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3 Support children in developing relationships

Performance criteria

P1 Support children/young people in developing agreements about ways of

behaving, according to the requirements of the setting or service
I regularly support the children in the school to develop agreements about the way they
behave, for example everyday I remind children that they should not be running down
the corridor and talk to them about the possible consequences of this. The children
agree that it is dangerous to run down the corridor and that in future they will
remember to walk instead of run. I set a good example by walking down the corridor
myself and praise the children I see doing the same.

P2 Support children/young people in understanding other people’s feelings

When children have disagreements, I listen to both sides of the story and ask the
children how they think each other is feeling as a result of the argument. I ask the
children to empathise with each other by asking them to reflect on their actions and
consider how they would feel if someone treated them that way.

P3 Support children/young people who have been upset by others

If a child or children have been upset by others, I support them by being sympathetic
and approachable. I actively listen to them and offer them a tissue if they are crying.
I offer them reassurance, and ask another child who they are friendly with to keep an
eye on them. I inform their teachers of the situation, so they too, can monitor the

P4 Encourage and support children/young people to sort out conflict for

themselves, according to their age, needs and abilities
I encourage children to sort out conflict for themselves as this is important for their
independence and social development, self esteem and resilience. I suggest that they
talk through the situation in a calm manner to find out the cause of the problem and
what solutions they can come up with to solve the problem and end the conflict between

P5 Encourage and support other adults in the setting to have positive

relationships with children and young people
When I am working with other members of staff, I support them by being consistent
with the strategies they use to build up positive relationships with their class. If a
teacher praises a child's work, and then asks for my opinion, I show my support and
encouragement of this positive relationship by agreeing and adding my own comments of
praise. When dealing with negative behaviour, all staff deal with this consistently and in
line with school policy and procedures, to ensure that the children realise they are being
treated fairly and can still maintain a positive relationship with their teachers.

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