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1. Who is the first Filipino naturopathic doctor?

Answer: Dr. Tam Mateo

2. Laughter exercises have three classifications such as yoga-based, value-based laughter

exercises and _______________.

Answer: Playful Exercises

3. What were the first plants Noah planted after the Flood?

Answer: Grapes

4. This refers to a revolutionary idea in which you simulate laughter and combine it with
traditional yoga breathing and postures.

Answer: Laughter Yoga

5. This treatment refers to juice fasting or diet high in fruits and vegetables.

Answer: Dietary detox

6. This is an ancient barley harvest festival that became the celebration of the Passover.

Answer: Feast of Unleavened Bread (matzoh)

7. Research proves that 15 minutes of laughter yoga is equivalent to ___________.

Answer: a 30-minute jog

8. In this method, the body is first exfoliated using a mixture of clay and salt to draw toxins
out through the skin.

Answer: Body wraps

9. What is the most famous reference to olive oil and its healing powers in the Bible

Answer: The parable of the Good Samaritan

10. This is a medication where you face everyone smiling, without showing any teeth.

Answer: Smile Medication

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