total (15%),
capacity will be 115,000 barrels been appointed into the Board becomes the first Nigerian to (overall best graduating Falcon Oil Holding Angola SA
of oil per day, to be increased up to of the International serve; and one of the very few student) from the University of (5%), Petrobras International
200,000 barrels a day by 2015," Commission on Occupational Africans to have ever served on Ibadan. A State Registered Braspetro B.V. (5%) and Statoil
the deputy minister said. Health, ICOH, for the the ICOH Board in the Nurse (England and Wales), she Angola Block 15/06 Award AS
He told delegates at the Oil and triennium 2009 2012. In a organization's 104 years of also holds a Certificate in (5%).
Gas Outlook Africa that the LNG letter notifying Mrs. Ojomo of existence. French Language, Culture and Eni has been present in
plant will be up and running by the appointment, the ICOH Mrs OJOMO, an ICOH Gastronomy from the Reseau Angola since 1980. Eni's current
the first quarter of 2012, and that it President Prof. Kazutaka Member since 1993, holds a Langues et Cultures, Le equity production reaches
will put out 5.2 million tons of KOGI, said that the Master of Science degree in Creusot - St. Desert, France. approximately 130,000 barrels
of oil equivalent per day.
F Focus 12

Nigerian Senate promises investors equitable

fiscal terms
ENATOR Lee Maeba is the Chairman of the Senate
Committee on Petroleum (Upstream). Those who know him
describe him as irrepressible, blunt and indefatigable. In this
interview with Hector Igbikiowubo, Editor, Sweet crude,
he speaks on the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), 10 per cent
for oil producing communities, the Nigerian Content Bill (NCB) and
describes the Dr. Rilwanu Lukman/Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo era as
the most fraudulent, unfocused and unprofessional he had experienced,
among other issues.

Excerpts: attractive, balancing the act of

The Petroleum Industry Bill making sure that government has
(PIB) has been caught up in the adequate take from our operations
legislative process for quite and balancing that act to make
sometime now, where are we sure that there is peace in the
with that and how soon should Niger Delta to ensure the security
we expect it to be passed into of welfare of the oil producing
law? communities.
The report process is almost at Talking about security of
conclusion and as soon as the joint welfare for the oil producing
committee meets to look at the communities, there is this
concern that the delay in the Nigeria Liquified Gas
consultants report and either it is
committed or more work is done passage of the PIB has
on it. Give or take, within the next inadvertently affected the likely
few weeks the report must be benefits that may accrue to the delivered to the communities and want to do business in Nigeria can addressed the concerns
ready for plenary. communities through the 10 per cent for the come and form partnerships with surrounding contract tendering
Concerns have been expressed implementation of 10 per cent communities, we have designed our companies down here. The process; it has reduced it such that
a b o u t t h e f i s c a l re g i m e equity ownership of oil it, we have gone far, and it is going job that Nigerian companies now when a company advertises for a
contained in the PIB and this is produced. Considering the to be delivered to the have to do is well defined and the project, the time for pre-
mostly by multinational oil delay in passage of the PIB and communities. job of the international companies qualification, the time for
exploration and production the need to ensure guaranteed We are well aware of your is well defined. The international technical and commercial bids
companies. Does your security in the delta, is there any efforts to bring the Nigerian companies that want to do are all provided. By the bill is
committee plan to address these plan to have the 10 per cent Content Bill to this stage. What business in Nigeria and where the signed, I am sure that no contract
concerns? consideration presented as a are your expectations for the bill has spelt out is in signing would take more than six months
I am sure the multinationals separate bill? industry as soon as the bill is partnerships so that they get from the tender to the time it is
cannot complain because the PIB I don't think the people of the signed into law? involved. So my wish is that the awarded.
was open to scrutiny by our joint Niger Delta would constitute It is not my effort you know, the bill is signed and my wish for the In the last three and half years,
committee, all of them themselves into the story of the bill is a Senator Lee Maeba oil producing communities in the we have seen four group
contributed by what they feel is tortoise there is this story of the sponsored bill, it is a private bill Nigerian oil industry would have managing directors
correct and all the positions given tortoise who was jailed for over 7 sponsored by Senator Lee Maeba, been accomplished. superintend the NNPC calling
by them including the Nigerian years and the king said we have to so my wish for the indigenous oil There were concerns before to question the direction of
National Petroleum Corporation bring out the tortoise. When the companies is for the industry to be now that the multinationals government regarding this
(NNPC) as memoranda were well king's messenger went to the given back to Nigerians because it have suffered delays in getting critical entity in the country's
looked into. I believe that they are tortoise and told him of the king's is their wealth and it is coming in some of their work programmes economic life. As someone in
well aware that we cannot come plans, the tortoise said look you big folds. Once the acting approved by NAPIMS charge of superintending the
out with a fiscal regime that will have to do it hurriedly and the president comes back, I am sure (National Petroleum industry from the legislation
either bring about very high king's messenger said but you the Nigerian Content Monitoring Investment Management perspective, are you looking at
taxation to divert investment from have been here for 7 years and the Board will be established Services). Is your committee the possibility of ensuring that
the country or very low to deprive tortoise said that is not the issue, immediately and in the next six doing anything to ensure that the position of group managing
the government of adequate take. the issue is that since there is a months I expect the bill to dictate the delay in the contracting director is tied to a tenure to
So, we are coming out with an rumour that I must be removed the pace for the operations of the cycle is contracted? avoid a situation where people
equitable regime that will ensure from here, then it must be done Nigerian oil and gas industry so One thing you don't know about are replaced at the whims and
adequate government take and q u i c k l y. I h o p e t h e o i l that international companies that the NCB is that it has completely caprices of whoever determines
adequate incentives for foreign communities don't want to the fate of the person occupying
firms. We are coming up with a constitute themselves into another that portfolio?
tax regime that to put it in lay tortoise fable. The reality is that The PIB has addressed this
man's terms would not be too high we are working round the clock to concern, it stipulates the
or too low, something in the make this happen and mind you, it Once the acting president comes qualification of who becomes the
group managing director and this
middle to accommodate all. That is 10 per cent profit, nobody is
is what we can say for now. We are talking about 10 per cent equity. back, I am sure the Nigerian Content was not there before now in the
This would be delivered along Petroleum Act, the PIB has
very much aware of the growing
competition in the Gulf of with the PIB, everybody knows Monitoring Board will be established defined tenure and every group
managing director shall be
Guinea; Angola has opened its
doors, Guinea has opened its
the PIB is needed, it is part of the
reform of the administration, the
immediately and in the next six subject to confirmation by the
Senate. So the issue of group
doors, we are very much aware of national assembly is part of the
administration and we are
months I expect the bill to dictate the managing director of the NNPC
this and would not want to come
up with a tax regime that would pursuing the reform aggressively, pace for the operations of the is being treated along the same
lines as the institution of the
drive investors from the country. both houses of the national
We are responsible law makers assembly are working to try to get Nigerian oil and gas industry international oil companies. And
committed to balancing the act of it passed. I think the PIB is coming
ensuring that our tax policy is soon, the 10 per cent would be CONTINUES ON PAGE 13
Focus 13

Nigerian Senate promises investors

talking about the several changes
in group managing directors, I
have been here for 7 years as
oversight chairman of the

equitable fiscal terms

petroleum committee, I worked
with Jackson Gaius Obaseki, he
was a very wonderful man who
served from 1999 to 2003, then
Funsho Kupolokun came and
served from 2003 to 2007, he
enjoyed a full 4 years tenure Barkindo but all of them that
under Obasanjo. I think Funsho served in his management
left because he was not interested committee should be sacked
in working any longer after because they are all part of the
Obasanjo left but the issue inept and fraudulent executive
surrounding the departure of Barkindo committee of NNPC
Alhaji Abubakar Yar'Adua who The Offshore Technology
succeeded Funsho was a personal Conference (OTC) coming up in
vendetta of Alhaji Rilwanu Houston, Texas , USA is around
Lukman who came in with his the corner. What do you expect
personal assistant, Mohammed Nigeria to come away with in
Sanusi Barkindo, he wanted to terms of attracting foreign
take total control of the industry investment to the country's
and I can tell you as the oversight beleaguered oil and gas sector?
chairman that the era of Lukman I am very sure that the issue of
and Barkindo was the worst in the PIB will come to play in
the industry, the most fraudulent, Houston. I am chairman of the
the most devastating impact on joint committee working on the
local content, the worst in public PIB and until the report is taken to
relations and I can tell you that plenary I am not in any way
Barkindo still has a lot of cases to authorised to reveal contents of
answer. I can tell you that he was that report other than to give you a
not removed owing to political synopsis like the highlights I gave
consideration but for economic in answer to your earlier
fraud perpetrated on the questions. All we can say to the
institution and the investigation international community is that
of his tenure would reveal much. we are making a law that is
The Economic and Financial investor friendly and attractive
Crimes Commission (EFCC) is and we are very mindful of the fact
aware of this, he has a lot of cases that unfriendly legislations would
to answer and he may be the drive away investors. We need our
typical example of a former friends, we need investors and we
group managing director of the are sure the PIB would enthrone
NNPC that may face serious an investor friendly regime, very
charges out of office. fiscal friendly regime, very
Can you shed some light on operational regime and a very
these cases of corruption you friendly commercial regime. And
have mentioned? soon as the Nigerian Content Bill
A man's innocence is taken for is signed into law, it would
granted until he is proven guilty remove the conflict between what
by a court of law or investigation is due to Nigerian companies and
panel but I can tell you that as a that which is due to the
man who has been in charge of international service companies.
oversight function for the An Oil Rig At Night And above that the situation in the
industry for some time, their Niger Delta is calm. Thus our
administration marked the most friends who are around the world
fraudulent, the most innate, the face liquidation, then you can see necessary prosecution authority must encourage government by
most unfocused and the most for yourselves what my concerns to prosecute him and all his participating to ensure that the
unprofessional administration of are. It's like a man who loses his cohorts. I have said it before, I had amnesty programme which
the NNPC and I think the
decision of the Acting President
I know from the soul; he dies spiritually, what is passed a vote of no confidence on includes key aspects of provision
of rehabilitation facilities,
left of the life of that man? That is Barkindo and his entire
to replace him have saved the oil days of Funsho why we are investigating crude oil management team and I industrial estates are set up to
industry in a million ways. And I sales and remittances to the recommend that all of them be create jobs for the people so that
salute the courage of the Acting Kupolokun, up to federation account. So NNPC sacked accordingly. Not just we can have a quiet oil industry.
President for reacting to the
recommendations of several Abubakar reduced itself to a position where
it was selling crude oil, remitting
parties who have seen the Yar'Adua, issues what it liked to the federation
massive corruption that
underscored the Barkindo of single source
account and used the rest to cover Oil falls on higher inventories
up the internal decay. Those are
administration and I can assure part of what we are investigating,
you Barkindo will face
corruption charges very soon.
contracts were
fictitious contracts, and single
source contracts awarded by the
O il prices fell toward $84
per barrel in seesaw trade
today, as high US inventories
level against the dollar in
nearly a month today on the
Euro zone's plans to aid
Under Barkindo, the NNPC NNPC. I know from the days of
came into debt in excess of N1 outweighed early support from Greece, which provided early
trillion (one trillion Naira) for completely Funsho Kupolokun, up to
Abubakar Yar'Adua, issues of
strong Chinese crude imports support for crude. But gains
and a weak dollar. eroded as investors questioned
sundry service, so it is an
organisation at the edge of
banned but single source negotiation US crude fell 58 cents to whether current prices were
contracts were completely banned settle at $84.34 per barrel, after justified, given the
liquidation. I can be quoted, the
records are there. Over one
Barkindo came but Barkindo came back with so earlier rising to $85.71 per fundamentals.
many fictitious single source
trillion naira was incurred in debt back with so contracts. These are fraudulent
London Brent crude fell 6
"Initial enthusiasm for the
plan to help Greece did not
from sundry services provided by contracts that are questionable.
creditors. Anybody can go to many fictitious We will see when we start the
cents to settle at $84.77,
moving to a premium above
increase oil demand. The larger
view must be that the sentiment
court and demand for a
liquidation. You can see that the single source investigation we will expose all
these. I am not telling you
US West Texas Intermediate pendulum has shifted at least
crude for the first time in temporarily back towards
lives of Nigerians have been
taken to the lowest ebb. If an
contracts anything out of fiction. We will months. skepticism about whether
take everything down on record The euro rose to its highest demand has recovered enough
organisation like the NNPC can and hand them over to the
Fee dback
Feedback 14

responsibi lity for the position

Responses for “And and thus work hard
knowing they
Assumpta died” could be fired.
Habinga says: WOLE
About this and related cases. Someone should WALE says:
be held accountable and compensation paid to
the families. It could be PHCN OR THE Power!
STATE Power!!
Power!! Who
does not know that
the Cabals are behind
David Osahon says:
What a tragic state of affairs indeed.
This goes to show the lack of safety
standards in our country. Western
NIGERIA importation of
Generators to the country
to kill innocent Nigerians.
Fumes from generator
circulate everywhere daily
and we are dying every
countries mandate standards whereby second. For as long as these
cars get hit by lightning and withstand wicked people are getting money
it just fine and as such I see no reason from every angle, they careless what
for this tragic state of affairs just from happens to you and me. PHCN is
an overhead cable. Sad indeed! Nigeria staffed by 75% casual and 25% real
as a society is decaying sadly. staff that is another area whoever the
Minister in charge of power should look
into. It is shameful that what we did not
experience five decades ago is happening
Responses for “Nig now. Just go to Malaysia and see how they enjoy
power, road network etc and you will wonder what
erian solid Mineral now kind of people are we in this part of the world. A
word is enough for the wise else he goes the same
toast of world's biggest ways others have gone. The difference between the
so called super rich who steals money here and
there and the poor is that they are rich but will
bank, Madueke” definitely die like the poor man and will not take
Tunde says: the stolen money with them. God saves Nigeria.
Her nature can best be described as well EMEKA N. says:
discipline person. That's great! Lanre Babalola can be ignored as we know whom
Good for her, I guess she must have grown up he represents. But, correctly, he remains the BIG
outside of the Nigeria. FOOL he has been. IDIOT!
Her calmness and composure brought good
results for the Country, as well. Thank you for
serving our great country very well. Long live authorities, before the masses in that region and other
Nigeria! Nigerians will have a TASTE i.e. “physical” feel, of
these rewards/benefits. Therefore our leaders, including
Responses for “Killing of
Eze says:
the expert Dr Egbogah, should please be truthful and
tactically measured in their promises and utterances. Christians up north is very
Only then can we said to be truly and sincerely
engaging with our people and hence able to build painful, River PFN
Too much braggadocio TRUST between the government and governed.
I welcome other views about this and indeed challenge Chairman”
and nothing to show for those in charge of the PIB related reforms to disprove
Dr. Olu says:
my position.
it. Nigerian leadership The future is indeed very bright if we do the right
things today. God bless Nigeria.
Who is this Gasky? Where are you from? Your
heart is evil. You can't even write simple statements
makes me sick. correctly with poor spellings (infedils and
progrom). Who is an infidel? If Christians are
Ipko Okoronkwo says: infidels to you then you are a great infidel to them.
Scruplous, unethical and inhuman Chinese
Investors getting interested in everything
Responses for “Not every And you and your kind are on the way to hell. If
human life is not sacred to you who cannot make
Nigerian? Am very very sorry for that Country
and wonder the myopicism of our socalled Nigerian wants power, one piece of hair to grow, then you should see your
belief as misguided and completely erroneous and
Government and its idiotic Ministers.
Babalolola” evil. I feel sorry for you and your religion. Any
religion that has no love for others is dead and it is
Nwa Delta says:
evil. Gasky Truth (Lie) repents!! God cares for
Response for “NLNG lost I believe Babalola is right. I will also add that medical
doctors benefit from sick people and hospitals will be
you; you still have the opportunity for salvation.
For there is only one way to heaven and it is
over $2 billion in 2009, out of business if people are not being sick. Lawyers
will also be out of business if every individual and
available to you through Jesus Christ. May God
have mercy upon you and your kind.
corporation corporates and behaves right. As a minister
Ibeneche” Babalola or whoever replaces him should be held Gasky Truth says:
Wole vanRoy says: responsible in jobs he is being paid for, which are not It is not only painful; it is a task that must be
Where is the 10 per cent and all other incentives correctly carried out. The President or AG should be fulfilled by any real Moslem against the infidels.
referred to? They are just there in someone's ultimately held responsible by the voters. So to safe Started in 1966 in the genocidal “Pogrom of the
imagination and should not be taunted anywhere. guard his/her position s/he should hold ministers Igbo of Eastern Nigeria” & first ever ethnic
Only and only when the PIB has been ratified as accountable. Ministers will in turn hold their staff and cleansing in Africa. History has a way of repeating
a law and modalities for its full implementation so on responsible. Ultimately Nigeria will see itself. Who said Muammar Ghaddafi is mad? It
put in place will the people of Niger Delta be functioning state. At the moment ministers think “it is must be Nigerians the highest asylum seekers that
able to SMELL the benefit at all. It will take because the contractors we paid didn't do their job”. are mad. Winston Churchill said it. …”The further
another 5years (minimum) of faithful and The A.G should then sack him/her reappoint someone backward you look, the further forward you can
committed (God-fearing) utilisation of accruing else to do the job. By the time the process has been see.”
resources by those entrusted with governing repeated 10 times or more ministers will start taking
SweetCrude 15
Insurance 16

beyond the rules of the UK

regulator, the Financial Services
Authority (FSA).
Adejumo reiterated, “Many
non-EEA companies write
business in the London market on
a subscription basis, although
they are not (and indeed, do not
…As Nigerian insurers stamp feet on US$86bn oil risks need to be) directly authorised by
the FSA to carry on that business.
It is apparent that there is
widespread confusion as to the
regulatory position of such
foreign insurers and re-insurers
operating within the UK and the
Nigerian insurance companies
upped the ante of participation in
oil and energy insurance business
in Africa with the country's
underwriters leading the top five
oil accounts on the continent with
a whopping N24.6billion.
Analysis of the top five oil
insurance accounts in the
continent showed that Lasaco
Assurance Plc is leading the
USAN oil fields with a premium
income of $82,922,706.67
(N12.4billion); Leadway
Assurance is holding the ace with
the Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC) with
$48,598,716.47 (N7.2billion) and
OML 58 insurance account of
$3,138,012.71 (N470.7million)

Subscription markets chop off

along with foreign underwriter,
HSBC; and Guarantee Trust
Assurance (GTA) leads on Total
Insurance account with
$5,939,094.69 (N890,9million)
w hilst the Kosmos (Tullow)

90% oil, gas insurance placements

insurance account is being lead by
SIC Insurance Company, Ghana
and RKH Insurance Services.
Out of 14 African countries that
are in the oil and energy insurance
business, Nigeria insurance
The $86billion sum insured of Aghoghovbia in a paper he easily in excess of $1 billion. companies still remain the largest of
Patience SAGHANA the Nigerian National Petroleum delivered title, 'The underwriting Thus Loss Limits and Maximum them all as they are actively
Corporation (NNPC) and its joint of Oil and Gas Risks in Probable Loss are often participating in the oil and energy
ventures has the active Anglophone West Africa' at the employed to underwrite same insurance business in the continent.

gainst all odds participation of Nigerian We s t A f r i c a n I n s u r a n c e risks. For a class of business Nigeria's insurance industry
being faced by insurance companies in the Companies Association where reinsurance treaties are not witnessed a major boost in its
local insurance business. (WAICA)'s conference held in easy to come by, most insurers premium generation with the
industry in oil and A breakdown of the $86billion Ghana recently said, “Most of the rely solely on their shareholders' appointments of 21 underwriters by
gas insurance total joint sum insured of NPPC country's major oil and natural gas fund to write a net line. Yet, apart ExxonMobil to underwrite the risks
business compounded by and its joint ventures showed that projects (95%) are funded through from Nigeria, where the from its ERHA projects for 2010.
subscription market which often $39.53billion for NNPC CIP; the Joint Ventures (JVs) with the minimum capital required to The account led b y Lasaco
rob the local market of 90 percent $5.05billion for Mobil NNPC as the major shareholder. transact non-life business is about Assurance puts the indigenous
placement, Nigerian insurance Operational; $9.64billion, Shell Foreign companies operating in US$20m, all other countries in insurance industry in solid stead
industry is still able to stamp its Operational; $9.47billion, JVs with the NNPC include the region have at the most 5 to secure a significant slice of the
feet in US86billion oil and gas Nigerian LNG; $4.05billion, SPDC, ExxonMobil, Chevron, percent of that figure” over $480 million paid annually
insurance business Total Akpo; $5.92billion, Total Conoco Phillips, Total, Agip and M r. A d e y e m o A d e j u m o , as premium by Nigeria's oil
Subscription market often strip Usan; $4.37billion, Shell Bonga; Addax Petroleum. The remaining Managing Director of industry. The development which
the local market of huge premium $4.70billion, Chevron Agbami; funding arrangements comprise Continental Reinsurance Plc is an indication of growing
as it describes the commercial $2.09billion, Total OML 58 and production sharing contracts corroborated Aghoghobvia confidence of oil companies on
insurance and reinsurance market $1.18billion, Tullow Jubilee (PSCs), which are mostly saying that the international local insurance operators is hoped
in London by which a single risk Field. confined to offshore development scope of the subscription market would go a long way in
is underwritten by a number of But the required capacity to programme” means that the regulatory issues addressing huge capital flight that
underwriters, both at Lloyd's and underwrite oil and gas business is He noted, “Those risks are impacting its participants stretch has faced the sector over the years
in the insurance company market almost exclusively provided by
subscribing percentage lines of the subscription market,
the risk on a several, not joint, a c c o r d i n g t o M r. K e n
This method of placing risks
Aghoghovbia, Regional Director
(West African Office), African
Sonatrach cheers double strike
typically requires a broker to act Reinsurance Corporation.
as intermediary between the
insured and the insurers and as
Aghoghovbia said the 90
percent placement in the
A lgerian state energy group Sonatrach unveiled
two more oil and gas finds, bringing to five the
number of hydrocarbon discoveries made by the
Sonatrach said the Akamil-2 well on Block 239a
flowed at a rate of about 600 barrels of oil per day,
from the Upper Devonian F2 formation between
between the reinsured and re- subscription market is true in the company this year. depths of 1960 and 1967 metres.
insurer. It also typically requires upstream sector where the The new finds were made on blocks 239a and The Antar Est-2 well on Block 244a flowed gas at
one of the underwriters to act as a subscription market mainly 244a in the Tinrhert area in Illizi basin, the a rate of about 194,000 cubic metres of gas and 555
leader to agree the terms of cover London, Europe and New York company said in a statement on its internet site, barrels of condensate per day from the same
and the policy wording, and to control over 90 percent of according to a Reuters report. formation.
make decisions on claims. placements.
Insurance 17

West African insurers position

for oil & gas insurance -Aghoghovbia
est African members of the pool has
insurance increased from 26 to 31 at present.
companies The pool at its Management
h a v e board meeting in Nairobi, Kenya,
positioned early last month considered the
themselves to keenly participate applications of the six companies
in oil and gas business especially admitted having gone through
those emanating from within the their accounts and fond them
continent. eligible to be members of the
Validating the preparedness of pool.
the West African insurance
According to the pool,
industry, Mr Ken Aghoghovbia,
"Application for membership of
Regional Director (West African
the pool was received from Tunis
Office), African Reinsurance
Re and five Nigerian companies-
Corporation, said the Anglophone
Universal Insurance Plc, Aiico
West African insurance sector has
General Insurance Company,
organized itself in a way that the
Union Assurance Company
sub-region can no longer be
Limited, Royal Exchange
ignored in the oil and gas
General and Continental
insurance business.
Reinsurance Plc"
According to him, “The
insurance sector in Anglophone The financial statements were
West Africa is well positioned to analyzed and the companies were
offer its services to the Oil and found to be eligible for
Gas industry”. membership. The managers
Aside from the sub-region's therefore recommend admission
strive to enhance its capacity and with a participation of
competence for the big risks, West US$200,000 each"
R- Mr Adeyemo Adejumo, Managing Director of Continental Reinsurance Plc, Mrs Cecilia
African insurance companies Africa Oil and energy pool has
Osipitan, Chief Executive Officer of Great Nigerian Insurance Company and Mr Taiwo
have proven beyond doubt to have reported a premium income of
a good grab of the oil and gas Oguniranye at the WAICA conference held in Ghana recently
$9,694,545 in the financial year
risks. ended December 31, 2008. An
Aghoghovbia affirmed that the knowledge of the business may be for the underwriting of a example is the African Oil and underwriting profit of
Nigeria insurance industry for at a slow pace since the particular risk. Businesses Energy Pool, which was formed $10,019,535 was recorded in the
instance, is continually participating insurers in the received by a Pool, are shared to in 1989 by the African Insurance year under review against
developing its knowledge base of consortium would not have the all its members according to their Organization (AIO) and has been $9,022,116 posted the year
the industry following the personal drive to urgently acquire subscribed capacity. For very successful. before.
frequent training and exposures to the relevant knowledge and instance, an Oil Pool would
international brokers and It would be recalled that African Within the period under review,
underwriting skill. It is also require all members to cede to the Oil and energy pool reported a two West African insurers also
underwriters. wondered if this could be an Pool a proportion of their oil and
He said, “Insurance companies premium income of $9,694,545 joined the league of 40 insurance
enduring arrangement or whether gas business, up to the Pool's in the financial year ended companies in the African
have set up Oil and Gas desks to establishing a Pool would not be a capacity. The entire business
bid for the insurances of major oil December 31, 2008. An countries for Oil, Energy
better option”. received by the Pool shall then be underwriting profit of Insurance Pool bringing the total
risks, though they are not yet in a At this juncture, he advised offered on original terms basis to
position to quote on these risks”. $10,019,535 was recorded in the to 42.
insurance companies in the West members, subject to any year under review against
In Ghana, he enunciated that African sub-region to join the oil reinsurance protection. Pools are The two companies are
National Insurance Companies $9,022,116 posted the year Mainstream Reinsurance
and energy insurance pool to usually formed for risks with high before.
Consortium was formed to boost their capacity. “Pools are a values, that are of hazardous Company, Ghana and Nigeria 's
manage the Oil and Gas portfolio, group of insurers that have come nature and for which underwriting The number of Nigerian Regency Alliance Insurance Plc,
adding that SIC Insurance together to subscribe a capacity skills are limited. A good insurance companies that are totaling 42 companies now in the
Company Limited was appointed oil and energy pool.
the leader of the Consortium. Regency Alliance's admission
The consortium, he said, is open into the pool has increased the
to all members of the Ghana
Insurers Association
underwriting non-life business
Oil falls on higher inventories number of Nigerian companies in
the pool to 26 companies.
The Nigeria companies are

whilst he remarked that the il prices fell toward $84 per barrel in support for crude. But gains eroded as investors
formation of the consortium, all seesaw trade today, as high US questioned whether current prices were competing with insurance
insurances would be placed inventories outweighed early support justified, given the fundamentals. companies from Algeria,
locally and reinsured to from strong Chinese crude imports and a weak "Initial enthusiasm for the plan to help Greece Ethiopia, Egypt, Kenya,
international markets. dollar. did not increase oil demand. The larger view Madagascar, Senegal, Sudan,
“The reinsurance commissions US crude fell 58 cents to settle at $84.34 per must be that the sentiment pendulum has shifted Tanzania, Zambia, Tunisia, Togo
received are set aside to cater for barrel, after earlier rising to $85.71 per barrel. at least temporarily back towards skepticism and Zimbabwe that are into oil,
all the expenses of handling the London Brent crude fell 6 cents to settle at about whether demand has recovered enough to energy and aviation insurance
business, training of the market $84.77, moving to a premium above US West support current prices," said Mike Fitzpatrick, pool while insurance companies
on Oil and Gas business and Texas Intermediate crude for the first time in executive at MF Global in New York. from Benin Republic and
building reserves to facilitate months. US crude oil inventories likely rose last week Cameroon are for the oil and
higher market retention. There is The euro rose to its highest level against the for the 11th week in a row, on higher imports, a energy pool just as Libya,
therefore no eagerness by insurers dollar in nearly a month today on the Euro Reuters poll ahead of week inventory reports Morocco, Ghana, and Eritrea are
to get the business at all cost. zone's plans to aid Greece, which provided early showed today. for aviation pool only.
However, the growth in market
SweetCrude 18
Insurance 19

Oil, gas insurance requires conventional treaty, training Lasaco ED

Patience SAGHANA the ability of the industry to fulfill Lasaco Assurance Plc has said Nigeria”. To maintain its position as a
its purpose and are continuously that its oil and gas insurance Mr. Olusola Ladipo-Ajayi, major player in the sector, he added

igerian insurance introducing or revising legislation premium in 2009 rose to Managing Director of the company that the company had been able to
industry could to ensure it is able to meet its N14.5billion. said that over the years, the groom a team of young men and
enhance its contractual (and social) obligations The company's share of the company has continued to enhance women who have become versatile
capacity and According to him, “It is also market has so far been its special risk portfolio in the oil in the business.
confidence in the necessary to have some form of encouraging in terms of premium and gas insurance business. The Lasaco boss said the
oil and gas insurance business if training in the oil and gas apart from income and profitability. According to him, “Lasaco has a insurance company does not
insurance companies can do more the fact that its risks are He stated, “I can conveniently strong reinsurance treaty with hesitate when it comes to
internationally rated, it will help the say that we are one of the key foreign reinsurers, which enhanced investing on its human capital
of conventional reinsurance
local market expose and players in the oil and gas its capacity to insure more risk in especially in exposing his staff to
treaty and expose their staff to
competence” insurance business in the the sector.” training abroad.
more training.
Those are the
submissions of
Mr Jide Wright,
Director of the
L a s a c o
Assurance Plc
in an interview
w i t h
He said,
“There is need RC 38815
t o h a v e
t r e a t y. W h a t
companies have
generally are
n o t
Moreover, he
explained that
transactions are
a r r a n g e d
t h r o u g h
contracts and as
such, there is a
n e e d t o
understand the
legal and
environments in
which these
contracts are
designed and
enforced. PROFESSION
business is OMPENSATIO
essential to N
international ALL RISKS IN
trade and to
economic GROUP PERS
growth. The use ONAL ACCID
of inappropriate
reinsurance GENERAL AC
arrangements RANCE
and the effects
of inability to
r e c o v e r
amounts from
reinsurers here
contributed to
several high
profile failures
by insurers and
for those
involved with
are taking a
close interest in
Insurance 20

Lagos, Nigeria

Multinationals' captive companies Whether or not captive

rib local market of premium

formations increase substantially
in the future, several factors may
shape the captive industry over
the next five years. .
A Nigerian insurance chief
executive who preferred
anonymous in his view said that
parent organizations could use
Patience SAGHANA Globalization of business also company formed to insure or Metropolitan by UBA Plc; their captives to access an
tends to favor captive formation reinsure the risks of its parent and / Insurance PHB by Bank PHB; alternative market radically

ultinational since allocating the true cost of or associated group companies. Kapital Insurance by Unity Bank; different from the one that exists
companies are self- insurance without a formal Captives are usually formed to Guaranty Trust Assurance plc, the today.
increasingly accounting structure creates provide alternative risk insurance subsidiary of GTB; "This market could consist not
favouring problems for multinational management solutions to that of Zenith Bank (Zenith General only of the reinsurance market as
captives and corporations. the conventional insurance Insurance); Skye Bank plc (Law we know it, but include
self-insurance due to the lack of market. Union and Rock Insurance); securitized insurance products
Mr. Simon Thompson, a
confidence in the traditional Oceanic Bank (Oceanic sold directly to investors and
director at Aon, remarked that Examples of captive companies
market for emerging and big Insurance); UBA Group other financial products that have
said more companies are likely to in Nigeria, are: Intercontinental
r i s k s . (UBA/Metropolitan Life not yet been invented."
turn to captives unless the Bank which bought substantially
A good number of multinationals Insurance), and WEMA Bank Developments in risk
insurance market responds into Intercontinental Wapic
use captive or other risk retention (Great Nigeria Insurance). management programs are also
q u i c k l y . Insurance Life and General
vehicle whilst some of them are having an impact on the way
According to him, “If buyers Insurance Companies); Oceanic But the developments both at
considering embarking on some parent organizations are using
cannot get the cover they need in International Bank plc (which has the international and local
sort of self-insurance programme. their captives.
the market, they have every Oceanic Insurance Life and markets may pose a threat to the
Aside lack of confidence in the He said, "Some businesses are
incentive to continue the move General Insurance Companies); continue increase in captive
traditional market more significantly increasing their
towards self-insurance. Once FinBank plc (having Fin formations. For instance, in
especially in the local markets, retentions and often are funding
buyers become used to the Insurance Company Limited); today's competitive insurance
conventional insurance them in a captive,"
philosophy of higher retentions or Union Bank plc (having Union market, where carriers are
companies are believed to lack "In the past, people assumed
captives, the business retained Assurance Company Limited as continually developing creative
requirement for emerging risks that an increased retention would
and its consequent premium subsidiary, and Afribank plc products and pure self-insurance
rather, their priority is more on reduce the amount of excess
volume is usually lost to the (which also has as subsidiary, remains a popular and effective
profitability in a softening general limits to be purchased. Risk
insurance market for good” Afribank Insurance Brokers option, parent organizations may
liability market than confronting managers now are realizing they
A captive insurance company is, Limited).Adic Insurance is part of select risk transfer strategies
the challenges in the difficult often buy way too little in limits”,
in its purest form, a subsidiary Diamond Bank group. UBA other than captives.
risks headlong. he posited
Labour 21

Oil workers present position

Victor AHIUMA-YOUNG which could be an individual or
organization that provides a
specialized, consultancy or

W ORKERS in the
nation's petroleum professional service, with own.

paper on contract staffing

industry, in a bid to Personnel facilities or equipment
address the proliferation of under a “Contract for Service”
contract and service employment term and agreement..
in sector which they perceived as Employment Contracts which
unfair labour practices and relates to job positions occupied
potentials for industrial unrest, by workers who is on “Contract of
have presented a position paper Service” or a regular basis over a
on how it should be addressed to This argument has become but these categories of recycled Companies; Downstream non-determinable period of years.
avoid a disruption of the largely untenable given that most experienced Contract Staff have (Petroleum and Petrochemicals Manpower or Direct Hire
industrial peace. Contract Staff are hired to do little or no chance for conversion Products Refining, Marketing contract, defined as a labour
At a tripartite stakeholders' establishment jobs meant to be to regular employment. The and Distribution) Oil and Gas contract that exist between a
meeting of operators in the on regular basis over many years Association duly note and Companies; Oil and Gas company and an individual
industry, held in Abuja under the acknowledge that Service Servicing and Service Providers through direct hire without the full
auspices the Federal Ministry of Contract of genuine and proper Companies Government complements of benefits as in a
Labour and Productivity, under application cannot be completely Corporation in the Oil and Gas regular employment. NYSC and
the umbrella of the Petroleum and eliminated, given the fact that Sector. The terminologies use to SIWES This could be regarded as
Natural Gas Senior Staff PENGASSAN these are specialized jobs depict the claims a form of contracting if an
provided by organized and organization reserves about 70%
Association of Nigeria, resolve that Labour structured companies with the
for, and mode of
of its work force for National
PENGASSAN, the workers Staffing: Labour
lamented contract Staffing Contract has entire wherewithal to operate as Contract which Youth Service members or
remained a big challenge to all such; however, it is connotes the Industrial Attachés'”
sectors of the nation's economy,
become a ill-wind PENGASSAN resolve that deployment of Characteristics of labour,
not only in the oil and gas industry that should not be Labour Contract has become a ill- human resources service contract
In the position paper by the wind that should not be tolerated or human capital Explaining what the association
President and General Secretary tolerated in in whatever gab it is dressed in potentials (as adjudged the characteristics of
view of the persistently unguided both labour and service, said:
of PENGASSAN, Comrades whatever gab it is abuses, the prejudicial and the
l a b o u r o r
“Roll-over job which is
Babatude Ogun and Bayo personnel) under a
Olowoshile respectively, they dressed in view of unfair labour tendencies that are third party continuous in nature and whose
posited that the drivers “of this endemic in the labour contract arrangement, supervision and appraisal is done
anti-labour practice have argued
the persistently applications.” which mainly by the user company. The user
that some jobs in the Oil and Gas unguided abuses “Labour Contract Staffing is a plays no role other company determines the day-to-
Industry, by their irregular and common staffing feature in the: than being a day tasks and assignments.
terminal nature, are best done Upstream (Crude Oil Exploration paymaster. Labour Contract Staff are found
without fully employed staff. and Production) Oil and Gas Service Contract occupying positions that is
identifiable in the organogram of
the company. For a service
Features of specialized company
providing special expertise,
professional or consultancy
services over a given period of
time to client-user company for
agreed terms; Service company
stands as independent company
that trains and development own
employees for the specialized
expertise, professional or
consultancy services, and usually
deploy own work tools and
equipment. Such company have
such skills, tools and equipment
that the user company cannot
provide; recalling the resolution
reached at 2001 oil industry
seminar “Casual and Contract
Employment”, the oil workers'
union said, “The right of
Contract and Casual workers to
Unionize and their entitlement
to recognition in accordance
with Section 24 of the Trade
Unions Act (Cap 437) LFN. It is
an unfair labour practice to deny
labour the right to unionize and
is a contravention to the
provisions of Section 40 of the
Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria; and ILO
Conventions 87 & 98 among
other key ILO Conventions on
Decent Work. That Contract and
Casual workers should be given
equal opportunity for regular
employment when vacancies
exist. This is to enable these
category of staff have the first
opportunity to employment
before outsiders because of their
Pen, stamp, paper and ink on the job advantage.
SweetCrue 22

The Executive Secretary, Petroleum Technology Development Fund

PTDF, Engr. Muttaqha RabeDarma presnting an award to one of the
winners during the 'catch them young' zonal competition in Kaduna.

by the
Engr. Muttaqha RabeDarma.
SweetCrude 23
Labour 24

Akpatason is the
immediate past
President of the National Union
of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Cartels can frustrate dividends
this point in time, you know that
we have actually carried out a lot
of campaigns in trying to
maintain affordable level of
pricing for petroleum products
Workers, NUPENG, who left

of deregulation —Labour
that actually led to some strike
office in February, 2011 after action by the Nigeria Labour
spending 11 years at the national Congress, NLC, Trade Union
level of the union, first as Congress of Nigeria, TUC, and
Treasurer and as President for then the civil society
eight years. Comrade Akpatason organisations that are mostly
who is the current National appendage of labour. In this
Trustee of the Nigeria Labour country NUPENG has always
Congress, NLC spoke with contributed its best to ensure that
Sweet crude Correspondent, prices are not fixed beyond the
Victor Ahiuma-Young on the reach of the common people, we
issue of deregulation of the down will not have any reason to
stream sector of the Petroleum change from that position. But
industry, his experience tenure as just now we have attempted to
the NUPENG President among look at the issues more broadly.
others. For several years, we had said
Excerpts:You were the total no to deregulation, just as
President of NUPENG for 8 we speak that has not actually
years, what will you say was changed the fortunes of the
your greatest challenge? industry. The expected result is
Obviously the greatest also not there because it was
challenge has been the issue of expected that if we insisted that
unfair labour practices especially there should be no deregulation
casulization of workers in the oil the fear that prices would
and gas industry even though it is increase as a result of
a global thing even though it is deregulation would have been
affecting every union but for us allayed. Unfortunately that is not
we see it as a major challenge the case. Right now as we speak if
because our industry as you know there is scarcity and from time to
is highly technology driven and is time it has happened, people are
also one that is dominated by even willingly any way offer to
multinationals the protagonist of pay more than what ordinarily
casualization and contract would have being the pump
staffing. So it is so prevalent in price. In whatever dispensation,
the industry, we have done so we thought we should look at the
much internally to try to control factors that were responsible for
that but despite all our effort it has this. Those factors that would
still remain a major challenge. make the products expensive
We are not relenting how ever, weather deregulation or no
our position has remain that the deregulation and we saw that
policy must be challenged, manipulations by some players in
contract workers must be staffed the industry that some times, we
where they are not yet staffed we call cartels. But these are very
must try as much as possible like powerful individuals and
we have been doing to continue corporate organizations that have
to put in place some befitting made the subsidy scheme itself
conditions of service for them. unable to deliver dividend to the
Another major challenge is that Nigerian people. Those same
of the crisis in the Niger Delta. people and institutions would
You know our industry is majorly make deregulations also not to
in the Niger Delta region as deliver to Nigeria people if some
majority of our operations are basic fundamentals are not put in
from there except from place. Otherwise, the regime of
marketing and the rest. For quit subsidy would make life easy for
some years now we have been Nigeria people. Never the less,
having very serious challenges deregulation if properly done will
that when the companies are not also deliver some positive
doing well it directly affects the outcomes. But none of these two
unions because it affect our policies or option will deliver
numbers, it affect moral, it affects anything positive in the presence
safety and all other issues and of manipulation by these cartels.
institutions that we try from time We have a lot of societal
to time to create. We want a very inefficiencies like those that lead
safe environment to work in. We to the payment of affordable
want people to work with a very demurrage that every Nigerian
high moral so there could be high Dollars on the scale per liter or fuel that we buy and
productivity and efficiency. But this is because the facilities are
the whole of that was negatively grossly inadequate, coastal
impacted by the crisis in the waters needs dredging and its not
Niger Delta to the extent that we a l s o v e r y d r a s t i c a l l y. pricing, the first way I look at it is employment, the people can been done, big ships can not
lost people not only to At the time you became that no one particular policy in that afford to pay appropriate prices as come directly to berth even those
retrenchment, redundancy and president, was almost the same respect is totally wrong on its own. corporate citizens. In a situation that come they have to cue for
dislocation by the crisis but also time the issue of appropriate Be it deregulation or appropriate where you have very abysmally quite some time and so pay
to direct attack by the militant pricing of petroleum products pricing, but you must bench mark low income level and very high demurrage and even where they
and some opportunist in the or deregulation as now called, it with some other factors like, level of unemployment, a lot of manage to berth and offload
region. So, Niger Delta crisis gained ground. How would you what is the level of affordability in people roaming the street and rather than supply through a
which has not been fully resolved describe the whole issue and the the society? What is the income then you keep on jacking up network of pipelines, they do by
has actually affected the industry politics therein? level? What is the employment prices, you only end up putting road haulage and the roads are in
very negatively and affected our Whether it is politics or level? A situation where you have the people in penury and that is very terrible condition.
numerical and financial strength deregulation or appropriate high income level and high not good for any society. So, at
Labour 25

Oil workers task Jonathan on unfair practices

W ORKERS in the
nation's Petroleum
industry have called
on the Acting President, Dr.
Goodluck Jonathan, to address
We are going to give
c o n t r a c t
staffing and the
nagging issues of contract you maximum Industry Bill
staffing and other unfair labour support and (PIB).
practices among multinational “We have set
and local companies in the
cooperation in
up a committee
sector. ensuring that issues to look into
Under the umbrella of the of industrial relations i s s u e s
Petroleum and Natural Gas concerning
Senior Staff Association of in the oil and gas c o n t r a c t
Nigeria, PENGASSAN, the oil sector are treated staffing/casuali
said this is only way to minimise sation and
industrial unrest in the oil and
with maximum
unionization so
gas sector. dispatch and in that we can
President of PENGASSAN, record time come up with a
Comrade Babatunde Ogun, who blueprint to
spoke when he led other national tackle the
leaders of PENGASSAN on a monster.
courtesy visit to the new
Minister of Labour and ”Our Constitution ensures that
maximum there is freedom of association
Productivity, Chief Emeka
welfare of all and I think that whatever we are
Wogu in his office in Abuja,
w o r k e r s going to do has to be done within
however assured of industrial
constituted a the ambits of the law. We are going
peace in the sector provided
committee to to give you maximum support and
government guarantees a
look into issues cooperation in ensuring that issues
conducive environment.
s u c h a s of industrial relations in the oil
According to him, “ we are
c o n t r a c t and gas sector are treated with
ready to give the Federal
staffing, maximum dispatch and in record
Government our full support
casualisation time and we will work with you to
provided government provide
a n d a logical conclusion to add value
the enabling environment.
unionization to the oil and gas industry because
Among such conducive
presently it is the mainstay of the economy.”
environment that the
agitating the Among those present with
administration to address is the
sector. Comrade Ogun were Comrade
persisting issues such as contract
The Minister Wali Mustapha, deputy national
staffing and other unfair labour
assured of president, Comrade Bayo
practices among multinational
government's Olowoshile, General Secretary;
and local companies in the
determination Comrade Mohammed Saidu,
to confront Kaduna zonal chairman and
Welcoming the support of the
present issues Comrade Folorunso Oginni,
Association, the Minister said
the Ministry had in its
Dr Goodluck Jonathan facing the Lagos zonal chairman.
s e c t o r
determination to realise the

O Labour gives recipe for revamping

RGANISED Labour engineers and technologists;
in the nation's installation of three more units
electricity sector, at Egbin as provision had been
under the umbrella of Senior

power sector
made for expansion during the
Staff Association of Electricity initial construction. This is
and Allied Companies, cheaper compared to building
SSEAC, has given a ten-point of a new Station. Same goes
agenda on how to revamp the for Kainji as provision had
electricity sector in the country been made for four more units.
and provide stable power All civil works already
supply to Nigerians. existing capacity x 1.5. completed. This is cheaper
President of SSEAC, Rehabilitation of 33kv, 11kv than building a new one. “Task
Comrade Bede Opara, said and 0.415kv reticulations. We teams” should be formed from
among others, there should be must use concrete poles, steel the existing staff for
a discontinuation of plans to cross arms and appropriate rehabilitation work in the
sell Egbin Power station and conductor sizes. There should Stations as was done at Sapele
urgent re-organisation of the be a fast-tracking of on_going P o w e r S t a t i o n . Yo u n g
distribution sector of the transmission projects, fast- Engineers should be attached
power industry, building of tracking of on_going power to them for training purposes.
more and rehabilitation of plant projects and re- Gradual and consistent
existing injection, 33/11kv deployment of staff strictly on replacement of obsolete
substations. That is, doubling competency and need.” equipment should be
of existing capacity. “Employment and training of embarked upon. There should
According to him, more young engineers especially by be close monitoring of all
11/.415kv substations should the standard way of setting projects to conform to standard
be installed as against the exams for all fresh graduate Power station and completion within a time
SweetCrude 26




Looking Towards the Future

Corporate Directory



P M .B. 190, GARK1, ABUJA
TEL: + 234 9 460
VISION: NNPC will be a world class Oil and Gas Company
driven by shared commitment to excellence.
NNPC is an Integrated Oil and Gas Company engaged
in adding value to the Nation's hydrocarbon ResourcesEU
for the benefit of all Nigerians and all stakeholders.


(SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES: Oil exploration and production


Refining, products movement, marketing and retail

Gas development and utilization
Oil and gas research and development CORPOR
Oil and gas engineering
Monitoring/supervision of government investments
in the Upstream-sector
Marketing of Nigeria's accruable crude.

CONTACT: Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division,

Tel: + 2349-46081 133

Tel/Fax: + 2349-2340029

E-mail: IO
Business Offices
LONDON OFFICE: 159, Hammersmith Road
London W6 8BS Tel: +44(208)735-9600 E-mail: reception@Snnpc-london.conn


19/21 ,Warri/Sapele Road GRA, Warri
Delta State

12, Milverton Street
Ikoyi, Lagos

24, Gobarau Road,
Kaduna State

Port Harcourt
49, Moscow Road, Old GRA,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State
Group Medical Division
SweetCrude 27




OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



Introduction established on April I, 1977 under the statutory instrument_Decree No. 33 of same
year by a merger of Nigerian National Oil Corporation, NNOC, with its operational
The history of oil exploration in Nigeria dates back to 1908, when a German entity, functions and the Federal Ministry of Mines & Power with its regulatory responsibilities.
the Nigerian Bitumen Corporation commenced exploration activities in This decree established NNPC, a public organization that would, on behalf of the
Araromi Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. These pioneering efforts which ended abruptly government, adequately manage all government interests in the Nigerian oil industry.
with the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 yielded some 1 6 shallow boreholes In addition to its exploration activities, the Corporation was given powers and
and confirmed a line of oil seepage in Eastern Dahomey Basin in Okitipupa, Ondo operational interests in refining, petrochemicals and Products transportation as well as
State. marketing.
Oil prospecting efforts resumed in 1937, when Shell D'Arcy (the forerunner of Shell Between 1978 and 1989, NNPC constructed refineries in Warn, Kaduna and Port
Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria) was awarded the sole concessionary Harcourt and took over the 35,000 -barrel Shell Refinery established in Port Harcourt
rights covering the whole territory of Nigeria. It's activities were also interrupted by the in 1965.
Second World War, but resumed in 1947. Concerted efforts after several years led to The Corporation constructed several kilometers of pipelines, pump stations and
the first commercial discovery in 1956 at Oloibiri, Bayelsa State. depots for distribution of petroleum products throughout the country and pioneered
This discovery opened up the oil industry in 1 961 bringing in Mobil, Agip, Safrap (now exploration activities in the Chad Basin around Maiduguri.
Elf), Tenneco and Amoseas (now Chevron Texaco). Production of oil in commercial In 1982, products retail, which hitherto was firmly in the hands of major multinational oil
quantity commenced in 1 958 at 5,000 barrels per day (bpd) and reached 17,000 companies, was deregulated to accommodate independent (indigenous) marketers.
barrels p/d in 1960. At that time, the multinational oil companies operating in the In 1990, with a view to improving the country's oil and gas reserve base, oil exploration,
country bore the risk and cost of exploration, development, production and acquired which has progressively moved offshore Niger Delta, was further extended into frontier
title to all crude oil produced. They also paid rent, royalty and taxes from the areas including the deep offshore and the inland basins of Anambra, Benin (Dahomey)
operations. and Benue where acreages were allocated to multinationals after signing a Production
Prior to 1963, the interest of the Federal Government in oil industry activities was Sharing Contract (PSC) with NNPC.
handled on departmental basis by the Hydrocarbon Section, the Department of The same year, a reinvigorated indigenous operator_ship programme was introduced
Petroleum Resources and Nigerian Petroleum Refining Company, (NPRC) which through the allocation of blocks to indigenous companies, who presently operate on
were under the Federal Ministry of Mines and Power (FMMP). sole risk basis. Currently, NNPC employs about 11,000 staff nationwide.

Nigerian National Petroleum Transformation Programme - PROJECT PACE

The Corporation on June 1st, 2004, launched a transformation programme called
Corporation, NNOC PROJECT PACE aimed at positioning and aligning the Corporation for higher
performance. PROJECT PACE is in response to the Federal Government's mandate
In 1971, shortly before the country joined the Organization of Petroleum Exporting to NNPC to achieve an aggressive sustainable growth agenda in the Nigerian oil and
Countries, (OPEC) as its tenth member, the Nigerian National Oil Corporation Gas industry. The project was executed in two phases totalling 24 months and was
(NNIOC) was established as a fully-fledged National Oil Company with the concluded in 2006.
responsibility for operating functions while the ministry took charge of regulatory
functions. The Corporation provided a platform for government to take up participating NNPC Structure
interest in the operations of multinational companies which had dominated the The current NNPC group comprises the Group Managing Director's Office, six
business before now. In 1971, government exercised its option of taking 33'/4 (per Directorates namely Exploration & Production; Refining & Petrochemicals, Finance &
cent) equity interest in Nigerian Agip Oil Company. In the same year, Government Accounts; Commercial & Investment; Engineering and Technology and Corporate
again established her sovereign rights and acquired interest in Safrap. Services. A Group Executive Director heads each of the Directorates. NNPC's 10 (ten)
In 1974, Government began acquiring participating interests in the operations of subsidiary companies, two partly owned subsidiaries and some associated
multinational oil companies in conformity with OPEC's mandate requiring member companies manage the upstream and downstream activities of the Corporation.
countries to take more active roles in the oil industry of their respective countries in Also, the National Petroleum Investment Management Services (NAP1MS) in the
order to facilitate the transfer of technology, skill and experience to Nigerians. Exploration and Production Directorate monitors and supervises government
investments in the Joint Venture, Production Sharing Contracts and other contract
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC agreements in the upstream sector of the industry. NAPIMS, in addition, markets the
Apparently hoping to consolidate its multi_dimensional role as well as streamline Federation's accruable crude and engages in direct exploration services.
training requirement, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, was The Corporation hasthefollowing wholly owned subsidiary companies;
SweetCrude 28




OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



1. Integrated Data Services Limited(lDSL)

2. Kaduna Refining and Petrochemicals Company Limited (KRPC)
3. Port Harcourt Refining and Petrochemicals Company Limited (PHRC)
4. Warri Refining and Petrochemicals Company Limited (WRPC)
5. Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC)
6. Nigerian Gas Company Limited (NGC)
7. National Engineering and Technical Company (NETCO)
8. Pipelines and Products Marketing Company Limited (PPMC)

Partly Owned Companies:

1. Calson (Bermuda) Limited
2. Hydro_Carbon Services of Nigeria Limited (HYSON)
3. Nikorma

National Petroleum Investment

Management Services (NAPIMS
Mission Statement: To enhance the benefits accruing to the Federation from its
investments in the upstream petroleum industry through effective cost control and
supervision of JV and PSC operations, as well as opening up new frontiers.
Office Headquarters: 8-10, Bayo Kuku Road, Ikoyi Lagos
Telephone: (+2341) 7901215, 2719028,7901217
Operational Offices: 36, Gerald Road, Ikoyi, Lagos
Gas Division: 1B, Adeyemi Lawson, Ikoyi, Lagos
Business Offices: (NIPEX Office): 30, Queen’s Drive, Ikoyi - Lagos
1. Manage Federation Investment in the Upstream oil and gas sector
2. Monitor the performance of existing investments 4. Executed a Strategic Alliance with SINOPEC for the development of OMLs 64
3. Promote Local Content and 66.
4. Encourage harmonious working relationship between operators and the host 5. Entered into agreement with Chevron Nigeria Limited for the operation of three
communities. fields: Yorla South, Aroh and Oghareki.
6. Entered into agreement with SPDC for the operation of Egbema, Orogho and
Current Operations- (Mandate): Utapate Fields.
Efficient deployment of resources for low cost operation with a view to yielding Current Operations:
optimum Revenue for Government assets 1. Today, NPDC has a capacity of about 82,000bopd from five fields in three blocks
Actualisation of Government agenda in the operations of JV/PSC assets (three onshore and two in the Continental shelf).
Spearheading introduction of new technology development in the industry and 2. Production is only from Okono/Okpoho Fields in OML 1 99 as land operations
sharing of best practices. have been shut in for 16 months due to vandalism of SPDC export pipeline.

National Aspiration
Eliminate Gas flaring by year 2010 Nigerian Gas Company Ltd (NGC)
Achieve an accelerated Monetisation and commercialisation of Gas resources
To attain and sustain oil productivity level of 4.5 million barrels per day by 2010 Vision Statement: To be the preferred Gas Company to its present and future
Achieve and maintain reserve base of 40 billion barrels by 2010 and generate as customers
much revenue from gas as from oil by 2010 Mission Statement: NGC is committed to adding value to gas and making it an energy
Maximise sector value and improve transparency in transactions. resource of first choice for the benefit of all Nigerians and other stakeholders
Achieve 70% Local Content by 2010 Office Headquarters: Odin Road, Ekpan, RM.B. 1288; Warri, Delta State, Nigeria.
Carry out major reforms to improve NAPIMS capability to manage Government’s E-mail Address/
interest. Telephone: Manager, Public Affairs Dept: + 23453254262
Operational Offices;
1. Western Operations Department (WOD) , Off Isoko Road, RM.B. 57, Ughelli,
National Petroleum Development Delta State.
Company (NNDC) 2. Eastern Operations Department (EOD), 49, Moscow Road, RM.B. 5324, Port
Harcourt, Rivers State.
Vision Statement: To be Nigeria's Premier Exploration and Production Company 3. Lagos Operations Department (LOD), Egbin, Near Ikorodu, Lagos State.
Mission Statement: To profitably operate a petroleum Exploration and Production 4. Northern Operations Department (NOD), 76, Yaounde Street, Wuse Zone 6,
business both nationally and internationally using current technology. Abuja.
Management Structure: Headed by a Board of Directors, a Managing Director and Tel: 09-5230770, 5230385
Four (4) Executive Directors in charge of Operations, Technical Services, Joint Venture Business Offices
Services and Finance and Accounts. 1. Lagos Business Office, 13B, Oju Olobun Close, Off Adeola Odeku Street,
Office Headquarters: 62, Sapele Road, RM.B. 1262, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. Victoria Island, Lagos. Tel:012610637-9
Telephone: 234-52-251907 Fax: 234-52-255498 Website: 2. Port Harcourt Business Office, C/O EOD, 49, Moscow Road, PM.B. 5324, Port
Accomplishments: Harcourt, Rivers State,
I. Okono/Okpoho Fields offshore (OML 119) with a reserve base of about 240 Current Operations:
million Barrels is currently producing about 70, 000bopd. The NGC currently operates following supply systems:
2. Commenced a five well drilling campaign in Oredo Fields (OML III) with the 1. The Aladja Gas Pipeline System which supplies the Delta Steel Company,
drilling of the first two wells which is now in progress. Aladja.
3. Embarked on a gas optimization project aimed at maximum utilization of gas 2. The Oben_Ajaokuta_Geregu Gas Pipeline System which will form the backbone
produced from Oredo and Oziengbe Fields. of a future Northern Pipeline System, supplies gas to Ajaokuta Steel Company and
SweetCrude 29




OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



PHCN Geregu Power Plant. f. Detailed Engineering of Part of the topsides Modules for Agbami FPSO _
3. The Sapele Gas Supply System which supplies gas to PHCN power Station Completed
at Ogorede, Sapele. g. Detailed Engineering of part of ExxonMobil's East Area Project Package EPC IA-
4. The Imo River-Aba System for gas supply to the International Glass Completed
Industry Limited PZ, Aba Textile Mills and Aba Equitable Industry. h. Detailed Engineering of ExxonMobil's Erha FPSO EPC I Project _ Completed.
5. The Obigbo North_Afam system caters for PHCN Power Station at Afam. 2. ONSHORE ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE
6. The Alakiri to Onne Gas pipeline system for supply of gas to the National a. FEED for Brass LNG Project -Completed
Fertilizer Company (NAFCON), now NOTORE for fertilizer production. 3. LNG EXPERIENCE
7. The Alakiri-Afam-lkot Abasi system for gas supply to the former Aluminium a. FEED for NLNG Train 7 Condensate Stabilisation Unit - Completed
Smelting Company of Nigeria (ALSCON) Plant now Rusal Industries in Ikot b. Participation in the FEED for OKLNG Project _ Completed
Abasi. c. Detailed Engineering of Condensate Stabilisation Unit of NLNG Train 6 -
8. The Escravos_Lagos Pipeline (ELP), which supplies gas to PHCN's Egbin Completed
Power Plant near Lagos. Subsequent spur lines from the ELP supply the West d. Site Supervision of NLNG Expansion - Completed
African Portland Cement (WAPCO) Plants at Sagamu and Ewekoro, PZ I. Detailed Engineering Design for NLNG Train 6 -Completed
Industries at Ikorodu, City Gate in Ikeja, Lagos, PHCN Delta IV at Ughelli, and 2. Current Operations: NETCO provides the following Services for the Oil &Gas Industry;
Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company, Warri. 1. Feasibility Studies
9. Ibafo-lkeja Gas Supply Pipeline System supplies gas to Ikeja City Gate 2. Conceptual Design
from where Gaslink distributes to the Lagos Industrial Area (LIA). 3. Basic and Detailed Engineering Design
10. Ikeja-llupeju-Apapa Gas Pipeline System supplies gas to greater Lagos 4. Procurement
Industrial Area. 5. Construction Supervision
11. Ajaokuta-Geregu Gas Pipeline System which supplies gas to the Geregu 6. Project Management
Power Plant of PHCN. 7. Quality Assurance and Quality Control
12. Ajaokuta-Obajana Gas Pipeline System which supplies gas to Dangote's 8. Environmental Consulting
Obajana Cement Plant (OCP). Customers/Clients:
Current Customers: 1. NNPC and its subsidiaries
1. Aluminium Smelter Company Limited (ALSCON) which had now been 2. Exxon Mobil
bought over by RUSAL (Russia Aluminium). 3. Chevron Texaco
2. Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited (ASCL) being concesionally managed by 4. SHELL
Global Steel. 5. AMEC
3. Delta Steel Company Limited (DSCL) bought over by Steel Company. 6. KBR
4. Kew Metal Works Limited. 7. NAOC
5. National Fertilizer Company of Nigeria (NAFCON) now NOTORE 8. Saipem
Chemicals. 9. TSKJ Consortium
6. Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). 10. Techni'p-Coflexip
7. Paterson Zochonis (PZ) 11. NLNG
8. WAPCO 12. Acergy
10. RVSG Integrated Data Services
11. SNG
12. Gaslink Limited (IDSL)
14. GASLAND Vision Statement: To become one of the ultimate centres of technical excellence in
15. Obajana Cement Company the provision of Geophysical Petroleum Engineering Services in the world oil industry.
16. Indorama (EPCL) Mission Statement: IDSL markets world class quality Geophysical, Geological and
Petroleum Engineering Services.
Management Structure: Headed by a Board of Directors, a Managing Director and Two
National Engineering & Technical (2) Executive Directors in charge of Operations and Services.
Company Limited (NETCO) Office Headquarters: 36, Ogba Road, PM.B 1003, Oko, Benin City, Edo State.
Contact Address: Tel: 052-253 114,256591 Website:
Vision Statement: To be a world class engineering company Operational Offices: Data Processing Centre, Life Camp, Eleme Petrochemical
Mission Statement: To provide world class engineering services to the oil and gas Complex Eleme Road, Port_Harcourt, Rivers State. Tel.-084-200701
industry Business Offices: Lagos Liaison Office: 2nd Floor-Right Wing, Fore Shore Towers,
Management Structure: Headed by a Board of Directors, a Managing Director, Ikoyi Lagos. Tel.: 012672401
two (2) Executive Directors (Services and Operations) as well as a Company Abuja: Abuja Liaison Office: I st Floor, Block A, Room 16, NNPC Towers, Abuja
Secretary. Accomplishments:
Office Headquarters: Heritage Court, Plot 146B, Ligali Ayorinde Street, RO. 1. Provision of Reservoir Management Services to the Oil and Gas companies in
Box 74173, Victoria Island, Lagos. Nigeria, including Chevron, Exxon-Mobil and Shell. The Company is currently executing
Address (including contact person): Tel: 0 1-2718840-5, Fax: 0 1-2718839 e- over twenty field studies for Chevron, Shell and Exxon_Mobil. Most of the services are
mail: website: done wholly by IDSL and sometimes are executed with alliance partners.
Mrs Jane Ebong 2. Shallow Waters, OBC and Deep Marine Acquisition: Petroleum Geo_Services has an
(Manager, Public Affairs Department) alliance that has been on for almost a decade. They have state_of_the_art vessels that
Tel: + 234-1-2718053, Fax: 0 1-2716041 can tow 6,8, 10, 12, 16 or even 20 streamers. They have acquired over 30,000sq km of
e-mail: 3D and 4D data in Nigerian waters. IDSL/PGS can offer optimal operational efficiency
Accomplishments: and economic benefit irrespective of the acquisition technique chosen for a project
1. OFFSHORE ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE (Completed Projects and those
in progress) Current Operations:
Recent Offshore Experience (FEED & DETAILED) Seismic Data Acquisition
a. FEED for Bonga Southwest/Aparo Field development -Completed Seismic Data Processing
b. FEED for QIT Gas Flare Elimination -Completed Reservoir Engineering Services
c. FEED for ExxonMobil's East Area Gas Projects _ Completed
d. FEED for Olokola LNG Gas Supply _In Progress
e. H Block development Project _In Progress
SweetCrude 30




OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



Port Harcourt Refining Company Pipelines And Products Marketing

Limited (PHRC) Company Limited (PPMC)
Vision Statement: Will be a world class refining company driven by shared customer Company Name: Pipelines and Products Marketing Company Limited
satisfaction, employee empowerment, professionalism and continuous improvement. Vision Statement: To be the dominant supplier of all refined petroleum products to the
Mission Statement: To provide efficient high quality petroleum refining services at existing domestic and growing export markets within the West African sub_region.
minimum cost to local and foreign customers and to develop and exploit other related Mission Statement: To ensure supply of petroleum products to the domestic market at
business opportunities. low operating costs; market special products competitively in the domestic and
Office Headquarters: Alesa_Eleme, P O. Box 585, Port Harcourt Tel/Fax: international markets; provide excellent customer service by effectively and efficiently
084_830497, 777851 transporting crude oil to the refineries; and moving petroleum products to the market.
Telephone: 084_830461,766951 Management Structure: Headed by a Board of Directors, a Managing
Website: Director and Four (4) Executive Directors in charge of Operations, Services,
Accomplishments: I, PHRC produces UNLEADED gasoline that meets Commercials and Finance and Accounts.
international standard. Office Headquarters: Block C, NNPC Towers, Herbert Macaulay Way, Central
Current Operations: PHRC produces the following products: Business District, Abuja, Nigeria
Telephone: 09_20083703,09_2346882 & 09_2348200_19
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Kerosene (aviation and domestic), Automotive Gas Operational Offices: The PPMC has five operations area offices viz:
Oil (AGO-Diesel), Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO) and High Pour Fuel Oil (HPFO).
1. PORT HARCOURT; This is in charge of PH Depot, Okrika Jetty, Aba Depot,
Enugu Depot, Makurdi Depot, Calabar Depot and the Bonny Export Terminal. Its
Warri Refining and Petrochemical Headquarters is in Port Harcourt.
Company Limited (WRPC) 2. WARRI: This is in charge of Warn Depot, Warn Jetty, Benin Depot, Abudu Pump
Station, Auchi Pump Station, Lokoja Pump Station and Escravos Terminal
Company Name: Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited (PPMC). Its Headquarters is in Warri.
Vision Statement: To be a leader in the petroleum processing business in Africa. 3. MOSIMI: This is in charge of Mosimi Depot, Atlas Cove Jetty & Depot, Satellite
Mission Statement: To efficiently and profitably process crude oil into petroleum (Ejigbo, Lagos) Depot, Ibadan Depot, Ore Depot and llorin Depot. Its Headquarters
products, manufacture and market petrochemical products, through effective resource is in Mosimi.
utilization, while exploiting new business opportunities. 4. KADUNA: This is in charge of Kaduna Depot, Abaji Pump station, Izom Pump
Management Structure: Headed by a Managing Director and two Executive Directors Station, Minna Depot, Suleja Depot, Sarkin Pawa Pump Station, Zaria Pump
Office Headquarters: Ekpan, Warri Station, Kano Depot and Gusau Depot. Its Headquarters is in Kaduna,
Telephone: 053_250812 5. GOMBE; This is in charge of Jos Depot, Gornbe Depot/ Yola Depot, Biu Pump
Mandate: To process Crude oil into various petroleum products such as LPG, LN, HN, Station and Maiduguri Depot. Its Headquarters is in Gombe.
Kero, AGO, etc.
Quality Policy: Excellence is the foundation of our business and the cornerstone of our Products Pumped:
goal of customer satisfaction. It is therefore our policy to: Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) - Petrol
i. Produce and supply petroleum and petrochemical products in conformity Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) - Diesel
with national and international standards. Household Kerosine (HHD) - Kerosine
ii. Continually upgrade technology, knowledge and skills for improved productivity and Aviation Turbine Kerosine (ATK)
iii. Maintain safe and environmentally friendly refining and manufacturing operations
iv. Promote teamwork in all aspects of our business and harmonious relationship with Nigerian Content Division
our host communities.
The Company Company Name: Nigerian Content Division
Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited was established in 1 978 and
incorporated in November, 1988, with a throughput of 1,000 BPSD and later NNPC's Vision for Nigerian Content Division:
debottlenecked to 125,000 BPSD or 17,028 MT/D. WRPC has crude storage capacity NNPC's "Nigerian Content" vision is to transform the oil and gas industry into the
of 270,240m3 (1,700,000 bbls), sufficient for about 14 days operation. economic engine for job creation and national growth by developing in_country capacity
and indigenous capabilities. In this way, a greater proportion of the work will be done in
Nigeria with active participation of all sectors of the economy and ultimately Nigeria will
Kaduna Refining And Petrochemicals be positioned as the hub for service delivery within the West African sub-region and
Company Limited (KRPC) beyond.

Company Name: Kaduna Refining and Petrochemicals Compart) Limited The Thrust of the Nigerian Content Policy
Mission Statement: KRPC is in the business of refining crude oil into high value The Nigerian Content Policy seeks to promote a framework that guarantees active
petroleum and petrochemical products and also manufacturing packaging products participation of Nigerians in oil and gas activities without compromising standards. The
efficiently. policy also focuses on the promotion of value addition in Nigeria through the utilization
Management Structure: Headed by a Board of Director, a Managing Director and two of local raw materials, products and services in order to stimulate growth of indigenous
Executive Directors (Services & Operations) and six other Departments. capacity. The Federal Government is optimistic that its policy will result in steady,
Contact Address: Km 16, Kaduna Road, RM.B. 2252, Kaduna measurable and sustainable growth of Nigerian Content throughout the oil and gas
Telephone: 062-235104 Industry.
Current Operations/Mandate: Explore and produce: Contact Address: Suite 925, NNPC Towers, Central Business District, Herbert
Macaulay Way, P.M.B. 1 90, Gorki, Abuja.
Refine crude and make Petrochemicals Telephone nos.: 09-46081 734; Fax: 4608 1 294
Market Crude, Gas and Productions E-mail Address:
Transport Crude, Gas and products Definition: Nigerian Content is the quantum of composite value added or created in the
Retail petroleum products Nigerian economy through the utilization of Nigerian human and material resources for
Opportunities: the provision of goods and services to the petroleum industry within acceptable quality,
The Company has the only Lubes and Lab Plants in West and Central Africa health, safety and environment standards in order to stimulate the development of
The largest manufacturer of high quality tins and steel drums in Nigeria indigenous capabilities.
Potential demand for both conventional and specialized products. Despite huge investments made by the Federal Government of Nigeria in the oil and
SweetCrude 31




OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



gas sector of the economy, an average of $10 billion USD per annum, its contribution to goods (OCTG) are to be carried out in Nigeria.
GDP growth has been minimal. This is largely due to low Nigerian Content in the 17. Henceforth, all concrete barges and concrete floating platforms are to be
industry, evident from the over 80% of work value carried out abroad. This has led to a fabricated in_country.
dearth in jobs, skills development, capacity building / utilization and lack of sustained 18. Henceforth, operation and maintenance of offshore production units, FPSO
national economic development. and FSO in particular, are to be performed by Nigerian companies.
To address the situation, the Federal government has set Nigerian Content targets for 19. All international codes and standards used in the industry are to be harmonized
the oil and gas industry of 45% by 2007 and 70% by 2010. In addition, presidential to support utilization of locally manufactured products such as paints, cables, steel
directives have been issued with the aim of domesticating a significant portion of pipes, rods, sections, ropes etc and to improve capacity utilization in local
economic derivatives from the oil and gas industry. To deliver on these directives and industries. Clauses that create impediments for/exclude participation of local
targets, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has put in place a companies should not be included in any ITT.
comprehensive Nigerian Content development strategy currently being rolled out in 20. Operators and project promoters must ensure that recommendations for
the industry. contract award for all drilling contracts shall include a binding agreement at
Technical Evaluation stage for the sourcing of Barite and Bentonite from local
Key Levers for Successful Nigerian Content Implementation 21. Henceforth, all projects and operations in the Oil and Gas industry must
Short-Term directives for the industry demonstrate strict compliance with provisions in the insurance Act 2003 and
Short_term directives have been issued by the NNPC to all stakeholders in the industry submit a certificate of compliance issued by NAICOM to NCD as part of technical
indicating the scope of work on all E&P projects that must be executed in Nigeria. evaluation requirements for insurance or reinsurance Contracts. In this respect/
These are as follows: NAICOM verified Gross underwriting capacity of Nigerian Registered Insurance
1. FEED and detailed engineering design for all projects is to be domiciled in companies must be fully utilized to maximize Nigerian Content before ceding risk
Nigeria. offshore.
2. Project Management Teams and Procurement Centres for all projects in the 22. Henceforth, all projects and operations in the Oil and Gas industry must
Nigerian Oil and Gas industry must be located in Nigeria. demonstrate strict compliance with provisions of the Cabotage Act.
3. Henceforth, all operators and project promoters must forecast procurement 23. All operators and service providers must make provisions for targeted training
items required for projects and operational activities and forward the Materials List and understudy programs to maximize utilization of Nigerian personnel in all areas
to NCD on or before 3 I st January of every year. Also, a Master Procurement Plan of their operations. All operators must therefore submit detailed training plans for
(MPP) for ongoing and approved projects should be submitted to the Nigerian each project and their operations.
Content Division of NNPC on or before 3 ("January of every year.
4. Fabrication and integration of all fixed (offshore and onshore) platforms IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK
weighing up to 10,000 Tons are to be carried out in Nigeria. For the fixed platforms For effective implementation of the Local Content policy, NCD has put in place the
(offshore and onshore) greater than 10,000 Tons, all items in directive 5, pressure following structures:
vessels and integration of the topside modules are to be carried out in Nigeria. a) An organizational framework comprising three departments each headed by a
5. Henceforth, fabrication of all piles, decks, anchors, buoys, jackets, pipe racks, General Manager or equivalent and reporting to a Group General Manager with
bridges, flare booms and storage tanks including all galvanizing works for LNG sufficient empowerment to work with industry stakeholders and relevant arms of
and process plants are to be done in Nigeria. government to develop strategies, drive implementation and ensure compliance with
6. Henceforth, all flow_lines and risers must be fixed and must be fabricated in directives by the oil companies;
Nigeria except for special cases to be demonstrated and approved by NCD. b) The Nigerian Content Consultative Forum (NCCF): a working committee comprising
7. Henceforth, assembling, testing and commissioning of all Subsea valves, eight sectors covering different aspects of the service industry to articulate issues
Christmas trees, wellheads and system integration tests are to be carried out in relating to performance and challenges facing the vendors groups;
Nigeria. c) Nigerian Content Support Fund (NCSF): a funding arrangement co_established
8'. All FPSO contract packages are to be bided on the basis of carrying out topside between the major operating companies and the banking industry to provide low
integration in Nigeria. A minimum of 50% of the total tonnage of FPSO topside interest loans to deserving Nigerian suppliers of goods and services;
modules must be fabricated in Nigeria. d) The Joint Qualification System (JQS), a databank introduced to facilitate the E&P
9. All third party services relating to fabrication and construction including but not contracting process in the oil and gas industry;
limited to NDT, mechanical tests, PWHT as well as certification of welding e) Capacity Building initiatives established in collaboration with the Petroleum
procedures and welders must be carried out in Nigeria. Nigerian Institute of Technology Development Fund (PTDF) to train Nigerian professionals and technicians
Welding must certify all such tests in collaboration with international accreditation with a view to reducing the shortage of skills and competences required in the industry.
10. All operators and project promoters must ensure that recommendations for
contract awards in respect of all major projects being forwarded to
Within the three (3) years of its establishment, the Nigerian Content Division has made a
NNPC/constituted boards of such oil and gas companies for approval must
mark on the oil and gas industry as well as the economy at large. Perhaps, the most
include evidence of binding agreement by the main contractor with
significant achievement of the division is the level of awareness created in the industry
Nigerian Content Subcontractor(s). Such agreements shall indicate the cost and
on the issue of local content and its importance to Government with respect to
detailed scope including total man_hours for engineering, tonnage and man hours
Increasing local capacity. Other successes achieved by the initiative include the
of fabrication and relevant defining parameters for materials to be procured locally
as well as other services.
11. Henceforth, all low voltage Earthing cables of 450/750V grade and Control,
Several engineering companies have established presence in the country
Power, Lighting Cables of 600/ I 000 V grade must be purchased from Nigerian
compared to the level a few years back such that man-hour domiciled in-country
cable manufacturers.
has increased ten-fold;
12. Henceforth, all Line_pipes, sacrificial anodes, Electrical switchgear, paints,
ropes, pigs, heat exchangers and any other locally manufactured material and
Fabrication has increase in tonnage as all facilities below 10,000 tons are sourced
equipment must be sourced from in_country manufacturers.
13. All carbon steel pressure vessels shall be fabricated in Nigeria.
14. All seismic data acquisition projects, all seismic data processing projects, all
Threading of linepipes is now being carried out in-country;
reservoir management studies and all data management and storage services
are to be carried out in Nigeria.
Christmas Trees, Wellheads and Valves are now assembled in-country;
15. Henceforth, all waste management, onshore and swamp integrated
completions, onshore and swamp well simulations, onshore fluid and mud solids
About a dozen new manufacturing plants and facilities have been established in-
control, onshore measurement while drilling (MWO), logging while drilling (LWD)
country within the short period since the commencement of the initiative.
and directional drilling (DD) activities are to be performed by indigenous or
indigenous companies having genuine alliances with multinational companies.
16. Henceforth, coating of all Line_pipes and threading of all oil country tubular
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OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



Hyson (Nigeria Limited In Affiliation development. The overall objective is to maximize Oil and Gas value to the Nigerian
economy. The Division consists of Upstream, Downstream and Properties Investment
With Calson (Bermuda) Limited Departments.
New Businesses Division
Hyson is a joint venture between NNPC and Vitol S.A. Swiss International Crude Oil and The New Businesses Division has been created solely for evaluation of business
Products Trading Company. Hyson/Calson is in business to market Nigeria's excess enquiries from prospective local and international investors. It also evaluates
petroleum products in the West and Central African sub regions and elsewhere. proposals for partnership in new business ventures within and outside Nigeria.
It also imports various petroleum products to augment shortfalls from domestic Retail Services Division
refineries production e.g. PMS, DPK, AGO, LGP, etc. Retail Services Division was set up to enable NNPC take full advantage of the
Contact Address: 3rd Floor of South Atlantic Petroleum Towers 7 Adeola Odeku Street petroleum market liberalization In the country. This led to the development of a network
Victoria Island, Lagos of outlets, which provides NNPC with a channel to retail its own products In a liberalized
Tel: (01) 461 0760_9,2618057,01_2610604 environment on acceptable commercial terms. Also, the Corporation uses the outfit to
Other Offices: Room 024 _ 026, Opposite Refining Cash Office drive industry standards. The success recorded in the few initial NNPC retail outlets in
1st Floor, Old Admin Building the Country inspired the Management to pursue with greater vigour further
Port Harcourt Refining Company (PHRC), developments of Mega stations nationwide. The Division's business snapshots are as
Alesa, Eleme, Port Hacourt, Nigeria follows:
Tel: 084_238683,084_830549,084_830550
Fax: 084_258683,084_830542. 37 mega stations fully operational in all the states of the Federation including
Calson (Bermuda) Limited Abuja
Toddings Building, 10/12 Burnaby St. Hamilton II, Bermuda 12 floating mega stations completed and already deployed
Calson Services (UK) Limited 150 standard stations planned for construction.
6th Floor, Belgrave House 2007 market share of 4 .5%; to increase to 7% by 2009
76 Buckingham Palace Road London On-going efforts to extend service to West African sub-region
Tel: +44 (0)207881 8000 NIKORMA: Transports LNG from Nigeria to various destinations in the world
Fax: +44 (0)207881 8009 NIDAS: Transports crude oil to various destinations around the globe.
Hyson (Nigeria) Limited
(NNPC/VITOL JOINT VENTURE) Research And Development Division
4th Floor, Ceddi Plaza
Plot 264, Tafawa Balewa Way Historical Background
Central Business District, Abuja In the early 1970s, during the construction of Warn Refinery, the then Managing
Tel: (09)4618118 Director of NNPC was invited to France to visit the Institut_Francois du Petrole (IFP),
Fax: (09)46181 19 the parent body of BEICIF At the end of that visit NNPC Management agreed to
establish a Research & Development outfit.
The establishment of NNPC under Decree No. 33 of 1st April! 977 included, as one of
Duke Oil Services (UK) Limited its key functions, the research into and development of technologies towards the
efficient exploitation of oil and gas in Nigeria.
Duke Oil Services (UK) Limited's mission is to launch the NNPC into the international NNPC R&D grew from its very humble beginning of an eight staff department in 1979
trading arena whereby additional profit could be made from crude oil and petroleum into a full division with over one hundred and twenty (120) staff in January, 2008.
products sales in the spot market. The growth of NNPC R&D was structured along a three_stage development program:
Contact Address: Capitol House, 159 Hammersmith Road London W6 8BS The First stage concentrated in the short_run, on the development of the capabilities
Tel: (208) 735 9600, Fax: (208) 748 1015 required for providing world_class laboratory services in the areas of immediate need
E-mail: of the operation/NNPC.
The second stage is to start undertaking, in the short to medium term, specific and well
articulated scientific investigative work targeted at providing solutions to identified
Commercial And Investment technological and operational problems of the operating SBUs.
The third stage which is in the long term, is for NNPC _ R&D to mature to undertake
Directorate scientific developmental work in diverse areas of strategic importance to the
technological development of the Corporation in particular and the country in general.
Division: Commercial and Investment Directorate Currently, the Division is being restructured and reinvigorate to redirect its focus more
Vision Statement: Commercial and Investment Directorate will become the fulcrum of on research activities and to participate actively in the global search for solution in the
the emerging world class NNPC, which anchors the Corporation's investments in Oil, oil and gas industry at national and international arena. This effort culminated in the
Gas, Energy and Properties. issuance of ISO Certification by Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) in December,
Mission Statement: To safely and profitably operate in the entire value chain of the oil 2007.
and gas business nationally and internationally using competent and motivated VISION: R&D will be a World Class Petroleum Research Centre driven by innovation
manpower and leading technologies. and quality.
To engage in lucrative non_oil and gas investments. MISSION: R&D carries out research, develops technology and provides services to
Office Address: 7th Floor, Block A, NNPC Towers, Abuja. the oil and gas industry.
Key Roles: Contact Address: 4 _ 9 Moscow Road, P.M.B. 5373, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
Tel: 084_230265; 239502, Fax; 084_237001
Identify good investment opportunities and proposals ISO: 9001:2000
Develop viable investment proposals with other stakeholders R&D, in December 2007, was ISO 900 I :2000 certified by the Standard Organisation of
Form strategic partnership with bonafide co_investors Nigeria.
Use Special Purpose Vehicle (SPY) for project financing STRUCTURE OF R&D
Nurture the project or investment to fruition The Research & Development Division is structured into three departments and
headed by a Group General Manager, GGM. The departments are; R&P E&P and
Investment Division Support Services. These three departments were headed by General Managers.
Investment Division is fully repositioned to provide and develop new vehicles for GGM's OFFICE _ The GGM's office is made up of Collaborative Research, Audit Unit,
diversification of the Corporation's investments portfolio. The Division vigorously Business Development, Planning and Budget, Legal and Public Affairs Unit.
pursues profitable economic ventures In the entire value chain of the oil and Gas R&P: Refining & Petrochemicals is made up of the following Sections;
business, expands the capital market investments, and engages in real estate ANS Analytical Services: This section provides analytical services to oil and gas
industries such as, Water, Chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis; and also
SweetCrude 33




OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



supports the services of the sister subsidiaries. Integrated Basinal Studies for the Chad Basin, etc.
ERS: Environmental Research Services: This section carries out services and POTENTIAL LABORATORY SERVICES/CONTRACTS
research activities in the following areas; Microbiology, Biology, Toxicology and
atmospheric pollution. Some of the services rendered include:
P&C: Process and Catalysis: This section carries out process elated services as well Environmental Compliance Monitoring for SPDC,
as simulation and CAD related studies Provision of Biostratigraphic Services -2005/2007 call-off for SPDC,
PPRS: Petroleum Products Research & Services: This section carries out Research High resolution biostratigraphic studies -2005/2006 call-off for ExxonMobil,
and Development activities related to Petroleum Products and Crude oil. The section Identification and Isolation of Toxic Algae Bloom in the new Calabar and
undertakes comprehensive crude oil assays, asphilter and also in the areas of Bonny Estuary,
lubrication, fuel enhancement and other product up_grade Cooling Water System Studies for PHRC,
REP: Renewable Energy and Power Environmental Studies Services Contract for SPDC
E&P: Exploration & Production is made up of the following sections:
PER: Petroleum Engineering Research: This section carries out Core analysis. Core International Collaborative Initiatives In addition to its in-house research initiatives,
analysis involves the determination of physical parameters of some portions of a NNPC R&D, has in the past, engaged in a number of collaborative research efforts, with
formation at particular depths. carefully selected local and international establishments. Key amongst these are:
E&R: Exploration Research: This section performs geo_scientific research and Ahmadu Bello University under PTDF chair - (development of Zeolits catalysts from
provides Consultancy services for Basic studies and reservoir molding. locally sourced clay)
SS: Support Services: This Department performs Administrative & Technical Services
to R&D. The department Is made up of Technical Services (TS), General Admin. Usman Dan Fodio University- (Cyclo-hexane production from locally sourced
Services (GAS), Human Resources (HR), Finance and Accounts (F&A), Materials Benzene using locally developed catalyst substrates.)
Management Services (MMS), and Library Services.
CAPABILITIES: University of Maiduguri- (Crude Oil Finger printing) an initiative partially
NNPC, R&D has, over the years, acquired the capabilities and have the capacity to sponsored by
technologically add value to NNPC and Nigeria's oil and gas sector in the following University of Plymouth, UK - UK Govt. under the Gulf of Guinea initiative.)
Upstream: In the upstream sector, our services include; INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCES
Basin Analysis,
Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation, NNPC represents Nigeria in alliances involving International Oil & Gas co_operating
Seismic Studies, Nations.
Reservoir Simulation, The Research & Development Division is aligned with knowledge management and
Formation Evaluation, research studies with:
Reservoir Characterization, OPEC - in Crude Oil evaluation studies (Remaining Oil & oil in place)
Bio-stratigraphic studies, NOC's - (Malaysia, Brazil) -Alternative fuel Bio_diesel
Conservational and special core analysis, R&D is steadily growing in Its International outlook with strong local presence.
Geochemical and Geophysical studies
PVT Analysis,
Local sourcing of materials for drilling fluids, gravel pack and The Nigeria Oil And Gas Industry:
other inputs used in exploration and production of crude oil, Looking Towards The Future
Formulation of drilling fluids from local raw materials,
Formation damage studies,
Enhanced oil recovery methods, etc. Preamble
Nigeria is the world's 7th largest exporter of crude oil and the 7th largest holder of
Downstream: In the Downstream sector our services include: natural gas reserves. In the African Continent, the country holds the largest reserves in
Troubleshooting of plants operational problems both oil and gas. It is poised to play a greater role in the global energy market given the
Improvements of existing processes and development of new ones, potentials and opportunities that abound in the oil and gas sector.
New products development in fuels, The Petroleum industry today is the mainstay of Nigerian economy. It is the main source
lubes of foreign exchange earnings (90%) and development finance in the country
Bitumen and petrochemicals, accounting for 85% of total government revenue, 28% of Gross Domestic Product
Natural Gas utilization for the production of solvents and other catalysts (GDP) and employs a sizeable number of Nigerians.
characterization, The planned growth and potentials of the industry creates significant opportunities for
Development of refractory from local raw materials, Nigeria and investors.
Environmental protection efforts, Current crude oil production is over 2 million barrels per day (mb), while oil reserves and
Pre and post environmental impact analysis, production capacity are 35.0 billion barrels and 3.0 mbd respectively. Natural gas
Industrial waste management, reserves have also increased to 187 trillion standard cubic feet. While the sector has
Pollution abatement studies, bioremediation, remained the pillar of socio_economic development and growth, it is poised to play an
Remission problems and its control even greater role in the larger Nigerian economy with current efforts to increase crude
Toxicological studies oil reserves, monetize the vast natural gas resources and integrate the power sector
Catalysis development, Into the Nation's gas sector in order to expand electricity generation capacity. The
Air monitoring of a vigen industrial area, on_going institutional and organizational restructuring, capacity building as well as the
Petroleum Products Testing local content development strategy will also accelerate overall national development.
Total crude assay, Furthermore, the on_going transformation in the petroleum industry is part of the
Analytical chemistry, etc. Federal Government's overall Reform Agenda to place Nigeria on the path of growth
and sustainable development. These reforms are therefore to revitalize the sector into
EXECUTED PROJECTS becoming a catalyst and engine of growth to the national development. The petroleum
Research & Development Division executed the following projects: industry is being opened up for private sector investment In order to infuse capital and
Analysis of cores for SPDC, Mobil and NAPIMS, technology. Nigeria being the gateway to oil and gas business and with a record of
Sedimentological & Biostatigraphic analyses of Osioka South_2. Well, stability of agreements in sub Sahara Africa is the natural choice of investors in oil and
Pollution abatement & remediation studies of PHRC, Crude Oil assay for KRPC, gas business.
WRPC, PHRC, MOBII, DPR, etcBiostratigraphic Services contract in OML In order to reposition the industry, the Nigerian National petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
118 and OPL 219 Offshore of Niger Delta _5 Well' is being restructured into a world class National Oil Company to mid_wife the entire
Atlas Cove Environmental Impact Assessment, industry. The repositioning strategy runs through the entire spectrum of the industry -
Upstream, Natural Gas and the Downstream.
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OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



Comprehensive and integrated gas utilization Master plan/programmes have been

embarked upon, in which LNG and IPP developments are being given priority.
In deed, in May 2008, Government launched the first Gas Master Plan for the country,
underscoring the Administration of President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua's strong belief that
domestic utilization of gas should attract as much equal attention as gas export
programmes. The increased export earnings from LNG, coupled with adequate
domestic power supply from IPPs, will strongly support and broaden economic
expansion and urbanization, increase the income generating capacity of Nigerians and
lift their general well being. It will further reinforce Government's efforts towards
integrating the Host communities into the mainstream of national development and
Many gas_based projects are being undertaken in line with Government's aspirations.
They include:
a. Domestic Gas Market Expansion
As a result of various projects that have been established, total gas utilized in the
country increased from about 197 million scf/d in 1999 to about 573 mmscf/d in 2004.
Substantial demand growth is expected in this decade. Consequently, domestic
demand for natural gas is expected to increase to about 1 700mmscf/d by 2010.
Investment opportunities therefore abound in the domestic gas market.
b. Independent Power Plants
Government is encouraging JV and PSC multinational oil companies operating in
Nigeria to embark on IPPs, as part of the Power Sector reform.
Upstream Sector The reform Act reviewed the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in
The national aspirations in the upstream sector include: the country in order to improve its performance. The IPPs will not only boost electricity
a. Growing crude oil reserves to 40 billion barrels and producibility to 4.5 million barrels supply but also provide necessary infrastructural support for economic growth, and also
per day by year 2010 from 25 billion barrels reserves and produdbility of 2.2 mbd guarantee additional revenue to the participating JV/PSC companies. The IPPs will
respectively in 1999. further strengthen the oil companies' social responsibility in the local economy as well
b. Maximizing the sector's value and as protect the environment through environmentally sustainable operations and
c. Improving Nigerian capacity and local content. industry best practices. The various IPPs are expected to contribute about 3,000 MW to
Some of these goals are already being met and are likely to be surpassed. the national grid by 2007. This strategy will ensure the realization of Government's
Intention to increase the national electricity generation from the current 4,000 MW to
Strategic Imperatives to achieve the Aspirations about 10,000 MW by 20 I 0 to enhance economic activities.
c. The Liquefied Natural Gas Project
a. Joint Ventures/Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) Since production started from trains I & 2 in 1999, NLNG has been one of the fastest
The major vehicles of crude oil exploration and production today in the Nigerian oil growing endeavours in the world. Train 3 was commissioned In November 2002 while
industry are through the joint venture arrangement in which NNPC has 57% equity Trains 4, 5 and 6 have also been streamed. LNG output is expected to total about 22
interests in six operating oil companies and the production sharing agreements. The JV metric tons per annum with the streaming of Train 6. In addition, the Brass LNG with 2
and PSC companies are being encouraged to increase the tempo of exploration trains and an output of 10 mtpa is expected to be on stream in the first quarter of 2009
activities through various attractive incentives. while the Olokola (OK) LNG which is a 4 train plant with an output of 20mtpa will have
B. Growing a National E&P Company the first 2 trains commissioned in 2009/2010.
To complement the efforts of our Joint Venture partners, the NNPC established the d. The West African Gas Pipeline
National Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) as an E&P subsidiary. Our The Final Investment Decision of the West African Gas Pipeline was signed on 16th
strategy is to grow NPDC into becoming a world_class E&P company. To this end, December, 2004. The initial capacity utilization of the pipeline
capacity building is being encouraged. Its near term goal is to increase production from which is 200 mmcf/d is expected to increase to about 460 mmcf/d by 2026. This project
its current 80,000 bid to about 150,000 barrels per day before close of the decade. which is of strategic importance is expected to foster cooperation and economic
c. Marginal Fields Development development in the subregion in the spirit of the New Partnership for African
In order to increase indigenous participation in the upstream sector, marginal fields Development (NEPAD),
were awarded to competent local entrepreneurs. The marginal field development e. The Iran Saharan Gas Pipeline
strategy is aimed at engaging the pool of high level technically competent Nigerians in A Iran Saharan gas pipeline running from Nigeria to Algeria is under consideration. The
the oil and gas business; providing a spring board for development of indigenous objective is to make Nigerian piped gas available to Europe. The technical and
companies which can overtime venture into operations in the less conventional terrains commercial viability of this project is however being studied through a feasibility study
leading to greater opportunities for technological transfer and increased employment. being undertaken by a consultant on behalf of NNPC and Sonatrach. In deeds, in a
After decades of active exploration and production, Nigeria now boasts of a cadre of recent meeting between governments of Nigeria and Algeria in Abuja, Niger Republic
highly trained industry professionals which can be pooled for the benefit of the West was admitted as a stakeholder in the project.
African sub-region. Foreign investors are being encouraged to collaborate with their
Nigerian counterparts so that our objectives in this regard will be achieved.

Natural Gas
A lot of investment opportunities abound in the natural gas sector of the Nigerian
petroleum industry. More attention is now being paid to this vital sector. Government's
aspirations for the gas sector include: creating new industries out of the old oil industry;
capturing economic value and generating as much revenue from gas as from oil by
2010. Others are developing the domestic gas market; and ending gas flaring in 2010.
Remarkable progress has been recorded towards the realization of these objectives. Of
the current annual gas production of about 2,000 Bscf, about 40% is flared. This is a
drastic drop form the 70% proportion flared before the advent of the Administration of
former President Olusegun Obasanjo. The hitherto flared gas is being channeled into
gas powered projects for rapid utilization and monetization with a view to maximizing
value addition to the nation's natural gas resource by 2010.
Domestic gas consumption is expanding as a result of the on_going power sector
reforms while gas export which was non_existent prior to 1999, has received a boost.
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OIL AND GAS INDUSDTRY: Looking Towards the Future



opportunities in collaboration with present and prospective investors and operators

f. Gas to Liquids & Natural Gas Liquids
who possess the requisite capital, managerial expertise and technical know_how.
These include the Escarvos Gas to Liquids with a capacity of 34,000 barrels per day,
There are a variety of structural and institutional reforms being pursued in the
the Escravos Natural Gas Liquids 1, 2 and 3 as well as the Mobil Natural Gas Liquids I &
Nigerian oil and gas sector to ensure a competitive and attractive environment for
both external and local investors. These include the downstream gas policy which is
In total, on_going gas transmission programmes would entail commercialization of
about to be passed into law, the gas fiscal regimes, the NNPC transformation, local
about 14,750 mmscf/d of gas by 201 1 (80% for LNG), However, about $2.5 billion will
capacity development to mention but a few. This innovation presents significant
be required annually in stable investments (upstream and LNG plants) to capture
opportunities for both local and foreign entrepreneurs.
opportunities in gas and power by 2010. The private sector therefore has a critical role
The immediate past Administration and the current one, have done a lot to revitalize
to play in the realization of these and other projects.
the oil and gas industry after a period of decline. Policy initiatives have improved the
With these developments in the gas sector as well as the transformation in the
business climate resulting in increase in the level of investment in the country. This
upstream, it is believed that the energy sector driven initiatives could make up to 60%
has led to rapid growth of oil and gas reserves as well as increase in the number of
contribution towards doubling of the nation's GDP over the next 10 years.
gas projects.
Downstream Sector
In addition, the opening up of both the upstream and downstream sectors has led to
Downstream assets in the country include four refineries with a combined installed
increased participation of Nigerians as well as building indigenous capacity in the
capacity of 445,000b/d, over 5,000 km products pipelines and 21 storage depots
industry. New industries have been created, boosting industrial growth and creating
spread across the country. Others include 9 LPG depots and the numerous retail
employment opportunities and avenues for acquisition of modern technology, and
stations all over the country.
increasing business and contracting opportunities.
Government is putting machineries in place to liberalize the downstream sector of the
Private sector participation is however necessary to achieve the transformation
petroleum industry to increase private sector participation. To this end, establishment
envisaged in the oil and gas industry to expand the economic base of the country. To
of private refineries in the country is welcome.
this end, the Government is leaving no stone unturned in order to create conducive
business environment.
Conclusion Already, the economy is being liberalized and there are bold and committed attempts
to expand basic infrastructure to meet the emerging growth in the business sector.
In summary, the Nigerian economy in general and the oil and gas industry in particular
Apart from attractive fiscal terms, export processing zones have been created to
are being rapidly transformed for greater efficiency and sustainable growth. This
export goods and services manufactured or produced within the zones. In addition,
entails, among other things, market reforms, diversification of the revenue base,
transparency and due process are now the hallmark of Nigeria's industry.
monetization of the vast natural gas resources and encouragement of E&P operations
The Nigerian Oil and Gas industry therefore stands out in Africa as a place of
in new inland basins, deep offshore and the Gulf of Guinea. Thus, the future portends
opportunities where all genuine investors should be.
enormous growth and business opportunities. NNPC is poised to exploit these
Power 36

Carpenter’s tools

No quick fixes for

Oscarline ONWUEMENYI reform similar to what happened
in the telecommunication sector,
noting that engineers and

P erhaps in a bid to avoid

the mistakes of the past,
the Minister of state for
power, Arc. Nuhu Somo Wya has
technicians in the sector should
not be afraid of reform.
He said, “Engineers and
technical people should not get

power sector —FG

stated that the present afraid as all of us will find
administration of Acting relevance within whatever
President Goodluck Jonathan comes out from the reform.
would not declare an emergency Please embrace this all important
for the power sector, even though aspect of the power sector
it was committed to a complete transformation. Reform does not
rehabilitation of the sector. mean sacking people, it only
Wya, who made the disclosure changing means of doing things,
in an interview with doing things more efficiently.
correspondents in Abuja after chain of many stakeholders, from medium term other sources of sector, adding that he has been “There should be proper
resuming work, noted that the the fuel to the generation to the energy. We have many dams that leading the sector particularly accountability and rule of law in
ministry would do more of transmission, to distribution, had been constructed by the water through the National Independent whatever we do. We must try to
project monitoring and involved a lot of people.” resources; they have huge hydro Power Project. pass the message down to the
evaluation, rather that sitting The minister of state explained electric potential. We are going to “He will do everything humanly junior ones particularly the
down in meetings. that the immediate objective of tap into those resources so that we possible to see that we unravel the unions to embrace this new lease
He further warned that “no government “is to improve the can give Nigerians more mystery surrounding the powers of life that the acting president is
director will be found sitting in power supply to the generality of electricity delivered to the point of sector. He is an ardent supporter giving to the power sector. We
the air-conditioned office. The Nigerians, get sufficient gas, consumption,” he added. of the sector. He has also been must work with him to move the
electricity cannot be generated in reinforce our transmission and He noted that, “We are pleased working tirelessly to achieve the country move.
the office, it can only be distribution networks and ensure that the ministry is being mandate of the ministry. He noted that for the ministry to
generated from the power that whatever has been put on supervised directly by the Acting “This is the reaping point for us be directly headed by the Acting
plants.” ground is improved and President. The cheering news is because we have planted, we President was a sure sign that it
According to him, “There is no sustained, to create an enabling that the Acting President has a have watered and tendered the was no longer business as usual,
declaration of state of emergency, environment for the private passion for power. He is much plant and it is now reaping time. adding that the aim of
but we are working in an sector to come in and invest, to concerned about the development We shall achieve a magnificent government is to achieve
emergency manner. We are make the power sector a very of this nation and without power, improvement in power in the significant improvement in
getting all the stakeholders conducive environment for both we cannot develop.” shortest possible time,” he added. power in the shortest possible
involved to participate in this present and new participants. Wya described Jonathan as an The Minister of state stressed time.
committee because power is a “We are going to explore in the ardent supporter of the power that the powers sector needs
SweetCrude 37
Power 38

Private investment key to reviving


T he parlous state of the

Nigerian power sector

Nigeria's power sector

received a shot in the arm
with the recent issuance of a $100
million grant by the World Bank
to guarantee private investment
within the sector, under the
Commercial Reorientation of the
Electricity Sector Toolkit
(CREST) initiative of the bank.
According to the World Bank
Country representative, Mr.
Onno Ruhl, who commented on
financing challenges in the power
sector, the electricity supply
industry is a capital intensive
industry and so adequate cash
flows are critical to recovering
costs and returns on investment.
Experience from other countries
has also shown that transferring
assets to private hands cannot by
itself bring about investments in
collections needed to make
investments commercially
viable. For private participation
to succeed therefore, all
stakeholders need to reach a
consensus about the tariff regime
that should be introduced and
about the enforcement of
collections, including
disconnection for non-payment.
Unlike the telecommunications
industry, non-payment by
customers is a problem that
investors cannot fix without
government's commitment to
payment enforcement, and so this
should be given priority by the
regulatory commission in the
new dispensation. Given Nigeria
's volatile investment climate and
the capital intensity of
investments in the power sector,
we can expect investors to want
some level of guarantee from the
government or multilateral
agency to protect their
Naira notes
investments and cover their risks.
This guarantee may be in form of
generation concessions or some
security to cover the risks of non-
payment. lay emphasis on transmission and as a result of the the epileptic state take part in power generation,
Many experts on the sector have distribution. “It is not enough to of the nation's power sector. distribution and supply to
noted that while it is the Federal focus on building generation
Government's desire to reduce its
World Bank has plants, transmission is important
“Electricity crisis is the most customers,” noted. Dimitriyev
important infrastructure explained that the project also
funding of power sector projects, been helping the too. It is a long-term issue that bottleneck in Nigeria today. It is targets investment in an area of
private investors should be given Nigeria has to look at, there is not
a level of comfort via the
Nigerian enough investment over time, and
the main driver of Nigeria 's high power infrastructure, seen as
indirect cost,” he said. Dimitriyev unlikely to attract private sector
provision of guarantees and other Government's the sector has reached a stage further stressed that unreliability investment in the near term, but is
forms of protection from where it can not improve unless
investment losses. This funding
program of power there is a conscientious effort to
of electricity costs an average 10 a critical part of the power supply
percent of sales per year to a system.
does not have to come from the sector reform and attract private investment,” he typical Nigerian firm. “All types The issuance of 29 private
coffers of the government as said.
international organisations like
privatization Beyond the issue of low
of firms experience power outages licences to independent power
and 85 percent of them own producers by the Nigerian
the World Bank, IMF and the through a project investment in the sector over generators, this is higher than any Electricity Regulatory
UNDP can provide guarantee time, he said the government must
funding. It is therefore imperative
approved in July, ensure that appropriate tariff was
of Nigeria 's comparator Commission (NERC) in 2008 had
countries,” he said. provoked mixed reactions. But
that such agencies are carried 2001, called the collected from electricity He pointed out that World Bank with its potential to boost
along as the country proceeds consumers. He said the tariff been
with the reform programmes.
Transmission collected did not cover the cost of
has been helping the Nigerian electricity production from the
Government's program of power present 3400 megawatts to a
I n a n i n t e r v i e w, R u h l Development producing electricity, thus sector reform and privatization targeted 10,000 megawatts by the
emphasised the need for proper making it difficult, if not
financing of the sector to be
Project impossible, to carry out regular
through a project approved in end of 2011, many observers have
J u l y, 2 0 0 1 , c a l l e d t h e lauded it as a pragmatic approach.
streamlined to give investors maintenance in the sector. Transmission Development However, there are hints that the
enough confidence in the sector. The World Bank's Senior Private Project. “The bank has supported potential may remain unfulfilled.
In addition to such guarantees, he to protect investors' interests is Sector Specialist, Mr. Steven two main goals of its Country The Ministry of Power,
said, other measures should be critical. A key priority for most Dimitriyev, had in a recent press Strategy for Nigeria privatization however, has been unrelenting in
taken to send the right message to foreign investors will be the conference attributed the high and improved infrastructure. For depicting the nation's electricity
investors on the viability of nature of regulations that clearly cost of investment in Nigeria to the power sector, an efficient sector as a goldmine waiting for
investing in Nigeria 's electricity define and allow exit for electricity crisis, noting that transmission network, along with prospectors. During a recent visit
industry. Beyond persuading investors and infrastructure. private sector involvement holds a fully function control system
investors about the huge returns In addition to focusing on the key to the rehabilitation of the were seen as necessary to
that can be reaped, adequate power generation Mr. Onno sector. According to him, Nigeria CONTINUES ON PAGE 39
encourage the private sector to
information on available policies Ruhl, said the country should 's economic growth was stunted
Power 39

Private investment key to reviving Nigeria's power sector

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 38 management process, cleared the ground, the
maintaining consistency in policy concerned Independent Power
by a delegation from the and the political will to honour Producers are awaiting the
American power house, General joint venture agreements. The impact of these words with bated
Electric (GE) to Abuja, the issue of straightening out the legal breath, particularly as regards
former Minister of Power, Dr. infrastructure must be sorted out, sourcing for credit.
Rilwan Babalola, noted that the according to Independent Currently, Nigeria has 14
deregulation of the sector from a Producers, to avoid consequent generating plants, three hydro
monopoly to a more competitive untidy developments such as the and 11 thermal with an installed
market environment, will make one concerning the state of the capacity of 7876 megawatts. But
it appealing to players with the Enron, (now AES) Power Project available capacity is about
financial and technical in Lagos State, which has 4361MW, with an output of just
capabilities. But prompted the state government to over 3000MW. The biggest plant
producers already file a petition against the partners is Egbin, with an installed
involved in the project have in the projectPower capacity of 1320MW. Most of the
pointed at shortcomings that Holding plants have very low availability
require urgent fixing in order to Company partly because of limitation in gas
ensure that private participation o f supply, but mostly due to their
in electricity generation and Nigeria dilapidated condition.
distribution becomes more In order to engage the private
viable than it presently is. sector effectively in power
The Chairman, Independent , busine
Power Producers Association of ss,
Nigeria (IPPAN), Prof. Barth
Nnaji, had in a recent interview
listed some shortcomings faced
by power producers in the
country to include access to
bank credit, signing of
the Power Purchase
Agreement and the
inadequate gas
supply as some of
the shortcomings.
The impediments
have so far
contributed in the
one way or Minist
another to er said
frustrate P o w e r
investors in P u r c h a s e
Independent Agreement (PPA) and
Power Plants (IPPs). Gas Supply Purchase
Even as the NERC has Agreement (GSPA) as well as
invited private Gas Transportation Agreement
participation, touting the (GTA) have been drafted in line
attractive power market in PHC with international standard to
Nigeria with an un-met demand N, Ikeja facilitate private sector
the Electricity
in excess of 20,000 megawatts, b a n k involvement in the industry.
the generation and distribution Distribution According to Wya, these
concerned can use Company, Eko Electricity
ends of the business remains it to give credit? documents are vital as bankable
difficult to access. Distribution Company and the instruments that help would-be
Apart from battling with the Transmission Company of
In order to promote investors to obtain loan or to
competition and private sector
constraints of signing the Power
Purchase Agreement (PPA),
What stands the Nigeria plc. access other financial sources
participation, the ministry which Despite series of challenges, the that would aid investment in the
established NERC vowed that
perhaps the most daunting
challenge remains the issue of
Notore Power Federal government remains power sector.
optimistic that with the 29
the commission had put in place
a simplified application process
gas. Although the country has Plant apart is licences issued, the country
He pointed out that while all
these enabling conditions are
gas in abundance, it does not get would have mustered an
and market entry that allows for to the areas where a lot of the that it is about additional 10,271MW in the grid
being addressed the issue of
prudent cost recovery and IPPs are setting up. In reality, all qualified manpower that will
reasonable margins, using a of the associated gases in the the only one with when all the IPPs become fully
operational. This target is to raise
deliver the targets as well as gas
model of Power Purchase not only to power some of the idle
Agreement. But contrary to this
country have not actually been
harnessed and are still being
the plant and generation up to 6000MW in two power plants but the ones in plan
promise, a major problem being years (counting from 2008), take are equally receiving greater
experienced by producers is the
flared, while the non-associated
gas field remains undeveloped.
gas readily it to 10,000MW by 2011 and attention from the Ministry.
18,000MW in the unspecified,
difficulty in signing their Power
Purchase Agreements. Nnaji had
Most of the private sector available and is near future.
Since Nigeria is generally
perceived as an unpredictable
operators given the go-ahead to The new Minister of State for
claimed that in order to build a generate electricity will have to therefore ready Power, Arch. Nuhu Somo Wya,
investment location, we can expect
that in the first few years, investors
power plant, getting the required contend with these realities with
financial backing by banks perhaps the exception of the to hit the ground stated last week that the ministry
is aware of the plight of the
would be more comfortable if they
can quickly exit. The government
remains almost impossible,
except the banks are assured of
Notore Power Limited, recently
allowed to generate 50
running licensees, but promised that the must therefore send the right
signals to investors. For instance,
being able to recoup their funds commission and other relevant
megawatts. The company will agencies will fight in their corner. delays in government approvals
when the electricity is sold. enjoy the use of the facilities of “In addition, we have embarked and licensing have an opportunity
“Selling electricity will have to the defunct National Fertiliser on consultations with cost for international investors
be a credible up taker and the Company of Nigeria about the only one with the plant responding to concession auctions
credible up taker will be the one stakeholders on the trading
(NAFCON), Onne, Rivers State . and gas readily available and is and solicitation for bids.
to sign the Power Purchase arrangements and as soon as this
It has the mandate to supply therefore ready to hit the ground The government needs to be
Agreement,” said Nnaji. But the is concluded, licenses will be
power to Notore Chemical running. aware that international investors
question of who will sign the certain on who they will be
Industries Limited (formerly Also yet to be properly spelt out are less likely than local investors
agreement remains pertinent. negotiating power agreements
NAFCON) and also the National is the issue of legal infrastructure to continue to put up with the costs
There is yet another question: is with,” he said. While the
Grid. What stands the Notore in the form of government of administrative inefficiency.
the agreement bankable such that declaration may appear to have
Power Plant apart is that it is interference in the human
Financing 40

our own, we have grown and we companies?

are building engineering There are so many companies
knowledge. It is not meant for the here in Nigeria we want to partner
type of country or race, but if you with. Some of them have
are given the opportunity. We approached us. We have an
were given an opportunity and we advantage because they know too
are utilizing it. so, basically, all the that this is a government
engineering studies, detail subsidiary that is commercially
engineering, project driven, so they know our worth,
management, we can do it in- the IOC's are full of credits for us.
house. We are moving further and So we want to partner with a lot of
we want to go further into companies both in procurement
procurement and into and construction, I don't want to
construction. That's where the mention any of these companies
money is in the industry. in bidding for any construction
What is the difference between job or any procurement job.
what you are doing now and the That's how you learn. You learn
procurement process? by partnering. Inexperienced
What we are doing now is people over a couple of years,
design. When you design, you go becomes more efficient and are
into detailed design from that you able to handle their own stuffs.
do material check off, which But are you not deviating from
enables you to buy, and then you the original concept?
have enough materials to buy. The No! If you look at when NETCO
next thing after that design, we go was established, it was very clear
into procurement which is you go that we will be involved in the
in to buying of Vessels, pipes, whole gamut of EPC contracts,
compressors and so on, there are but you cannot put that at a go, it
people who are manufacturing is impossible, you have to build it
those things. In Nigeria now we little by little. We are so good in
have only few companies engineering so we want to go into
involved in fabrication, that is, procurement after that,
only Dorman Long and construction. We are involved in
Nigerdock. Bonga, we are involved in
No other company does this, Agbami, these are big FPSO's,
some of them have to be imported LNG we are also involved in
Egina and it is a big FPSO. They
have just opened the pre-qual
now for the EPC. So, we are
discussing with other partners
who were involved in that pre-
We are moving qualification too for the list of
further and we I know that Uganda came, the
want to go Uganda petroleum ministry
sent a delegation long time ago

NETCo moves to
further into and it came to NETCO. What's
the outcome of that?
procurement and Nigeria has a lot of experience.
The Ghanaian Ambassador came
into construction. and we have not followed up, we
have to follow up. We need to
That's where the even go and visit them in their

operate offshore money is in the country and sell ourselves to

them, not only him but to his staff.
industry Because those are the people who
engineered this things. This is the
reason we came here for this
exhibition. We wanted to sell

ourselves to the Ghanaian
from overseas, that is the area we government. This afternoon we
want to go into now. After buying are having a meeting with the
those materials, you have to do minister of energy and tomorrow
constructions as if you are we are going to see the MD of
building a house, that means you Ghana National Petroleum
have to buy the material, and this Company (GNPC), The Man
is what is applicable in the knew all what happened to
petroleum industries but there are Nigeria. We are meeting them so
some group of companies who go that they can have a sort of
because they're paid better?

N ational Engineering the Ghanaian government in association with their own

bringing about state of the art Not really because they are paid through the whole hog, from
a n d Te c h n i c a l engineering companies so that all
engineering and oil exploratory better. You know some of them engineering, procurement, and
Company (NETCo) is the mistakes we had in Nigeria
facilities in the former Gold just went there and some are construction. But now we are
Nigeria's first national won't happen here. Basically, left
Coast. He also disclosed that overseas. It is a pride to NETCo going into procurement and
engineering company and is to the international oil
Nigerian companies are not in and Nigeria that we have trained a construction but ours will be in a
wholly owned by the state-run companies, they are ready to
Ghana to take over their oil lot of Engineers in the years, that's big way. We want to start with
NNPC, with the sole aim of build the engineering overseas
industry but to partner with them the result of the federal small jobs, small engineering
developing in-country oil and gas but the local content of the federal
and ensure that they benefit from government's local content. They jobs, as we gain experience, we
engineering capability. Yemie government has helped. All the
our experience and as well learn are working for other companies go into bigger ones like Hi-tech.
Adeoye of Sweetcrude cornered basic Engineering must be done
from our mistakes. in Nigeria as well, even the IOC's. you know Hi-tech is a big
Mr. Kenneth Ejuoneatse, the in house and it can start here in
Excerpts: You use to have a partnership construction company.
Managing Director of the Ghana immediately. There is no
Most Nigerian engineers with HL what's the situation So what are you doing to build
company on the sidelines of the need awarding contracts to
trained by NETCo are working now? the capacity of your staff? Are
Offshore West Africa conference
in some new engineering They left us long time ago, over you also talking about
in Ghana, and he noted that the
companies, could this be 30years now, we are working on partnering with other foreign CONTINUES ON PAGE 43
company intends to partner with
SweetCrude 41
Finance 42


T he nation's quest for

enhanced accountability
in public service, good
corporate governance and
transparency in remittances to
government coffers no doubt
suffered a setback with the
release of the Nigeria Extractive
I n d u s t r i e s Tr a n s p a r e n c y
Initiative (NEITI) Report on the
1999-2005 Audits of the
extractive industries, which
indicted the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation (NNPC),
the Niger Delta Development
Commission (NDDC) and the
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
Speaking during the a High level
Roundtable on issues arising
from the Audit Report in Abuja,
the Chairman of the National
Stakeholders Working Group of
NEITI, Professor Asisi Asobie
noted that the audit of the
Nigerian oil and gas industry
conducted by the agency has
“thrown up all sorts of issues
relating to both immediate and
long-term viability of the
industry,” adding that these
issues mainly deal with both the
structure and governance of this
all important sector of our
national economy.
Among these, he added, are the
inefficiencies that characterized
the production, marketing and
accounting for government's
equity oil, the challenges that
confront the assessment and
collection of petroleum profit
tax, and various other associated
problems relating to the optimal
management of the country's
petroleum resources.
NEITI is the national version of
the Extractive Industries Magnifying glass
Transparency Initiative (EITI), a
global movement aimed at
ensuring that extractive resources
aid sustainable development. It is
mandated by law to promote
transparency and accountability
in the management of Nigeria's
oil, gas and mining revenues.
NEITI report:
Further speaking on the report ,
the Executive Secretary of
NEITI, Mr. Haruna Yunusa
Sa'eed, lamented that the nation's
The need for transparency & accountability
oil, gas and mining sector was
bedeviled by poor accountability
and transparency issues, adding
that billions of naira is lost in the
in Nigeria's oil & gas sector
nation's oil and gas industry due
to lack of transparency and poor
monitoring of oil and gas of wrong price to determine such unremitted revenue from the of the upstream operations with
production in the country. He liabilities. There are equally NNPC. r e g a r d s t o J o i n t Ve n t u r e
noted that in the case of Nigerian issues that we are working with The NNPC management has Operations and acreage
National Petroleum Corporation both the Federal Inland Revenue argued in the past that the passage management. Pointing
(NNPC), “there are issues Service (FIRS) and the There are issues of the Petroleum Industry Bill specifically to Section 3,
regarding withholding revenue Department of Petroleum (PIB) currently in the National subsection (1) of the bill,
and payments for lifting being a Resources (DPR) to determine regarding Assembly would address the Barkindo states that, “The
buyer of Nigeria's crude oil.” fundamental challenges relating
Sa'eed added that, “The NNPC
the net amounts payable by these
withholding to the structure and governance
management and allocation of
petroleum resources and their
was expected to pay fully for
what they lifted. That payment
Sa'eed pointed out that although
the agency was yet to receive any
revenue and of the Nigerian oil and gas
industry. According to the Group
derivatives in Nigeria shall be
conducted strictly in accordance
was short and at the last count, it money from the NNPC, payments for Managing Director of the NNPC, with the principles of good
was N654 billion based on the considering the Corporation's D r. M o h a m m e d S a n u s i governance, transparency and
2005 audit. There was also the claim that part of the money was lifting being a Barkindo, “at the core of the sustainable development of
issue of poor accounting systems deployed as subsidy for philosophy behind the PIB is the Nigeria and at all times be
and funds not well accounted for. petroleum products, efforts are buyer of Nigeria's issue of greater transparency, conducted to maximize the
“We are talking about $243 openness and good governance.”
million under-calculated in terms
still on to make such recovery. He
added that the agency was still
crude oil According to him, the bill was
economic value and benefits to
the Nigerian people.”
of royalties; about $340 billion in facilitating remediation efforts designed to significantly address
terms of petroleum profit tax aimed at getting to the root of the the concerns raised by the NEITI
underpayment based on the use outstanding N654 billion report, especially in the processes CONTINUES ON PAGE 43
Finance 43

NETCo moves to operate offshore Nigeria


overseas companies to go and do

the engineering works for them. if
we have an association with them,
the Ghanian government forming
a kind of an engineering
government just like NETCo. We
can go ahead to assist them but the
benefit will go to NETCo and the
Ghanaian government.
Following the much proposed
reforms in the sector, what is
NETCo doing in terms of
capacity building for staff?
We are the only subsidiary of
NNPC; we are the only company
that is commercially driven
amongst all NNPC subsidiaries.
We don't get money from the
NNPC. It is from the engineering
works that we do that we pay our
staff. They pay us and we use the
money. We like every other
organisation, we are autonomous
and government doesn't dictate to
us. We bid and if we win the
contract, we will get the job. As
regards the reforms, it would help
the NNPC, by then the PIB will be
approved by the national
assembly then NNPC will be a
commercially driven company
then NNPC will run like a
commercial entity like
ExxonMobil, or like Chevron. so
basically, we are already in that
line. They are only assisting us to
do better. That is what I see.
Government doesn't dictate to us,
we have our own finances and we
bid for jobs we think that we can
win and that's how we go about
our jobs.
How much dividend have you Oil drill
paid to NNPC?
When a company starts, it runs
into a lot of expenditures, we have profit and dividends. Of course If there is no money in some times it last for 6 months or coming out from school, you cant
not been able to declare any NETCO is owned hundred engineering, you cannot break even 9 months. Up till now, the just come out and say you want to
dividend yet because in percent by the government, the even. one we did, they just did go into design. We have to train
Engineering, the money that NNPC. we have broken even. the What are you doing in the area clarification few weeks ago. So it you. You have to stay with us for a
comes in is very little, but we have profit starts to come in when you of building capacity? takes a long time. But we are period of one year, we build you
broken even, we have always are doing procurement for the We are having very major having MoU's with various into knowing some of the
been able to meet our costs, and as IOC's and constructions that is partners and MOU with companies, procurement precautions and how we do the
we go into procurement and where the money is. if you are not companies and we are bidding. companies, EPC companies. If job. if you are good, then we can
construction that is when the doing engineering, That is why You know the bidding process is the jobs come up, then we will start to pay you on the experience
money starts to come in, that is all the big companies go into the long, and that is one of the highest work with them. Like I said, it is a you have gain and that is what we
where we'll be able to declare whole gamut the EPC contracts. benefits in the PIB. When you bid, learning place, just like graduate want to do.

NEITI report: The need for transparency & accountability in Nigeria's

oil & gas sector
electronic technology that can
He adds that even more detect where these pipelines are
specifically, Section 5 of the sabotaged, and then capture the
Bill states that in achieving participation of NNPC in all Joint Niger Delta, noting that poor images, so that the perpetrators
their functions and objectives Venture operations. It will also accounting and measurement of can be apprehended and made
under the Act, the institutions enable the consolidation and oil and gas production was a to face the wrath of the law.
and the National Oil Company enhanced clarity of Nigeria's major challenge to the initiative. He said, “Oftentimes, the DPR
shall be bound by the fiscal provisions and minimize He said, “We have been having has complained to us that they
principles of the Nigerian the differences in interpretation.” problems with knowing exactly c a n n o t d o i t ( e ff e c t i v e
Extractive Industries The NNPC helmsman conceded how much is produced, so we monitoring and measurement)
Transparency Initiative Act of that the passage of the PIB would have commissioned a consultant that is why we got someone
2007. only be the beginning of a to help us know the international from abroad to help us identify
Barkindo further stressed that difficult and protracted match best practices with regards to these technologies that use
the on-going NNPC towards transforming the production accounting. It is so sonic systems and then use
Transformation includes the Nigerian oil and gas industry, important because if you do not cameras to capture those behind
consolidation of the noting that the more the passage determine how much is lost, those Cash Safe the theft. We know that there are
Corporation's trading outfits of the bill is delayed, the more the companies that are producing bigger personalities behind all
and capacity building for challenges inherent in the benefit, and Nigeria is cheated. It these pipeline sabotage than the
advantage of the situation, and the so called militants, so it is
direct marketing by NNPC of industry would become is in the interest of producers that way Nigeria's oil and gas industry
the Federation's cargoes. He entrenched. the status quo is maintained and important that we begin to do
is structured today has given so things differently to ensure that
added that, “The PIB will Meanwhile, Prof. Asobie has that the nation never knows how much room for stealing and
result in the creation of pointed out that lack of much is lost and who is stealing a few people do not benefit
corruption to go on. from the wealth that belongs to
Incorporated Joint Venture accountability in the industry was the product. You know wherever, According to him, there is need,
Companies with the direct at the root of the crises in the there is anarchy, some people take everyone.”
therefore, to use the latest
SweetCrude 44
SweetCrude 45
SweetCrude 46
Solid Mineral
Challenges before Sada, Nigeria's 15 mines and steel minister
Luka BINNIYAT sectors outlived its purpose. Staff of the
Again the idea of building two companies says that the IMC
capacity for the mineral sector is have dumped its responsibilities

I n its15 years as a full fledged

Ministry, the Ministry of
Mines and Steel
Development in March this year
produced its 15th Minister, Arch.
of paramount importance. Already
two bills, namely: the National
Metallurgical Training Centre,
Onitsha and Nigerian Institute of
and left the day-to-day running of
the companies to the traditional
management of the two
perennially abused firms.
Mining and GeoSciences, Jos, “These men are made up of
Musa Mohammed Sada. have been presented to the last b u s in es s men an d s tead y
That means that the average Executive Council of the government jobbers”, said one of
staying period of a Minister in this Federation for onward the Staff Union officials who
Ministry is just about a year. transmission to the National asked for anonymity,
At its best, Sada would have to Assembly. It would now behoves “Some of them are on other
put in about 1 year and 3 months if on Arch. Sada to see that the bills Boards of several Federal
all goes right for him before the arrive the National Assembly and parastatals and one is even on the
coming of a new government in gets a speedy passage. That is only new Presidential Contract
April, 2011. if he appreciates the fact that the Review Committee”, he said.
The high turn-over rate of industry would be in serious “We hardly see them twice a
Ministers in this establishment, dearth of indigenous skill hands month”, he said
according to watchers of Nigerian should mining get the influx of The new Minister therefore has
mineral and metal sector, is expected investments in the next to take a firm decision on the
largely responsible for the blurred three years. status of IMC and make
focus of the mineral and steel Push for mining recommendations to his boss.
sector, especially as it affects Let Government
mining titles, the Ajoakuta Steel Though, and happily too, there is patronise ASL workshops
Company Limited (ASCL) and already a law the Mines and With the completion of the
the Nigerian Iron Ore Compnay Mineral Act, 2007 - and a Mining Technical Audit of ASCL and
(NIOMCO), Itakpe. and Metal policy launched in NIOMCO by Reprom of Ukraine,
In some instances, we have seen 2008, the most desirous of them is ASCL has another chance to put
Ministers of the Ministry who still held up by undue bureaucracy. some completed sections of the
looked rather dumbfounded with And that is the Mining Regulation. plant into use. This true based on
what role to play, and their sojourn Stakeholders believe that without the order by the acting President
on the helm of affairs was a a clear Mining regulation, most in March that N450m be
complete waste of public fund and blue chip mining firms will disbursed to ASCL and N200m to
time though it is generally agreed continue to be wary of taking risks NIOMCO for the two companies
that they were never dumb in to invest in Nigeria. It is therefore to start operations.
getting at the “filthy lucre”. And one of his main challenge to see The ASCL has a Machine tool
when they left, the stakeholders that Nigerian mining regulation is making workshop that has the
clicked glasses and hugged in out. capacity to produce all the
celebration. Yet, there were a few, machine parts used by Nigerian
The Metal Sector - ASCL
who have forever left their Refineries, Ships, Military
imprints by their remarkable and NIOMCO
The story of these 31 year old Equipments, and Air planes.
positive contributions in the Successive Ministers have never
sectors. And for reasons that are babies that have refused to walk
after injecting in them a total sum deemed it proper to lobby
never rational for watchers of Arch. Musa Mohammed Sada government to mandate all its
these sectors, these Minister were of $13 billion dollars represents
the tragic metaphor of Nigeria. establishments that need this
always removed on the verge of service to patronise ASCL.
implementing what was Rape and dumped by every
Minister in every administration, Instead, all worn-out heavy
considered as productive plans machine parts are procured
for both the mineral and steel Ministry (Mrs Diezani Allison- the two companies are again
Madueke, now Minister of entrusted to another one. abroad for obvious reasons. Arch.
sector. And, of course everyone Sada would write his name in gold
Petroleum Resources) was going Deliberately superlatively
wept on their sack.
to convene a World Press
The Minister designed and built to 93% if he is able to influence
But, since this is not an attempt government to patronise ASCL for
to score past Ministers, it suffice Conference on the matter a week would have completion by the Russains at that
this service.
before the sack of the last cabinet. time to produce liquid steel for
to add that Arc. Sada would be
saddled with huge challenges. But She was to have announced the realised that the Nigeria's leap into Enough of conferences and
Seminars on the Steel
they are not insurmountable. The issuance of new mining tittles,
because everything had been
ASCL and industrialisation, the story of
Ajaokuta and Itakpe is the most Sector
good news for him is that some of
them have been taken care of concluded, he had said. NIOMCO staff are apt reason why most people All Arch. Sada need do is to call
for the report of the August 2008
Both prospective small, medium believe that Nigerian may never
before his coming, as he must
and big time miners are worried fearless develope. report on the 1st Nigerian Steel
have found out by now. Summit. Every information, ideas
Challenges before Arch. that non issuance of these titles is negotiators. He But, be that as it may, Arch. Sada
and models for the sector are
slowing down their momentum has these problems to contend
for business as they cannot must court their with. And they are rather urgent.
brilliantly captured in that summit.
It was attended by the most prolific
Mineral sector - Non approach banks for facilities nor That status of the Interim
issuance of new Mining engaged partnership with foreign
confidence by experts in the sector within and
Management Committee without the country.
licences financiers. avoiding all the (IMC) He would find, most interesting
So far not less 9,300 licenses Maiatined the status quo - After the revocation of the
have been processed by the NMA
pitfalls of his concession agreement of the two
the investments options available
for ASCL and NIOMCO.
Mining Cadastre office, but not a
single new license has been issued
Again, the Chairman of Nigerian predecessor firms from the Indian owned Union and Staff matters
Miners Association, Dr. Kola Ojo, Global Infrastructure Nigeria The Minister would have realised
in the past one and half years. The in a telephone chat, told sweet Limited (GINL) in March, 2008, that the ASCL and NIOMCO staff
issuance of these licenses is of crude that his Association would out of the hands of the Sustainable the Federal Government set up an are fearless negotiators. He must
serious concern for lots of want Arch. Sada to maintain the Management of Mineral Interim Management Committee court their confidence by avoiding
investors status quo. He said that the Resources Project office. He said (IMC) made up of presumed all the pitfalls of his predecessor,
The Permanent Secretary of the Minister should ensure that the that if the grant is disbursed by experienced Nigerians. because they have seen them come
Ministry Engr. Sheik Goni in an recently approved $80 million Banks, stiff and rigid conditions The Committee's life span was to and go with all their empty
exclusive chat with Sweet Crude dollars grant by the World Bank would be set to make it impossible last for a just six months. promises and treacherous deals
last March, said that the for small and medium scale for would be beneficiaries. From what Sweet Crude has that have kept these companies
immediate past Minister of the miners is not hijacked by Banks Capacity building for the gathered, the IMC seems to have shut for so long.
Solid Mineral
Smiling away
with N5.2 billion
After the termination of the
controversial sales of 80%
shares of the Ajaokuta Steel
Company Limited (ASCL)
and the National Mining Iron
Ore Company (NIOMCO),
Itakpe to an Indian firm in
March 2008, it was revealed
that Global Infrastructure
Nigeria Limited (GINL),
made not less than N5.52
billion from deals related to
ASCL, NIOMCO and Delta
Steel Company Limited
(DSCL) and had not remitted
a kobo as tax or any other
statutory payments to the
Federal Government, the
Magaji Inua panel which
nailed it had revealed.
What has become of this

Job seekers and solid mineral

A BUJA The Project
Coordinator, Sustainable
Management of Mineral
Resources Project (SMMRP) Mr.
Linus Adie has cited a World Bank
Death after
study on Nigerian Dimension
Stones (Granite and Marble) sector It was with much fanfare that
as capable of producing 1 million
the then Minster of Mines and
jobs in a short time, while cutting
the high production cost of tiles in Steel Development, Chief
Nigeria by 100% Tu n j i I s h o l a Sharafa
Meanwhile the newly appointed
Minister of Mines and Steel inaugurated a 37-strongman
Development, Arch. Musa standing committee charged

Nigerian stone sector to

Muhammad Sada said the Ministry with the responsibility of
would upgrade its website with
very rich materials that would ensuring that mining in each
convince foreign investors to take State follows environmental
the juicy opportunity that the sector
Global Best Practices, among

create 1m jobs —World Bank

The Head, Press and Public others.
Relation Unit of the Ministry, Nr. Chief Ishola who
Marshall Gundu made this known
in a Pre4ss Statement yesterday. inaugurated the Committee
Adie who spoke on the World known as Mineral Resources
Bank study, made this known in and Environmental
Abuja last week at parley with industry. An election was then should be seen as the hope of
meeting Nigerian Dimension Stone of the stone industry here. Management Committee
“We have far higher quality conducted for protem officer from revamping the nations' economy
investors, after which the Nigerian whom, the Group President of Rich and industrial development. (MIREMCO), said he drew
Dimension Stone Association of products in Nigeria”, he said, “but
the cost of production is so high that Group of companies, Alhaji Kabir “He assured that the Ministry his power from the Nigerian
Nigeria was formed. Umar emerged president with Mrs. would put in place the necessary
His words: “We are told that the at the end, many cannot afford Minerals and Mining Act,
them”, he said Vivian Wya of the Ministry of legislative framework through
stone industry is capable of Finance as the Vice President. collaboration with all stakeholders 2007 section 19.
providing over one million jobs in He then informed the Association
about the Carrara Marmotetic The Minister on his part enthused for the development of the sector”, And the committee members
Nigeria. And that is what the project about propelling Nigeria's drive for he added
and the ministry is looking at. Stone Fair in Italy in May this year. include Prof. Babs Fafunwa a
According to him, that Fair is the investors into the Mineral and The Minister said that the
“We are told that Nigeria can be Metal sector of Nigeria via the artisanal and small-scale miners former Minister of Education
self-sufficient in marble and granite best and biggest in the world and
world afford members to meet Internet when he paid a courtesy will be assisted in their operations in the 80s'; Air Vice Marshal,
products. We are told that in call on the Governor of Kastina to make meaningful contributions
sharpening the manpower in this investors, financiers and equipment Ishaya Shekari a former
makers with the view of forging State, Ibrahim Shema yesterday, to the national economy.
country Nigeria can also be self according to Gundu. According to the Minister, the Military Governor and
sufficient in the required manpower enduring partnership.
“The expected outcome is that “Arch. Sada explained that aim of the courtesy visit was to Mallam Shehu Mallami a
to drive this industry. through this strategy, prospective thank the Governor and the people
“We are told that because of your some of you will be coming back
investors would have seamless and of Katsina State for nominating former Ambassador and 36
product can cut cost by 100%”, he with investors to help you develop
the industry”, he said. fast business transactions with the him as a Minister representing the others.
said Ministry thereby resulting to the state.
The stakeholders after Since that hot Thursday
He lamented that Nigeria Spends much desired development of the He assured the government and
billions of Naira in importing deliberating on the sector agreed morning, no one has heard of
that there was a need to form sector”, reads part of the statement the people of Katisna State that he MIREMCO
substandard granite and marble “The Honourable Minister also would not disappoint them in his
tiles in Nigeria to the disadvantage themselves into an Association as
one of the means of growing the said that the mining and steel sector appointment.
SweetCrude 49
Gas 50

Power: NNPC set to boost gas supply

Yemie ADEOYE reforms and transformation Corporation as reported in some and Sapele flow line if the NNPC
program he met on ground. This newspapers, adding that there was fails to evacuate the condensate

F OLLOWING the seeming according to many is contrary to no basis for such speculations as line for easy flow of gas. The
interest and commitment the norm where new appointees he has neither made any such NNPC under Dr.Barkindo had
of the Acting President, discard initiatives they met on recommendations to the Acting replied that it is not under
Dr Goodluck Jonathan in the ground. President nor received any compulsion to take up the
power sector, the new Group The new GMD made this pledge instruction in that direction from responsibility. And as the
Managing Director of the in order to continue with the any quarters. controversy trails the nation's
Nigerian National Petroleum ongoing transformation The GMD listed other key power generation dropped to a
Corporation (NNPC) Mallam programme of the Corporation agenda of his management to little over 1000 megawatts. The
Shehu Ladan has stated that he which is in line with the include the maintenance of the then Minister of Power Dr. Lanre
would give top priority to the aspirations of the Acting integrity of the Corporation's Babalola had confirmed to
issue of gas in order to enable the President Dr. Goodluck Ebele pipelines across the country, newsmen in Lagos that the
various power plants perform Jonathan, for the oil, gas and stabilization of product supply, standoff between the two oil
optimally. power industry in Nigeria. the passage of the Petroleum giants is dealing a great blow to
Ladan who dropped the hint in Ladan made this promise during Industry Bill, PIB, and adequate the power sector as no significant
Abuja during the formal handing his maiden meeting with staff at supply of gas to the nation's power progress can be recorded if there is
over from his predecessor the NNPC Towers in Abuja plants with a view to meeting the no easy flow of gas.
Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo in where he unfolded his agenda for administration's aspiration to Analysts in the power sector are
Abuja recently. the Corporation and the entire oil provide constant electricity to also of the opinion that for the
The new GMD stated further that and gas industry. Nigerians. Acting President to make an
he intends to learn from the The new helmsman who said he Ladan who called for maximum impact as the Minister of power
experience and success of the was part of the management team cooperation from staff and unions and the NNPC must be made to
that introduced the or in the way it will be delivered, said he would work closely with understand that a collective effort
'War Room' in tackling the fuel
transformation agenda last year but the objective of transforming the top management team made of all government agencies in the
supply and distribution challenge
until he retired on 6th April, 2009, the Corporation will remain the up of the Group Executive energy chain is important for
and adopt it for gas supply to
stated: “I still believe in the same. What is important is for us Directors and would not allow any success to be recorded. “NNPC
ensure that gas gets to all the
transformation. It is the only way to keep our eyes on the ball,” crack. should understand the sensitive
power plants within the shortest
to go if the Corporation is to Ladan told staff of the It would be recalled that the role it is expected to play and we
possible time.
survive. I will continue from Corporation. situation in the power sector should do away politics and
On the issue of transformation
where Barkindo has left off in the He also dispelled rumours of further deteriorated recently when bureaucracies for once so that
Mallam Ladan shocked many
transformation project.” imminent sack of top the Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell Nigerians could heave a sigh of
when he disclosed that he would
“There may be shift in emphasis m a n a g e m e n t s t a ff o f t h e threaten to shut down the Oben relief”.
continue with the ongoing

Gas Tanks
SweetCrude 51

Building sub-Saharan Africa's Energy Conglomerate
T he renewed zest by the Federal Government towards
cementing the local content policy and legislation, geared
at boosting the capacity of indigenous oil and gas
companies to take leading roles in the development of the
hydrocarbons in Nigeria, may have been spurred by the
phenomenal growth of some local firms such as Oando.
From its origin as medium sized petroleum products marketing
company, known then as Unipetrol, with its focus primarily on the
downstream oil segment, Oando has today grown into a full scale
energy conglomerate, with operating divisions across the energy
value chain.
The company gave an early sign of audacious growth propositions,
when it became the first African company to have cross-border
inward listings in separate Stock Exchanges. This it achieved
when it obtained a secondary listing on the Johannesburg Stock
Exchange (JSE), South Africa in November 2005, after meeting
the stringent requisite conditions set by the Country’s Exchange
and authorities. It has a primary listing in the Petroleum Marketing
Sector of the Nigerian Stock Exchange.
Initially incorporated in Nigeria in 1956 as Esso West Africa, a
subsidiary of the Exxon Corporation, USA, it was again
incorporated under Nigerian laws post-independence as Esso
Standard Nigeria Limited in 1976. Following the indigenisation
policy of the 1970’s, the Federal Government acquired a 100%
equity stake in the Company and rebranded it Unipetrol Nigeria Refinery
Limited. In 1991, 60% equity was sold to the Nigerian public in the
first phase of the Government’s privatisation programme. The
Company was later listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange in 1992. funding for its vision, Oando quickly expanded its downstream
The privatisation of the Company was completed in 2002, when business, improved internal processes, deployed world class
the Government divested the balance of 40%, which it still technology benchmarking Fortune 500 companies and most
controlled. While the Nigerian public took up 10% of the balance, significantly, diversifying its existent revenue streams by
a new core investor emerged, Ocean and Oil Investments Limited, investing in big margin businesses such as natural gas distribution
which took up the 30%. Later in the same year, the Company and upstream exploration and production to sprout a model case
acquired Agip Petroli’s 60% stake of Agip Nigeria Plc, through an of how local companies can attain global relevance.
international bid. The Company was subsequently rebranded With subsidiaries in petroleum products Marketing, Exploration
Oando PLC in December 2003. & Production, Supply and Trading, Gas and Power, Energy
Now under a new leadership, a vision to orchestrate organic & Services and Refinery and Terminals, Oando is one of Nigeria’s
inorganic growth for its downstream business and diversification most profitable businesses netting tax profits at a Compounded
into other energy business was conceptualised. With requisite Annual Growth Rate of 128%. The Group’s diversification
proposition seems to be taking shape with its subsidiaries
attaining leadership status in their various market segments.

Oando Marketing (OML)

From a network of over 600 retail outlets in Nigeria, Benin
Republic, Togo and Ghana; 18% market share of the downstream
business in Nigeria; OML is indisputably West Africa’s leading
petroleum products retailer. In addition to six strategically
located terminals, three aviation fuel depots, two Lube blending
plants and ten Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) filling plants,
Oando Marketing continues to expand its capacity as it is set to
build sub-Saharan Africa’s largest petroleum product reception
terminal in Lekki, Lagos and one Nigeria’s largest LPG plant at
Apapa, Lagos. The 210,000 MT capacity terminal is
conceptualised to be best-in-class and purpose built product
terminal with Single Point Mooring (SPM) facility located about
7km offshore, capable of berthing of 80,000 deadweight tonnage
Oil Pipeline (dwt) vessels as well as dispatching over 500 trucks per day in Oando ...the future

SweetCrude 52

A Filling Station

what is set to revolutionise petroleum products distribution in constructing a 128km pipeline infrastructure from Akwa-Ibom
Nigeria. State to supply natural gas to UNICEM’s factory in Cross River
Mr. Wale Tinubu, Group Chief Executive, Oando PLC is confident State and other industrial opportunities in the South East axis.
the project “will be the benchmark for product reception terminals Given the current determination and move towards the utilization
in sub-Saharan Africa that will once again attest to Oando’s of natural gas by industries, backed by the focus of the Federal
superior execution capabilities. We project strong early cash flow Government to harness the country’s gas potential through the
that will provide immediate shareholder value and the financial Gas Master Plan, the Gas and Power Division is well positioned to
platform for the development of our ultra-modern refinery in the tap from the benefits inherent in natural gas distribution.
same location.” OG&P’s power division recently came on stream with the
commissioning of Akute Power Plant built to generate power for
Oando Supply and Trading Lagos State Water Corporation in order to optimise its water
Oando Supply and Trading is sub-Saharan Africa’s largest production efficiency, leveraging Gaslink’s 100km gas grid to
independent and privately owned oil trading company, which is fuel the 12.15 megawatts generators. The Lagos State Governor,
responsible for a significant portion of the volumes of refined and Mr Babatunde Fashola stated that the Akute power project will
unrefined petroleum products supplied to Nigeria and other West save the state government N591 million yearly. Oando Gas &
African countries. Its activities also encompass the freights market Power plans to replicates such captive power solutions across the
for chartered vessels. country for the benefits of the local industries and Nigerians.

Oando Exploration and Production Limited (OEPL) Oando Energy Services (OES)
The Group’s strategic decision to expand to the Upstream Division Encouraged by the local content policy in Nigeria, Oando Energy
of the oil and gas sector has began to reflect in its strengthen its Services positioned itself as the partner of choice by building
earnings profile, as it commenced incomes generation from one of capacity and increasing its investments in its market niche. OES
its producing upstream assets (OML 125). OEPL is the first distinguished itself as Nigeria’s largest provider of oil drilling
Nigerian oil and gas company to have participatory interest in a services, with five rigs in its fleet executing contracts for oil
producing deep offshore asset. The company is set to commence companies in the Niger Delta. It also demonstrated project
production of crude oil from its Akepo and Obodeti/Obodugwa execution and operation excellence in providing completion
oilfields having successfully completed test productions in major fluids, drill bit solutions and oil well cementing.
wells within the fields.
The Company’s asset portfolio includes interests in OML 125, Oando Refinery and Terminals
OML 134, OML 56, OML 90, OML 278, OPL 236 and OPL 282, Oando Refinery and Terminals completes its investments across
whilst the company continually seeks opportunities to expand this the entire energy value chain, thereby creating an integrated
asset base through acquisitions of near term assets. It is anticipated platform that will relieve product supply gaps and enable Nigeria
that more of the assets which are currently in their exploration meets its energy requirements from within. The planned
phase would enter the production phases shortly, thus increasing construction of a 210,000MT terminal project is expected to
the Division’s contribution to top line and more importantly herald the construction of 240,000 barrels per day refinery in the
bottom line performance, via its high margin potential. Lekki Free Trade Zone, which the Oando Group believes will
solve some of the critical supply issues of the downstream sector.
Oando Gas and Power (OG&P) A feasibility study has been conducted by Wood Mackenzie and
Through its subsidiary, Gaslink Nigeria Limited, the Oando Gas Foster Wheeler, a United Kingdom based energy services firm,
and Power pioneered private sector piping and distribution of while the Front End Engineering Design for the Terminal has
natural gas to industrial and commercial off takers in Nigeria. It has commenced.
today completed 100km gas pipeline infrastructure in the Greater Even with these gigantic footprints across the energy landscape,
Lagos 3 project, which covers the Lagos industrial layouts from Oando’s target is not only to become Nigeria’s leading indigenous
Ikeja to Tin Can Island at Apapa, thereby extending its gas integrated energy company that is respected across the sub-
distribution services to industrial customers within the area. Saharan Africa region but to emerge Africa’s first indigenous oil
Its second subsidiary, East Horizon Gas Company, is currently major. Oando ...the future

SweetCrude 53





...championing nigerian content in the oil & gas industry





Drilling Fluids Chemicals ;- Services:
Drilling Fluids Engineering Services- Services-
Drilling Mud Solids Control, - Mud & Brine Chemicals &
Solid Mineral Processing Services Mud Eng Services,-
Oilfield and General Fabrication.
Mud Specialist & Drilling Engineering
Email/Fax/TelTel: -Consultancy Services -Provision of Mud
(234)-84-771354, Email/Fax/Tel:
(234)-84-461141, Equipments for Hire
Fax: 461142, 461143
Fax: Email/Fax/TelTel:
(234)-84-230159 (234)-84896651, , (234)-84-461142 08033126390, 07028712172, 08034440913


Services: Pipeline Services & Well Services -
Engineering - Procurement, Routine & Intelligent Pipeline Pigging; Services-
-Construction, - Installation - Chemical Cleaning, Dewaxing & Oil & Gas Engineering,
& Commissioning De-Scaling of Pipelines And -Operation & Maintenance Of
Wells; - Pumping Services; Production Platform, - Electrical,
Email/Fax/Tel: Pipeline Integrity Assessment And Re Mechanical &
234 1 7942152 Instrumentation Contractors.
Telfax: (234)-84-463592 Email/Fax/Tel:
234 1 4970646 (234)-84-239719 Fax:
084 238647

Casing & Tubing Services & Services: Services:
Tools; - Fishing & Tool Rentals; Oil & Gas Process Equipment Borehole Surveys. -Directional /Horizontal
-Eng. & Maintenance Services -Engineering & Field Services Drilling, Measurement While Drilling &
(Compressors, Pumps, Etc.) ; Mudlogging -Marine Structures & Logging While Drilling (Mwd/Lwd);
and Geological Services Structural Steel Engineering; - Full Range Fewd
-Well Completion Services. -Fabrication Services Parameters ? Gamma Ray, Resistivity,
Density & Neutron Measure
Email/Fax/Tel: Email/Fax/Tel:
(234)-84-612081, (234)-1-7748357, Email/Fax/TelTel:
612082-3, 612288, 612023, 612273, 7919877, (234) ? 84 ? 233707 (234)-84-233719,
(234)-53-253784 Fax: (234)-1-4529027 237195, 239668, 237190, 237237
Fax: (234)-84-613024, 612080 Fax: (234)-84-232350
SweetCrude 54


Wireline (Slickline & E-Line) Services
- Valve Supply & Maintenance
-Instrumentation Services - Supply,
Installation And Maintenance Of AL

...championing nigerian content in the oil & gas industry

Wellhead Equipment & Accessories


- Artificial Lift Services


(234)-84-746073, (234)-53-816292


Engineering & Technical Services Services:
Project Management & Inspection Services: Waste Management Services;
Services -Virtual Construction Instrumentation, Control & -Environment Services;
-Operations & Maintenance Safety Systems - Power Systems & -PVT Services ?Laboratory Services,
Services - Vendor Representation Renewable Energy -Systems Integration -Procurement Services;
of Colfax / Allweiler Centrifugal & & Industrial Automation - Panel Building -Engineering Designs.
& Instrument Calibration - Technical
Email/Fax/Tel: Training & Consulting Service Email/Fax/TelTel:
+234 84 747 236, (234)-84-799344, 231750 Mobile:
84 897 691, +234 803 356 2328, Email/Fax/TelTel: (234)-803-0677-307,
803 421 4616 234-84-783400, (234)-805-1557-810,
Email:, 234-8055027048


Services: SERVICES LTD Services:
Definite Borehole Surveys; -
Loss Circulation Solutions; Services: Directional Drilling &
-Reservoir Studies And Engineering Designs Borehole Surveys; - Measurement
Manpower Resources -Environ/Analytical lab services While Drilling (MWD); - Logging While
-Recruitment & Training Drilling (Lwd)
(234) ? 84- 230664, Email/Fax/Tel Email/Fax/TelTel:
94, Awolowo Road Energy (234)-84-239605, 230166-7,
Fax: House, P. O. Box 54345, Ikoyi, Lagos, (234)-53-250869
(234) ? 84 -234710 Nigeria. Tel: (+234)-(0)1-4615636, Fax: (234)-84-236134, 237926 4630183 Fax: (+234)-(0)1-4630936


Reservoir Management NIGERIA LIMITED
(Static & Dynamic Modeling, etc) Services:
-Petroleum Reserves and Data Well Completions,
Management Services (PERDAM) - Liner Hanger Equipment and Services,
Laboratory Services (PVT, etc) Drilling / Workover - Drilling
Sand Control, Well Stimulation, -Screens
-Environmental Studies and & Petro. Eng. Consultancy
Modeling -Geoscience T
Email/Fax/TelTel: Email/Fax/TelTel:
(234)-84- 485742, (234)-84-612593,
897964, 769665, (234)-803-3103628 Fax: (234)-1-4614921-4
612505, 610305
Fax: (234)-84-612325,, Fax:(234)-84-610305,,, (234)-53-251320
SweetCrude 55


Consultancy & Engineering Services
-Project Management - Procurement AL

...championing nigerian content in the oil & gas industry






Services: -Production Enhancement; Services:
- Environmental & -Fabrication/Construction/Installation
Waste Mgt.; - Pipeline Construction; -Reservoir Monitoring Services.;
-Formation Evaluation And Remedial & struct. - Repair & Maintenance of
-Dredging & Marine Logistics Governors - Provision of
Workover Services.
Marine services and support.
(234)-1- 2626685 Email/Fax/TelTel:
Fax: (234)-1- 2626687 (234)-84-463256-9, 239398, (234)-84-232024, Fax: (234)-84-463259, (234) 235739 Fax: (234)-1- 232635


Service Services: NIGERIA LIMITED
-Flowline Station Works; - Pipeline - Production Logging Services; Services
& Flowline Construction/Repair; -Laboratory Services; -Completion - Pipeline services ?
-Mechanical Fabrication; -Process Services. -Completion Tool & Accessories; Laying Oil & Gas Pipeline\ Pipeline
Pipework & Facilities; - Associated - Surface Readout / Memory / Permanent Fabrication Consultancy Services
Electrical/Instrument Work; Downhole Gauges, -Slickline and BHP -Nigerian Manpower Supply,
-Associated Civil/ Structural Services. Training\Manpower Development and
Management. -Technical Consultancy Servi
Email/Fax/TelTel: Email/Fax/TelTel: (234) Email/Fax/TelTel: (234)-84-611143
(234)-84-610739, -84-235254, 238743, 230913, Fax: (234)-84-613424
571773 Fax: (234)-1- 611626 461261-3 Fax: (234)-84-, 238685, 239230 Tel: (234)-1-2695280


Drilling Services (Oil Well Drilling)
-Mud Logging; - Consultancy Serv., Services: Services- Wireline (Slickline) - Wellhead
-Engineering & Engineering Design Services; Laboratory Services; -PVT Services. Maintenance - Oilfield Manpower Supply
-Offshore -Drilling Services -Gas Lift Valve Sales & Services
Email/Fax/Tel: : (234)-84-236645, Email/Fax/Tel:
(234)-1-2614030, 230709 Fax (234)-84-236645, (234)-84-611012,
261380, (234)-84-610967-9, 230708, 750948, 08037110262,
Fax: (234)-1-2613807, 2615309,
SweetCrude 56


Cementing; - High Pressure
Pumping; - Wellhead Maintenance; AL

...championing nigerian content in the oil & gas industry

- Wellbore Cleaning; - Brine Filtration


-Process and Pipeline Cleaning;


487676 Fax: 234(0)84-461 693,,


FLUIDS LTD Services:
Fighting Equipment & Services;
Drilling Waste Management & -Downhole Oilwell Fishing Services & COMPANY LTD
Ancillary Services - Waste Management Tools Rentals; - Casing & Tubing Running
(Thermal Oil Recovery System -Tank & Equipment And Casing Crews; - Drilling Jars, Services:
Vessel Cleaning -quipment Rental (Skips, Drilling Accelerators & Shock Tools Renta Marine & Industrial Safety Training
Tanks, Forklifts Etc) -Helicopter Underwater Training (HUET)
-Haulage Services - Marine Serv Email/Fax/Tel: -Survival at Sea (SAS)
Email/Fax/Tel: 7918094, (234)- 053-255831-2, (234) Email/Fax/TelTel:
(234)-84-235915, -84-480863, 483006-7 (234)-84-238006,
231322-5, (234)-486049, Fax: (234)-480863, Fax: (234)-84-237795
Fax: (234)-84-238786, (234)-1-2618371,,


Services: Service: Engineering Design And
-Riser/Splash Zone Repairs & Protection - Cementing Services; Project Management;
- Grit Blasting & Painting -Pipeline/ -Coiled Tubing Services; -Systems Integration;
Flowline/Facility wall loss reinforcements -Nitrogen Services; - Filtration Services; -Fabrication And Installation;
/ corrosion control -xternal Corrosion -Sand Control Services; -Instrumentation And Electrical
Repairs - Platform Corrosion Repairs -Pipeline Services; -Stimulation Services;
-Drilling Fluid Services; - Wir Email/Fax/Tel:
Email/Fax/Tel: (234)-84-, 235662,
(234) ? 84- 570474, Email/Fax/TelTel: 231435, 237902, 237903-4 (234)-803-407-0464, Fax: (234)-84-237904,
(234)-803-292-7446, 084- 798633,


NIGERIA LIMITED Wireline (Slickline) Services
Services: Services: -Dewaxing of Flowlines/Pipelines;
Directional Drilling Services Environmental Waste Mgt; -Well head Maintenance; - Hot Oil
-Mwd/Lwd Services; - Oilwell Surveys; -NDT Services; Engineering/ -High Pressure Pumping services -
-Drilling Tool Rentals Technical Support; etc Marine and Corrosion services
-Well Testing services with A
Email/Fax/Tel: Email/Fax/Tel:
(234)-53-320454, (234) 84 237700, Email/Fax/Tel:
320455, (234)-84-330347 239090 Fax: (234) 84 239494, (234) 53 250-880;
Fax: (234)-53-320454, (234) 84 462-396 Fax: (234) 53 250-880,
SweetCrude 57
Freight 58

Also, another significant modality

in Rotterdam Rules is the aspect of
electronic commerce, neither the
Hague nor Hamburg Rules have
provisions for electronic Bill of
Lading, but Rotterdam Rules has
made adequate provision for
electronic document.
You can see every aspect of
modernity in the Rotterdam Rules.
Germany does not seem to be
too comfortable with proposed
law, why are they not supporting
In Europe, they have lot of limited
liability regime in their laws; they
have developed laws to transport
goods by other means so they do
not want these laws to be affected in
any way.
However, there are other countries
in Europe that support this
proposed law, but that is what we
should expect some will support
and some will not because some
like their municipal laws more than
a thing that is universal.
The United States of America for
example is very much in support of
the unified law
About twenty countries have
appended their signature to the new
l a w, w h a t i s d e l a y i n g i t s
The convention is barely out of the
works, people are still looking at it
and see how it will affect their
nations but I think the Rotterdam
Rule has come to stay
What will Nigerian shippers
Port Harbour benefit from the new law?
Nigerian shippers are going to
benefit tremendously like I have
told you the law will give their
cargo more protection and it will
give us the opportunity also to

Unified global maritime law underway

adopt certain powers of
negotiations with the shipping
It has given us variety of modern
concept which will boost their

—Hassan Bello
trade, it will Nigeria to the
international community of nations
and it will also help in the
infrastructural development of the
Nigerian maritime industry more
so that the Ministry of Transport is

T HERE are moves by United

Nations to bring about a
unified maritime law that
will definitely change the face of the
international shipping community.
to the conduct of international law,
international thrives when the
procedures and regulations are
When we have different sets of
convention offers, we have the
limit of liability, we have the time
for suit, but even more than that the
Rotterdam Rules is a modern
convention, modern in the sense
Before you have to
come to the port
dredging the River Niger and
concentrating in developing rail
lines all these will be within the
legal framework of the Rotterdam
In this interview with Godwin
Oritse of Sweetcrude, the Director
rules in Nigeria, India and England that the Hague Rules of 1924
Hamburg Rules of 1978, these are
and clear your These ship owners have a way of
then there will be chaos. circumventing such
Legal services of the Nigerian There is a need to harmonize a outdated conventions, they cannot goods but that international convention and we
Shippers' Council Mr. Hassan unifying law so that we have the take care of modern trend in
Bello said that the unified law will same applicable throughout the international law so there is gap. concept is are aware that they are already
making such moves how would
put the cargo owner at an
advantageous position when it
carriage The Rotterdam Rules covers all
that has to do with door to door
becoming obsolete. you react to this?
Now, it was a reaction to this that You know what we want is
becomes effective. the Rotterdam Rules were put delivery of cargo. With the Rotterdam equilibrium, in as much as both
Excerpts: together and right from that Before you have to come to the
Before now, there was the Hague moment Nigeria played a very port and clear your goods but that Rules, people can carriers and the cargo owners are
always at the opposing ends, it
and the Hamburg rules that
govern international shipping
important role in the negotiation
process - negotiation that Nigeria
concept is becoming obsolete.
With the Rotterdam Rules, people
take delivery of important to know that the shippers'
needs the carriers as much as the
what do we expect from the and indeed Africa's interest will be can take delivery of their goods at their goods at the carriers need the shippers.
proposed unified maritime law? protected in the new convention. the door step of their warehouses So there must be some harmony,
Before now were had two Nigeria led the African group from anywhere in the world. door step there must be some equilibrium in
diametrically opposed legal during negotiations in Vienna and The two previous conventions the entire playing field of shipping
framework covering the carriage New York. were merely maritime necessary for the operation of
of goods by sea, the Hague Rules conventions, so you find out that has taken care of this.
By and large, the new convention shipping and I think the earlier we
which was crafted by carrier nations they are restricted to the sea but the In Nigeria for example where we
reflects the interest of developing discuss these issues antagonism
or ship owning nations in the 1920s. Rotterdam Rules, apart from being have the dry ports , you can import
countries because there had to be between the carrier and the
There was also the Hamburg a maritime convention, it is anything from any where in the
some compromise. shippers the better.
Rules which was a reaction to the maritime-plus that means it will world , it can come through the sea,
During negotiation, we could not I think that both the interest of the
Hague Rules and it was designed to also take care of other modes of it will come through or through
get all that we wanted but there carrier and the shipper have found a
favour cargo owning nations transportation as long as the first the rail and at the same time using
were so important milestones perfect place in the Rotterdam
purportedly. leg involves the sea. one single document and one agent
achievements we recorded for the Rules.
So we have two opposing So multi-modalism is a modern and you will receive your goods
example, the limit of liability
conventions and this is detrimental concept and the Rotterdam Rules that is the model we are looking at.
which is more than all what the
SweetCrude 59
Freight 60

'Seafarers have become Nigeria confronts

trade of the world.
“The implementation of the
Maritime Labour Convention
coming up in 2011 which will give pirates with
better working condition for
rusty ammo
an endangered specie'
seafarers is a tool of improving the
standard of seafarers globally.
The implementation must be
followed up by judiciously once
ratified”. T HE gleaming
Nigerian naval
patrol boat heaved

— Master Mariners
Both the 'Go to Sea' campaign by across the rough waters of
the IMO and the Nigerian Maritime
Administration and Safety Agency
the Atlantic Ocean in search
(NIMASA) National Seafarers of pirates. Beyond the crisp
Development Programme (NSDP) white hull, however, crew
are yet to yield results as the members in cheap sandals
Omotesho stated that apart from response to these programmes have manned machine guns
Godwin ORITSE the threat melted to seafarers in been ignored by Nigerians as not whose ammunition had
developing maritime nations, the besides that pirate and many are willing to take career in rusted in the chambers. And a

T HE Nigerian Association same can also be said of developed the sea profession due to the hazards computer_guided gun on the
of Master Mariners economies.
armed robbery attacks faced by seafarers in recent times. bow had no ammo at all.
(NAMM) has warned that He called for the full faced by seafarers on There are about 750,000 global
This is the first line of
the global economic trade may implementation of the Maritime vacancies in the profession
further decline if the threat faced
the seas, poor working currently, while there are only defense against growing
Labour Convention (MLC) saying piracy off West Africa.
by seafarers' manning vessels that that “it will give better working conditions have also 1.5million currently working
The patrol boat Burutu,
move cargoes around the world is worldwide.
not checked.
condition for seafarers”. been attributed to The group was also of the opinion which recently participated
He disclosed that the dangerous
In the same vein, the International situation facing seafarers has reason why people that only a deliberate private and in a training exercise with the
Maritime Organization (IMO) has public sector initiative can solve the U.S. military, is part of a
declared 2010 as the year of the
prompted both the IMO and the declined to take up a crisis facing the seafarers in Nigeria. force that patrols Nigeria's
NAMM to launch a campaign with
Seafarer in celebration of its theme 'Save the Nigerian Seafarer'. career in the seafaring The Cabotage Act which has 530 miles (853 kilometers)
annual world maritime day. provision for the engagement on
His words “Now is not the best profession board vessels trading on the
of coastline. But the navy
Addressing newsmen in Lagos time to be at sea considering the appears overmatched as
recently, the Chairman of the poor wages paid as per when Nation's coastal waters has also
failed to achieve its purpose as a attacks on shipping continue
Technical Committee of the received by some shipping and developing maritime nations,
piracy and armed attacks common study has shown that out of the and grow more violent, and
Association Captain Abiodun companies, exploitation of African
Omotesho said that besides that in Indian Ocean, West Africa ports 12,000 seafarers working in Nigeria militants resume strikes on
seafarers, poor working conditions,
pirate and armed robbery attacks the lonely life away from the family (Nigeria in particular), Malacca only 800 are Nigerians oil platforms and pipelines.
faced by seafarers on the seas, poor and their abandonment in foreign Strait. The implication of this is that The coastline of Africa's
working conditions have also been ports by some scrupulous ship “These are the dangerous situation billions of Naira from the Nigerian most populous country is a
attributed to reason why people owners. faced by seafarers of today in economy is freighted abroad every target_rich environment.
declined to take up a career in the “The seafarers of today faces rendering their professional year. Barges and other vessels
seafaring profession. criminalization in both developed services to maintain the economic belonging to energy
companies crowd the waters
off the Niger Delta, one of
America's top sources of
crude oil. At night off the
megacity of Lagos, lights
from scores of cargo ships
twinkle like an archipelago
as crews wait for weeks to
unload at the city's busy,
mismanaged port.
About 10 pirates on Thursday
night boarded a
Turkish_flagged freighter
waiting to unload its cargo.
They stole money, mobile
telephones and computer gear,
Turkish maritime authorities
said. The crew apparently
fought back and sent an alarm
before the pirates clubbed
them with Kalashnikov rifles
and stabbed the captain. Two
Turkish sailors and a Nigerian
worker were injured.
"The Western African coast,
especially around Nigeria, is a
high risk area for piracy," said
Cyrus Mody, a manager at the
International Maritime
Bureau, which tracks piracy
worldwide. "It also one of the
most violent places."
The bureau reported 28
attacks off Nigeria during
2009 and believes at least
another 30 pirate attacks went
unreported, either due to
companies worried about
having higher insurance
premiums or concerns about
advertising their security
Ship weaknesses, Mody said.
SweetCrude 61

NDDC to train 25
Govt should make mega floating in South Africa on
stations work —Ex militant leader welding skill
Jimitota ONOYUME

AS part of effort
aimed at tackling
youth unemployment in the
Niger Delta region, the Niger
Delta Development
Commission in partnership
with the Nigerian Institute of
Welding is to send twenty
five youths to South Africa
this year for training on
international welding skills.
The twenty five would in
turn train three thousand
within the next three years on
similar skills.
Chairman, Nigerian
Institute of Welding, Mr.
Solomon Edebiri who spoke
to the Vanguard yesterday at
the end of an aptitude text
for the seventy that applied
for the opportunity said the
screening process to select
the twenty five would be very
thorough after which they
would be sent to the
Floating station and Sobomabo Jackreec (inset) Petroleum Training Institute
for training for ten weeks.
And later they would
proceed to South Africa for
station built on our protection project going on in will not forgive anybody if we another round of training
water ways in Buguma. The kind of job the don't give Good luck the chance to which would run for five
Buguma three years ago contractor is doing is causing work. weeks.

Jackreec aka
Egberipapa was a former
leader of the Movement for the
Emancipation of Niger Delta
to take care of the fuel need
of the kalabari kingdom. Till date,
that filling station that was
completed three years ago has not
provocation all over because of the
poor quality. We are not satisfied.
Just go and look at the quality of
work. Either he sits up or NDDC
You said you want to comment
on the recent Jos killing.
(Cuts in) Our Muslim brothers
should be accommodative. We
He urged those that would
be finally selected for the
international training
opportunity to ensure they
started dispensing petroleum should revoke the job. Again, I Christians have a history of being
(MEND). He was among have been getting reports from the hospitable to them. They owe our
make good use of the
product. opportunity. Adding, he said
prominent ex militant leaders in We welcomed the project when it boys that he is paying them paltry Christian brothers and sisters in
the region that gave up militancy sum he should jack up what he their midst this level of they would be trained in all
came to the area. Because we saw
following the presidential it as something that would serve gives them for labor to an hospitality as well. the branches of welding. The
pronouncement of amnesty for the overall interest of the area. We appreciable amount. You can not I felt a very great pain when my resultant benefit according to
repentant militants in the region. gave the project security. I ensured come here to enslave our youths dear friend I heard took his life him is that there would be a
Recently, he spoke with Jimitota that nobody harassed the because you are doing a project in because his only son was killed in drastic reduction in the influx
Onoyume of Sweet crude on a contractors while they were our community. Nobody is the recent Jos crisis. Please all of expatriates' welders into
number of pertinent issues working. But surprisingly three disturbing any job going on in this the country because the
sections of the country should
concerning the Niger Delta years after they completed the community because I have given
promote peace. No group has the nation would have had
security, oil and gas exploration project it is yet to serve its orders that all projects should be
monopoly of being violent so we enough international welders
and production, improvement in purpose. The painful thing is that allowed to run but the contractor
living conditions in the area. should all promote peace. This is at the end of the exercise.
those in charge of the place still should reciprocate this by giving us
Excerpts: quality job. Erosion is a major my appeal He said to ensure a smooth
supply diesel to the station that is Any comment on the post training period for the
In this interview he speaks on not working. And also run other problem we have in the riverine
sundry issues among which is the area. Now that government has amnesty programme? trainees at the Petroleum
cost for the floating station that I think we are satisfied by the
mega floating station built on the has never dispensed product to the remembered us to protect us from Training Institute (PTI) and
water ways in his Buguma village this problem anybody doing the job concerns so far expressed by the NDDC would provide a 500
area. We have not seen the benefit government to make it work.
three years ago to serve the of the floating station to the area. I must do a good one. This is my kva generating set. This he
kalabari kingdom but has not argument. They should do what is Government should take the right explained would guarantee
am saying that it is either they steps. For instance the likes of
commenced operations. He said make that station begin to good for us because we don't want power supply all through the
the state of the station is enough to to be provoked. We have a duty to Prince Joseph Etella Harry aka
dispense product or they should God father who was among those
period of the training
provoke youth restiveness in the monitor projects going on in our
come and remove it. Because it is
that made a lot of us to give up exercise. He said the
area. As an ambassador of peace not serving its purpose yet some area and cry out when they are not
which he now calls himself he said being well done militancy should be brought into commission would also
people are using it to make money. supply fifteen multi process
it his duty to draw attention to How will you react to the bomb any programme to pursue the
NNPC should do something about welding machines.
issues that could spark up any form it immediately. We gave support to blast in Warri that rocked a post post amnesty to its logical end.
of crises in an area he said he amnesty dialogue? Government should start Edebiri expressed the hope
the project because we taught it
exercises so much influence. All I can say is that youths in the something immediately in the that the exercise would
would be useful to everybody.
Excerpt: Imagine with a mega floating region should allow the acting area of rehabilitation so that the greatly assist in reducing the
You said youths in your station on our water we still go to President Good luck Jonathan to boys that have given up militancy problem of unemployment
Kalabari area are getting look for fuel in Port Harcourt. make meaningful impact in the all over can be useful to and other related challenges
provoked. What is the issue? Then of what use is it to us? region. And he can only do this in themselves and the state. I think in the region.
It has to do with a mega floating Let me also talk about the shore an atmosphere of peace. History this is all I have to say

Rotary donates
materials to 4
primary schools
in Warri

W ARRI-AS part
of its mandate
this Rotary
year, the Rotary Club of
Warri, District 9140 has
donated learning materials
worth over four million
naira to four primary
schools, even as it also
commissioned a water bole
hole project at the Federal
Prisons, Warri to alleviate
the acute water shortage
problem confronting
inmates of the prisons.
The District Governor,
Rotarian Uduak Inyang led
the President of the Rotary
Club of Warri , Rotarian
Gabriel Adoghe and other
members to the prisons
during the commissioning
and enjoined the inmates of
the Prisons to maintain the
water project aimed at
reducing their sufferings
with a promise to continue
Students in the classroom to support them.
Presenting the learning
materials to the
ses of Ikengbuwa, Mowoe,
Ojojo and Igbudu primary

Royal father harps on significance

schools A and B
respectively, Rotarian
Gabriel Adoghe charged
the pupils to put them into
effective use as it is aimed
at enhancing their learning

of education
abilities and also reduce the
financial burden on their
The learning materials
which include 7,440 pieces
of exercise books; 1,240
Jimitota ONOYUME g r e a t e r h e i g h t . responsibilities in the area of pieces of school bags and
Okocha who spoke during the education. 1,240 pieces of raincoats
presentation of science Salisu said: “It is a way of were valued at

again been identified
as a relevant instrument for
national development. Urging
equipment to Olobo Premier
College, Choba by Dufil
Prima Foods Limited, and
producer of Indomie noodles
said no amount of money spent
We discovered
that there is need
for us to improve
giving back to the society,
where we have equally taken
from. We discovered that there
is need for us to improve on
Responding, the
Controller of Prisons, Delta
State Command, Mr.
science and technology, being Emmanuel Bassey
governments in the country to on education would be a on science and very key to any nation's described Rotary Club as
take steps to effectively build waste. The monarch who was d e v e l o p m e n t . the World's foremost
the structures of education in represented by the Chairman, technology, being “Basically, there is nothing service delivery club,
the country paramount ruler, Community Development you will do now, without noting that the bole hole
Choba, Port Harcourt in Committee (CDC), Igwe very key to any science and technology, project will promote good
Obio/Akpor Local
Government Area of Rivers
Chukwuemeka, further
appealed to the school to make
nation's especially Information and health and hygiene
amongst the inmates.
Communication Technology
State, King R. W. Okocha, good use of the equipments. development (ICT). Once you do not get On their part, the various
described it as the strongest Principal of the school, Mr. these rudiments right from the school heads thanked the
instruments needed for the Kingson Dumo Okubo, secondary schools, it will be Rotary Club for their kind
nation's growth. assured that the equipments d i f f i c u l t . ” gesture and for
He said there was need to would be well used. Mr. Haruna Salisu said the Adding, he said the firm has remembering them while
pursue qualitative education as Area Marketing Manager, donation was part of their been operating in Choba in the wishing them God's
this would take the nation to a Dufil Prima Foods Limited, corporate social last eight years abundant blessings.

two hundred according to the

Founder/President The Netherland
based Hope for Niger Delta
Campaign, HNDC, Comrade
Sunny Ofehe, moved to Shell
headquarters with Dutch police
escort where symbols of gas gas
flare were displayed and later
Ofehe said, prior to the
demonstration, a letter of peition
was signed and sent to the CEO of
Shell, Mr. Peter Vosser adding that
the protest march started at the
famous Madurodam and moved
down to the Nigerian embassy.
His words, “The people of The
Netherlands came out today
(Thursday) under the auspices of
renown environmental NGO
Milieu Defensie (Friends of the
Earth) to say no more gas flare by
Shell International in the Niger
“The turn out was impressive and
it was heartwarming to see this
people show concern for the
voiceless Niger Delta people.... I
was proud to be an integral part of
this demonstration,” he declared.
On why environmental groups are
piling pressure on the oil majors to
put an end to gas flaring in the
fragile Niger Delta he said, “We all
know that Nigeria is the second
most gas flared country in the
whole world after Russia.
“This flare is as a result of the
burnt associated gas that comes as
by products of oil drills. The
carbon content of the gas flare has
caused much health hazards to
people living in that environment.
“In Western countries these are
the gases that are channeled to
homes for domestic usage. In
Nigeria they are wasted by the oil
multinationals because they
consider it cheaper that way. Now,
with the threat of global warming
and greenhouse gases, we are
saying gas flare must stop in the
Niger Delta!”
Ofehe who thanked the
demonstrators for standing on
behalf of the traumatized Niger
Delta people pleaded with them to
continue to exert the pressure on
the multinational communities and
their government to end gas flare
in the Niger Delta and save the
people of diseases associated with
carbon emission.
Lamenting the serious ecological
and environmental damages done
to the lands and environment of the
Niger Delta by the Nigerian
government and its joint venture
partners for more than 50 years of oil
and gas exploration in the region he
said the genuine struggle of the
people for justice and equity should
Gas flaring be given the deserved attention.
According to him, the people of the
region are entitled to a healthy

Shell under pressure to end gas flaring

environment and compensation for
the ecological and environmental
damage done to their lands.
He recalled that the people had been
in exclusive ownership of their lands
from time immemorial adding that
Development Company (SPDC) Earth, Netherlands), a leading torches were lighted to signify the
Samuel OYADONGHA the area is difficult due to the nature
has again come under pressure to clean environmental campaigner number of gas flare locations in of the terrain hence the Willinks

Y enagoa - The Anglo end gas flare in the troubled Niger Thursday in Holland, staged a the Niger Delta as recorded by commission recommended that it be
Dutch oil giant, Shell Delta. peaceful protest against the oil Shell. treated as a special area for
P e t r o l e u m Millieu Defensie (Friends of the major in which a total of 110 The protesters numbering about development.
SweetCrude 65

JTF intercepts 800mt of stolen crude Buildings in

Yenagoa yet to
in Bayelsa, arrest foreign national be numbered
Samuel OYADONGHA of the Joint Task Force along the
Lagogbene community of Brass
the incident to newsmen said the
arrest has further shown the
cases of illegal bunkering
activities along its territorial
Y enagoa - Almost 14
years after the creation
of Bayelsa State, most
of the residential and
commercial buildings in
in the Bayelsa East senatorial resolve of the Federal waters. Yenagoa the capital city are yet
zone Aside the Myanmaris Government to put a stop to the Though he said the vessel has the to be numbered.

Y enagoa-The Joint Task

Force has smashed yet
another syndicate with
international connection that
specializes in lifting stolen
national that was arrested by
security operatives on board the
vessel the other crew members
reportedly dived into the sea and
The seized vessel
capacity to load over 2,000 metric
tones of crude oil, over 800 metric
tones had been loaded before it
was intercepted.
“All we have done is to conclude
This sad state of affairs might
have informed the position of the
state house of assembly which
three years ago passed a
resolution calling on the state
Nigerian crude following the The seized vessel sources told Was a courier to a our report on the arrest and it will government to commence the
interception of a vessel laden with Vanguard was a courier to a larger be forwarded to the appropriate naming and numbering of streets
crude oil on the Brass fringe of the vessel with over twenty-five crew larger vessel with authority for further action,” he and houses in the capital city but
not much had been done in this
Atlantic Ocean. of Myanmaris nationals on board over twenty-five said.
The seized vessel owned by a floating outside the nation's Antigha noted that the JTF will
Greek firm, Blossom S.A was territorial waters waiting for the crew of Myanmaris also hand over the arrested vessel Presently, it is a difficult
carrying 800 metric tonnes of stolen crude. exercise for a first time visitor to
crude oil allegedly stolen from a It was also learnt that a Nigerian
nationals on board to the authority of the Economic
and Financial Crime Commission
the capital city to locate his
destination due to the absence of
facility operated by the Nigerian link with the seized vessel had floating outside the (EFCC) for investigation and street names and house numbers.
Agip Oil Company (NAOC). made a N2m bid for the release of prosecution of the suspects.
An Asian, identified as Mr. the suspect and the vessel which nation's territorial The arrested Myanmaris,
Given the scenario, most
residents are compelled to use
Minzaw Tinmaungyaw from was rebuffed and that the waters waiting for Minzaw Tinmaungyaw landmark features in describing
Myanmar was nabbed on board authorities are on the trail of those confirmed the illegal loading of their homes whenever they are
the vessel, MT Glory. involved in the attempted bribe. the stolen crude the crude oil but denied any giving out their addresses to
The vessel according to a The coordinator of the Joint involvement in the act saying he would be visitors.
security source was intercepted at Media Centre of the JTF, Lt. Col. was only a passenger on board the Some residents who spoke to
about midnight March 31, by men Timothy Antigha who confirmed seized vessel. Sweet Crude described as
embarrassing and sad the
situation where the state capital
does not have properly defined
street names and numbered
houses for easy identification
and location as obtained in cities
all over the world.
Others blamed the situation on
the Yenagoa City Council which
they claimed did not leave up to
its primary responsibility by
failing to name and number
streets and houses under its
They lamented that the council
could have used street naming
and selling of number tags as a
veritable source of revenue and
called on the state government to
take over the task describing the
marking of street names and
house numbers as a road map to
While berating the Capital City
Development Authority, the
body saddled with the
responsibility of implementing
the Yenagoa master plan of not
doing its job, a resident who
simply gave his name as Ben
said, “How can we number
houses when there is no effective
housing or town planning
authority? People build houses
in front of road, besides roads
and you see glass houses and
hotels in the midst of slums.
“How do reconcile a situation
where residents park their cars to
walk long distances to where
they live in some areas, or
meander to where they live?
If the state really has a master
plan for Yenagoa as suggested by
this government and previous
ones, what then stops the
Vessel loading crude oil government from putting it to
SweetCrude 67


NEITI and the effects of transparency

in an emerging economy

VER fifty years of oil production in Nigeria appears to have brought
the country, especially its citizenry more hardship than comfort, with
an unprecedented level of crises ion the oil producing regions of the

The multinational oil companies have been accused of not doing enough for
the country which has brought them lots of wealth. They too on their part have
countered the accusations, claiming they have expended more in Nigeria than
on any other country of the world.
This has continued unabated for long until recently when the country suddenly
woke up from a protracted slumber and discovered that part of the reason for
this anomaly is the lack of cogent and adequate regulatory rules for the sector to
abide by; a set of laws that is in tune with modern realities of the Nigerian oil
and gas sector. In their clamour they settled for the Oil and Gas
Implementation and reforms Committee (OGIC), which sat, deliberated and
also settled for the now so called Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) currently
causing ripples in the National Assembly.
At the public hearing organised by the tripartite committee of the National
Assembly, the accusations and counter accusations became the order of the
day, especially between government agencies and operators in the sector.
After due and proper scrutiny, this writer was able to conclude that a major part
of the problem which brought about these accusations was due to a lack of
transparency and accountability by stakeholders in the sector, especially the
federal government.
It is no longer news that there is a high level of incompetence in the federal
arrangement. Undue favoritism and so on have all contributed over the years
to the unproductive status of the oil industry.
However, there was a major achievement in the sector by the immediate past
administration, in 2004, the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency
Initiative, popularly known as NEITI was established after the country signed
to be a member of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI), a
world renowned body which busied itself on nothing other than turning
exploratory finds into the wealth it supposed to generate through proper
accountability of all finds and a more transparent modus operandi.
An oil sector analyst who spoke with Sweetcrude recently on conditions of
anonymity noted that if the oil and gas sector noted for its huge contributions to
the nation's foreign exchange earnings still has most of its activities shrewd in
secrecy even with the presence of an organ like NEITI, Then it is better
imagined what could have been the case had there not been a transparency
organization like the NEITI.
Since inception in 2004, the Nigerian Extractive Transparency Initiative has
repeatedly held road-shows in virtually all of the nation's Geo-political zones,
where issues affecting the wellbeing of the common man always take the front
burner and is discussed with unimaginable passion.
“It is only in NEITI road-shows that you get people questioning their leaders
about transparency and utilization of funds. In this country that is rare. People
eagerly attend these meetings and road-shows because it gives them the rare
opportunity to hold their leaders accountable. In a society where every public
office holder is first seen as a thief! Until, of course proved otherwise, and this
is so because of the level of poverty even in the midst of plenty.
Acting President Goodluck Jonathan noted at a forum on transparency put
SweetCrude 68


NEITI and the effects of transparency

in an emerging economy
together by the NEITI that “the comprehensive Process, Financial and Physical Audit
of the Oil and Gas sector periodically carried out by the Nigerian Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative [NEITI] has significantly improved information flow”
This assertion by the Acting President has been further intensified by the series of road-
shows, round table discourse and town-hall meetings held across 6 geopolitical zones
between 1999 and 2004, as well as 2 other roadshows in the Sout-South and South East
Geopolitical zones of the country between 2005 and 2009. Further roadshows are
expected shortly even as a high level round-table discourse was held in April
2010.Goodluck Jonathan further enthused during the April 1 roundtable discourse that
“while it is NEITI's responsibility to increase the capacity of all stakeholders to access,
understand and participate in the exchange of ideas on extractive industry
accountability, for Government, the touchstone for economic policy is to make sure that
everybody has opportunities in that system, and we will not rest on our oars until we
close the gap between policy and implementation. The public has a right to full and
timely information necessary to meaningfully participate in environmental and social
decision-making, which resource extraction invariably involves. But beyond building
public trust and meeting international standards of good governance, transparency in
the sector ensures the country gets the full value for its resources”
The above statement however countered recent reports that NEITI may have
descended into lethargy because it has not prosecuted agencies of government said to
have been indicted by its audit reports. The role of NEITI is not to prosecute but to
checkmate by way of whistle-blowing against any institution, public or private that is
indicted by its audit.
NEITI is mandated by the Nigerian extractive transparency initiative act, 2007 “to
PROMOTE due process and transparency extractive revenues paid to and received by
government as well as well as to ensure transparency and accountability in the
application of extractive revenues”
The act allows it to promote, and not to prosecute as some Nigerians may be yearning.
If the whistle blower completes its job, then the appropriate authorities are expected to
move in and do theirs.
NEITI has among other things since 2004 engaged in various activities in pursuit of its
mandate part of these includes:
Commissioning the financial, physical and process audits of Nigeria's Petroleum
Industry for 1999 to 2004. This was the first comprehensive audit of this strategically
significant since the country struck first oil in 1956.

Communicating the findings of the audit in a comprehensive and comprehensible

manner to various stakeholders.

Working with Government agencies and other stakeholders to remedy the lapses
identified by the audit.

Building the capacity of civil society organisations, government officials and

parliamentarians, and the media to understand and monitor extractive revenue
transparency In Nigeria.

Forging a national consensus on need for extractive revenue transparency in Nigeria

through outreach and advocacy activities such as road-shows, consultative forums and
town-hall meetings.

Commissioning the 2005 Audit of Petroleum Industry in Nigeria

Communicating findings of the 2005 audit to various stakeholders.

SweetCrude 69


'Feelers and reactions

from across the Nation’
“The NEITI progress is a good step forward and my NEITI should as a matter of focus, strengthen
belief is that many more such steps by government and technical capacity of its Secretariat by way of in-
other initiatives would help us reach a tipping point in housetrainingsessions,Supportimplementationof
the fight against corruption in Nigeria. When remedial action plan for identified lapses in NEITI
governmentisabletoallowrevenuesofallsectorstobe audit reports. Assess options for expanding EITI to
monitored and publicised, when motivation for mining. Engaging Civil Society Organisations and
corruption and misappropriation of revenues are stakeholders-dissemination of the 2005 audit
reduced, when the citizenry is able to see how earnings reports findings, validation findings and remedial
from their natural resources are being utilized, when actions”.Onno Ruhl, World Bank Country
these resources start translating to good schools, Director,Nigeria/AfricaRegion
hospitals, roads and food, then a profound shift would “It is common knowledge that the Audit of the
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry conducted by the
have been achieved”. --Acting President and NEITI threw up all sorts of issues relating to both
Commander in Chief of the armed Forces Federal immediate and long term viability of the industry.
Republic of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan These issues mainly deal with both the structure and
governance of this all important sector of our
n a t i o n a l e c o n o m y. A m o n g t h e s e a r e t h e
“Inadequate and poor manpower, poor welfare inefficiencies that characterised the production,
package, poor record keeping processes, inadequate marketing, and accounting for government's equity
oil, the challenges that confront the assessment and
accounting systems and manual information storage
collection of petroleum profit tax, and various other
systems,poorinterface,co-operationandinformation associated problems relating to the optimal
sharing between government agencies, maintenance management of the country's petroleum
ofasingleaccountformorethanonetaxtypeandlackof resources”Dr. Bello Aliyu Gusau, Secretary, Oil
and Gas Sector Reform Implementation
anadequateandsufficientdatabasefortheverification Committee.
of records submitted by oil and gas companies due to A sixth function of NEITI is to monitor and ensure
lack of automation of systems. The above were in a thatallpaymentsduetothefederalgovernmentfrom
all extractive industry companies, including taxes,
nutshell the major issues noted by the NEITI as fallout
royalties, dividends, penalties, levies and such like ,
of the audits. It must however be noted that these are duly made.The 7th function is to identify lapses in
comments are in tandem with the reports of the study the governance processes of the extractive industry
regulatory agencies. NEITI is expected and
group on Nigerian tax system, which was submitted in
empowered to undertake measures that shall
2003 and ledto thetaxreformagendaapprovedin2004 enhance the capacity of any relevant organ of the
by the federal government and formed the federal, state or local government that has statutory
underpinning of all actions taken to date and still being responsibility to monitor revenue payments by all
extractive industry companies to the Federal
taken to improve the tax system”.--Ifueko Omoigui Government, it is clear then, why financial audits
Okauru MFR, Executive Chairman, Fed. Inland coupled with Physical and process audits
RevenueService. preoccupiesNEITI”.

“One of the strengths of NEITI is the fact that it is Professor Humphrey Assisi Asobie, Chairman,
stakeholder driven, which allows for frank National Stakeholders Working Group
conversations on how best to collectively make (NSWG)ofNEITI. April1,2010.
progress. The role of each stakeholder can not be
Notable Nigerians and stakeholders react to the
discarded as each is important and imperative to the
EITI process”. Mallam Haruna Yunusa Sa'eed,

110KVA generator, fabrication

and installation of 6000 liters
tank, provision of eight fishing
boats with 15 horse power
Yahama engines and fishing
equipment for members of the
Though some of these projects
might mean little or nothing to
those in the privileged and visibly
developed parts of the country but
to the poor rural settlements of
Iduwini communities, Walk Way
Bridge, fully furnished classroom
blocks and concrete roads in this
predominantly wet and marshy
enclave is a luxury.
Speaking at the commissioning
ceremony which was turned into a
carnival by the elated natives, the
Chairman of Iduwini
Development Foundation, Mr.
Elimi Geregere thanked SPDC for
its support and commitment
towards the actualization of the
GMoU driven projects.
Geregere who described the
projects as people oriented said
they were designed to meet the
immediate pressing
infrastructural needs of the
benefiting communities.
His words, “The fifteen
completed second and third phase
projects are in furtherance of the
Dancers existing partnership between
Shell Petroleum Development
Company (SPDC) and the Iduwini
communities in line with the

Iduwini celebrates Shell

Global Memorandum of
Understanding GMoU which both
parties entered into on January 29,
“It is therefore pertinent to state

sponsored projects
here that the fifteen completed
projects and others in the pipeline
are direct reflection of the Iduwini
peoples input towards meeting the
developmental needs of the
communities in this cluster.”
The projects which spanned oil giant spread across six Among the projects Aside the fifteen projects which
Samuel OYADONGHA across six communities was communities that made up the commissioned were two concrete he said were completed at the cost
estimated at N166m. Iduwini Foundation were roads with drains at Amatu I, one of the N139, 862, 070.00 Geregere

T he people of Iduwini
D e v e l o p m e n t
Foundation in the
Ekeremor local government area
of Bayelsa State had cause to roll
The fanfare which greeted the
commissioning exercise which
lasted two days is understandable
given the near absence of both
commissioned with scholarship
awarded to one hundred and eight
indigenes of the area in
institutions of higher learning
concrete road with drains and
three public toilets at Amatu II,
one Walkway Bridge and town
hall building at Aghoro I as well as
said the foundation also disbursed
scholarship to one hundred and
eight beneficiaries at the cost of
state and local governments in the across the country. one walk Way Bridge and three In his remark, His Royal
out their drums last week Highness I.B Ojukosin, Angolo I,
following the commissioning of Iduwini communities located in The projects were executed classroom blocks with
the hinterland of mangrove under the second and third phase headmaster's office at Letugbene. the Amananaowei of Aghoro II
Shell Petroleum Development community who spoke the mind
Company (SPDC) sponsored swamp on the Atlantic fringe of of the Global Memorandum of Others include one concrete
Bayelsa West senatorial district. Understanding GMoU entered road with drain and renovation of of the royal fathers present at the
projects and award of scholarship occasion thanked the oil major for
to students in institutions of higher A total of fifteen projects into between the SPDC and the town hall building at Aghoro II,
bankrolled by the Anglo-Dutch Iduwini Foundation. electrification and provision of the sponsoring the projects and
learning. called on other multinational oil
companies in the area to emulate
SPDC gesture.
The royal also called on the
federal, state and local
governments to invest more in the
infrastructural development of the
oil producing communities
especially with the restoration of
peace so as to give the people a
sense of belonging.
Also an elated middle aged
woman, who simply gave her name
as Goldere said the event which is a
culmination of several months of
waiting represents yet another
important milestone of the
communities collective resolve to
better their lot and pleaded with the
relevant authorities to always give
priority attention to the oil
producing communities.

Jonathan, the Niger Delta

and nationhood
A lthough in theory,
Nigeria is multi-
ethnic and multi-
confessional, it is in reality
the country of the
have joined them in
reminding the present
Commander-In-Chief of
what they idiotically
conceive to be his true place.
Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba and Those who argue that as a
Igbo. In religious matters no member of the PDP, Dr.
considerations are given to Jonathan adopted the party
animists, humanists, pagans rules that threw him up,
and Buddhists or the forget that such club rules
sacrosanct exhortations of offend the Constitution and
Section 10 of the can only apply even within
Constitution. Christians and the structure that adopted the
Muslims, officially allotting rules where there are no new
to themselves primacy in God and intervening factors. In
matters relegate the welfare any event those who seek to
and patronage of other preclude the Acting President
religious faiths to the level from the 2011 race because
where their collective he is not from the North are
contempt consign the the degenerate politicians
religions. who have made it impossible
Water hyacinth The temporary ascendancy for Nigeria to achieve
of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, a Nationhood. Although
son of the Niger Delta, to the democracy permits the gang
highest political office in up of a majority tribe for

Water hyacinth threaten

Nigeria has brought to the political advantage, the
fore the presumptuous
contest process cannot
'ownership' attitude of the
exclude any section and
tribal triumvirate that has
remain democratic. For
allotted 'turns' of governance
instance, the Zulus in the
to its members. In the guise

Ebelebe community
African National Congress
that the ruling Peoples
Democratic Party zoned the may deploy their numbers to
presidency to the North, install their kind as the flag
whatever that means, for eight bearer of the party but any
unbroken years, Dr. Jonathan official arrangement that
has been reminded that the excludes a minority
Samuel OYADONGHA mistake that brought him to Afrikaner or Swazi or
has completely paralyzed both Ndebele from presenting
power would terminate in
fishing and farming activities in himself for a political contest
2011, when a Northerner
the area. the Zulus pretend a
This is certainly not would regain power and serve

E lebele community is one

of the several oil and gas
rich communities in
Ogbia local government area of
Bayelsa State.
the best of time for the
natives of this
predominantly fishing
They noted with sadness that
unlike their lucky Otuasega,
Imiringi and Oruma neighbours
which waterways were recently
rid of the water plant by Daewoo
out the 'turn' commenced by
Umaru Yar'Adua in 2007.
Some Northern politicians
who had retired from active
proprietary interest in, puts
the minority elements in a
position where they can
legitimately question and re-
politics having handed examine their nationality.
The community is also known and farming but oil servicing operating in the area
Yar'Adua eight nice years are That is the predicament of
for its production of farm produce they are currently rendered the Niger Delta people in the
such as plantain, palm oil, cassava serene rural settlement incapacitated by the water weed
back in the fray now.
Although we ought to chide present political situation
and large fishing due to its fertile located in the outskirts menace.
them for their initial surrounding Dr. Goodluck
land. of Yenagoa the state An elderly man who identified Jonathan. Struggling forever
cowardice, one is of the
However, this is certainly not the himself as Sample James,
capital as they are opinion that they have as to enthrone a federal system
best of time for the natives of this lamented that the cluster nature of
much right as any other where all states contribute
predominantly fishing and groaning under the the weed on the creek has resulted
qualified Nigerians to present equal shares of their material
farming but serene rural in situation where their farm
settlement located in the outskirts onslaught of water products especially plantain and
themselves for election. We and human resources for the
have nothing against those administration of the central
of Yenagoa the state capital as hyacinth palm fruits are left to rotten in the
who are posturing to succeed interests (legislature,
they are groaning under the bush because of their inability to
the Acting President in 2011 d i p l o m a c y, d e f e n s e ,
onslaught of water hyacinth. paddle through the weed.
as it is their right to challenge currency, etc) common to all
Unlike Odenwari and some According to him, the plant not
glossy, round leaves, inflated leaf an incumbent and even to and stop the forceful
other oil rich communities in only degrades the water quality
stems, and very showy lavender remove him from office if the appropriation of their
Southern Ijaw council area which thereby reducing fishing
flowers has completely taken people support their resources for the benefit of
are still battling to come to terms opportunities it also limits the use
over the community creek. aspiration and lack the commonwealth, they now
with the recent tragic measles and makes it very difficult for the
The water weeds which are confidence in the incumbent. also have to contend with the
epidemic that ravaged the area natives who rely on it for bathing.
believed to have migrated from We are simply insulted by the derision of their minority
and left several families mourning “As you can see, how do you
the Orashi River in neighbouring position of those who have status. There is no doubt that
the loss of their children, the expect me at my age to paddle
Rivers State have become a totally ruled out his what is happening today to the
people of Elebele are on the verge through this dense mat called
constant source of pain to the participation in the next Acting President could
of starvation if nothing tangible is water hyacinth covering our
natives. general elections because of happen to a minority from the
done to rid the creek of the creek? It has not been easy for us
When Sweet Crude visited the his ethnic affiliation. North or the Middle Belt but
invading plant. here as our existence as a people
community it was observed that U n f o r t u n a t e l y, s o m e that does not make it right.
Already, the people of this rural revolve around this creek,” he
the water hyacinth mats have governors of the Niger Delta Until every citizen can claim
settlement who are predominantly told Sweet Crude.
clogged the creek, making who misapprehend the value an equal stake in the
farmers and fishermen and whose “Continuing he said,
boating, fishing and almost all of their heritage in this opportunities thrown up by
live revolves around the creek can “Sometime last month our youths
other water activities impossible. country and promote their our common patrimony, those
no longer fish as well as access mobilized themselves to clear the
Some of the natives who spoke private political careers by who are kept out should not be
their farmland due to the invasion creek using local net and traps to
with correspondent expressed brazenly advancing the evil called upon to make sacrifices
of the dreaded water hyacinth clear the weed but the floating
concern over the invasion and agenda of the triumvirate for the common good.
plant. mats have since multiplied and
This floating plant with thick, colonization of their creek which completely blocked the creek.”

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