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TOP SECRET. Movender 12, 196% NeorANDUM FOR The Director Cenbeal Tntalhignnse Agonay SUBINGT: Classification review of al1_UFO intelligence filos affesbing National Soouriity =—— fs L had discuyned wth you previously, T have ink binted MEER have dnatruoted James Wabb to davelop. a progran with the Soviet Untom in Joint, apace and 2s hes Th would be very belptal 1f you would heve bhe|hieh threat cas! ed with the purpose of identification of bona fide: 3 opposed to classified GIA and USAF sources, Tt ts. important that we maka a clear distinction between the knowns. and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as @ cover for intellicence gathering of their defence and space programs, Whon this date has bean sorted oat, I would Bike you tn arrange a prozran of data sharing with NASA where Unimowms are a factors This will hop NASA rigsion directors in their defensive reaponsibilii tier I would lake on dntorin report on the data review no Leter than eo u 15h fs al mB Kennedy Oe Se nud wae bl a hallae 0G

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