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All about YOU! Student Survey

Work Hard. Be ice. Be the Change.

Directions: Fill out the survey below. Be sure to answer EVERY PART of the questions!

1) In a word, describe "school':___________________

2) My birthday is on: _____________________
3) Write one word to describe you as a person:____________________
4) What time do you usually go to bed during the school year? _______________
5) How much time do you spend watching TV in a day? _______________
6) In a word, what do you want to achieve this year? _______________
7) How would you describe the perfect teacher? ______________
8) Describe Science in one word: ______________
9) If you had an unlimited ticket to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Who
would you take with you? Why?
10) One thing my teacher did last year that I liked the most:
11) One things my teacher did last year that I liked the least:
12) On question I have for Mr. Arroyo is:
13) Write down three things you would1ike to learn in this class.
i. ________________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________________
14) My dream is:

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