My First Reader's Post

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yeah so this is like my first sort of reader’s entry…even though no-one will
probably read this…

Ok first things first, I’m just gonna be posting these whenever I feel like it

These are some good flash animations or videos/websites I usually go to (an epic website full of flashes and games and loads
of other stuff) (this one is awesome lets you

watch family guy episodes=)) (I’ve gone on this one ever since I was like 10 or 11) (this lets you convert videos to mp3 audios)

Ok so next is pretty much just what I consider a good joke until my next post

A Man goes to his doctor who tells him that if he masturbates before having sex,
it will last much longer.

So rather excited, he goes driving in his truck, thinking where he can do it. At
home would be too private, in a bathroom would be too public. Finally, he
decides to do it on the freeway underneath his truck. So he drives on the freeway
and then pulls over. Gets out and pretends to fix his truck from underneath. He
closes his eyes and starts going at it. After a few minutes he’s having such a good
time that he ignores all the sounds of the cars. Soon after, a man starts tugging his
pants. Annoyed, he says in an irritated voice “What?” The man goes” Sir I’m with
LAPD and can I just ask, what on earth are you doing on the freeway?” The man
chuckles”oh, heh heh, officer I’m just fixing my axis wheel.” The officer then goes”
oh really? Then you might as well check your brakes cause your car just rolled
down the hill five minutes ago.”

What does a lifesaver do that a cock can’t?-come in five flavors

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